Is Vulkan the future?
The end of directx
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vulkan is the now
No, because the open source community has nothing like Visual Studio. Visual Studio is the best IDE out there and Microsoft's stuff integrates really well together. Enterprises like those kind of turn key solutions. Vulkan is a pain to setup compared to DX 12.
Vulkan will fail in the market because it does not have built in telemetry for automating screencaptures of the user's desktop and uploading them to the command server in the background. Windows® 10 does, therefore it is better.
I don't get why you compare Vulkan to DirectX. Isn't it supposed to replace OpenGL? Also, Vulkan is a graphic library (like OpenGL), while DirectX handles a encompasses a bunch of other things like controllers, right?... I'm confused. What IS this thread?!
Vulkan is the future of cross platform graphics libraries that are faster. Use SDL2 if you need cross platform sound and controller/input.
Fuck directx3d 12. It is a peice of shit. The rest of the directx library is alright if you are only targeting windows.
nah son. I have used both extensively. Codeblocks is low-test buggy and amateur. I respect the work and the long running history. But VS's debugger views and easy reasonable stl messages along with matrix and vector debug displays.. nothing touches it. In fact, I consider QtCreator far superior to Codeblocks. Do you even code son?
a red herring? what is getting work done son?
ok pajeet. you have shown your true colors. Go back to Eclipse javafag.
So Sublime? yeah OK. not 100% shit taste I guess. Oh wait that's pay software. You know, because it's worth it. Stay mad :)
You mean GLFW right? and PortAudio. fuck, you really don't code.
It's actually very good. Probably as fast as Vulkan, as is OpenGL 4.2+ if you use the features correctly. The new drivers are good (on Windows, hahah stay mad Linux faggots) Vulkan shovels more of the burden onto in-house coders. Given the current landscape, not a good thing.
Not necessarily; nearly everyone uses middleware, so it means only Unity3D, Autodesk, Unreal, and a few other vendors porting to Vulkan would cover 95% of use-cases.
I take your point. I think the situation isn't quite what you think though. Any company servicing a large user base (Unreal & Unity for instance) will still be building a swiss army knife renderer. Vulkan isn't going to matter much. No one using these frameworks really cares all that much about performance. They care about speed to market.
In the case of some special-purpose applications, well now we are talking about the situation I was describing. A whole lot of mediocre coders under extreme schedule pressures with half their team outsourced to street shitters. Oh yes. Vulkan will be used. The horrors we will see.
Indeed, hence my original statements. They were meant for autists, not code cutting pajeets like yourself who need copypaste functions from VS and can't use gdb to save their lives.
Do you even Vim? Why are you paying for software at all when there is foss? Which in most cases means higher quality tools that you can fix yourself if you aren't a pajeet?
Donate to the creators of the software if you want to pay for it that badly. They sure could use the support instead of paying (((pajeet hireing, code cutting, and multi-national companies))).
No. If you want to know how to make something that'll still be playable in 15 years (unlike Halo 2), use something that's lasted 15 years. That means OpenGL/Vulkan+OpenAL+SDL.
What op probably means to say is direct3d 12, which is the 3D API bundled with directx that vulkan is competing with. Vulkan is right now a better API because it supports OSS operating systems but for a game company that only targets the latest consoles and windows 10 it's a toss up. Vulkan is right now doing very well as all modern graphics cards support it, and many projects have adopted it (android, unity, idtech 6) , so it is the future and it's not going away. It has already fully established itself as a viable API because of the driver and multi platform support, and adoption is going well.
Thanks for the clarification.
< This is what the Microserf actually believes.
Always amused by this since 'Enterprise Software' has got to the worse goddamn software in existence. Please do continue to shill garbage for morons at extortionist rates while touting your dying platform.
I can smell the poo from here.
Nice insults but Visual Studio can't be beat. Vulkan could have been relevant if Apple decided to support it but now will be relegated to back end thing in all the game engines. DX 12 will take market share because of Microsoft.
Vulkan is going to be supported by the gaming consoles and countless smart phones. What makes you think that the games on these platforms will have no effect on games on the desktop?
But Visual Studio will always be the number one choice by game studios and therefore Vulkan will lose.
pretty sure AMD mantle is going to be the future
So they're taking away all the control from you for the sake of convenience™
I'm glad we can get rid of C and C++ for good now that Python exists goys.
Vulkan is a superset of Mantle
Wow. I'm not gonna tell you to kill yourself for this low quality contribution to the discussion, man.
But you should consider it.
< literally the only thing that exists apparently
< wew
Its like its year 2000 all over again.
Not until Apple decides to replace Metal with Vulkan. I'll let you guess if it will happen or not.
I consider VS and Qt Creator the only useful IDE's in existence. But don't see the world with an open mind and evaluate open source software for what it is. stay mad. keep using third tier tools.
Vulkan is the continued development of mantle after AMD gifted it all to the Khronos group you mouth breathers.
You have smaller APIs because you control more of what the GPU actually does.
As soon as enough devs learn the ropes and make enough effort to adopt it
First, Vulkan is an open specification. Unless you use Mesa drivers or a software renderer, most implementations are from proprietary drivers.
Second, what the fuck does a bloated IDE have to do with a rendering API?
Third, the LunarG Vulkan SDK Just Werks™ out of the box, along with validation layers and RenderDoc support.
It is the future, Mantle is now Vulkan and DX12.
That's literally what it's for. It's target audience is the graphics team at a large company, i imagine that makes it much more bearable.
Vulkan is based off amd mantle. It should be thought of as a successor to the mantle API . You technically aren't wrong because of this.
Im interested now. I have a Ryzen and a RX GPU AMD setup. How do I activate Vulkan? Cant see any installer for this...
You're so fucking stupid, you don't use an IDE to write games. You don't even have to change your code to get Vulkan with a UE4 game. With UE4 Blueprints, you don't even have to know how to code to make a Vulkan game.
I wrote a simple application when vulcan was just comming out, and found its api extreamly verbose and confuseing (compared to opengl). It might just be that I'm used to the opengl api, but I didn't like it much.
lol noob
What version of OpenGL have you used in the past?
You're just illiterate, Pajeet
I used opengl 3.2 and 3.3
Pelles c is better than vs, it implements the c11 standard while ms and gnu are still stuck on c99, and it looks and feels better to use than vs
I will agree that foss still has no good ide, luckily pelles c is freeware made by older Microsoft programmers , so it's not like the layers of shit Microsoft piles on now, its like the rock solid base
congrats on missing the point, OP
my company is implementing a full, specialized 3d engine in vulkan using visual studio. No particular problems so far (Except how green and clusterfuck vulkan is, but that is appliable to the last version of DX I guess) anyway you're speaking without having a clue.
IDEs are shit and keep you stupid. I'm a former IDE user and having started using naked tools and integrating it myself into (Neo)vim is like having taken off the training wheels off my bicycle. Sure, you will fall flat on your face the first few times, but once you get the hand of it you will never again want to put the training wheels back on.
You're almost there.
You faggot the engine won't run effectively on AMD proccessors because microscam gets paid by jewtel to make amd run slower using includes for each type of proccessor. Then there is the fact microsoft inserts telemetry into the header of the main program.
Atleast compile it using gcc or clang or anything besides microscams shit if you absolutely have to use the IDE.
Why the fuck would I want an IDE, I have vim. Even when I have to use VS (UI uses Unreal Engine lolol great idea boss) I use VsVim.
Emacs is shit. It's a bloated monstrosity of an office suite posing as a text editor.
Yeah, what would one actually call emacs? A proto-os of some sort?
Metahomoiconic Lisp Machine
An abomination before the eyes of G-d.
How do you subtract d from G?
You must be joking. Emacs is the only text editor written by FOSS Jesus himself: Richard Stallman, aka Saint IGNUcius.
It's D-G=3 in septadecimal