How much do you think Nicole eats in a day to maintain such a voluptuous body?
How much do you think Nicole eats in a day to maintain such a voluptuous body?
3 horses, 5 gallons of soy milk and 1 truck load of serbian potatoes
How does one eat a horse?
Gotta keep those T levels high.
At least 30 kilos of worms and 15 small birds.
I know that if she was my g/f, she'd be losing weight weekly, from all the frantic sexual activity we would be experiencing together.
you know what i hate about Holla Forums? I can't look at a girl anymore without wondering if it's a trap. I fucking can't. Even when I'm in the /realworld/ i have doubts that the girls I see are even real. Fucking hell. Every time a girl posts a selfie my first thought is
I will never be able to look at women the same way again.
Just like you eat a cow. Is there some other way to eat anything than with your mouth?
You fat mick-looking fuck.
So that bird's name is Nicole? Nice name.
This is why trannies and homos deserve the gas. They are cancer on society.
why is that disgusting tranny next to this beautiful bird
Not enough.
The Tranny is back.
Nicole looks like a mick?
How much you wanna bet Nicholas ate that rat?
Is rat a codeword for pennis or estrogen?
It's a codeword for the giant rat in that pic that she probably ate.
I'd plow her into the ground
Well, OP. Let me answer your question with a question.
Why the fuck would anyone care? She's a stupid bitch, bitches eat stupid bitch things at unknown dumb bitch amounts.
How much blood comes out of her vag when she's on the rag? What does her crap smell like? How often does she fuck with her hair or makeup?
Are you going to form a fan club faggot?
Because Nicole is an important person.
how is she important. I'm pretty sure if she died tomorrow, i wouldn't miss her.
She was the leader of Gamergate.
Why is that important to me?
Because she was a valuable Thought Leader who defeated the corrupt media and ushered in a new age of freedom.
Awesome still don't give a fuck.
You know that importance is subjective? I doubt there is less than one handful of people on here who give a god damn about your waifu. Go fucking buy a pillow cover.
Anyone that says otherwise will be BEHEADED for BLASPHEMY!
Nicole literally saved the world. How could you possibly view that as unimportant?
literally who
One bite at a time, tbh
I thought I told you before, don't start Nicole threads if you got no new photos of the equine.
I see no proof that this person is Nicole.