Why are catgirls so attractive Holla Forums?

Why are catgirls so attractive Holla Forums?

Attached: maxresdefault (2)

Other urls found in this thread:


Your pics are shit though. Rehabilitate yourself with better stuff or stop posting them at all.

Attached: 1514595649-4.jpg (850x1360 170.42 KB, 118.87K)


You know why, /leftyporker/.

What are you talking about?

Your pics are way shittier than OP's tbh.

Either low effort with no background and shitty shading, or western style dregs, or anime snapshot, or ONE SO DUMB TO HAVE ONE EAR BITTEN OFF. Do you know that only male cats fight in the mating season? How the fuck would she lose half an ear?

Attached: 8605319.jpeg (716x570, 58.52K)

People who sexualise cat girls deserve to be killed. Cat girls are nice and our friends. Use something else to jerk off you fucking bung holes

Which one is that?

Which one is that

Does that make it bad?

By getting it bitten off while fucking, I guess.

Which one is that?
Descriptions go from last to first, brainlet.

It makes it low effort. If it's anime, then at least post a webm.

See pic.

Attached: nani.jpg (242x163, 19.26K)

Post better ones to the benefit of all of us.

Attached: bait chen.jpg (320x320, 25.29K)

Attached: aad6360c329ebe48bd81a57c858fabff8a69c82a.jpg (315x300, 11.15K)

Is that supposed to be commiecat? Because every other pic I've seen shows her with black/gray hair.

Attached: commiecat1.jpg (1385x1948, 1.39M)

Attached: [24113260] Naso4.jpg (1200x800 483.21 KB, 674.88K)

Webm or animated gif.

Because you put them on a damn leash.

So? Show your good taste for once.

Attached: himari.gif (312x400, 306.89K)

there's more than one

Attached: Cat.PNG (397x260, 57K)

Attached: 920df293dddf3e4eaab591d084eac43f4b24244a2c038fee854f04b1919c39d6.jpg (1500x1059, 409.28K)

Attached: b1bf63b30caf21c2adeea378b8cb503b294c67d5eaa220d49a091a6b59cbdbb8.jpg (1311x2000, 1.05M)

What do you mean? More than one commiecat? How many are there?

Attached: b1bf63b30caf21c2adeea378b8cb503b294c67d5eaa220d49a091a6b59cbdbb8.jpg (1311x2000, 1.2M)

so this is the power of leftytard shitposting

there were some for subideologies and possibly for non-leftypol, but I don't know if they caught on. that blonde one did, but I don't know what she represents


yeah i thought they liked pigs tbh

Attached: pig.mp4 (480x360, 1.9M)

Do catgirls BRAAAP?

Do you know where that pic is from?

Really? Would you allow leftyporkers to appropriate catgirls for their sole use?

Attached: smug_memecat_2.gif (260x325, 62.17K)

check the booru
pretty weak catgirl

now this is a proper catgirl

Attached: __cheshire_cat_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_j_k__0116128e9808d6ef4a18ebc475fc628f.png (800x800, 368.19K)


Attached: double catheaded dildo.gif (960x540, 1.94M)

Holla Forums does have the best catgirls tbh

Attached: 86c28377f766a90481e6e80ba097b1a1ba68fa70c63aa330a7b4993960a828d5.png (804x906, 241.09K)

This is burnable trash, just like the one I'm posting now.

Attached: 475px-Felinid_Guard.jpg (475x600, 32.93K)

Even their catgirls are cringey, why do modern communists exude so much autism?

Attached: trannypol.jpg (2611x1690, 587.53K)

fucking source

Attached: reverting control.PNG (449x585, 152.43K)

It's signed.


Just try dousing it in gasoline and set it on fire.

Somehow, Holla Forums managed to become even more cringy than even I had imagined it could be.


More Alunya/Rodina pics pls

Attached: spaghetti rodina.jpeg (629x414, 80K)

The fuck is that shit? I want lewd pics of commiekitties. Preferably of commiekitties crying or being dominated.

Because they're like cats you can fuck, but they're 2D so they're actually cute and nice to have around.

Mine keeps the rats out of my grain and loves to curl up on my lap every night and purr herself to sleep. Sitting in front of a fire on a cold night with a cat on your lap and a bottle of bourbon by your side is comfy as fuck.

Sitting there with a catgirl on your dick would be even comfier.

Please have some standards

True, but since my cat is not a catgirl I have to settle for 3dpd. Until someone perfects genetically engineered catgirls and I can make myself my very own commiecat to abuse and keep locked up in my basement, 3dpd are the next best thing.

some 3dpd are almost as good though, like that jew runt some guy made a board about

Attached: d5138b6f8d90c20124e33dc350498a1047109d2631c000e1f89476be9f43696b.jpg (1117x1800, 765.45K)


Attached: 1564.png (809x1000, 579.73K)


Attached: 5126a97a735cd25d541070633925825e095b8ca163909ee0943ea5090a4b34a7.jpg (1509x1800, 1.68M)

Why are we not funding genetically-modified Loli Catgirls?
They are pure, loyal, noble, obedient, caring - and being Loli's they enjoy breeding, without the whole messiness of actually able to get pregnant.

You have shit taste.

I don't give a shit about any of that. Just give me a commiecat to fuck in half and beat the shit out of/emotionally abuse, and I'm happy.

Attached: holdherdown.png (1148x720 301.34 KB, 497.53K)

Deep disappointment.

Attached: 1453422556483-0.jpeg (453x435, 15.94K)

i guess i'm starting a catgirl folder now

U make your waifu sad saying such things, user


If I make her sad enough, will she cry?

This has got to be the most cringiest thread I've seen in a long time and I've see some shit. The only half decent content is from
everything else belongs in the trash. In fact, pic related describes everyone else that doesn't enjoy this. B-but user, don't you know it's all in the "eyes of the beholder"? If someone told you a piece of turd was 'art' or that it looked good would you agree with them?

Wow you leftists are actually cancerous enough to make your own website dedicated to communist porn?

Attached: panel-30598533-image-1be89d409af6d1a8-320.jpeg (320x320, 24.54K)

Attached: IMG_20150810_151457981.jpg (4320x2432, 2.03M)

Attached: Marcille Hmmm.png (312x229, 22.85K)

Do you want me to help you with getting some more pics? It was me too:

Attached: mutant_discovered.jpg (600x480, 155.07K)

So… does the catgirl get raped? Or is that just an edit?

Rough sex is not necessarily rape. Some girls demand it themselves.

But it's more fun when they don't like it!

Probably an edit. That blondhaired guy is named Laius, not Lauis.

Leave it to Holla Forums to be this cancerous. Also your waifu a shit.

Attached: e82.jpg (500x718 560.18 KB, 532.98K)

Attached: get_a_load_of_that.gif (155x173, 948.96K)


Fuck no. I just want to hatefuck and torture their catgirl. Or catgirls, since apparently they've got several.


Attached: a1c7c9e0e25f381c92d94eda3ef9c9b9.jpg (1132x1081, 353.8K)


Attached: 68008859ead7db152f22bba28692c9c59eaf618c7493bca56d2c5e6feb583da7.jpg (700x800, 60.69K)

Honestly, that pic just makes me want to tear her up more. It depicts a shy, innocent person, and there's nothing better than making a shy, innocent creature scream and cry in pain.

Post more pls.

Politics orientated porn is god tier tbh

Attached: e7c06ddf25266f9c011c8da6dd7783da3fe5074e9356e7d4f0815cf1b9bda26b.jpg (2026x1433 198.71 KB, 785.9K)

Attached: f0fa6f40-5ae7-4545-8ad6-d5c8fc550943.jpg (1280x720 1.91 MB, 1.21M)

Thank you.
I will now participate in this thread

Attached: logo.png (2048x2048 2.8 MB, 307.22K)


Attached: 5df686850a9d1fe1a1f00bffd44d7bb6.jpg (1170x1080, 753.69K)

Commies are dumb



That's why they should be fucked raw.

Attached: 8f38d46e9defec11de53834f2e4da252bae3633bebb2aad6881cc3a7c2bce2dc.jpg (1321x1608, 500.38K)

you think you can fix commies?

Attached: laughs in nazi.jpg (177x180, 4.99K)


Who ever said my plan was to fix them? I just want to watch the ones that aren't completely unattractive squeal and cry in pain.

Attached: 1509216_10201785879342633_344264299_n.jpg (222x225, 9.27K)

Attached: 1515712419215.png (1500x2000 281.38 KB, 354.09K)

Attached: 867ae49279d81e83fff2d285395f4069c732a22c29ce87b2dd5c04d151ebe27b.jpg (2048x1536, 486.96K)

What the fuck is that shit?

Is this supposed to mean something?

Attached: 19552582_p0.jpg (600x800 129.01 KB, 226.47K)

Attached: 36347004_p0.jpg (2000x2800 60.21 KB, 2.45M)

It's art.

Attached: 46964584_p0.jpg (1076x1416 201.62 KB, 936.75K)

sure but you fags like to do the same thing with the other side

Attached: yande.re 62282 animal_ears cleavage iizuki_tasuku neko nekomimi seifuku tail.jpg (1000x1345 1.48 MB, 613.45K)

No Holla Forums, we post pictures of leftists who are so low-T they don't even look like proto-men. You post pictures of average-looking fat guys, because you don't realize that the reason these pics are funny is because the leftists in them are estrogen-infused faggots with less T than the average woman, not because they look ugly.

Attached: 6e519751d5f7c7fde180d3a099ec2ca40631edabdda29047b7ccfa5102fb7992.png (475x637, 584.2K)

never been to leftypol, I dont really even go on politic boards tbh
also most of those fags arent really radical leftists, they just like the symbolism and aesthetics similar to many neo nazis who are not even real natsocs

Attached: 0a0db5443039e6b1dfae7ff1d4e9cf0c698aa035d5523a0e9f305964925076db.png (815x1462, 1.58M)

Is that horse taking a dump on her face?

Because you are a mentally ill faggot.


Attached: catgirl war_on_drugs_3.jpg (678x960 65.39 KB, 61.09K)

Attached: appalling.gif (434x444, 480.14K)

Why do they always draw their cat with red eyes? Red is like the worst possible eye color tbh.

Take that back.

Attached: Len.(Tsukihime).full.93493.jpg (868x1227 194.03 KB, 530.39K)

Red eyes are shit. Your taste is shit. Your waifu is shit.

Your opinion is shit.

Attached: Melty_blood_white_len_ending.png (640x480, 247.65K)

Red eyes are objectively shit. Just try to prove otherwise; you can't.

I thought we went over this


Attached: girlcat.jpg (507x503, 59.08K)

First post one argument why they are shit. And calling your opinion objective doesn't make it so.

Attached: bad homunculus, bad.png (800x672, 396.62K)

They're shit because they look weird. Yellow eyes are better for a catgirl.




Attached: 1014423.jpg (730x1050 64.16 KB, 69.71K)

Also see >>>/a/798698

Attached: 1014435.jpg (730x1050 84.49 KB, 87.36K)

Attached: 1014451.jpg (730x1050 85.73 KB, 84.19K)


Attached: 1014462.jpg (730x1050 107.06 KB, 72.61K)

Any color is good as long as it fits the character. And you have triggered all Reifags in existence right now.

Attached: 1422482166488.jpg (3480x2480, 2.23M)

Attached: 2069918.jpg (720x1050 462.16 KB, 473.54K)

Attached: 2069920.jpg (723x1050 466.86 KB, 500.04K)

Attached: 2069931.jpg (726x1050 474.55 KB, 495.84K)

Red eyes never fit the character though.

Okay then.

Attached: 1014355.jpg (732x1050 115.13 KB, 120.54K)

Attached: 1014379.jpg (732x1050 105.4 KB, 123.46K)

Attached: 1014395.jpg (732x1050 114.75 KB, 79.32K)

Attached: 1014409.jpg (736x1043 151 KB, 45.92K)

This guy is some dumbass kid from facebook who saves shitty lowquality less than 100KB images.
And now he's going to spam the entire thread with hentai.

Thread ruined unless he gets banned and his spam deleted


fucking newfags

Even a vampire, a demon or an albino?

Attached: nigga are you for real.jpg (402x548, 42.45K)

Is Alunya a vampire, demon, or an albino?

Is Len from Tsukihime the same as Alunya? Or is that a general statement, like "red eyes never look good on any character"?

Attached: __chaika_and_eris_asobi_ni_iku_yo_and_nyantype_drawn_by_saitou_masakazu__c8fc24624739a0a276cc6063f976a10a.jpg (5970x4090, 2.17M)

And commies always had the fixation on red.

Attached: 1460851640171.png (1000x720, 316.16K)

It's not effective when you write a paragraph explaining your point.

Cuz she is a commie

This from the people who write multi-paragraph "memes."

C'mon now user. Put your thinking cap on for a moment and think before speaking.

Not if you hide posts with that LQ hentai spam by yourself

sorry fam he killed it





Attached: 8166c21411006426109fd0348ac5a296ff2c174daf71bd8255dd851682c4b886.jpg (255x255, 20.06K)

t. easshole eater

loli is god tier.


Attached: 1504157526307.gif (491x544, 200.67K)

I like it when my cat girls come with a throbbing shaft.

Attached: futa catgirl1.jpg (608x1136 100.08 KB, 53.11K)



Nekomimi Elin aren't enough for you?

Maybe for ants.

We must petition the Federal Govt NOAW for funding for Genetically-Modified Loli Catgils

i thought this would be a veiled cat goddess thread, but it isn't. well done, Holla Forums. i'm proud of you

First one isn't a cat, more like a fox. The tail doesn't match.

Attached: kiyomi-gwiyomi.webm (1280x720, 8M)


Attached: Dancing anime girl (2).mp4 (254x326, 2.87M)

I'm sorry user, but this thread is dead. There will be no more cute catgirls. No more rapeable commiecats. No more fan-edited comic strips. No more futa catgirls. No more wholesome anime kitties.

In one of the the countless billions of sites on the internet lies a medium-size chan. And one of its threads, a small and insignificant catgirl thread, is now dead.

Attached: 636f7e39fcd47885c00d04cbc2032698b3f75c5c052a6a6e41b293868390d02a.jpg (855x521, 79.76K)

Attached: vdnrilo.jpg (500x827 87.89 KB, 68.68K)

Not a catgirl, but I had to.


Attached: 1428688595478.jpg (800x678, 230.92K)

Attached: looks clueless.jpg (500x450, 171.27K)

Mithra > Miqote tbh

Attached: furfag mentality.png (800x1131, 379.38K)

It was a fitting reaction image, that's all.

Attached: smugzuki.png (401x500, 266.07K)


Attached: rape2.PNG (927x573, 363.27K)

But that's not as fun as raping them with my dick.

Have you read both dialogue bubbles before posting?

Attached: puzzled anime catgirl.jpg (1000x900, 351.08K)

momji > nekomimi


Aya > Momji

they represent feminine submissive devine. worth worshipping, ive dated 3


Attached: We have ascended kaban.jpg (600x600, 54.73K)

Not mine but I found them.

Attached: chaos.gif (323x400, 179.37K)

forgot link



Not going to happen until the official moratorium on experimenting on human/human hybrid DNA and especially fetuses gets lifted.


Attached: plump neko suits.jpg (1600x1200, 892.86K)

Those are shit catgirls.


Aspect ratio doesn't make their tits bigger. You have shit taste tbh fam.

I am not the same user, i was just mansplaining how he uploaded child porn without nobody noticing it.

because cats are hot

Attached: Black_cats_blue_eyes_animals_desktop_968x648_hd-wallpaper-811986.png (336x280, 73.93K)

What are you a faggot or something?

This is the ideal catgirl. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: mBMz8nk.png (681x1100, 978.25K)

u ever see this movie?
sexy catman and cute catgirl are the main characters, it's awesome.

(Title - The Cat Returns)

Attached: 12041_1.jpg (728x409, 79.82K)

Why is Team Rocket making iShit apps?

that artstyle sucks ass

Attached: 5584485f5b4dd8f39e8187d865779996.jpg (720x800, 46.71K)

How does it "suck ass"?

i like the big titted version more tbh. Although i haven't seen much done of the second catgirl. Why is it there?

Attached: b1bf63b30caf21c2adeea378b8cb503b294c67d5eaa220d49a091a6b59cbdbb8.jpg (1311x2000, 1.2M)

Big nosed quirky girl tumblr art, one step away from Cal-arts.

Attached: d19aeb67968520f6b9a14279e2d50b21.jpeg (720x540, 147.03K)

How can you tell it's "quirky girl tumblr art?"

Bumpity bump.

Attached: 2hu softporn.jpg (900x1256, 121.59K)

What is that and why is it wearing an oversized flat cap? And why is it holding cash? And why does it have jaundice? And why is it wearing a bandana? I have many questions about that picture.

A filthy commie

Commie "fashion"

Symbolizes that it is a whore, like all commies

Shitty commie nutrition

Jaundice isn't caused by nutrition tho. It's mostly hep C.

where have the bee hips gone?

hep c?

Hepatitis C. A virus infection of liver.


Oh. So why was it mentioned ITT?

Because it causes jaundice. Read upthread again if still confused.


Now that I think of it, that pic does looks weird. Wouldnotfap/10.

Your art is shit and you damn well know that.

Attached: sample_b555fa9f8637c5763c2f7690bc1ecfe8.jpg (1000x1127 584.81 KB, 1.27M)

You just have to fuck the stupid out of her. Pounding her head into the wall a few times should work.

Attached: images (11).jpeg (177x285, 15.13K)

The art is shit and so are the posters.

Maybe the webcomic shit, but the stuff posted earlier ITT is alright.

Another day, another bump.

Attached: toujou koneko naked, black spikes.png (1920x1080, 1.22M)



Attached: 1506357956.gif (540x540, 317.16K)

Prove it

It's self evident.

Attached: koneko2.gif (500x281, 1.65M)

How so?

Attached: 001-02.jpg (681x1100, 286.7K)

I want to barf looking at that "artstyle" you have posted, for starters.

Attached: milf love.gif (500x281, 1022.5K)

But why?

Because it's a reflex?

Attached: 1459266564554.gif (600x338, 852.5K)

But what features of the artwork make you feel that way?

Does that matter? How eloquently can you verbalize your revulsion when asked?

Attached: felix argyle.gif (540x304, 1.79M)

I'm just asking why you dislike it so much.

Make a poll or something if you are so curious.

Attached: 1508232530.gif (426x373, 1.46M)

I just want to hear from you; surely you know why you don't like it.

Shaky lines, simplistic coloring and shading, ugly mugs with overdrawn noses and facial expressions that are anything but cute. Maybe there is more, but these are the most eye-catching.

Attached: bouncySmug.gif (373x480, 1.29M)

Attached: wgldmgnveho01.jpg (1638x2048, 400.21K)

Less talking about shitty leftist art, more talking about beating shitty leftist catgirls' heads against the wall until they're nothing but a bloody mush.

Attached: 8f38d46e9defec11de53834f2e4da252bae3633bebb2aad6881cc3a7c2bce2dc.jpg (1321x1608, 500.38K)

Less talking shit, more posting catgirl pics.

Attached: gabriela.gif (400x533, 1.24M)

But those are all happy catgirls. I want to see broken, dismembered, crying catgirls.

they're really not tho

And if it's a cosplay?

Attached: 1399672140002.jpg (620x916, 137.89K)

You are a minority, and will be treated as such.

Attached: 1453781109904.png (1358x1200, 1.09M)

Is there no place where a good, honest catgirl aficionado can get pics of damaged commiecats?

All I need is a few broken bones. Maybe a major concussion and some missing teeth. Possibly semi-conscious. And preferably being held down and fucked as she burbles something about leftist theory.

I know one - your own handiwork. Now get to drawing.

If I could, I would have done it myself already.

Is that difficult to add nekomimi and cat tail to already existing ryona images?

Attached: rin_tohsaka_vector_ver_2_0_by_xen84.jpg (1500x2000, 214.02K)


But those aren't of Holla Forums's board-tan. That makes it special.

The only alternative then would be putting a drawfag on a commission to make these commiecat pics you crave. Good luck and deep pockets, you'll need them.

Attached: ahegao11.jpg (536x593, 133.47K)

Why would I need deep pockets? It can't be that hard to find a good drawfag. I saw one on Holla Forums that was practicing drawing shit that was doing it for free.

Then what are you still doing here? Admiring cute kittens?

Attached: cute kitty.jpg (721x1000 63.92 KB, 442.03K)

No, I'm praying to the gods of Holla Forums that the user that drew the original commiecat pics a few months ago will grace us with his presence.

I've always wondered what a genetically engineered catgirl would think about actual cats.


Attached: 68008859ead7db152f22bba28692c9c59eaf618c7493bca56d2c5e6feb583da7.jpg (700x800, 60.69K)

Stop posting the same pic again and again. I don't want this feel.
I'd hug her tightly and whisper "How could I make you smile?"

Attached: 1508986093.gif (500x284, 320.51K)

What do you mean, "posting the same pic again and again?"

Attached: 68008859ead7db152f22bba28692c9c59eaf618c7493bca56d2c5e6feb583da7.jpg (700x800, 60.69K)

I would do the same thing, then beat the shit out of her, choke her, give her a good hatefuck, and then gouge her eyes out.

I would give her a soft kiss on the forehead and thank her for being a good cumslut before I left her to cry herself to sleep, though.

Attached: download (7).jpeg (226x223, 5.78K)



I'm honestly curious. How could you not only want to hurt a cute catgirl like that, but get off to it?

Attached: zucc.jpg (600x846, 114.99K)

Because her screams and sobs would make muh dik hard. It would be orgasmic to just hold her down and watch her writhe and whimper in pain.

Because they aren't niggers.
until a fgt kike makes it a nigger


Attached: Nicolas Cage smokes crack! ( 360 X 540 ).mp4 (540x360, 12.49M)

Attached: 800.jpg (800x567, 89.09K)


The opposite of gay. Sexual abuse is strongly associated with gay parents and violent abuse with lesbian parents.

Well I haven't seen that movie.

What does that have to do with anything though?

*Sexual abuse of children