The Young Hillary Diaries
@Night_0f_Fire tweeted this out. it took me a minute to realize this wasn't satire
this is 100% real. They are not trying to mock Hillary, this is propaganda FOR her.
The Young Hillary Diaries
@Night_0f_Fire tweeted this out. it took me a minute to realize this wasn't satire
this is 100% real. They are not trying to mock Hillary, this is propaganda FOR her.
Other urls found in this thread:
lol what a fucking fat sack of shit
That was…. bizzare
They forgot giant nerd glasses.
and dyed hair
I really want this to take a dark turn
where she sucks off the principal for good grades and everyone finds out about it.
but I Know it will never happen
When are they going to do this episode?
I can't wait until they put that chubby slut into some lesbian porn.
$10 says she's already done porn
I'm dying at that tweet. Reminds me when someone spotted Turtles alone in an airport and snapped this shot. So sad.
Yep. More stronk womyn propaganda. Someone should edit this video. And replace clips of the flashfowards to horrible war footage from the middle east, her chuckiling and defending a child rapists, her calling blacks super predators, etc etc. Turn this propaganda machine around.
Nice find, user. Hillary the lolcow
why is she so fucking fat
Top kek, of course Sam would tweet this out, the madman.
Can we turn this fat cum dump into a lolcow somehow? Anyone got a name on this oversized phallus chalice?
Reverse search image on google might get some results, I'm going to try.
sage for test, I need to put the image here first.
No results, just some crap about the blond hair color and some hair dye.
Wow low-T beta virgin you just can't handle a real womyn.
Jessica Cabot
looks like she's been working in hollywood since at least 2007. There's no way she hasn't done porn. still looking…
Why do women like that even exist ?
For some reason I think that's a great statement.
I sometimes feel bad for him.. Always in the shadow of his brother, probably seen as the weird kid in school. Nigga satisfied with a mexigo chick cus he couldnt get white pussy.
Is this what a cuck looks like when they get old? Is his kids even his?
Hey /r/Cuckold here. I have been told by many that Holla Forums is a place where the term 'Cuckold' is used in a derogatory fashion and I'm here to set the record straight. Being a cuckold is not a bad thing and isn't something to be ashamed of. It is essentially an agreement between two consenting adults in which the male agrees to let his partner have sex with other men for the enjoyment of the couple. Why do you oppose a consensual agreement between two adults Holla Forums?
At the end of the day no matter how many men my wife has slept with she comes back home to ME. Even if she gets pregnant with another man's child I will take care of it because I love my wife and I'm not intolerant and hateful like you sad racist fucks. Stop talking about us cuckolds as if we are bad people.
Maybe he's not a people person.
Gr8 b8, but you don't use enough reddit spacing.
had to see if it would work here
people are too smart here.
Nice quads.
Nice LARPing. For a second I thought I was really reading a post from Wil Wheaton!
She's 28? I thought she was 16 at first
Holy shit. I've seen Deviantart fanfictions with less embarrassing Mary Sue characters.
and lesbian "experimentation."
>This meant to make her look good
>This is not parody
>This was endorsed by her cuntship
My sides have discovered an M-class planet near Alpha Centauri.
I love how the left is so rife with cronyism that it has become filled with people who are completely incompetent at their jobs.
This video is supposed to be inspiring, but it ended up being cringe-y as fuck, and it makes Hillary look like an annoying loser.
She aspired to play a fat criminal lesbian!
Does she look like a fat kike to you?!
What did she meme by this?
Does anyone think women aspire to be fat cunts with no friends? Aren't Lifetime originals usually about attractive rape victims? Will Ronald Stump grab Young Hillary™ right in the pussy?
Honestly, if I saw Jeb alone I'd take him out for a beer. He's a traitorous bastard but he's a sperg like us.
tbh I am 90% sure I've seen her in the background of "clown french maid" porn
offensive. Young Hillary was a QT
I cannot believe that is an actual genre of porn
Lifetime shows mandate virulent man-hating so our boy Stump will probably be delivering all manner of GB2Kitchenisms.
There's something anti-sexy about her. It's probably that she has this short, stumpy body she never uses for anything but eating pussy. It's like a very convincing fake of a real woman.
When Hillary Clinton was a qtp2t, she supported segregation. Jewish lies and her failure to find a husband led her to become an ugly bitch bent on destroying all that is good in the world.
Her greatest strength is her belief in nothing. Thankfully such spiteful all-out social war cannot last forever - it's going to be her undoing, too.
Jeb is our Darth Vader: distant from his own clan and generally not well-liked, he will turn on them if provoked far enough by extreme circumstances, even if he has to die for it.
In the past year this would've pissed me off immensely, but right now it's making me laugh my ass off
the real young hilliary was much better jailbait
he was going to prostitutes
How did she go from supporting re-segregation to wanting to import millions of mudslimes and illegal beaners? I know people change, but that much?
All she ever wanted was to do was make money without having to actually work.
Did goons write this?
omg… that video is so cringy as fuck.. when will they learn??
Oh hey its made by lifetime… The same show that airs dancemoms the pedophile show… Why does this not surprise me…?
Its funny, because when she was young she was a republican, actually a beuty pagent try hard until she decided to face reality when she found out she was an ugly wench. Like most females that find out they are ugly, she became a marxist.
send it to brazzers!
Pretty sure it's a 95% chance you'll find porn somewhere now.
I'd take even her first!
you'll never guess! Hint: Shillary galpal
I don't think he'd fit in even there. Somehow the ultimate loser sprang forth from the loins of such a powerful dynasty. Reminds me of King Edward.
It's almost like she's a woman.
She kind of looked like Laci Green.
Is this a prequel to House of Cards?