Do you feel in charge?
Cuckchan rapefugee detention camp II
Other urls found in this thread:
The kitchen is now open at the cuckchan detention camp.
Reposting this just in case somebody needs it
Recreational director reporting in.
These people are insane, who the fuck would pay for a serious study on "4chans effect on the web?
Can someone briefly explain me what the heck is going on?
LARPing is going on
We are having fun with our minds.
Is it confirmed that they recovered any emails?
user, I want to believe but…
I don't think he wants to do anything but watch espn and shove his dick in staffers faces, especially the young male pages.
He's awfully concerned about his legacy, and this can burn it.
Why? He can always blame Bush.
Bush caused him to take Hillary as his secretary of state and crash the democratic party?
You're right, they'd believe it.
people are still using the passwords for new stuff
Come on FSB lurkers, we know you're here. Tell Putin to ease up on 8ch. We can analyze and disseminate data without any interruptions from cucked moderators on 4ch.
Wikileaks won't publish them until after the election, we need them now.
I don't think they understand us fully, which is good.
FOR FUCKS SAKE, release them now, they don't have enough time as it is to replace a winnable candidate with Hillary.
Memes take time to absorb into the populace, we need to do the work ASAP, and this is an environment where the media purposefully hides Clinton's worst shit, which is only going to slow this down further.
We need more time to spread the truth.
There's more influence than you think. Minecraft started on Holla Forums and Notch is a billionaire. Not to mention reddit stealing everything from 4chan. The jews know about memes and the power behind them
ized that poster IDs were not made available via the 4chan JSON
API once a thread is archived after we began crawling.
wtf does this mean
I, too, am frustrated fam.
Do these people want Hillary to win?
It's a humor show, and a good laugh without and kikes. What could you possibly have against TRS?
there were rumors of running Micheal Obama
which could be a knockout blow to us, because she is black and a women
but it would just be Obama's third term obviously.
Happening or cuckchan LARPing?
Most significant tidbit I got so far is that only 55% of all posts get a (you).
its real but also some disinfo
page 6
It's bad grammar.
Basically, the in-built archive system doesn't keep IDs in the threads, making tracking pretty hard to do.
I'll give you a (you)
Nope. Never mind. It has to be that nigger and faggot are posted so often they are included in over 100% of all posts.
Come to the thread
everyone shitting on them are people who either got kicked off the forum or butthurt cause they can't get into the forum or are just trying to be edgy not wanna be associated with any movement
There's nothing to see here. You are all idiots.
I think more Republicans and enough Independents would rally behind Trump if that happened. A 3rd term for a president is something we as a culture have distanced ourselves from, it's taboo as fuck.
Hello JDIF
There's no way Michael Obama is going to be president. Even if Shillary died they wouldnt get him in there even with the sympathy vote.
(You) trash
if you try login to [email protected]/* */ and put the leaked main address under confirm recovery, it lets you in. I'm not doing it though, I'd rather not die
This so much. I don't know how they do it on cuckchan nowadays, but we don't appreciate you faggots flooding into Holla Forums like rapefugees and shitting up the board. No, just because you posted on cuck/pol/ not too long ago does not mean that you don't have to lurk here and learn how to post again before you shit up the board. We used to have long, thought provoking, quality posts before these absolutely massive waves of newfags from Reddit and cuckchan came and started posting without lurking. It's gotten far worse this election cycle with Holla Forums getting exposed to the mainstream and all the summerfags coming in.
Forget every shitty posting quirk you picked up from Reddit, cuckchan, or wherever the fuck you flooded in from. This is Holla Forums, we have our own way of posting.
Hello lads. The scene so far is:
1. Apple iCloud is confirmed hacked. They did some shenanigans which is dubious, so can't be verified. Apparently wiped his apple devices.
2. Password was gotten from the wikileaks. Link here.
3. Some screenshots.
4. Apparently, a Canadian was the one who got access first. If someone in Canada dies suspiciously we'll know why.
Everything you love is slowly being ground to dust by the ceaseless erosive force of the great normie influx into everything good. Everything.
What the fuck happened to you niggers?
4/pol/ was the superior Holla Forums for a long time, now it's all just Trump-related roleplaying.
nobody has the stones, m8
note, you have to get the password wrong a couple times to hit account recovery
We've done it again lads
You're paranoid and useless. Stop projecting your own Reddit past onto me.
No no, you're right, 4/pol/ is still a powerhouse of independent thought, and we need you to go back there.
Nothing is from reddit.
What's runner89 then?
That guy's a fucking retard.
You wear a flag by putting the hoist around your neck, not the fly.
Like pic related.
It always was confirmed
Ever see those pro Palestinian threads where a leftist would get shilled to oblivion for posting facts about Israel?
Fuck off buddy, I've never been on Reddit. And paranoia is justified when you can clearly see the effects of newfags posting without lurking. Or are you for some reason against the idea of newfags lurking more?
You're missing the point. We don't call them "normies", we call them "newfags". The latter is a more insulting term and more in tune with using "-fag" as the suffix for anyone. "Normie" is just the kosher, kike-approved, non-offensive term that sure as shit didn't originate here. I don't give a damn whether it actually originated on Reddit, but that kind of fluffy, kosher language doesn't belong here.
[email protected]/* */ seems to work on PayPal
Password is Runner123 or runner123, I can't remember
I got SO far, but I don't have a number. It has to be registered to his personal name.
Better luck than me Anons, make sure to donate all his money to Trump
Go away, shill.
At least learn the meaning of the word you're posting. Don't get so excited from your first time posting a word you saw on Holla Forums
number can be found in emails. but what then?
4/pol/ really should be deleted. You cucks need to be euthanized for your own good.
add phone? hmm…
Watson isn't that bad.
[email protected]/* */
Is a legitimate email address.
I hate you all. Stop being fucking new fags.
Lurk a little. Try to fit in.
You don't need your own god damned thread.
I tried logging in with my normal browser
It worked. I'm in. And they have my REAL IP
How dead am I?
Literally gassed.
They forget who turned this city on they forget who plugged this city in.
He claims there's no evidence of jewish power, even in the media.
who the fuck faked those outlook emails?
Donate to the Trump Campaign and I'll pay respects at your funeral
Donate it all to trump
its over run while you can (you can't)
I take back what I said.
1) Post activity 2) Donate to Trump
Just grab any interesting info, disconnect. Restart your router or just turn of internet for a bit.
With some luck, your ISP isn't keeping who's IP is currently tied to which account.
Its not hacking if the dumb cunt put his password out there.
The researcher's names:
How did they get together to do this? Why? This one paper may be a small funny thing, but a more serious investigation could be used to severly nullify and dull the effects of our work.
They were already discussing ways to weaken the effect of raids.
I'm on my school's Internet, I didn't think it would actually work.
I didn't actually do anything, poked around, then logged out. Logs ought to show that no illegal activity took place.
All things considered though, I'm so fucked.
Cuckchan faggots don't realize we caught TRShills in an open shilling operation. If you try to shill their shit here I swear to god I will sage spam the shit out your thread. Just a head's up little faggots.
And don't even think about tripfagging here
lol eat shit niglet
Don't donate it to Trump. If it stays in the US, it'll make a legal mess. Send it to someone overseas, preferably not in a country aligned with the US, like Iran, China, Russia, etc.
I assume that CTR is in these threads trying to discredit this shit by acting completely retarded and pretending to be on our side. They are probably pretending to LARP to try and discredit the entire thing.
There are a lot of stats and research in that paper, it didn't take them a little bit of time to do it.
If it's on the school internet you have some protection. You should start wiping things like history, cache, etc just to be sure. If you're capable you should probably just reformat and re-install.
Donate a large sum to Trump camp. and then start sending random fucks ITT $14.88, you can start with me :^)
Is t.Swift drinking a goldfish bowl of wine?
>[email protected]/* */
What is the pw?
Actually this. Send all that fucker's funds to the Kremlin.
You're only fucked if Clinton wins. I'm not kidding. You better become 400 pounds and help out.
Your shitty, reddit-tier, normalfag one liners don't work here faggot.
drown yourself in semen cuckfag
I'm just gonna leave it alone. If I don't do anything beyond enter and look around, they probably won't kill/prosecute me.
The logs ought to show that I had nothing to do with any actual action on the account.
You fucks can do whatever you want, it's your funeral.
fuck that CO polling data was awesome
not dubs so not an argument
not dubs so not an argument
What the fuck are they actually doing? Is this to try play it off a some kind of joke or garner supports?
who did it
Raider4567 ? maybe.. somebody remembers?
What's the password? How do you get into it?
I read the whole thing, it's pretty thorough. They did a decent job of analyzing the nigger = google thing, but they fucked up the origin. I may try to find out who they are where they work/live, and any other info that might have lead them to this.
Unfortunately while Trump is good for the nation, he's attracted a fuckton of attention to imageboards.
not dubs so not an argument
can't be real
Can't wait to see it pinned on the internet hate machine.
Wouldn't it be a better idea if he changed operating systems for plausible deniability?
Don't admit to anything.
For fucks sake…it's like they can't even lurk for 2 fucking hours on some old bread to realise normie is well within our lexicon before projectile vomiting their shilly spaghetti all over this place….
Only one more month fam and then these cuckfaggots will be gone. tbh it's gonna suck dealing with their bullshit but we've gotta up the chemo to kill this cancer.
As a side note, if you're new….please lurk. It's that simple. I'm an oldishfag and I still only post maybe once or twice a day, and only then it's well thought out and I'm contributing to a discussion. Shitposting is not a given right around here, it's reserved for true red pilled meme generating wizards that have lurked for years. If you have to think about making the cut, you're not there yet. Get comfy and lurk brothers. You've found a good home, but you have to earn your voice through diligent study.
not dubs so not an argument
proof that this isn't just a shopped image. We, who are probably not going to die as fast as this user, salute you!
This has to be some Holla Forumstard or a TRS fag.
not dubs so not an argument
This is why we can't have nice things. Hi back :3 you massive faggot
Ive only got a phone atm but godspeed to you wonderful faggots who can have some fun.
not dubs so not an argument
the only people who stayed on cuckchan after jewt showed his true colors are literal cucks, hence the name "cuckchan"
John Podesta is a UFO-obsessed moron.
He knows he's been hacked. How do you NOT change every single password you have?!
not dubs so not an argument
I wanted to believe aliens were real, but now it just looks like this dude is the most retarded motherfucker on the planet who doesn't even think to encrypt all his passwords or input fake answers to security questions. He NEEDS aliens to save him from his own stupidity.
just get dubs you faggots. fuck off.
he's also a huge fucking normie
i'm trying
We need to switch tactics, now. His twitter was actually hacked, you can see it here.
Not only is he confirming it wasn't Russia, he is confirming that the whole team has no idea what they are doing.
We need to make that point public. Clinton and her staff are incompetent and cannot be trusted with secret information. They didn't even change their passwords after being hacked.
The only ones who didn't already know this are those on the outside who think this is some kind of skinhead forum.
Yeah, it's like they don't understand that we have jobs, and that they tell passwords to the IT- slaves when they demand help.
can milhouse be an argument?
Twitter nuked it.
only if I get dubs
Cuckchan refugee here, where are your CTR shills? Why do you have high quality threads full of good info and research? This is very confusing.
No questioning the guys a fucking moron though.
They lurk in the wings. It's not often that we get an actual, honest-to-god CTR, but when we do, they tend to stick around shitting everything up for a few hours. I think it's just one of the cube workers that gets assigned here, even though we're witnessing an active Russian hack performed by our very own 8/russia/ns.
Is… is this a reddit meme? user, no simpsons shit, please.
It's thoroughly established. Just google podesta ufo.
lurk moar.
It's been taken down. They are going to try to hide this.
fucking newfags
I know but it's always awkward to see people analysing us like this, we're not a secret cabal.
They lurk a lot actually, but they don't do much since we spot them fast. They consider us to be the most dangerous.
fucking Blake.
On the upside, we can do whatever the fuck we want and cuckchan gets blamed for it.
We have CTR but since they were doxxed by baphomet they seem to have dropped activity pretty sharpish.
Heard one of them had cp put on his hard drive but its probably bollocks.
Breath taking isn't it?
lol I remember that one.
Well done, user
Yeah don't be afraid to strike while the iron's hot. It always reminds me of Lester Freeman in The Wire when he sat on the perfect storm of dirt against Davis until it was too late for the F.B.I. to use it.
Some are fine with their shows such as FTN, but most here aren't interested in a culture merge, even setting their shilling attempts aside. Why does Holla Forums need to be /trs/ fanclub anyway, they have their own forum. If they really want to larp as *chan users, then they could just open their own 8ch board.
they did something useful? sorry for being a faggot, but the last I checked a year ago they were wanking off to hacking jewbook accounts
Toady, I am proud.
I can see why.
If whoever did this is reading this thread, try to screen shot you getting into the account and the password you have done to do so.
He didn't secure his account after the first leak, and this looks frames his team in a negative light. Show how weak his password is.
Podesta blames RUSSIA LMAO
He's also blaming Roger Stone without any evidence. Media report it like its true.
But when numerous women come forward to say they were raped or assaulted by William Jefferson Clinton then suddenly the media are super-cautious about repeating "unproven allegations."
8 is.
We Russia nao
They sell themselves as insiders, so it's a form of authentication for the customer.
top kek
That's the code they use for us.
Can someone eve explain how the fuck you even get this many fucking emails? Like what the fuck , do they judt dick off and email each other all day? Seriously how in the shit?
Spaceman your dubs are over there.
Suitman2 makes his own dubs.
Thats for the wikileaks shit. Noone is reporting on this new activity yet.
I get in excess of 30 a day, during peak times over 100. You rack up this many when you have a large extended social network, have to confirm meeting times, things to discuss in meetings, coordinate talking points, ect
Hes campaign chief, he will be cc'd into loads of emails. And yeah, they will spend a fair amount of time dicking around.
Emails have become de facto chat rooms. Surprised someone hasn't designed a new system for business folk yet.
they have it's called lync
In case the worst happens, I trust you guys to start a coup to put Killary and all the corrupt shits that your gubberment has to jail. MAGA, you crazy bastards.
No thanks.
Holy shit…Is this real?
There are new /better systems. But these faggots aren't on the cutting edge of anything, if ya can't tell.
Does this look like the face of mercy?
he said business most people use windows env.
Seems to me like he was dodging the questions not actually answering it.
Even though cuckchan is still cancerous, today I've gained respect for their resolve through the mountains of endless shitposting and shilling. Good on you anons, you've invigorated the chans when needed the most
We can only hope, 2016 is the year of happenings after all.
I'm almost convinced this was made by a turncoat who is now making money identifying the rarity of certain pepes for the Democrats.
Nigger please, mein sides…
Lmao someone setup a facebook account using
[email protected]/* */
and its all a bunch of indians on the frineds list.
As much as I'm annoyed at how much of a wasted opportunity that twitter hack was I am looking forward to all the media articles and segments talking about it because you know its going to be hilarious.
Don't thank cuckchan, it was this guy if he isn't roleplaying
A more coordinated effort could have led to his Twitter being taken over and us actually getting his emails.
Gents, why not find out his banking account?
That ( unfortunately ) killed my sides hahahahaha.
Goodbye sides, it was nice knowing ya
No shit, most people I work with (I'm on a board of directors for a small company) barely are able to send e-mails properly, very few people over 45 will try to learn technology at any deeper level than e-mails, Kikebook, twitter, skyke. Sometimes I believe an IRC or something like it would benefit our company but no fucking way will they be able to use it without calling our IT tech and have him set everything up so they can log in with a click, charging $75+ a head, which would be a fucking waste of money.
We don't know which chan had it posted first, but technically cuckchan had the first thread up on the apple ID hack.
Though at a similar time we had this thread posted:
It could be the case that the user posted on both chans simultaneously but the 400lb cuckchan thread was the one that ignited the discourse here so we need to give cuckchan some credit.
They seem to somewhat understand chan culture. So it wouldn't surprise me if there was a lurker among them.
Only we understand us
I've been here all night, let me tell you.
Foorchon had a few threads about it before the mods started to take them down. That sent a few people here to start the thread you mentioned
Even after that, some of the hacks were only known about on Foorchon, like the bus account.
The Paypal account was the only thing Holla Forums can claim for themselves.
Whoever got into the paypal should have checked what sites he purchased from.
Trips confirm, I figured cuckchan had at least a few threads in the AMs before we got it. Good on you anons for persisting through all the bans.
Posting the celebratory meme magic baneposting webm.
user/pass must be working on other sites
Well, that and the fact that we are obvioisly the superior site, or else you cuckolds wouldn't come crawling over to show off every minor acheivement and larp thread for our approval.
But god job on this one though.
He has a linkedin but Runner123 and Runner4567 don't work.
that's why this is: Cuckchan rapefugee detention camp II
I did. It was empty.
PayPal should have it locked down by now, so I'm hopeful I'll escape being suicided yet.
Anyway, I went to cuckchan for the first time in months, and good G-d how can you faggots use a board with such an horrible layout is beyond me. Flags, colored IDs, small thumbnails, silent webms, dear lord…
flags are great tbh, you waste much less time reading the drivel from fucking leaves
Anyone still have access to his gmail?
Man so no other leaks from this e-mail hack other than the 4chan report and the Colorado polling,?
We have his address, phone and email. Perhaps…
I saw it all happen just as you describe, as well. It was 4chins this time for real
Anything with the Outlook background is a confirmed fake.
The person that hacked the bus account did mention that he got into a gmail account but was kicked out of it before he could do anything.
Twitter was linked to gmail, right?
If twitter is hacked, that means forget password leads to gmail, ergo gmail is in somebody's control now.
Afaik, he hasn't used two factor authentication anywhere.
If anyone has any media connections, make sure you frame it in a way that shows how incompetent it was for John and his team not the change his passwords after the email leaks originally started happening.
That is the story here. They didn't change their passwords and they were terribly weak.
Russia doesn't need to hack anyone, they basically hack themselves.
They have a habit of emailing passwords
I'm assuming that have had known about the first leak for hours now and that John and his team have taken control of the email addresses long before the twitter was hacked.
They just didn't change the password for it and got caught, again.
That is key.
They got hacked because they EMAIL passwords back and forth. I think the average person could understand what a terrible idea that is.
I honestly think this is good for us. It may draw a few idiots into Holla Forums but it raises the so called alt right as a force to be feared, while taking a bit of heat off the Russians.
holy fuck, toppest of keks, thank God for their incompetence.
Anyone else remember the thread here early this morning around 4:00 A.M. CST that had the SSN/CC/Emails of Biden/Podesta/Braizil and some other elite democrats? It was deleted fairly quickly but wanted to know if anyone had the pastebin or snaps of the thread. I may be able to find it on other device but would rather not go through hassle.
Fuck off austistafag
Can we gas these normie illegal immigrants yet?
Turning up the temp on the oven youre currently in
this is what happens when you let women in IT
oy vey, look at this trail of nickels…
They say that they are going to release something soon. I'm not sure if they are actually related to the hackers that were posting in our threads, but no one was claimed the twitter hack yet, so this might be them.
So, how much are these "janitors" you speak of being paid to suppress this story?
He would lose most of his audience if he said anything bad about Jews.
He works for Infowars,remember that.
Pray to Kek
I haven't seen any WEBMs of your gay asses in a NSDAP flag skiing down a beautiful mountain. Fuckin abo lover.
Yeah, I saw a thread with his Vamoose (bus rental service) account info. The mods deleted it. Obviously the hacking was a crime, but is it a crime to post the when he used the service?
Damn. He has a yahoo email at [email protected]/* */ but it's already been locked.
I don't want to post info and then have the FBI shoot my dog when I didn't have anything to do with the crime
Shouldn't you be busy sucking abo cum out of your wife's pussy?
He's not hiding anything, he actually believes that Jews are angels of good, poor victims of the holocaust
usatoday and washington post,, among others are
open his twitter cached and its still there…
Anyone have screens of the twitter replies?
Does that mean Holla Forums is going to be slow now?
Let me guess. They all used the same password and it was just e-mailed around.
Why wouldn't you just screenshot every DM if you got access to his twitter account? False flag?
but wheres the proofs?
I wish they weren't speaking so poorly, but this will be good to get the heat off Holla Forums and Russia and onto the banner of Anonymous.
They are probably taking undue credit for the non-twitter related hacks today, but whatever.
Just hope they don't quote their twitter in the media.
So someone at CTR who got accidentally redpilled finally cracked and has no more fuck to give. Is this how they got his information?
They've been hanging around here for months. Wouldn't be the first time an enemy got redpilled inadvertently.
Fucking immigrants in our seekrit base REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
These inept fucking morons had it coming. They failed at the very basic level of manipulation: not being caught. Surprised it took this long.
They're going dark, everyone. Nazis look out.
How sad for the little CTR shills. They just released what they thought would be two major leaks on Trump telling a little girl she's beautiful and a woman accusing him of 'touching her' 13 years ago. Now they won't be able to send out their talking points to the mainstream media outlets, and won't be able to shill through the night on plebbit and comment section.
Honestly, feel a bit bad for them right now, someone's going to have to die for this…
They're too fucking inept. If they're "going dark" they must honestly believe the CTR shill meme will go away.
I know people were checking his account credentials on other websites, but did anyone try the campaign website?
We're so close, narrowing in the last few digits of divergence.
They took the cash, they get the noose. True believer liberals disgust me, but they are largely blind to the corruption necessary to sustain leftist folly. However, I have nothing to give to traitors other than a shove off a high platform.
That windmill of friendship and understanding is pointing the wrong way.
You could do the guy a favor by converting everything he has to gold or bitcoin.
What on earth has happened to the world?
Politico, Buzzfeed, Huffington, Time, Washington Post, NYTimes, all within 15-20 minutes of one another have started this smear effort with the "teen beauty pageant" angle to label Trump as a pedo, and the two women that claimed he sexually assaulted them. This is the best evidence I've seen of Assange's notion of media conformity. I'm fucking disgusted by it right now. If we don't win, I'm going lone wolf, I've had it.
TLDR please what is going on???
Please go lone wolf in the most constructive manner possible and do not screw it for us who are in it for the long run.
i.e., don't get caught, and plan for getting caught anyway. Not just "suicide", but have a fake trail that misleads.
'I've switched Teams.Vote Trump 2016.Hi pol,' Podesta's account said.
From what I can tell
They will eventually assimilate, but effort must be put in to make sure that they are elevated to us and not us dragged down to them.
I'm probably missing a lot but I've been missing half the happening too.
ALSO someone wrote an essay pdf about Holla Forums influence or something. Has many a may may
And password was still the same across several accounts. The incompetence is astounding. Meanwhile…..
Of course it would be in the name of the Zionists and the Progressives. It's been in the workings for a while, no need to worry user.
My thoughts exactly, it's like the old /pol I learned to like, full of interesting content and discussions and not just stupid shitposting.
It's all up to Trump whether this year is go time or if the culture war slogs on. He could have won already if he had merely put out an open call for internet fascists to apply to receive funding and logistics. Just bring a harddrive to show off, the blend of chinese pictorial maidens, traditional literature, and esoteric collections is proof of One of Us.
We're going to end up putting him in the Whitehouse for free. The very least he can do is sack the intelligence community and replace it with Holla Forumsacks.
THANK YOU, really.
Still, if you don't get caught I'll bake you a cake in heaven.
gee i wish we had one of them baphomet fags
Fuck off i live near a military base i done want to die yet ;_;
He didn't change any of his passwords even after the WikiLeaks release? Wow.
You misunderstand me CIAnon…
Getting caught was always part of my plan
Oh fuck you're right it's just four days til the slam jam.
I'm really hoping it's just a kraut putch and not actually WWIII.
That shit is pretty creepy if I'm being honest.
I'm out of the loop, what's that?
All I know is something is supposed to happen on the 16th of this month.
All we know is that it has something to do with the number 16.10.16, bloodied memes, and possibly the German right wing. Somebody spammed it all over the site about a week ago.
why is something supposed to happen
so its nothing
Because it's 16.10.16.
How did we not see this
It's probably filthy LARPers.
But it's also true that in NWO magic, you have to give the target a credible warning before you're allowed to attack.That's why I can just never give this shit ZERO credibility. For every hundred false alarms, one is an orchestrated campaign.
Shit that's a helluvah spooky merchant.
Could have sworn I had seen them more than a week ago, but perhaps I'm mistaken.
Oh I remember that now.
It's likely just krautshit
>>>/dak/ is weird
It's probably that and someone working on the inside of their campaign against Hillary. We all know how afraid Slick willy is of her, imagine how terrified her staff is, maybe she put some redditor out of college on her team and he's now crashing her campaign with no survivors because she's a complete cunt to him.
I can dream user, can you?
2 possible reasons
2 is more likely
because they try to avoid karmic consequences. they are terrified of what happens after death because they know their actions are perverted. they think forewarning people absolves them of guilt. it doesnt.
His Yahoo account name is podestajohn.
That is the scariest yid I've ever seen.
Lucky. On a quiet day I get over 100. When it gets busy I get almost 1k…
This is actually real? It made news.
Yes, I personally witnessed it. It stayed up for about twelve minutes, before they took it down.
>Operation Google came up right in time so that these faggots could observe us in action
I seriously hope none of you faggots thought that it was in any way real
Wait do you guys really believe the NWO gives jack shit about such fringe things?
What Milo said was in line with his character and as for PJW, doesn't seem comfortable saying those things. You can clearly see how he's not his usual self there, and I can see reasons why - on the other hand, he does stellar work so I totally understand there are… contractual obligations he can't escape.
If he wanted to he could break those. Infowars going after him in court would be devastating to their brand and ruin them.
What did she mean by this
Did halfchan finally get tired of taking it in the butt hole or did they really ban 100 people?
Why wait until November 1st?? DO IT NOW. At least do it before the 3rd debate.
Don't log into any of his accounts if you don't know what you're doing unless you want to go to prison.
based slav
Infowars might not be the one "going after him". He might be keeping his obligations because he doesn't want to screw it for Infowars.
Just put yourself into other people's shoes, dammit. Infowars is not some big media powerhouse, if they lend you a hand and you can do good, you'd listen when they say "please don't invoke the wrath of the Jews upon us". It's entirely plausible they don't want to touch anti-semitism because they'd be fucked if they did.
You can openly be a flat-earther chemtrailer vegan but criticize the Jews and you're royally fucked.
There's not going after the kikes, and then there is peddling Nazi takeover conspiracies. Say what you will about the validity of those possibilities (some people say Op:Paperclip led to a shadow government which gained control of US Fortean and advanced research), but any sane man would be cheering such a development.
That's how you know when you are dealing with frauds, when they fall in line with the kike propaganda instead of just being defensively silent about naming the kike.
so let me get this right.
Atleast some of the upper kikes are considering possible starting ww3 with russia, just to distract the world from hillary's emails and meme magic?
holy fucking shit.
Yes, and checked.
bumping for incoming info
Who are these based fuckers?
kek, Watson knows no one is buying his argument, you can see it on his face, it says "fuck off with that bullshit you know I'm a goy I can't just say Jews run everything and keep my job"
Holy shit all these happenings, God really is with us.
One of the anons sent a pepe to everyone in his contact list.
That's the same position a lot of people in the jewish press are in. No excuse.