I saw a lot of Rust shills on tech. Finally, I decided to read about Rust on wikipedia (article written by Rust shills)

I saw a lot of Rust shills on tech. Finally, I decided to read about Rust on wikipedia (article written by Rust shills).
After reading, it turns out that Rust really is best, replacement of C++. I am not Rust shill or something, but it's a fact.
Holla Forums idiots discriminate and boycott Rust because it's new (they like old shitty things like assembly) and because Mozilla was involved with Rust.
Do you have any valid logical concerns against Rust? Post them

Other urls found in this thread:


wtf i'm a #rustmissile now

Well to each tool its purpose. Remember that inlining with assembly into rust can speed up certain operations. The compilers for rust are written in C or in assembly. C still has its uses in embedded in arcitectures rust does not have a port to yet. Otherwise rust ftw. Calling people idiots is not the way to convince people. Make technically sound arguements and show results of testing for various things. Like in security rust most certainly destroyes whole classess of bugs which can be verified. Sage for possible bait.

This bait thread is as weak as rust's standard library.

How to contradict yourself in the same sentence: the post

this is how the rust nigger mind works

If you had put punctuation on the end of your post it would have changed the meaning entirely

But you shill rust
-It's too young, very young.
-It's involved in politics instead of staying a tool for everyone.
-It's made by SJWs.
-It has a CoC.
-It's useful in only small case, there's no need to made an entire OS with rust.
-And already older memory safe languages exist.
Sage because this has been discussed to death and I want useful threads to be made.

Fully reasonable concern regarding actual production use today, but not an argument given the topic
Not an argument, even GNU is politics
Not an argument, most FOSS projects have SJWs
Not an argument
Bullshit and not an argument
Not an argument
You didn't

Actually, just because you say something isn't an argument, doesn't mean that something isn't an argument. Also, arguments don't need to be true, to be valid, The point of exposing arguments that you might deem "untrue" is for you to actually explain and discuss their wrongness.
all the arguments you proclaim to be invalid, are actually very valid concerns, you could explain why you shouldn't be worried by them as a counter argument, but that doesn't make the original arguments invalid.


I thought for a moment you were going to write a constructive blog on why you liked rust, instead of just calling Holla Forums retarded. This is your usual "it's true until you can disprove it" argument and nothing of real value.

Hi there, Holla Forums!
I'm Steve Klabnik, part of Rust's core team.
Ask me anything

Didn't the mods decide to contain the Rustnigger shills to a single thread a while back? What happened?

What are you planning to put in your inevitable suicide note?

lel, provide proof, and this conversation might turn interesting.

There's no official rust thread I think. Last thread got autoprunned? I can't find it. There are other threads that are arguablly excuses for rust users to shill their language. I would leave to the mods to decide werther ot not they should crack down on it. I think since the containment thread their rate of annoyinance has lowered since they KNOW they can lose lots of ground if they keep doubling down on their own stupidity

so what? it took c 20 years to get a spec
rust has separate module spec/implementation
opinions are not arguments
??? can you please use proper english?

i don't intend to commit sudoku

my tripcode is proof


This is how you spot brainlet

nobody cares about a stupid spec. stop sperging
kys tbh
kys tbh

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA is this nigger serious?
Oh, he's not serious, he's a fucking larping retard.
...probably a larping shill retard from india, even.

kys anti-rust shil

By your own responses you have already revealed yourself as an ignorant moron on a similar level to Rasmus Lerdorf. I don't even need to make an argument. Nobody qualified is going to be fooled by your shit.

why would you need one?
literally not an argument
even more non arguments

Sure mate, whatever you say.

Why do you look so different on each of those pictures? Are you some sort of lizard person?

Rust is so forced, like systemd and pulseaudio were.

90% of the complains seem to be about SJW, CoC, and community.

Is this bait?

Rust isolated as a language is probably fine. Most languages are.

I just don't need the features of Rust, because my compiler and static analysis tools can already do the same thing for my C and C++ code. It's problems that have been solved already. In my understanding Ada as a language has also solved to same problems, but I don't know anything about Ada and I don't care to. I'm an engineer not a programming language enthusiast.

There are levels of correctness assurance that neither C, nor C++, nor Rust can get anywhere near. If you ever find yourself writing critical must-work-100%-or-people-will-die code Ada/SPARK will be relevant to you.

Why do faggots like it?

that is 100% bullshit.c/c++ are terribly unsafe even with static analysis

You'd be horrified at what "or people will die" code looks like. Your car's ECU is unspeakable garbage written in C that barely runs, for example. It could easily throw you into oncoming traffic due to a bug and I'm amazed that hasn't happened, yet.

just run some static analysis and everything will be fine

Be amazed no more! It's already happened and already been subject to a lawsuit.

Please stop peddling a language that is exceptionally ugly, slow to compile and tedious to write.

You know why shit don't work, because you keep rewriting it in a new language everytime the buzz changes and you use frameworks that gets updated so often you spend most your time doing API changes to your code.

You are misquoting me. Is that deliberate? Did you just misquote as a rethorical trick? If you quote me you should quote me correctly:

You're the bullshitter. Why is Rusts static analysis (borrowschecker) and its code instrumentation better than what I can achieve with the same methods applied to C/C++? I get it you are a fanboy, but you're still a fag without arguments.

that is funny. you made your claim first and guess what? no arguments.

Sure it's just a claim.. you're not even trying to troll. Come on. You can do better.

C++ is still evolving, it has a lot of new features that make things safer, time to upgrade your gcc dudes. You also have static and dynamic analysis at your disposal. And at last, what kind of bugs does rust really prevent ? Buffer overflow, data execution, stuff you'd usually do to exploit a program and get some extra access, or is it just about crashing ? What if I'm writing an offline program that doesn't need any privileges. I make a bug that allows you to execute arbitrary code. First of all, that's my fault it should happen at all, second, it's an offline application, which means that it can't be exploited remotely, the user would have to exploit it himself and even then... what does he get ?
Holla Forums acts as if all software writen in the world is some low level kernel shit or server services that when exploited can do a lot of harm. It's important to do these things right, I agree, but not every piece of software is in this "risk" category. Does that make sense ?

It shouldn't happen at all*

Your corrected quote changes absolutely nothing, and nor should it when all you did was add the mention of code translators. There are still levels of correctness assurance that neither C, nor C++, nor Rust can get anywhere near. That is inherent to those languages.

I agree. They should stop peddling C and C++.

I've been learning Rust too recently. Must admit it feels bretty good.
The book (pic related) has some excercises, they really do help.

Holy shit.
Well said, though.

Hands down the worst parts of rust are these(in order):

1. Steve Klabnik
2. The CoC
3. The language is actually not terrible thanks to Alex Chrichton and brson carrying the rest of the social justice warrior faggots.


Rust is not safe.
Rust makes you gay.
You start to have gay sex with men.
You get AIDS.
You die.

Considering the book he's writing is the only reason rust is learnable, he's arguable the best part. He might be a cringelord but I'd still rather have him than some Holla Forums faggot.

They are still not arguments to me.
This is not an argument, every language at some point was young. This is a concern, but it's not an argument to answer the question "Can rust replace C++?". To put it simply, C++ will always be older than Rust, how old is old enough?. You have to take into account that the world moves much faster now than in the seventies. Hell, people are using C++17 in production and that shit it's newer than Rust.
Every popular thing today it's involved in politics, even C++ is included to a lesser extent. This is like saying you won't touch a computer because von neumann helped nuke the Japanese and you are weaboo. It's immature not being able to separate politics from tools at this level. A vegan not eating meat it's much more primitive and completely different from you not using a language because some trans in mozilla used THE PROJECT (Not the language) as a wagon to promote some SJW bs at some point. I feel like you are looking at 1% of the total of hard work that was put into the language, from SJWs and not SJWs alike. In simpler terms, you need to separate Rust the language from Rust the project, this goes hand in hand with the next part:
Like you said, it's not an argument because it's a FOSS project and it can be forked. It's not even possible for them to force you to do anything. They cannot even say "All code you write using this language must be under these restrictions forever", because it won't be FOSS anymore. CoC only affects GitHub drama and their repository, and they are free to do so, that's the beauty of freedom. If at some point, the main repository becomes a hindrance for THE LANGUAGE evolution, it WILL be forked into another project and the language will stay. Many smaller projects with fewer differences have forked in the past, and every single modern language has more than 10 dialects/forks whatever, so there is a precedent.

We more or less agree on the other two things, so I won't comment on that. But I'm going to say I'm glad you took the time to talk about this. It's good to have some lengthy discussion on Holla Forums.

can't wait for pozzilla to crash and die


they also are social justice warrior faggots.
btw brson is gone: internals.rust-lang.org/t/farewell-rust/5776




How about you actually use the language and draw your own conclusions instead of skimming a wikipedia article and shitposting?

if I didn't know better I would say this is some shitposter trying to make rust users look bad. but I think they really are this hilariously incompetent.

based on that beak, i think that much is obvious

my rust thread got locked. bump

die essentialist scum

I dislike rust because of its syntax and large output file size, but it does have alot going for it. I'd sooner switch to D though.

disable static linking

Not at all. The only thing it has is affine/linear typing, which is yet another way to ensure memory/thread safety and overblown as hell. It ignores every other safety, maintainability, portability, usability, etc issue and attempts to get by on the meme alone. In other words in reality it's an overhyped shitpile.


it is a very big thing
like thread safety? kys
rust makes large codebases very maintainable
llvm can target all relevant platforms

you are just a larper who wrote fizzbuzz in c and now thinks that everyone who can't write correct programs in c is a retarded pajeet. kys faggot

Most gay projects, user. A dev that wastes everyone's time demanding people tell each other white lies to make special snowflakes feel good about themselves is a dev that doesn't know how to evaluate another's dev's value and is more than happy to grant far too much power to detrimental elements in the community.

I am the only down-to-earth guy here who likes assembly. Most cuckolds here prefer functional programming garbage like Lisp.

From the context it seems you are a male, can you please describe in a little bit more detail how did that happen?

I mean, how can a female sexually assault a male, ever? males are physically stronger.
and if a specific male turns out to be weaker, then it only means he is a loser for life.


If he had defended himself, he would be labeled the aggressor and would be in jail now. Guessing here.

But why does he need to defend himself? In the worst case if a female tries to seriously fight him, he can run away easily because males also run faster, and this can't be labeled as aggressive even in theory.

HOLY SHIT! Rust has all the hot girls.

Putting Rust aside, I fucking hate how manginas try to push cunts and gynocentrism into every high prestige and well paying industry tbh. That's why I considered learning plumbing/welding/etc since it is not infected with this cancer ad most likely never will be. I fucking hate women with their incompetence, wickedness, slyness and all the other feminine character traits, I also hate manginas that glorify this shit and changed it into a social standard. At this point I'm starting to cheer for Islamic State tbh.

Look higher up than the betas. The Jews pushed for this as like all the other things they push for it fucks the white birth rate. Women delay childbirth to have a 'career'.

What if there's no where to run to retard?
Also, what if they grab you? Are you going to push back?

Then deal with it. It will end eventually.
well in this case you have the right to be scared to death

If I'm going to use a meme language, I'll use Guile.

Most likely it will eventually reach plumbing. By then plumbers will work in groups of equally paid plumbers, like four women and one guy to do the work.

I like the sarcasm and irony, pretty funny

Holla Forums was right. rust literally was made for pajeets.
i made a yuuuge mistake. i hereby disavow rust.


Ironic name, 'rust' generally being something with a negative connotation (undesired oxidation of reactive metal surfaces).

One of the big pushers of CoCs.

I mean, the whole thing smells cancerous. IF there's any good tech in it I highly doubt it it's a sad waste to have been wrapped by this cancerous shit.

can you stop spamming pls?

Open wide for a brown surprise!

I'm male. Sure, here are some details.

1- She used peer pressure to make me feel bad for not drinking, I'm a beta male nerdy guy, with low alcohol tolerance.
2- I was drunk and wasted and slighly depressed half sleep half sick in a foreign couch.
3- She was fit and tall as me. I work in a desk from 8 to 5. She was healthy and slightly toned I am not. She was clearly stronger.

What happened more or less: When some guy she was fucking didn't have the stamina to keep up with her fucking, the nimpho descended naked from her room and tried to impose her needs on me. I struggled because very little was keeping me from vomiting from alcohol intoxication, and because, well, as beautiful as she was she made me feel sick because she fucked everything that moved. Everything. Other people can follow the lifestyles they want, but I don't want those lifestyles imposed personally into me, thank you.

I struggled for five minutes, I voiced my rejection quite loudly, while she sat upon me naked and covered in sweat and other fluids, trying to ask her to stop. I found myself drowsy and confused under the alcohol and I couldn't simply manage to brush her of. It wasn't technically rape because she went back to her room when her previous "partner" seemed to call her back, for wathever reason, so, no penetration, no rape. (Still, I'm sure you can guess if it would still called just sexual assault if it was the other way around). Luckily (or not) He didn't seem to realize what she was doing.

In all this conversation, everyone assumes that this can't happen to a man. "how odd, that shouldn't happen, that might only be a corner case"(or he might be lying, that's what you're secretly thinking).

And that's exactly what I realized the following day. Not only popular opinion thinks "yeah women can do things to men but well, it's rare and they don't!" (even when statistics show otherwise) not only that, but also, I live in a country were sjws pushed insane laws that "protect women" against these kinds of abuses... but only women. To the point she could get free lawyers and ruin my life, even if I managed to win and she would get scott free. All of this made it simply not worth it to even complain. Any acussation I threw at her, would be without financial back up from the state, and she could turn things around and say I was the agressor, getting all the free help she wanted from multitude of multinational efforts to curb male toxicity, the press, and the government itself crafting laws that specifically (I'm not being hyperbolic, my country laws literally address laws of this kind for only one gender)

But you're right. When you claim what happened to me is odd and rare that is. The problem is that, the quantity of men suffering from this inconvenience isn't not much lower than the quantity of women inconvenienced. They don't actually deserve special threatment for their supposedly gendered hurdles. A generic effort against this kind of abuses would be enough.

Current popular CoC are not generic. Males and Whites and in general anyone that counters their narratives are not protected by them, furthermore, they're directly under attack by them for no reason at all.

SJW CoC are ugly, unfair, and the same kind of ruling that wants to appear inclusive and nice, while not being at all any of that. But if you look at the issue pages of the github of different CoC projects, you can see them planning to get "all those white supremacists out". I frankly don't think I'm a white supremacist for being white, nor a machist for being male. I don't think I'm a rape apologist either for having being sexually assaulted by a sick nimpho covered in sexual fluids. Yet, you can imagine how I'm treated by SJW as a narrative breaking white male.
For white males, none of the protections, none of the support groups and all the responsability.

Anyway, you can keep contributing to projects with a CoC. But I'll not. I'll do my best to undermine them and their CoC until they drop them.

The problem is I don't need to. I can do wathever I like, just as SJWs seem able to do wathever they like. You have to choose if you want to have my contributions, If you want to have my projects, or if you want to have SJW contributions and SJW projects. Sadly, it seems some people are too politically oriented and shitty and selfish, you want me to ignore SJW behaviour and linings with the project you like, but you seem unable to realize you're ASKING me to stop my own behaviour by doing this. Why not do it with SJWS too?.
This effort might mean you might not want to have my help, support, etcetera.

Ask yourself why you would want SJW help and support either then.

Thanks for the conversation, even if I seem to be extremely triggered by sjws, I also like that you tried, at least.

Sure, I'll be nice, these are my terms:

If rust threads and posts stop, I'll stop posting about rust.


But you weren't a man, you were a limp-wristed beta. Everyone fucks with those.

If you're building your shit on a platform controlled by SJWs, many of the same group that just used control of a platform to wipe stormfront and TDS off the internet, you're a moron. Think of how much you're trusting an implementation of a language and if they're trustworthy.

A fucking beta that will ruin all your rust threads as long as you dont drop the sjws. I suppose you want the free work of an entitled landwhale that screams in your ear "micromachism!" while her buttery fingers wave in rage just because you used incorrect nouns.

Nodev shill detected. I will continue to use fast, SJW-free ANSI C, thanks.

No you're not.
Looks more like omega male.
And nobody forced you to drink and attend that butt sodomy party, you knew from the start that you're a weak omega, so what the fug did you forget there?

stop victim blaming!!!!!
you are right though

which still places him above you, bumping the third goddamn rust thread on page one


All of Rust's problems can be solved by forking it and having your own community. There's nothing wrong with authoritarian compilers, anything you can't write in rust is something you shouldn't be writing in C/C++ anyways.

That's true in C/C++ as well, compiled languages aren't ever going to be absolutely optimal in every single bottleneck situation.
