ITT we discuss racism

ITT we discuss racism

Attached: white_lies-745.png (745x1148, 139.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

1.) Racism is okay and there's nothing wrong with it
2.) Prejudice is always bad and there's a lot of things wrong with it
3.) Normalfags all too often confuse Racism and Prejudice
4.) "I love being white!" is racism, but there's nothing wrong with racism. It's okay to love your race
5.) "All blacks are dumb" is prejudice, and it makes you a faggot.

Any questions?

nothing wrong with racism tbh


This, why normies use the word "racism" like it's a bad thing lol

All races have their niggers.

Racism exists as a natural function of the brain. Grouping of objects and thing makes it easier for humans to recall and store information. If things have bad traits you'll think poorly of that grouping.

Racism in the same sense is a construct used by MSM to divide groups of people. The reason is simple if they where united they would be pissed at the richest/jews.

Attached: racist.webm (318x178, 2.98M)

literal ==JUST== hair

If you think I am "less" of a woman, or NOT a woman, because I don't fit your mental picture of what a woman "should" or "shouldn't" have, new flash:

Your mental description of a women is not only inaccurately narrow, but anti-feminist and bigoted as well.

If you think I am "less" of a woman, or NOT a woman, because I don't fit your mental picture of what a woman "should" or "shouldn't" have, new flash:

Your mental description of a women is not only inaccurately narrow, but anti-feminist and bigoted as well.

Tell me how I know you came from 4chan when it went down recently.

that explains the flood of dicks today

I don't know, its all your projections

lel while you fags are sitting on your ass discussing racism there are people out there putting racism into action.

Attached: snow joke.jpg (450x488, 41.9K)

Trannies GTFO.

child with autism should be beheaded like isis victims

Racism is a social construction


hello >>>Holla Forums

>if i >>>Holla Forums first, no one will ever suspect me
Literally spouted leftypol faggotry, and just threw in jews to try and hide it.

this is just the leftypol line "racism is used to divide the workers" reworded to mention jews.

As the first user said Racism isnt bad. Everyone has racism in their heart. Some are just stronger than others.

Thy being said, the Nigger Question (NQ) isn't based on race, but on spirit. The content of your character reflects of you have a nigger soul or a human soul.

Whites have their niggers (wiggers) as well as Asians. Any race can contract this mindset. Great people can regress into niggers, and niggers can evolve into people, but people =/= niggers.

Only for the meet fact that niggers cant sustain themselves. They require the gibs of everyone else to make them survive. They are nothing more than parasites.

The easy short term solution would be PHYSICAL REMOVAL of the niggers from the society (as well as the removal of (((liberalism and communism))) with good ol fashioned book burnings.)

The long term solution would require going to the polls and subverting the media to get people to stop being niggers.

But that is highly unlikely. Ergo, there needs to be a cultural shift away from (((Hollywood))) and back to tradition to be rid of the nigger menace.

Attached: i-smell-niggers-guise-im-dying-of-lawlz-lush-4454768.png (540x720 146.79 KB, 84.66K)

No matter how much you sodomites bitch and moan you can't change biology.

Men were born with penises,
Women were born with vaginas.

If you think you can change a fact of biology, you deserve the life time of pain and ridicule. Because you did it to yourself.

Attached: first-time-with-a-mexican-tranny-hooker-acquires-stage-4-ass-aids.jpg (475x562, 178.51K)

Anyone who claims they aren't racist is lying.

Attached: 1311818994442.png (650x1003, 235.81K)

How do we fix japan Holla Forums.

Honestly, if your white and hate other people just because of their skin color, you really need to fucking kill yourself.

When you die and someone uncovers your bones, the scients will be able to say you were a dude just by looking at the bones.
You can't foo biology sweetie :)

Don't get me wrong, if you want to wear make up and high heels go for it! Just don't force society into rejecting biology.
You're a dude!

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does this killing oneself apply to other races that hate people based on skin color or only to whites?

im non white and I dont hate you guys tbh

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MMmm yes, but if non-whites hate whites because of their skin color it's healthy reprisal for all that institutionalized racism right?

Makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.

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That's cool fam. I don't really hate anybody… except Commies, rapefugees and Zionists tbh

I bet whoever drew this did so with a syphilitic black dick up his ass.

Including niggers.

Yes, tons of niggers out there right now attacking White people.