Why are women cute, but their cunts so disgusting?

Why are women cute, but their cunts so disgusting?

Attached: sandwich.gif (257x212, 2.91M)

Other urls found in this thread:

bing.com/images/search?q=home solo vagina&FORM=VSRANF

[citation needed]

Because their value doesn't lie in looks, faggot, but in your tactile sensations.

Don't eat a girl out if she didn't shower. If it's been all day and you are eating her out its gonna be nasty….the worst is when I notice the shit stains on their panties. Why are women so bad at wiping their asses? HOW HARD CAN IT BE

Because that's your job, faggot. Put that tongue to good use.

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Cunts are what they really are

its actually the other way around
tbh all people are disgusting but sex is irrelevant to looks. its all about the smell aka the pussy pheromones
you just fail as a man and want to become a ugly women.

because you're a closet homo


i finally want to post this
she is so hot but looks so dirty hhhnnnngggg
i dont save actual porn

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this is why im pedo

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very nice

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they should all be blacked tbh

you should be first tbh. then kys tbh

Because there is no god

I dont find cunts disgusting but not really arousing either, other then some innie vaginas.

==dont== google "Hope Solo vagina"

this is you're problem

>bing.com/images/search?q=home solo vagina&FORM=VSRANF
my eyes! the goggles do nothing!

Now either she has higher testosterone levels from birth or she got some juice.

she was on steroids for the us soccer team

itt: modern "men"


That is something for you losing water not something that is anabolic or enlarging the clit. I assume she took testosterone propinate or something along these lines because i assume it is impossible to prove if you have a good doctor and time scale.

cocks are also disgusting ,it's called bumping uglies for a reason.

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kek I haven't heard that saying in years


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vaginas ARE kind of gross looking, most of them at least. only a virgin vagina looks acceptable.

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Not always.

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I actually like pussy. In this way, I disagree with OP, and confirm that he is, indeed, an phaggot


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Nothin' like a dainty loli slit.