What is this levels of Autism?
Dragon ball Z channels are now giving relationship and life advice
Other urls found in this thread:
Say it to my face worthless jabronie! I help my followers whenever I can give them a little piece of advice.
To all of my fans out there I will talk you again down the road.
BTW you can still have a 10% reduction membership on VRV vrv.co
He wanted to clash Emperor Big D.
Next time at a convention or at a WWE wrestling match just come at me bro, if you dare.
Dbz spics need to kill themselves.
Looks like we actually underestimated this guy's autism levels.
OK I must get it off my chest, I am sick and tired of the negativity in this community and especially people hating when someone who is putting the work out-there is successful.
>>>Holla Forums
Then, maybe you should leave, retard.
This is some genuine autistic delusion you have here. You really think the reason that people are mocking you is because they're jealous of your non-existent success?
Giving you some honest advice here, because I legitimately feel embarrassed for you, you should really go somewhere else that will be more welcoming to your kind, like Reddit.
If you really want to stick around here, then I suggest you avoid posting, because you're only making a fool of yourself by coming in here and trying to defend your painfully autistic youtube channel.
I didn't even think that your shitty videos by themselves were even worth mocking. But it's a whole different story when you actually come into this thread, making barely-coherent posts, whining about people insulting you.
And not only that, but you advertise your stupid promotional shit here, too?
You are pathetic. And I'm 100% certain that you genuinely have autism.
Nothing compared to OP and his love of cocks and cuckino.
Reported for spam advertising your promotional shit for your retarded youtube channel. Enjoy your ban.
Also reported for autism and general faggotry
I have over 200 000 subscribers!
I don't have autism!
Goes on /a/.
You not only have autism but are a colossal faggot.
Somebody without autism wouldn't need to reply to this. Somebody who wasn't a raging faggot wouldn't need to namefag.
Why so jealous? I am the best content creator on YT, you jelly?
Show some respect jabronies! I was there in the stadium for the WWF Survivor Series 1994, you weren't even born. What did you achieve in life? Nothing!
For once a celebrity dare to come on your image-board and you are all talking shit. Pretty sure it would be a different story IRL.
You think I am Jewish? What? because I make 12k a month on Youtube?
Really sad individual.
I am thinking of making a donation of 1000 Mexican Pesos to my local Holocaust memorial museum.
That will teach you a lesson in life.
I hate them for polluting image search results with faked screenshots.
Rest assured that at Geekdom 101 we are dedicated to giving people 100% accurate and reliable informations.
Don't they take credit for fan art?
I don't think this guy is joking. We are dealing with an actual mentally retarded person here. In his videos, he repeatedly expresses a lot of anger about people trolling him, and seriously says stuff like "yeah but they wouldn't say shit in real life, to my face." He's actually trying to be an internet tough guy. It's a common symptom of autism to be unable to cope with even the mildest forms of trolling or mockery, and that's also why he's autist-raging in this thread.
I didn't bother watching this guy's videos at first, but, after seeing him get completely assblasted and throwing an autistic tantrum in this thread because people are making fun of him, I had to see just how bad his videos are.. and holy shit, the autism was far beyond what I had imagined. I thought his posts in this thread might be a joke at first, until I saw his videos and saw that this guy is for real.
This guy makes hundreds of videos doing autistic analyses of every single episode of Dragon Ball Super, and is similarly obsessed with Star Wars and every shitty Star Wars spin-off (including the new strong empowered wymyn films).
And in true autistic fashion, he makes a ton of terrible photoshops of DBZ characters with lightsabers, and all kinds of other fanfiction-tier "crossover" stuff (including "WHO WOULD WIN IN A FIGHT, ANDROID 18 OR MS. MARVEL?" levels of autism).
He also has an autistic fixation on pro-wrestling, as you can see from his posts here.
Just look at the title of the fucking video, "Girls Don't Like Nice Guys MYTH DEBUNKED". The reddit autism is off the charts here.
Choice quotes for those who can't stand to listen to this autistic rambling (I can just barely manage it, it's very difficult to listen to):
>"The first thing you have to understand, and I'm totally not even joking right now, I'm dead serious, is that you have to respect women, and what I mean by "respecting women" in this instance, is that you have to understand that women are not stupid. Women can see through your bullshit.
And in the video he posted here, he's just raging about trolls, mainly about people spoiling Han Solo's death in The Force Awakens, kek.
This autist refers to himself as a "celebrity" because he has a (relatively small) following of autists on youtube, because he churns out a constant stream of autistic videos that appeals to other autists like himself. Yet, despite how he brags about his non-existent success and popularity, and that we're just haters who are jelly, you can tell he's very insecure about a few people mocking him.
Also, he's namefagging and making unintelligible gibbering posts all over the board.
The autism is strong in this one.
Alright folks, this is enough, this is really getting under my skin, the willful ignorance and this baseless smear campaign must stop. Everybody in The Industry knows that I am a hard working individual and this is why I have worked with every English voice actors in DBZ/DBS, I have contracts with streaming platforms, and yes I have built a strong following in the YT community.
This makes people anxious and envious when they see me, I have quit my IT job and you know what?
In less than 2 years my channel has amassed 84 982 779 views and 280k+ subscribers, I am now developing a second channel which is already successful.
Regarding Wrestling well it has been a passion of mine from day one, you can't be American if you don't like Wrestling. PERIOD!
I realise that I should not have come here because all my enemies are waiting at every turn.
But I just want to tell to every jabronies out there, that I am not going down without a fight. All I care about is my fans and my passion and if I can give them a piece of advice from time to time: I WILL!
Remember, life is a mountain. You're not here to goof off, you're here to climb that thing.
To all my fans thanks for the continued support and take care of each others.
Honest talk so even the naysayers will acknowledge the Truth.
Mods will allow this.
Wow you are one paranoid, delusional retard. You think that a few people making fun of you is part of some grand conspiracy? I legitimately just found out about you and your autistic jewtube channel from this thread, and the only reason I've bothered to reply is to directly mock you, because you're so insecure that you have to throw an autistic shitfit when some anonymous people make fun of how autistic you are.
And that's the key thing about this place is that it's an anonymous imageboard. Meaning that none of us have anything to prove, we don't have a reputation we're trying to uphold, we simply speak honestly because we know that nothing we say will count either for or against us.
You, on the other hand, insist on namefagging, you brag and act egotistical, you see yourself as a "celebrity", and you desperately list off all of your oh-so-grand achievements in a pathetic attempt to hand-wave away any criticism. It shows that behind this big ego of yours, you're extremely insecure, and your ego is actually quite fragile.
You depend on the praise from your autistic fanbase, and all of your other pathetic "achievements", to support this delusional view you've constructed of yourself and the world. And yet, even with the supposed massive popularity that you boast about, all it takes is a couple of anonymous guys mocking you to offend your fragile sensibilities and send you into an autistic rage-fit.
None of us care about how you've managed to gather a following of morons who are just as autistic as you. The fact that you obsess so much over your status and following shows that you are a weak and superficial person, despite how much you (and other normalfags) talk about "just being real, bro". You're fake, insecure, utterly full of shit, and most importantly, a fucking autist.
Everything about you screams "Reddit". So just go back to your youtube hugbox where everyone will asskiss you and never criticize you. You don't belong here, because you don't even have the tiniest bit of humbleness required to just discuss things anonymously like everyone else here. You have to try and drag your reputation as "LE BEST JEWTUBER WITH LE MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!" into everything because you can't give a decent counter to criticism leveled against you.
TL;DR You are an autistic reddit faggot. Kill yourself and do not breed.
Don't bother with them Big D they have been trolling on my channel as well. They have been asking me to build a wall, don't even know what's that mean :/
It means you need to go back to where you belong, weeabeaner.