what is the endgame of all this, Holla Forums wise?
About the recent Clampdown
Other urls found in this thread:
more niggers
I honestly wouldn't worry about it. The more they double-down on their shit the more obvious it will be, and the wider the scope of the people they end up pissing off. Antifa used to be considered a legitimate group until recently mind you. They're self-destructive.
People will be too busy fighting for food and water in the streets to care about the internet they never owned in the first place.
This is the endgame.
Also by pushing goyim into (((barely functions properly))) websites they can track everyone better to kill them tommorow assuming bluebeam happens tomorrow as a false flag to rule the world. That's my hunch atleast. 8ch is virtually the last bastion for freedom of expression, right, wrong, left, or zionist, in existence. Hopefully tommorow is just attempts to oust trump and not bluebeam. Granted the ousting of trump would start a civil war.
i fucking hope blue beam is tomorrow
what exactly is bluebeam?
You are a fucking moron for wanting the destuction of christians everywhere and the start of revelation. More time = more time to edify. Literally gas yourself.
Bluebeam is a lightshow in the sky to convince the world to accept a one world government. It would be done using salt in the atmosphere to bounce lights from sattilites off of to create projections. Also known as scalar three dimensional images. Also known as holographs.
I really hope it is not that.
Holla Forumstards getting butthurt is always good news.
Don't worry, based Josh will save us all with his new endeavor Infinity VPS
I have no idea either but seeings how it's 08/20 now I guess will find soon...
Freedom of speech is not being destroyed. No business is required to hold your speech for you. It is not censorship to refuse to associate with offensive people.
What did he mean by this?
Who are you quoting?
Who are you quoting?
Holla Forumstards have this very strange about free speech, where they think free speech means there are no consequences for retarded shit you say.
Then again, this is the group who doesn't know the difference between marxism and communism
Since we have a bunch of (pseudo-)intellectuals in this thread, I suppose one of them could create a counter to this image?
Whether censorship is state run or being outsourced to private duopolies is an irrelevant technicality at this point, and at minimum we will need alternative DNS registrars running for free speech on the internet to survive. 8ch is next on the hitlist after DS, mark my words.
You want people to take your retarded mspaint comic seriously?
At least some people would have the basic decency to argue on what the text actually says instead of trailing off.
Then again, I'm debating with a shitposter.
Shouldn't you go back to your echo chamber if you get triggered so easily?
So your counter to the argument that "businesses are not forced to associate and do business with certain people" is to force them to into that association and force them do business with them?
I cannot agree with that. I'm perfectly fine with neo nazis (for example) who start their own newspaper (flyer, web log, Internet forum) to preach their opinions. I'm not fine with existing newspapers being forced to hold the opinions that they object to.
The Internet is not owned by any single person or company. Anybody is free to setup their own Internet website! Nobody is forced to go to Facebook or Twitter to post their opinions on the Internet. It is very feasible to do what Daily Stormer does and host your very own website.
As for Internet domain names, I have always considered domain names to be a matter convenience, not necessity. There is no shame in marketing your IP address instead of marketing your domain name.
I know being vague and not asserting your own opinions while asserting your enemies opinions in their place seems like a funny tactic but it really isn't.
Back to main topic
People need to get opposing view points, this whole "you can avoid people you don't like!" shit could never work in real life because occasionally you would be forced to walk past people people that you don't like on the streets, and that would be healthy in the long term even if it hurt. And so does medicine sometimes taste bad, yet we swallow it anyways.
But now we have those automated scripts and Twitter/Facebook/Whatever banning people they don't like and higher domain holders filtering websites they don't like and certainly its only a coincidence that those overgrown men exist in the same age as the one where the big companies are deciding who you get to talk with. Not only that, but you support them because apparently changing your opinion on a company based on what the company does is bad because its not your property.
Oh no wait, fuck that.
What is your preferred way of making it work? Having the newspapers voluntarily add opposing view points instead? Not having opposing opinions in first place?
Idiot, that's an edit of xkcd.
No shit faggot, hence why I said mspaint comic
I don't understand what you're saying here. My opinion is that businesses and private groups should not be forced to associate with everybody. Businesses and private groups should not be forced to provide services to everybody. I don't understand why you would believe these opinions are vague. I do understand that that people need to get opposing view points. However, I cannot accept that people should be forced to do business with those who hold dissenting opinions.
If I am walking past people who holds opinions that I don't like, as long as they are not being harassing or assaulting anyone, then I support their right to hold their (wrong) opinion. I will walk past them and continue on my business for the day.
What I would prefer is that newspapers voluntarily host opposing viewpoints! I believe in shedding the light on bad opinions so that everybody can see how bad it is! However, this should always be on voluntary basis, nobody should be forced to hold other people's speech.
That's bad, not because your opinion is bad, but because you didn't read the context of the fucking thread and started hitting people for no reason. Find me one post in this thread that directly opposes your opinion and then come back.
You can't.
All you can see is some corporate sluts defending what is happening because you can do whatever you want in your property. Some of them straight up lying. Look at
So fucking what? If I wrote the constitution I wouldn't include "The people ought to--" because they would give less of a shit to it than the government does right now.
Let's consider any (media) business that is in the business of holding speech for many kinds of people. That business decides that they don't want to associate anymore with certain kinds of people for those people hold dissenting opinions. The dissenting opinions from those people are then removed from the papers (website, comment section, etc). To me, this scenario is not censorship. For me this scenario is a matter of refusing to do business. If I find it offensive to see someone walk into my restaurant without shoes, why should I be forced to serve food to such a person? Why can't I refuse to host the speech of a person whom I find offensive? This scenario of refusing to do business is akin to refusing to rent a house to people who have pets: if you want to bring pets to your place of residence, then you need to buy your own house.
If you want to publicly declare a dissenting opinion, then you should not be surprised when people are offended and refuse to work with you! Your offensive opinion is offensive behavior and you expect people to like you and work you while you are offensive? I don't agree that people should be forced to work with such a person. If you want to publicly declare a dissenting opinion, then you should host such speech in your own forum without disturbing other people's right to life. This is what the Daily Stormer does: they have hosted their very own platform to hold their opinions without disturbing other people's right to life. I grossly disagree with their worldview but as long as they don't harass or assault the rest of the public, I support their right to keep it.
I am sorry sir, I believe you have a problem between your keyboard and chair.
I'm not going to argue with your post since its basically a strawman argument at this point. (Unless you can point me to a post that thinks people should violently make companies do X/Y)
That's great and all and would be ideal. Except that since all money is based on fiat you need other (((people))) to do trade. In the old days this worked because people grew their own food and most had their own land. But now you are dependent on paying a tax of fiat. Not even real goods, but a blackmailing peice of fake currency you can only obtain by participating in (((their))) systems.
If they ban you from all your their systems(media, food sales, clothing, land sales, usage of fiat/blackmail, fiat paying jobs, and etc) then you are fucked. You can't have another opinion or they starve you to death and you are not allowed to buy land(which they own most if not all of) or food/water(which they will kill you if you grow/pot yourself) or even trade goods outside of barter(which again they are cracking down on to kill you/fine you to death using fiat).
Idealistic is all that is today. Unless everyone went back to being independent of each other.
IP address can be taken from you the same way, by those who own the subnet. You can't have an ipv4 address out of thin air. In the end, IP isn't designed to be safe from abuse by those who are in power. Right now only darknets would work. But they won't be read by normies.
Really newfag?
The point is that refusing to host another person's speech is not equivalent to censorship. When Twitter banned Milo Yiannopoulos, that was Twitter refusing to associate with Milo. Milo's speech wasn't restricted because he was perfectly free to go elsewhere and he's also perfectly free to startup his own media platform to speak his mind.
The reason why I am arguing in this line is because people here feel offended that businesses refuse to host other people's speech and they are equating this refusal to be censorship. I cannot agree with this because there are always other avenues to speak your mind: you're not entitled to publish your speech on a business's platform unless there is some kind of binding contract that does entitle this.
For me, censorship is when the government punishes you for holding an opinion. The reason why this is so serious is because there isn't a place within the country that you could publicly speak your opinion without harassment from the government: the government is supposed to govern all of the land of the country. This is different to when a business refuses to associate certain people: businesses are not the government and do not have control of anything outside of their specific media platform.
I find that situation farfetched in the US because that scenario contradicts the UN's declaration of universal human rights. If I were to somehow find myself in that situation, I would learn what it takes to work within the system for a number of years with the eventual goal of buying my own land. In that land, I would want to be as self-sufficient as possible.
it's a aggregate term for things like Tor hidden services, I2P, etc.
Boiling the frog and social pressure to obtain a closed society in which their ideology is dominant; how many time have they (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Google/YouTube) made a public communication and pledged to take down content they didn't approve of, while doing everything they can to promote what they believe to be a positive social change (tempering with news-feeds, highlighting certain content, doctoring search results)? Their service is not the end-goal, nor are the tools they put in place. They want to reshape society for ideological reasons. Far fetched?
When hardcore left-leaning YouTubers upload videos, they also disable comments and rating (it happens to other talentless hacks, but it seems to be a habit amongst those in particular). They do it to avoid dissenting voices, complaints, ridicule and having people downvote the content to oblivion. These reactions would reflect badly on their message, like a poor Yelp review, or a low rating on Amazon (which is why so many companies are spending truckloads of money on paid reviews).
Recently, YouTube introduced the limited state in which videos with "radical content" (that doesn't even break the guidelines) will see the same treatment afflicted to them: comment section closed, rating system removed. Because these reactions would amplify the message of the video, and embolden those partaking in (or at least reading) the discussion.
The YouTuber and YouTube are using the same tool (no comments, no votes) in different contexts with different justifications (either a positive thing when it's done by choice, or a penalty when it's enforced by YouTube) to achieve the same result: preventing people from seeing other people's comments. The author of the video is only one, but the comment section is many. It's easy to figure out which will have the strongest impact on the one viewer (in a debate, you do not have to slaughter your opponent, you have to "win" the audience). This tool works because at the end of the day, humans are social animals and we're still Panurge's herd.
Nice meme, faggot. Freedom of speech should be cultural. Sure, you do get a right not to associate with me, leftard, but you should strive to do so because you should not like being stuck up in your own filter bubble.
And what if every ISP refuses? after all, "they're in their right to refuse to service people", right? They should make their own ISP, adding a huge cost to getting in the business? An artificial wall, designed to basically make them fuck themselves and not speak up their opinions.
This is all without even saying how much the NSA and CIA has their interests in these companies. Not for nothing does Google receive so much money from them, for example. An extraofficial arm of the NSA data-gathering octopus.
Stop making mental gymnastics. The fact that they don't want to associate with them is still wrong. And is censorship, like it or not. It might be "less wrong" censorship, but it still is wrong, and it still is undue restriction of speech.
Being a private organization is just a technicality when it comes to these corporate giants, you worthless shill. Boy, it's like every leftycuck suddenly turned into an AnCap over night.
and seize the means of production.
Why do I have a suspicion you've posted on Holla Forums, got banned, and then cried about it?
I thought xkcd was made in inkscape or something
The last Christian will die out and the Earth will remain as unmolested by any Christ-ghosts as it is now, until the Earth is consumed by the sun a few billion years after.
The point I made that it isn't censorship but actually a refusal of service by a business. When censorship happens, the censored person is not allowed to speak under any situation. Refusal of service means the person is still free to find some other forum to speak his opinion. This is no different to any other form of refusal of service and refusal of association.
Don't forget: explaining yourself clearly is obviously mental gymnastics.
What do you think is the cost of running a newspaper, is the cost of running a newspaper zero? Doing pretty much anything will cost you something. You can't expect other people to work for you for nothing. If you want to start your own ISP, that's good for you, but don't complain that it's going to cost you time and money to start your very own service.
Now as for the NSA, their interest is in domestic safety. If you yourself are not involved in breaking the peace and you're also not involved in assisting other people breaking the peace, why should they bother with you?
You seem to believe that freedom of speech means there should be no consequences. This is wrong. If you believe in freedom of speech, you should also be responsible enough to accept every consequence of your speech.
These media and hosting giants aren't truely private. They receive subsidies, use tax-loopholes only accessible to large organizations with an army of lawyers, and lobby for preferential government regulations that hinder competition and create barriers to entry in their respective market sectors. This leads to monopolies which collude. Just look at ISPs for the most obvious transparent example of this.
tl;dr: These companies are censoring since they've been effectively nationalized.
Fixed and vid related.
I can accept that these media companies receive subsidies. What I'd like to know is how receiving these government subsidies implies that the government now owns these companies and has ownership control over the companies. I am skeptical that the big media companies have created barriers to entry for other people to start new media companies. I can agree that this is true for the ISP situation given the fact that ISP are granted government monopolies to service their area.
Think of money as that permission slip. Because even if you get the liscense, you still need the money. If you get the money, you still need the liscence.
If you started a company and need a government permission slip to have a monopoly you sure wouldn't wana lose that permission slip. Especially if you get free money for doing what they say.
Are there unironic zionist boards anywhere on Holla Forums? Genuinely interested.
>>>Holla Forums
Subsidies create dependance. Dependance creates control.
If company A receives money or tax break that company B does not then company A can undercut B and cause B to fail in the market. Usually A just buys out B, instead of straight up bankruptcy and liquidation.. but same shit..
If a company were to refuse to adopt or use 'the system' to their advantage then it will doom them to failure since their competitors will use the system. This is the 'game.' Personally, I don't hate the players (businesses), but hate the game (the system/government).
Eh ok, with further checking it is only >>>/srz/ then.
Interesting. Holla Forums attracts all kinds of weirdos. People with borderline-illegal fetishes, people who are against all porn, unironic soviet-communists, unironic nazis, muslims. There are even decently-sized boards for women, and feminists.
But there's no outspoken judaism to be found anywhere.
Yeah, the end goal is they lose ground and support. Book burning never gains you allies it just encourages the already retarded to be louder. They're going to push themselves into irrelevancy with this moral panic nonsense and will be remembered as "those companies that stood against free speech and died like napster for it."
Good riddance, I advise everyone to take names and keep in mind who these faggots are. When they beg for forgiveness don't give them any
< [Discussion] Making a list of all the people who have been affected by recent Youtube/Google demonetization/algorithm/bannning shenanigans (yeah, I think this is important for posterity)
submitted 2 hours ago * by B-VOLLEYBALL-READY
Record the atrocities and spread the word
Many of the comments in this thread are illuminating. People who have not suffered tend to throw in their lot with the left rather readily, one could almost say in a lockstep fashion.
Anyway, the goal of the big corporations is to control context. Shut down the people that make people question the narrative, because this makes people feel bad, and when they feel bad, they don't buy shit, and start questioning things. They then start voting for the wrong people, and not those whom so much money had been paid for. It will get worse before it gets better, because a section of the 1% would rather see the world burn.
they were going to do this the moment shillary got into office, it just took them a little longer to organize it.
They have a right to set any terms of service they wish, and you have a right to use something else. You're not a baby and they're not your mother's tit.
Fuckoff poltard. Your bullshit should be banned on all websites. I'm sick of it.
You have no business posting on 8ch you fucking retard.
Did you already forget Prism and how every major company in America is in bed with the NSA?
Wish I was as optimistic as you.
They were asking for it, and they deserved it.
You want daddy government to tuck you in every night and make sure the bad private businesses don't do what they want with their property?
Why are you obsessed with punishing people over shit that doesn't affect you? Shit that affects literally nobody.
And ironically, where your fucked up "consequences" cause so much reactance it creates a new fascist movement.
Let me put it this way: If you create martyrs for fascists, if you offer yourself as fascist propaganda, you're a fascist. No consequences for you?
5 mega-companies running everything.
People don't need to use Jewgle but they will because Jewgle is the default on Chrome and Android. The majority of people want something that "just werks" so they're never going to mess around in the settings to change the defaults on their phones. This is what makes browser development viable in the first place, google or yahoo will pay to have their search engine as the default on meme browsers so they can datamine and advertise to people.
Do you really think that political parties are anything but controlled opposition for the DNC? Do you really think that real "change" can be effected by a democratic election? Funny.
That a private company can chose who it can do business with?
I seriously don't get this "omg they are silencing us" outrage. These are private companies who can do as they please as long as they make enough money. This has always been the American way. If you don't like what they sell and do, chose another company to do your business.
Do you honestly believe that actions do not have consequences? Speaking your mind is one of those actions that can have consequences. If I tell my girlfriend that she looks weird in that dress, she can very well get offended and leave me. I'm very well within my legal right to express my opinion about her appearance in a dress but that legal right doesn't imply that when I open my mouth, she's required to be happy with my speech or that she's required to stay friends with me. As a responsible adult, I should be responsible enough to understand consequences for all my actions.
Note that the consequence of bad opinions should never cross the line of harassment, assault or other form of abuse. Retribution of this form is nothing short of tyranny and fascism and I can even consider it terrorism depending on the scale that takes place. There are countless example of American SJW actions that prove their ideology is corrupt and is nothing more than bullying. People who call themselves antifa have proven that they are nothing short of terrorists.
This is not a settled matter. This matter is under trial in courts. We have to wait for the judgement before we can conclude anything.
yes but the edit was clearly made in mspaint
>>>Holla Forums
I don't own my woman. My woman stays with me because she likes me, not because I've got a gun pointed to her head.
Don't talk about her like she is an object you shitlord.
What are you talking about? I did no such thing.
Butthurt poltard is butthurt. I can't wait for you idiots to be banned from the internet.
I get really riled up by the mouth-breathers defending this.
People are trying to pull that "freedom of association" shit like we're still living in the pre-internet times and that we don't have to update how we do things if we're going to have any freedom or free speech at all. The thing is that all these huge corporations (and intel) who have sidled in and assumed their positions are today allowed to be handlers of SOCIETAL INFRASTRUCTURE. That's right. Not being able to post your shit on faceberg is, and should be viewed, as being banned from standing on a public street talking. That's the exact equivalent; if corporate cops were allowed to come and remove you from the public square if you're saying things their bosses don't like. Faceberg is not a newspaper you can pick and choose among other newspapers. Comparing the two is a logical fallacy. Faceberg is the new normalfag public square. Don't fucking pretend we're still living in the 1800s you apologist fucktards.
People are so mindbogglingly stupid that we can assume this is never going to fly. These psychopathic companies will get to go about their evil agendas while morons clap like seals about "muh freedum of association," spurred on by nematode-level thinkers like that ms-paint comic retard. So then we try to look to the public institutions to help protect us but they are just as bad. They are in the hands of totalitarian communists who work hand in glove with the aforementioned corporations. When all the domain registrars ban you because of "muh freedums of association," do you think you're just going to waltz into ICANN and become a domain registrar yourself? I guess that's what the apologist morons think. "Hey dude, just start your own domain thingamabob, lel." That's obviously not going to happen. If you're a rebel in this society you won't get things through the public communist bog and you won't have money to contend with the corporate swamp. In reality you're in a catch 22 and fucked sideways up and down. The only potential way out of this is people gaining perspective on what's really happening here.
People have to wake up to that we live in new times. We need new rules and new ways of looking at things. Access to the internet must be considered a fucking human right. Freedom of internet today is what freedom of moving in public was some centuries ago. Having a domain name is a human right. If corporate weasels won't provide wrongthinkers with hosting then the public government must provide them with it. In a better world companies like faceberg and twatter would be slapped with huge fines for banning wrongthink. It's not the place of a content relayer to censor people. The shit google is doing should be covered by anti-trust laws. When a company becomes a monopoly then it's a piece of fucking social infrastructure and should be held accountable as being so. That's the fucking price of power. Otherwise we might as well just fuck off back to feudalism. That's where we're headed anyways.
tldr. fuck you, "muh freedumb of association" morons.
Marriage is mutual ownership, that's why adultery is a crime. Or at least it was supposed to.
i kind of agreed with you until i read that. kys faggot
im about 99% sure that your "woman" is going to cuck you
No u, subhuman.
stfu shlomo
You lolberg kikes can live in your imaginary world all you want while the world crumbles and burns around you. Good luck with that.
But that theoretical newspaper IS Daily Stormer, the current situation is more like paper companies refuse to sell them plain paper to print on and road owners put road blocks to prevent said newspaper to distribute their works.
That said, this whole mess is a good thing, it'll push more content creators toward the direction of decentralized / distributed networks.
Would the "free speech is not freedom from consequences" crowd be saying that if the shoe was on the other foot? What if the social norm was Nazi, and you have these megacorporations that everybody uses to communicate with each other (so they're monopolies) are run by Nazi, and they're banning people for expressing non-Nazi-approved opinions? Mind you, this society also happens to be license hell, so even a lefty wanting to start his own ISP wouldn't be able to just get a license to start laying fiber in the ground.
Would these same lefties still say "free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences so it's all a-ok that I can't work because of my political beliefs :>)"?
I really, really doubt it. And I don't want to live in a society that's caught in a spiral of "consequence" one-upmanship, but if leftists are going to endorse this sort of one-upmanship, then they shouldn't be shocked when the shoe goes on the other foot and they start getting fucked by the very same shoe they fucked others with.
But hey, we've already seen them act shocked and offended that Trump does things that Obama got a pass for doing. So fuck it, bring on the civil war. It's not going to end any other way.
You want to live by your platitude of lack of "freedom from consequences"? Then you will die by it.
Come on, you know the butthurt would be of ebin proportions. The corporations these faggots are shilling for sure don't have any "freedom of association" when it comes to the mandatory diversity hires. As everything with communists it's lies and delusion all the way.
This, tbh. Minus the retarded assertions that retarded human rights and that monopoly = part of societal infrastructure.
I just wish MS-DOS and Mac OS had never taken off so retard normies would have stayed away from computers.
How is a monopoly not societal infrastructure? What would you call it then? Aristocracy?
The dykes looked for the biggest christcuck baker and went there looking to start drama. They knew how they thought about the subject and could have very easily gotten a cake from anywhere else but they demanded to go to that one baker. They wanted to punish those bakers for wrong think.
This isn't that same as the DS. The DS CAN NOT just go somewhere else. Every place you can buy a domain from is controlled by ICANN.
It's their own fault. They laughed when insane SJWs where banned but now realize they're not a silent majority, just a noisy minority no one likes either. It's just like net neutrality, Holla Forums is screaming about how it gives the FCC too much power but its the very thing that will let them access their sites to begin with. If tech bans nazi sites what makes the think ISPs won't throttle stormfront or Holla Forums if given the option? They're hatred of all things different from them is biting them on the ass and the schadenfreude is delicious.
allahu akbar
this is bait
why do I want NN again? So some stormfag site getting disrupted for a day doesn't happen again?
Static web pages
Drop any connection attempts that overflow the server's connection buffer
You can't force restaurants to serve everybody who is not wearing a shirt. You can't force restaurants to serve everybody who brings in outside food. You can't force landlords to rent to renters with pets. You can't force Facebook to accept and service a user who refuses to submit to Facebook's terms and conditions. The only force I can accept is when there is a valid contract of service that binds a company to service to a person.
Hey dude, just start your own thingamabob. No private company should be forced to work with anybody with they don't like. This is the consequence of freedom of association. Please don't be confused in believing that the cost of freedom means that people are legally required to work with anybody. Facebook cannot stop you from starting your own blog or website.
How do you determine "connection attempts that overflow the server's connection buffer" when hundreds of thousands of IP's are connecting to you at once for small bits of information output?
Good luck fooling traffic on the ethernet layer that cares not for your https bullshit. Then there is the upstream host for the IP who gets congested which fucks you if they don't have their servers set up correctly. Self supported tier one ISP or bust.
The internet has become what the phone was in the 70s-90s, a company like Facebook is basically a public service at this point due to how it's integrated into people's lives. And they often work with the government directly at which point where does the line between the 2 end? Merkel was talking directly to facebook for example
When you become this big a part of the most popular communication medium of your era there are going to be discussions of when you stop being a private entity and become a public utility.
But we do not have freedom of association. I cannot say "No niggers in my shop" or "No faggot, I shall not bake you a cake".
We live in a society which has made freedom of association a crime. You're not allowed to make your own judgements on what you do or do not find acceptable. You must follow the gay pride parade's demands or you get sued into oblivion and done for discrimination.
Let's bring that a step further. I don't want to associate with the US federal reserve notes nor use them as currency. But all of these people blackmail into using it to exchange wealth to use their services at gunpoint of the USA government worldwide.
Why don't they let me choose freely what currency I could use?
Even further, why don't they let me pot my own water? Or grow my own food? Or use land they don't tax in USD worldwide save in iran, syria, and north korea? Why won't they leave me alone if I just wanted to be self sufficient and do it all myself and not associate with any of them?
You must associate with the USD or be killed* no choice. You can't start your own resturant without the USD, nor your own ISP, or own your own land without force. All because it is a greedy kike who doesn't want you to be able to truly freely dissassociate from the federal reserve notes.
unless you live in syria, north korea, or iran.
I'd have a limited count of connections as a buffer of service in my webserver.
You could be serving nothing but a single 30k .jpg. Doesn't matter. A single box is going to have what for a link? 1Gbps? What about the hosting company's edge router? 50?
Your getting hit with a 250-500Gbps botnet (not that unheard of today) your going down and everyone else there is going with you.
Even if your hosting company has the backhaul to keep everyone there but you up they will not let you stay for very long... unless (((they))) are billing by the G.
Understand the situation you're in. Human rights are pure fucking cancer, but it's a hill the left are willing to die on, so abuse the shit out of it until you get what you want and can remove them. It's what the left did to get in power.
The US government is not a private corporation. You don't directly deal with the federal reserve, you do it indirectly through the US dollar. If the government demands taxes to be paid with US federal reserve notes, then that's what you do. If the government declares that US federal reserve note are legal tender within the US, then that's what you use as legal tender; if the government declares that Hasbro Monopoly notes are legal tender within the US, then that's what you use as legal tender. If you live in the US, then you submit to the authority which is the US government. The government in all forms regulate shared resources such as water, land and air. Things that you do yourself can have a real impact on everybody else in the land so there will be regulations in how you are permitted to act in these specific regards.
You are not legally mandated to deal with any other private company. Facebook is not legally mandated to work with shitposters and other dissenters.
The law says you can't discriminate based on race, sexuality etc. "No blacks allowed" is going against the law. You can't tell me that there's a law that forces companies to service people with dissenting opinions.
You are actually free to make your own judgements on what you find acceptable. The government won't arrest you for dissenting opinion. That doesn't mean that the rest of society is required to be happy for you or to work with you.
Consenting parties are allowed to transact business without US dollars. This means you are fully allowed to buy and sell what you want with bitcoins to anybody else who accepts bitcoins. The US government demands taxes in US dollars: as soon as you pay your taxes, you are going to need to pay the government with the dollar.
I view homosexuality as wrong and wish to not serve a homosexual
No genetic discovery for homosexuality so it must purely be an idea not something they can't help like race.
Yes it is see
Not a government, a corperation. But nonetheless those notes are neither legal nor lawful tender they are blackmail, lawlessness. This is because of the americans constitution in
It states that
What is on the front of every federal reserve note/bill?
>>Holla Forums for countless examples.
this whole post is a work of fiction and everything contained therein is considered non-factual and fiction. Submit to Authority no matter how evil or corrupt. Also ask yourself who the authority/power is.
You can view homosexuality as wrong, there's no legal mandate saying otherwise. If you're a business owner, the law says you're not allowed to refuse service based on sexuality. I can hate niggers all I want but if I run a news stand, then I'm not allowed to discriminate against them. If I want to run my stand, them I am required to serve niggers without harassing or assaulting them. I am allowed to refuse service as soon as I find any other legitimate reason to do so. If they're rude or harassing, then I will refuse them on those grounds.
Unless you are a kike working in CNN. In which case you may demonize, discrimite, and slander whites as much as you want. You may call for their geonicide even. Just don't insult a kike or a nigger. Don't even call a kike a jew or you can be arrested/slandered/discriminated against.
Also do you know what website you are on?
What I see is that the government is a Federal corporation. Can you show me the definition that the Federal corporation (US government) is a private corporation.
Are you telling me the federal corporation is a state? I thought there are 50 distinct states and the federal corporation was a distinct entity to them.
I don't understand this. The IRS demands taxes in US dollar. If the IRS, the government, demands taxes in this way, I don't understand why the dollar is blackmail.
>Indeed, good thing if you live somewhere else (((they))) will not just DDOS you because (((they))) don't like you right? Oh wait (((they))) do that anyways. Submit to authority regardless eh?
(((Authority belongs to whomever has the biggest guns. If you desire to commit sedition and revolution though armed means, that's all up to you)))
If you feel that I haven't addressed your argument, it means that I don't understand it well enough. I addressed the points that I do understand. If you could rephrase and emphasize your main point to make that clearer, then I would address that.
I will take this opportunity to reiterate my main point. Businesses are not required to service everybody, buinesses are not requred to associate with everybody, businesses are not required to hold everybody's speech. Businesses are free to pick and choose who they associate with and serve.
I know man I wish I could just dump this radioactive waste in my neighbors water tank then take his land when he dies.
You need to be careful with that. I did it to my neighbor and he turned into a ninja turtle. Now I'm building an army of robots called foot soldiers.
Property rights already cover that.
Disposal of radioactive materials isn't actually a human rights issue. You're looking at environmental protections and sanitation laws.
So that you'll know.
Do you seriously believe it is THE BUSINESSES that want more fagrights and ban free speech?
They care about money and how they can make a good quartal statement.
They should stick to expanding their advantage over other businesses and continue to innovate instead of making irrelevant political statements.
The more they restrict, the less customers they will have. And for what? virtue-signalling? Banning non-existent fascism??
If they cared so much about morality they would first go after rapegangs and pedos.
Businesses do not do "what they want" when censoring a minority, it's a decision from those who control those businesses since it makes them less trustworthy.
--------------------- Offtopic ---------------------------
I don't think you lurk Holla Forums a lot, do you?
They know very well that 90% of people are against them.
"The silent majority"-meme comes from from the majority of citizens not behaving like apes on the street or screaming RAAAAAPE to get attention.
That "silent majority" just wants to live a calm and happy life.
Hatred against insane laws and politicians inviting third-world, war and rape-hungry Africans and muslims is threatening the calm and peaceful life of "the silent majority" and just happens to be a point /pol also agrees on.
Heiling Hitler is not something the masses are yearning for, and Holla Forums knows this very well.
Don't generalize Holla Forums with the things you hear, everything is far more complex than it appears to you, it seems.
--------- offtopic ---------
I forgot to mention that Holla Forums doesn't hate everything different from them.
They hate a lot of "modern" things because they are convinced the jews are behind most 'degenerate' things and that jews are fucking up everything on purpose (and that they have been doing so for decades).
And since the film and music-industry is swarming with jews, well... then it indeed does seem as they are against "everyhting different" since there are little other non-jewish options that are popular these days.
If you think this is only happening to the right you are mistaken.
Looks like Dreamhost picked up DS.. Now ANONOMOOSE is DDOSing the service
Well ANONOMOOSE won it looks like
You act like that has any effect on the individuals who congregate there.
You also seem to believe that all tech people would be for net neutrality. You don't have it. With the current situation as it is, you won't get it for a long time. I expect support for it to die it in the next few years as the authoritarian left finds that they can exert far more control by leaving the Internet unregulated. Those who push for net neutrality will eventually be looked at as supporting Nazis by those in power, shutting it down, once and for all.
Depends which part of Holla Forums you are referring to. There has always been an element that has been more aligned with Freedom of Thought more than anything. Points of control should be exposed, and many times the best way to do that is to force groups to exert their power. It is best that they do it at a time when it causes few problems so that solutions may be developed to combat future acts of censorship. The people who are involved in tech today are dangerous. They are too easily manipulated and have a distinct hatred for certain groups. Silicon Valley culture is not the future. It will be dismantled and replaced by something far more moderate. The best way to do that is to encumber the companies as much as possible and push as much of their talent out.
Does a non e-moose even know what the fuck they're fighting for? They don't see particularly left-wing or right-wing. I think they're just retards
Funny how you think Holla Forums is against censorship but they deleted my shitpost about the ban of bat'ko in about a hour.
Mental retards.
If I shit in the street and the cops arrest me, am I being oppressed by a police state?
There's no hope for you.
no, just no.
Stormfront is next. occidentaldissent.com
If this isn't a case of "First they came..." I don't know what it is.
Anonymooz is the western intelligence service, not leftist retarded scriptkiddies.
Holla Forums operates like a pub. An underground pub, with their own pub culture and shit. If the bartender kicks you out for being a retard that's not really censorship because you can just hop over to the lefty-bar down the street where the liquor selection is more limited and the culture consists of a group of sad drunkards complaining about how the evil capitalists took their money while they slur a drunken rendition of "Piano Man"
What utter garbage. Egalitarianism is giving everyone the same chance and equal rights under the law. They will then find their own level. It is meritocracy.
Wait, you weren't even banned? They just deleted your post? Man what a retard
Too bad that's not the case, because meritocracy would effectively be 'White supremacy' by default and everyone knows it. No alleged egalitarian is fighting for that.
Jews go in other countries and appropriate last names. Effectively any last name could be "jewish"
Racial stereotyping (that thing you're doing right now) is based on "this bunch of people look vaguely similar therefore they must be equal". Stop falling for the collectivist nonsense.
I can hardly wait.
Pattern recognition isn't collectivist you absolute dolt
A handful of anons hopelessly attempt to reason with Libertarians who defend business owners' God-given right to form cartels and deny resources to certain persons or groups to achieve social objectives. Holodomor, for instance, is an excellent example of the just and righteous exercise of free market property rights. Ad majorem shekel gloriam. In nomine Profit, et Finance et Spiritus Shkreli.
Ayn Rand was a mistake . . .
In Denver, CO the consensus is: yes
The similarities between members of the same subspecies are much greater than "vague", only other liberals would believe your lie. What you should've said is that Japs can compete with Whites in several fields.
I would like to refuse service to those that believe in fucking people of their own gender is ok and believe in same sex marriage and believe in gay adoption. I also reserve the right to add or remove rules so as to be able to refuse service to anyone I want.
Not to mention refusing service to individuals who insist in barely reflecting back any light they receive. The light is meant for all customers.
ITT Holla Forums descends into autistic screeching on a board that is not theirs after discovering online harassment and denial of service attacks can go both ways.
Is it possible that Holla Forums could get taken down like that?
Doesn't being hosted in the Phillipines prevent this kind of shit?
how can registrars or whoever steal stormfag domains? isn't this literal theft? they should just transfer ownership back to the stormfags as a refund
no, 8ch can just use a different domain.
That's against the law. Enjoy losing your discrimination lawsuits.
Fuck off fascist. Take your police state to Germany you fucking nazi.
Viewing everyone of a particular group as the same is collectivist. If you start considering individuals instead then you quickly notice that there's a statistical bellcurve with the groups overlapping and some better and some shittier than others. There are genius blacks and hispanics, they're just a lot rarer than genius whites, who are in turn less common than genius east asians. Therefore egalitarianism/meritocracy doesn't translate to "white supremacy" like said. (He must be on the lower end of his bellcurve.)
Fuck off with this bullshit nobody uses IQ as a measurement anymore as it's rooted in a patriarchal, neocolonial superstructure.
Not sure if satire or real...
Your moronic examples are way out there. A system like faceberg, endlessly and relentlessly pushed on normalfags through the media by intel until we get to where we are today: a corporation running a monopoly on a social service. There is no and will not be any competition to faceberg. That's just an illusion in your naive mind. The only way of going about this is holding the people who have assumed these positions accountable for what they do.
I understand your simple Ayn Rand infused mind will never understand, and will persist until your dying breath that companies like faceberg and google and this registry mafia under ICANN are like "newspapers" and "telephone directories" and all that bullshit. That just shows you are clueless, and have no idea about how the world have changed. A more apt analogy than your 19th century "newspapers" idea would be something like roads. Do you think corporations should be able to own and control the passage on the roads in country? Or the right to have a mailing address. Or to own a house. Or any of the things you take for granted that your society insures you have a RIGHT to do.
Because those battles have already been fought. With huge debates and rivers of blood. Back in feudal times I'm sure there were peasants just like you who sat and went "bah, who needs to own their own house anyways, I'm sure the baron knows what he's doing. If you want to own land that much why don't you put in the work to get knighted by the king yourself."
That's you, 1500 AD.
Nobody said anything to the contrary. Maybe you're the one that's retarded. The fact of the matter is that for example, if niggers are 13% of the population and only about 30% have an 100+ IQ, then you've probably got around 100k nigger candidates that are likely to do anything of value. There'd be nary a coon face in sight. White men would effectively out-compete everybody in every field of value more so than they already are if it weren't for (((egalitarians))) attempting to 'equalize' things. Not to mention IQ isn't even the only factor to consider. You're average woman isn't a literal retard, but they do have different inclinations, and there would be a lot less women in the work place as well. So, considering there aren't many orientals living in the US, 'White Supremacy", as defined by the establishment would reign.
That's some nice abuse of language to support your worldview you've got going there. You can't even do simple math right.
We both agree that a drop in the bucket of niggers would in fact succeed by their own merit. What's the argument here again?
That's not how IQ works. You have the mean, which is higher for Asians than for Whites and means the average Asian is smarter than the average White. But that isn't all, there's also the standard deviation. A standard deviation of 0 would mean everyone has the same score, and the higher it goes the more differences you see in the population. The sd for Whites is 15, but for Asians it's 13. Using an average of 108 for Asians, which is the highest IQ for any Asian country (Singapore), and an average of 100 for Whites, 2 points below the best White average (Italy), Asians have 0.0000015% of geniuses, and Whites have 0.0000048%, so geniuses are thrice as common among Whites than Asians.
Niggers have an sd of 12. Add that to an average of 75 and it means 0.000000000000000001% of niggers are geniuses. So even if we had 1 trillion niggers the odds are not a single genius would be among them. Fortunately there aren't 1 trillion niggers on Earth so your claim that genius niggers exists is most certainly false.
source: iq-research.info
you strawmanned everything he said
have you read the study that graphic figure in your image is referring to? It is not in that paper. Please don't spread misinformation.
In fact, this figure from the same paper indicates the opposite:
That's Manly Tears (Britbong), not Null
that is exactly how a ddos works you twit
It was good knowing you, Holla Forums.
Nerv center was a mistake.
kys. facebook has no bearing on anything and doesnt need to be regulated. you seem to be some retard who thinks facebook controls information and thus the world
oooh that reminds me of the time when governments felt the need to regulate the minds of the population to make sure they dont take the "wrong choices"
literaly nothing to do with facebook. facebook is in no way as important as a house or physical space. and ironically nothing's stopping you from getting your own "house" outside of facebook for $0
the same idiots who want facebook to be regulated want "fake news" to be censored