How to get a girl to love you

How to get a girl to love you.
I don't even want sex, I just want to feel loved, to feel that Im important for someone

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Women are incapable of feeling love in the same way a man feels live and vice versa.

I don't know. I have never ever..

You have to trick women to be wives nowadays. Best way is by hard s&m.

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holy fuck that pic

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you are the definition of a cuck

Either be her son or

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Take care of her kids when she wants to go out and do secret woman business, that she'll snapchat to you anyway,

ā€œIā€™m not asking to be raped!ā€

Change this and I might listen.

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be lovable

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Don't bother, if that is what you desire you're better off dead.

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I've had multiple girls absolutely fall head over heels for me and in the end I ripped their heart out one way or another. My method for getting girls to love me is a multiple prong attack.
First- be passionate about an extreme sport/board sport. For me I surf every day and it shows.
Second- be in shape and good looking. Dress stylishly. Note that stylish doesn't necessarily mean fancy or formally.
Third- know good music. I know a lot of girlie indie bands like Now, Now and Purity Ring. Get to know a lot of chill hop and vaporware with some retrowave thrown in.
Fourth- be able to have artistic ability. I draw manga. I'm pretty alright at it and being able to give a girl one of your drawings as a surprise when things are going well already in my experience makes them fucking gush affection.
Fifth- learn another language. I'm working on my Japanese
Sixth- be funny. Constantly spout memes tastefully and like a 17 year old millennial.
Seventh: Act intelligently when it applies. Hide your power level about all things non normal unless they also bring up common interests. None of the girls that fell in love knew I was secretly a Holla Forums tard and a Nazi sympathizer.
Eighth- optional but try to visit mental hospitals and/or narcotics anonymous meetings to meet girls with daddy issues and stuff. In my experience this is where I shine the most.
Ninth- be endlessly confident and don't be apologetic. Always be looking for a bright future and actively engage in steps to achieve it. Act satisfied with yourself.

A recent experience- one that I'm currently riding out rn-

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Pic related: its her on a visit the next day after I left.

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Dedicate 1/100th of the effort this nigger puts into things to acquisition of wealth and pay for cheap whores that will do all of the same things just as well. Keeping in mind that women are not actually capable of love - merely infatuation with your available resources (if any).

You make her dependent on you in every regard and to the absolute degree, be it emotionally, financially, sexually, and so on. That is the only way to secure a woman's loyalty and devotion.

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that's what i want more than anything. In the end, you have to realize that women don't love in the same way that men do.

Women, biologically, need to seek out mates with power, because they need security and food in order to bring a baby to term, as well as the resources to care for it after it's born. That's why women fall in love with the most powerful men they can get their hands on. When a stronger, more powerful man comes along, the girl will start to desire him. Not saying they'll cheat, but it does happen.

In the end, you can never feel loved by a woman. Not in the way that you expect to love. She will always be thinking about other men and the power they have and she will likely stop loving you. The only way to remedy this is to do what every man with power does; viciously fight for money and power and increase it and increase it without mercy. Like those investment bankers before the depression. After they lost their money during financial collapse, their wives left them for richer men and of course the result is those men killed themselves. They relied too much on women and it burned them.

It's sad and very depressing. I know nobody is owed love, but I just wish the world were more fair. Sucks.

That shit dont work in the west, is called slavery.

Being a nice person tend to work.

good one

Your story sounds like the plot of a cheesy romantic hollyjew film.
screenshooted and saved anyways, those 9 tips at the top could be useful for me with the exception of being good looking.>>7833879

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If the girl won't have sex with you, she dosen't love you.

You gotta give her the Briseis treatment. Stockholme syndrome and trauma bonds create the strongest attachments.

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Thanks Dennis

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I have all of those except the artistic attribute, the mental hospitals optional and the confidence and the funny attribute beguz assburgers :DDdDD. I am extremely shy and not confident at all. I'm not in bad shape, I dress myself well, hide my power level, etc. And yet I fail at the simple task to get someone to love me. Maybe it's because I waste every opportunity when one of the opposite sex shows interest on me.

How do I become a smooth, suave taller without sounding like a stuttering mess? Do I randomly engage in small chitchat with other people? What if I feel disgust and hatred when talking with most people? am I too edgy??????

Spy on them untill you have some dirt. Then black mail them into oral sex, later using the pictures of said blowjob to black mail them some more. Continue training them for a 1 year, while degrading them until they are to broken to leave you.

I mean you have to re evaluate your goals. If your goal is to get some un normie social outcast gf then don't change. Just attend narcotics anonymous meetings or outpatient CBT groups. You'll find em. But be careful cause you have to sort out the truly crazy ones from the just un normie ones or else its going to be a rollercoaster of a relationship. I made a joke to one of my exes the other day. She sent me this short vidya of a guy catching a really savage wave. I replied with "nice wave" and then proceeded to say "I like my relationships like I like my waves. Fast and hollow" Lololol and that's true. Most of them have been. But some of the girls fall HARD and its a good feel. So be warned learn to diagnosis bitches with minimal interaction. You don't want anything cluster a or b. No no no. If your goal is to date normies then you literally have to become a normie. At least to them I suppose. I used to have crippling social anxiety but through with just constant repetitions of talking to people and going to raves a lot you learn how to be social. Look. I don't care what anybody says. You can learn to be social. Its a science. So is being funny. Study it. Get good. Neuroplasticity is a huge thing. If all that is too much work like I said re evaluate your goals
Pic related the joke I made to my ex

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t. virgin

Yeah I think I might need to reevaluate my goals, thanks user.