how do i into asian girls? what is it about them that sparks dat yellow fever?
How do i into asian girls? what is it about them that sparks dat yellow fever?
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you failed with your race so you think maybe asian girls will like you
you know absolutely nothing about their culture outside of anime. Your chances are equal to zero.
would be painful if true
same as above, don't even watch anime
azn girls
well then you have even less of a chance. Atleast with knowing otaku culture you might have been able to find a Neet asian guy who would penis your butthole hole if you dressed up as his waifu.
literally OP
Unless you're friends with somebody they know & trust, you have absolutely no hope whatsoever.
t. have sated my yellowfever
you're saying that watching anumu will help me score some azn pussi? that's like saying that watching The Simpsons will up my chances with Amerifatties
once you understand the weeaboo mindset. your anus will be ready for like minded asian men.
Also that later statement makes no sense. Americans have no standard.
When you say asian. I assume you're talking about Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese.
Japanese and Chinese are out of the question if you don't know a friend/family member of theirs. That is unless you are living in their respective country AND speak their language.
That in it's self is a hurtle.
Japan is hard to get visa's if you're the kind of stereotypical person who uses 4/Holla Forums. Even if you got a Working Visa the cultural differences are huge. If you don't speak Japanese fluently, you're almost shit out of luck.
There are however "Gaijin hunters" but it is not at all the same the same as "yellow fever". That has been blown up out of proportion online, mostly due to the fact that westerners can't understand Asian culture. It's not so much of a sexual thing as it is an educational and aesthetic one.
If you're socially awkward you're in luck so are Japanese but that is not at all a good thing. Their entire culture is built around that social construct. Expressing feelings openly? Nope. Talking about feeling directly? Nope. Openly talking about their private lives? Nope…. so now you have even less to talk about. That and fact you're not going to understand their body language or nuances. (unless your talking to a native Japanese person regularly)
China same thing but add the importance of family, finances, stability, practicality, and open racism.
So your left with Korean. That one might not be a problem if you're /fit/ and have money. lots of money. or you're realy /fit/ and good looking (by their standards)
The Philippines, Thai, Vietnam, ect. are all pretty much prostitute states their you're best bet if you just want asian pussy with no effort
I hope i have managed to destroy any hope you had.
it's not supposed to make literal sense. have you ever heard of a "simile," nigga?
what high society do you hail from, then?
That all being said.
You can probably forget about all of that. If you're fat.
What i mean by fat is not American fat or Europe fat. NO lol if you are over 5% body fat, fat.
pudgy? fat. love handles? lol that's fat.
Just save your self the embarrassment because you're not even in their radar if you're fat.
so you have some kind of visual representation..
This is considered fat in japan:
they like white dick, they LOVE white culture, they want a man who embraces white culture and accepts none of hers (except stupid shit like the food)
no, but i sincerely appreciate all the hard work you put into trying :)
also, i didn't mean for this thread to be a "how do i get an asian girlfriend?" thread, but as a "what makes asian girls so attractive to some of you?" thread. i know i could just search azn models and pr0n all day, but that isn't enough for me to get the appeal. i've seen pedos defend their lust for children and give lists of reasons for it, so why not the same thing for azn girls?
go to thailand if youre fat, youll still get girls LOL
lmao this is what "white culture" looks like in japan
(This video actually pisses me off. You can tell that they are annoyed at the disturbance this guy is creating. Because they've lived their entire life conforming to their own social standards they can't simple tell him to fuck off. they have to talk about it indirectly and even hint that his behavior is intolerable.) Nevertheless this is what "white culture" will look like to them. Japan is extreme in that sense. China will probably tell you off as well as call your racial slurls.
Korea is like what would happen if clack people had a thriving lower middle class neighborhood. But koreans are all incest babies so you shouldn't sleep with them anyways. They are barely even human even human to that point.
jokes aside. you're in alien terrain if you got to asia. Spend a few months learning about their culture if you want an asian gf.
*Korea is like what would happen if black people had a thriving lower middle class neighborhood. But koreans are all incest babies so you shouldn't sleep with them anyways. They are barely even human even human to that point.
This is dumb. There's tons of asian girls in america that don't give a fuck about culture. They're americans, but they look asian, and that's all that matters if you just want to fuck.
Asian girls are a gateway to homosexuality
I started with asian girl, then saw hentai, soon i found out about lolis, then i saw my first futanari. After i saw the futanari i had to go deeper, so i looked at stuff like candydoll. When candydoll got boring i searched for traps and now i like trap shota.
Japaneses make you gay, user.
A true story by anonymous
!!!!!!!!!!!!DON'T KOREA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Characteristics of Korean Genes According to the genetic gradient data of rice anthropologist Cavalii-Sforza, Koreans are uniquely homogeneous DNA base sequences in the world, and this is a large Genetic Drift in the past People of the same incest are forming incestuous incestuous current population dynamics) or that they were the owner of a culture that repeatedly incest incests on a daily basis.
(Reference: The Great Human Diasporas: The History of Diversity and Evolution.
1995 .. Luigi Luca Cavalii-Sforza and Francesco Cavalli-Sforza. Addison Wesley Publ. ISBN 0-201-44231-0)
In Korea, since young and beautiful daughters have been dedicated to China for a long time, incestuous incests have been repeated as women are lacking.
Even at the genetic level, the majority of genes that can not be done unless "father and daughter" "mother and son" are tied together have been found.
umiushiakai The story of the university professor who is doing the genome analysis of human beings in Germany The Korean people have too many traces on the genome (incorrectable) which seems to be incestuous, and abnormal incestuous which can not be thought of by other peoples, It seems to have repeated as it is too shocking and it is content that is out of focus so we can not announce its genome.
Also, schizophrenia, which is said to cause onset in 40% of Korean men, is also likely to be the cause. I have no choosing to be an abnormal race.
Since ancient times in Japan, there was wisdom of the predecessor who avoided consanguineous marriage because it was said "It is not good if blood becomes deep ."
In Korea, such reason does not work, and as a result of incestuous incestuousness, it is said that recessive genes are deeply inherited and in a state that can not be repaired .
"92% of Koreans are at genetic level psychotic disorder" Central Wallet of Korean paper major "abnormal Korean" cause analysis
You should not think that common sense is acceptable.
What if you have a mad dog?
If it is me, I will take distance to avoid being involved.
However, if there is a fear of harming yourself, your family, friends, you will eliminate it.
!!!!!!!!!!!!DON'T KOREA!!!!!!!!!!!!
South East Asia is the best place to meet Asian girls and the weather is nice.
Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines, etc
t. dysnomia
Do you know the word "trial belly"?
In Korea, women have been used as a tool for laying children.
So before you go to the bride, the daughter will have a child of incest. Impregnated by the father, the daughter can prove she i able to have a child so she can marry. And the child who was born, It will take a disastrous fate.
Both men and women are treated as slaves from fathers who are not connected with blood.
If it is a woman, her father will forcibly assault assault before entering the menarche.
Aren't those places breeding grounds for ladyboys?
Those countries have lots of prostitutes
Yeah and they would probably kill you for $2
sounds like a creepy Holla Forumsasterds dream
One generation of outbreeding sorts that out in short order. If only all problems were solvable so easily…
There are lots of good girls in Vietnam. Actually they are too good for me. I've watched too much porn.
There are good girls in Cambodia too but the Khmers will steal your shit. There are a few good girls in Thailand but too many lady boys. I like the Burmese the best as far as looks. The Filipino girls speak English and they are open minded about age.
Make fun videos laughing at retards online. Why not it worked for Jim?
Like fugging a 14 year old but it's legal
tell us moar
here are a few
>often petite and childlike for the pedofags especially
If raised in a traditional way:
except for that whole going bald thing
No context necessary.