The absolute state of this website right now

the absolute state of this website right now

Attached: Yawning-2ln17kk.jpg (368x350, 24.38K)

it's your fault

Holla Forums the Holla Forums you want Holla Forums to Holla Forums

what would make you not yawn OP ????

you want so ylyl? you want some good memes?

whats wrong OP?

here you go, op

Attached: 800px-A_small_cup_of_coffee.JPG (800x600, 67.38K)

I'm not op but thanks I needed that shit user.

fuck off this is op's coffee. don't touch it.

its cold you bitch [smack] , what did I tell you about cold coffee. Heat that shit up and put on some damn makeup you ugly whore.

Since you got trips, Ok.

thats actually a good idea

you're a decent guy and you're trips are well deserved.

Attached: 14ba255926ba1eba6e058cdcfbf9826cacf13fdebf116ab3436e8ec0f8f4df9b.gif (500x390, 1.92M)

That is because 90% of the posts are being made by Dysnomia and the few goonmods who haven't abandoned him.

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Attached: hhh inserts again.png (500x680, 203.68K)

Let's ramp up the quality entertainment, then!

My dog has autism

Attached: 000o01b2b.jpg (951x960, 127.41K)

Paul Levesque McMahon btfo

Hey! My dog has autism the same as yours! They might be twins!

Attached: 000o01b2b.jpg (951x960, 127.41K)

wtf this cant be a coincidence. my dog has similar autism too!

Attached: 42fc4b22d7549e8bac0397e6bb4a137d612aa366047af916ea3f6f8ec13b985b.jpg (951x960, 182.56K)

That's incredible!

Fact check:True

i hate you nigger

Yes, that is VERY similar indeed.

So many boring shit threads, fuck

[shrugs] It's what we do here now

make better threads then?