Cute faces thread

cute faces thread

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Into the trash this whore goes.

you first OP



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4chan tier trash. please go to 4chan to spew your bile shit.

fuck off faggot

So cute…

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Listen, OP, you look at that face and think it's 'cute :-DD', because you're 12 and just hopped over from 4chan. But for myself, and many of the posters here, we see a coiled snake. We see the lies, the broken promises. We see that smile and think 'yeah, I've seen that before'. It doesn't make me happy to be reminded of these things. It doesn't illicit anything positive in me, and you should probably just fuck off back where you came from.

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our Marie?

Yes, so cute

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she's all grown-up. She is became a very attractive woman. God, time flies.

I agree. I can look at her all day.

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Altought her theeth look a bit weird, no?

Always has been with her. That is what is endearing about her. She is not perfect.

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God, she is indeed gorgeous


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you know what happened after that photo lol

I would like to think a gangbang. But I didn't hear anything, other than she is very shy outwardly.

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Oh YEAH! I collect her pics. She is very photogenic.

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so cute

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That's a nice top she's almost in, hey?

Hail Santa!

Marie really grew up!

Cute? More like punchable.

I'd hit that… without the nosering, obviously

she looks like a bitch