
Has Lovecraft become too tainted by hipster faggotry?

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This is one of the most lovecraftian posts i've ever seen





Nigger-Man was a great name for a cat

one of us … this is not a frat for losers you idiot

i dont want to commit suicide … but watching crazies dicuss it is , interesting … not so much entertaining as in joyful. But it does bring up alot of thought provoking questions. Better than Game of thrones. And the pics are cool too

would any of us be here if it wasnt for the pics?

so this guy was full of himself and didnt do anything with his life but sit in a chair and write … another one of these marxist losers …

Im not sure if the follower of a loser is worse than being the king of losers?

but the posts are enjoyable


Lovecraft in the Bath: Celephaïs

Kampfy, can you PLEASE stay on your containment board? No one takes your opinion seriously, turkroach.

these are from his writings titled "Nietzscheism and Realism". I don't think he's a marxist.

He hated Jews until he married a Jewess, at which point he stopped hating them and settled for thinking they were weird as fuck.

I mean to be fair he was basically a NEET of his day. He met her at some kind of book/authors club iirc. You're not gonna be picky. The brief tryst I had with a femdom tomboy jewess had a similar effect. I changed that tune real quick; until she left me for some alpha-chad and I started hating jews even more.

Lovecraft is american garbage and like everything american it should be made illegal. It promotes faggotry and severe retardation.

I dont know shit about the guy … im just commenting on the quotes … seemed like a loser suicidal crybaby

am I right? Traditionalist dont commit suicide unless its the tradition of great russian novelist. And thats not suicide , they were murdered.

have fun in your 3rd world country. when the bombs fall, only america will survive.

baseball is a damn good game

10 years … america is going to be 3rd world … sorry buddy , hold on tight

if you're a nato country, get ready to be buttraped when our big strong arms aren't gripping your tiny soyboy anus.
we'll sooner recall all foreign aid then go 3rd world like yurope

He died from fucking stomach cancer. I don't get where this suicide thing is even coming from.

Explain how your messing about in Syria put rapefugees on the loose in Europe. Wasn't that intentional?

A society can not be exposed to american garbage. There's lots of amazing literature out there.
American literature, is simly shit. And it's very dangerious. Oh yes i've read some things by this Lovecraft turds, as well as Borroughs and Mark Twain. No society can never be exosed to such retardation. It's just awful, bad taste, it transforms humans into beats.

Friendly reminder that niggers and jews will be the first to go on the day of the eldrichs.

That's a bit unfair. I think you're probably biased. Were you the one who mentioned great Russian authors? I'm a huge fan of Dostoevsky… And well maybe we don't have any one of that high an order, Lovecraft and Poe are actually quite excellent imo. To each their own, at any rate. I think calling it poison is a bit much. Lenin is poison. Marx is poison. Lovecraft is just not for everybody~


Short answer : Yes
Long answer : If it's on Holla Forums it must be.

his texts

Zuljin would.

He has been pretty mainstream for at least like 20 years.

Yes, and he was never good. Good news is, he died poor and unappreciated.

The Statement of Randolph Carter - H.P. Lovecraft

I hate it when normies say they like his works but hate him because of his racism. His work is mostly based on racism and race-mixing you fucking retards. Leave the poor guy alone and go read Stephen king

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you're the hipster, bruv

you are either not that well read of a person or just being intentionally misleading when you say "his work is mostly based on racism and race-mixing"

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You are pants on head retarded. I am astonished you can even use the internet to find a site not on google search.

More importantly, why is Poe so much better?
Lovecraft gives me a shiver at best, while Poe turns to dread, obsession and subtle fear.
I think Lovecraft's too fascinated, wondering what wonderful places and cultures might have existed, enough to forget about the root of what makes his narrative enjoyable.
But I don't think he could have improved much more than he did. Sad.

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Parallels with Anons

This man would definitely have been a shitposter among us and all his creativity would have been lost here, like many Anons have wasted talent here. How many of us could have actually did something with our lives, even if it was just horror novels? Perhaps our shit posts will echo into eternity as people study our screencaps and memes having nobody ever know our names.

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Poe is good… but Ligotti is best living weird weird fiction tho imo

So fucking true… It's sad. I wish I had never the internet.

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For your information he write the most relevant horror mythology of this era you fucking idiot kys

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It's the most boring shit he wrote.

What are you talking you brainlet nigger
Oh Right, since you can't read…
There are many references of his work in videogames, series, movies, and even other author works so take your shit taste and shave it in to your ass nigger

Play asura's whrath nigga, lovecraft its like nihilism, ancient asian things without autism and more edges.


How dare anyone insult Lovecraft. He created some of the most important works of literature to ever exist. He pretty much created horror and sci fi and fucking god knows what else. Considering he would give his works away to many other writers to help them out. Robert. E. Howard created of Conan said he owed Lovecraft a great deal. Stephan fucking King credited Lovecraft for influencing him to write. We all ow a debt to Lovecraft for his works.

ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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Face it, if you read his works, you'd know the best of them are the ones not about

The horrible conclusion which had been gradually obtruding itself upon my confused and reluctant mind was now an awful certainty. This user is retarded, completely, hopelessly retarded lost in the vast and labyrinthine recesses of the Mammoth Cave spelunking internet forum.

No, hipsters often think his vile hatebigotry is too problematic.

smell my ass

La Creatura Lovecraftiana…..

Mark Twain is overrated af but Lovecraft is precisely where he should be overrated by his niche fan base and rated moderately high by normal readers.

the difference is that he had a shitload of money from inheritance that he got from a family member. His uncle, I believe.


See this hipocrite: now you are gonna tell me that liberalism isnt a cheap rip off of christianity and that incas never had a functional communism.


Lovecraft was a racist, most hipsters don't like racism so, probably not.

You are responding to the wrong post; I am a huge fan of Lovecraft and read his entire bibliography while I was in High School ( well I didn't read all his letters, that's a bit hardcore even for me ) I was telling Kampfy to fuck off back to Holla Forums with his anti literature shillery.

Lovecraft? Nah, he was super poor most of his live. He even said his fiction was merely a "means of earning a modest living" or something like that. I think the most he got paid was like 50$ for "The Shadow over Innsmouth" or something like that.

Ligotti may have inherited a bunch of money though, I know next to nothing about his background other than he was born in Detroit no wonder he's a nihilistic antinatalist lulz

No, because whenever anyone with even mild left-wing leanings tries to read his corpus and runs into Niggerman the cat they immediately call him a racist pig and drop cosmic horror entirely.

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Put the eggs back Mr Snow! No nubian America! No black planet!

What's funny is that he did have pretty racist (even for his time) opinions but the cat name really wouldn't have been at all offensive at the time.
My parents were going to let me name a cat Niggerman but then I ended up getting tabbies instead so it never came to fruition.

Nothing wrong with inheritance tbh

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Inheritance is theft because it is a form of Property! Your inheritance belongs to the workers of the world tbh

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