Pedophiles need to get hit in the face with a shovel.
Pedophiles need to get hit in the face with a shovel
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That's not very nice. Why are you such a mean person?
There's nothing wrong with fucking female and male little girld
Faggoted moron stfu
t. normie banned from facebook
kike pedos on suicide watch
Pedo Jeus is mean
OK, but make it a really young shovel.
Non pedos should be crucified
is this a loli thread?
literally nothing wrong with NAMBLA. they are actually an interesting group and have an interesting history
Pedoniggers btfo
i amm calling the cyber police
lel, saved
Life is whatever you make it, user.
Pedos are worse than nignogs
Lmao kys
Jesus was a pedo. wad jesus worse than a nigger?
I wont fall for your pedo kike lies. Begone Goldstein!
t. (((Leftypol)))
No one believes your lies but you, kike
When pedos die they go to niggerhell
helo can somebody on this friendly internet-forum please help me.
i think my daughters are adopting a tad bit too extreme political views.
what should i do?!
bad combats tbh
Roses are red
Violets are niggers
Ur a pedo
And a dumb niggernigger
im actually a chink
niggers are twice as likely to be pedos
homos are trice as likely to be faggots or gays
wrong tbh. Arabs are and Arabs are based and redpilled
thats bcz whites are smarter on not getting caught. Latinos are based and dont care about age and niggers are just dumb
Its not rape if she likes it
Why should I entertain your speculations when I can simply uncritically accept the data as statistically representative?
bcz you also have to accept that whites are smarter than niggers. or do you disagree that smarter people can get away with a crime while not so smart people cant?
It's not just conviction rates. African American children are twice as likely to be molested, according to a research study conducted in cooperation with CPS.
shity pdf tbh. als most of these children werent abused but to society having sex with someone under 16 is always abuse
Because we as society can't be fucked sifting through the endless fucking nonsense it would take to differentiate bettween the 'bad' pedos and the 'based' childfuckers, so we, as a collective, just say 'fuck you all'. It works, because
Sure pulled that one out of your ass, user.
I said
By that logic, i don't care if you never touched a penis. If you have the urges to touch penises, you're a whore. I dont care, you are a whore.
Nah bro, it's way wider than you think it is.
I ain't saying make it legal to diddle kids just yet, but for godssake make it legal to possess CP. You'll never run out of people to arrest for posession, and that's because the attraction is way more than 5%.
There needs to be a seperate definition, and even legal framework for ephibophiles. I agree with you in the sense that every man sees 14 year old thots as attractive, but very few think prepubescent children are. There's an important distinction.
All those buzzwrods mean nothing. Pedos are pedos. Hebes are pedos, hephebos are pedos. All attraction to minors is pedo
Zhenya = best girl
Sabirova = 2nd best girl
t. fake Hex
Agreed, though in some cases I think it's undeniable to be attracted to, say, 'this''
Dude there's people here who'd rape toddlers. And your comment just perfectly summarized why society said 'fuck you all' and started throwing them in cages with Tyrones.
Of course. I like Hex though
hey apply user :)
Anybody who says they'd look down at her face and not steal a light peck is a liar or a fag.
Whoops, forgot to hide the filename, hehe.
not a problem
smh tbh fam
t. "toddlers can consent" user
it is, no matter how many times you say it isn't.
Oh I just remembered, we do have a seperate legal framework for ephibophilia, that's why we have the less severe 'statutory rape' charge. You cunts are all just pedophiles and need to be lined up at the shooting post.
Can toddlers say "yes" and "no"?
it isn't, no matter how many times you say it is.
toddlers means like 4 year olds, right? not like little 2 month babies?
nigga u gay
Do toddlers have the notion of sex? The can say yes, even to a bulet in the brains, if you word it correctly.
what they need is this
As if the Fuhrer wouldn't have had you shot against a post for being a fucking degenerate.
false equivalence
I'm literally not hex though
Not really. If you hold a gun to a toddlers head and say " Wanna see something awesome?", they will say yes
A toddler is a child 12 to 36 months old.
your newness is showing
One is orgasm inducing the other is lethal…
oh ok nvm then. toddlers cannot consent. 4 year olds totally can though.
The point is, consent implies the other person knows what she is consenting to. As where a toddler cannot consent, because she doesn't know what she doesnt have the notion of sex, and can be manipulated into agreeing to something harmful.
i fucked my mothers friend when i was 14. she was 36.
if my mother was not home. used to chase that fat pussy all over the house.
anyways, i guess i consented the fuck out of that one.
You silly, only girls can't consent.
and jews should be into the oven
Not true. Cosent applies to both genders
by that logic they can't consent to anything. being fed, clothed, washed, vaccinated because they could potentially be manipulated into something harmful
I try to ignore namefags, Hex included and Chad especially.
All those things you mention re either instictive and/or vital to surival of the toddler/child. I fail to see how having sex with a child, improves the quality of life of sai child.
Children feel pleasure too, dude.
Jesus Christ you are one sick man
Indeed, but then we would be entering into some Freudian shit. They feel, pleasure, but not from sex. Their bodies are not ready for that
stick to ad hominems
what means this?
>all this (((datamining))) is just making lists for when a Holla Forumsack finally gets into power
Who are you quoting?
sex and intimacy are instinctive, for adults and for children
we could expand that list to include things like playing with a child, giving them a toy or a pet animal. none of which have anything to do with survival.
emotional development, self esteem, sexual intelligence, less likely to grow up to become a violent adult, less likely to develop autism.
a loli comtemplating the nature. Nothing sexual abut that. Your perverted brain, makes it sexual.
slap slap
It means pat the bottom.
You do know those are the perks, so to say, of growing up normally, right? Wihtout being abused
That's what normies always say
Most people that grow up without sexual experience or education end up becoming sexually stunted and fall into extreme perversion. Check fucking mate.
Normal parents think that shit is out of whack, kike.
look at the joy in her eyes, user
Most parents post pictures of their kids in bikinis on their Facebook profiles.
so becasue, i allow my daughter to used make-up, somehow its a green card for pedos to molest her?
No, most people that grow up without sexual experience or education becoe either, religious betas or adult virgins.
We were not talking about abuse. You are conflating sex with abuse.
I see you're MGTOW faggot. You see, using make-up isn't being a whore. They do it to feel good with themsleves. Not to please freaks like you.
Nobody I know, associate with, or am related to behaves in such a manner.
Of course not. If an adult dresses sexy, is it invitation to rape her?
But don't act surprised when men turn their eyes to a girl and fan themselves.
In my opinion, sex with a child is abuse. Sue me. I think that is prejudicial to the child well being and development.
That falls under sexually stunted.
And most rapists and deviant perverts had lacking sex lives, or were taught their sexual feelings were bad. Taboo creates degeneracy.
It's a woman's attempt to get off making men salivate over her. There is every reason to put such sluts in their place for this level of manipulation.
that's literally the same thing. religious betas and adult virgins are stunted and more likely to be drawn to violent fetishes
Post pictures of their daughters.
But that's basic nature and i get it. If i'm walking down the street and i happen to see a good looking female, of course i'm going to look. And if you're teenager, it's nothing but normal to do that when you see your female peers. My problem begins, when adult men/women start fawning over children.
If a child plays with a penis and laughs with joy at the ejaculation, and there are no moralfags around to see it, is it still abuse?
I have to disagree. I know religous betas and adult virgins, and they're not violent at all. But then again, i dont know what they do indoors, so you might be right.
if a tree falls in the forest
Well tell God to stop programming kids to trigger the attraction switches in the heads of some adults. Until that happens, people are going to do what they will. Your morality a joke.
Well that's natural too, user, by the fact that it happens with such regularity. And on the Internet it is magnified.
Dude, you're going into pshycology and Freud shit, right now. Plus, thats called masturbation. One cannot abuse himself. Abuse implies one person being overpowered by another.
I'm an atheist, so to me God ha nothing to do with this. Its simply the chemistry if your brain that is fucked up.
I think pedophilai is anti-natural. Its something that its not meant to be. I mean, girls younger than 12, didn't have their periods yet
Good thread.
I beg to differ tbh fam.
I'm talking about a little girl, user. Playing with an adult male's dick. Anything above nine is a-okay.
You make it sound as if raising children is like following a recipe which you just need to follow step by step to arrive at a finished product. It's not, children are complex human beings who have needs, personalities and emotions.
When you say it's prejudicial to make decisions that affect their lives then you also have to apply that logic to education, their religious upbringing, what friends they're allowed to have, and so on. The list is never ending, but for some reason sex is the one area that line has to be drawn and we must force celibacy on them?
Pedos don't cry, because they enjoy what other people are afraid to admit is enjoyable, and don't hate on others out of fear.
in reality everyone just got sick of their shit and left
kys tbh nigger faggot
Yes, thats called being a good parent
Haha, say that in ten years when you accuse someone of being a child molester and get sent to prison for a hate crime. You'll get to know Bubba a little better then.
you could at least walk away with dignity, now you're just an internet tough guy
Dude, i have had a couple lolis "flirrting" with me. Yes, because thats not reallyy flirlting in a sexual manner. One did it because she said i was cute. That soesn't mean she wanted me to ram my dick up her birth canal. Wtf?
wat means it?
What, exactly? No education, no religion and no friends?
She's saying Holla Forums and Holla Forums
So naive. Not even memeing.
I kek'd.
No, I would fuck that.
I wouldn't go to that extreme, user. But yes, you have to keep an eye n your children's education, what they are being taught at school. Otherwise, you might end up with a liberal, or even worse, a SJW. As for the friendships, of you want to control that. Some friendships are bad, and its your duty as a parent to protect your chilld from toxic people. Same goes to religion. I'm raising my daughters to be atheists.
are pedonegroes as bad as normalfags? wew
You have serious problems, m8 if you think a 9 y.o, is thinking about what a dick looks like.
These girls are what? 14-15? They know exactly what they're doing.
Define pedophile. You are a pedophile in the U.S if you fuck a 17 year old.
You are incredibly brainwashed if you think they don't.
Someone who is attracted to minors. And by minors, we are refering to under 18
i think the the videos of lgs masturbating are fake. you're right.
Iknow you think being pedo is redpill, but i assure you, dicks are the last thing a child thinks of.
Good goy.
lol no
So if a country has an age of consent of saw 13 or 14. And its perfectly legal there and acceptable that makes the men pedophiles?
You do realize girls are able to reproduce in their early teens? Biology does not care about amerifat morals.
pent and chad can you stop posting teens? niggers in here are going to conflate pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia
You do realize you're confusing AoC with Age of Legality, right? Two dfferent things.
they already do dawg; beyond saving at this point. Dunno why is bothering lel
Okay, so you have some idea of what you want to mold your child into. Similarly others have an idea of what they want to their child to grow up to be. It may be different to yours, they may be liberals themselves, or deeply religious for instance. They may also have different views on whether they want their child to be celibate and shielded from knowledge about sex until age 18, or they may want them to have a sex positive attitude and be allowed to explore that aspect of life as they grow up, or something lesser than either of those extremes.
i know the different words, but to me its all the same
gotta think about the anons who fall through the cracks and aren't actually brainwashed by jewish propaganda.
I've seen a loli take a facial and smile, girls have posed naked on their own social media acounts and people freak out because they still operate by certain rules.
No, I'm telling you that when the world is ready, you won't have to.
by then i'll be dead
k y s