No chads, no gods, no conspiracy. Its all a fabrication from our insecure twisted perception of reality that we formed as children.
We are cucked by fear
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The only cuck here is you, I'm just rolplaying.
No dude its real, it has peer reviewed research. Im not going to be oblovious of the truth and reject it again because it scares me. Its time to think about it more. What im really scared of. And why.
I like to be subscribed to right and left shows. They feel very real. Even if i disagree with most of what they say, they feel authentic you know?
The ability to discern threats and invaluable to survival.
*is invaluable to survival
You are retarded, fear is a normal human perception. If fear exists it is because it has been useful for the survival of the human race.
Having the impulse to defend your self through fear means must of the time you get to live when you face a bear or a snake for example. Beta faggots like the young cucks probably have the same fear response has goat: they freeze and play dead.
I have seen many beta freeze and shit themselves when they are afraid.
I fear nothing except Allah.
then you fear spooks in your head
What you said is pretty ironic, lol the study literally says we're more likely to see the negative and be overactive to stimuli that we PERCEIVE as dangerous.
And you're right i totally get that fear is important, but i think we have the wrong type of "fear" because running from a lion is different than running from a home loan. Humans evolved way too fucking fast for our instinct to catch up. There is a reason the most successful and wealthiest countries are the ones with a good community. With either patriotism or just a feel of empathy. You know?
Are you black?
No 60% white the rest Asian/Brazilian ish idk im a mutt
Conservative are also correlated positively with paranoiac tendency
No, empathy is specific to tribe like behaviour. Our civilization is based on realz>feelz. Our countries have more to do with opposing tribalism.
Patriotism = being a retarded cuck and accepting being controlled.
Let us make a thought experiment on mass immigration:
1.The liberal position is that (we take germany as an example) we let in millions of people that have no chance of getting a decent job, neither are they usefull to the country and they hold a worldview from the medival times.
2.We assume a "conservative" position which means we dont let them in.
So now you are basically implying that there is no "reasonable" position per se that is based on certain facts, but the only difference that should be taken into account is that we have different brain wirings which in that context means the position and reasoning itself means jackshit at all.
Is that why we allow illegal immigrants to ruin the job market, pedal drugs, and commit crimes because we don't wanna be wacist?
I see what your saying, we have to understand that they don't perceive them as a threat and we do. Honestly I can see where they come from. I bet if i lived next to an old Arabic lady and she baked cookies and stuff and was super nice if have a soft side. Because individuals don't represent a whole no matter how much some of us say.
But then again i don't want immigration at all. I just don't understand what's going on I want perceive what they do i don't fucking get it.
*I'd not if
Conservative means anyone at the right of the center. That means r/thedonald retard has well has civic nationalist and pro-israel shills. if you plot a left/right axis it should look like a bell curve. So yeah you will notice that most conservative are controlled by shills.
Well a should that it used to be realz>feelz. There is plenty of evidence real evidence to not let migrants overrun your country.
Sadly kikes have taken the lead of our government.
holy fucking soy OP
Soy is actually just a normal bean.
See my point about being overly hostile to stupid shit for no reason. Muh phytoestrogen XD
t. fat beta orbiter soyed shitskin
At my last job the turkish girls gave me their lunch if i asked them to, one turkish girl was really into me and i talked to her a lot. Same other turkmen invited me to play poker with them, which i did. I have nothing against them. But that doesnt mean i now say "all migrants" are the same. If you look at them as a group they cause problems, has nothing to do with the individual however. Just like you said.
Now let me try to explain, i hope i can describe it to you in a sufficiant way:
When you have a polarized stirred up population then the distinctions in discourse vanish and people lump themselves into different groups for various mechanisms and then your study has a big impact.
So for example lets make another thought experiment:
Let us simply assume that the liberals think a certain course or idea is bullshit. Now they label themselves as progressives and simply want to push it into this direction no matter if it makes sense, because they as a group think that is the right thing and if you say it is bullshit then you are no longer part of the group. It makes the whole "discourse" and the affiliation blocky, it also works in conjunction that they want to be against the other group, no matter the content.
So my main point is: The liberals have a different mindset that is why they sort themselves into this category but once the "belonging" overwrites actual reasoning it is more important for them to be in said group then actually make valid arguments. It also narrows down their perceptions on how the other group sees the issuse, but that is also for a smaller extent true for conservatives.
Another point here is that the "liberal" has to believe in certain ideas/dogmas otherwise he/she cannot function in a proper way. That becomes even more true once the problems pile up and the solution to said problems would include a personal disadvantage, even more though in a highly fine tuned society.
I laughed really hard at this. I think I'm going to Hell.
Lol insecure much, am i threatening you? Nigga calm down XD
Shill somewhere else cuckman, and control your idiotic nephew.
What you DIDN'T include in this video is how it's actually linked to the size of the amygdala. Conservative minded people have larger amygdala than liberal minded people. Yes, this causes a higher level of stress and fear on security of being. However, to relate, predator species have larger amygdala than herbivore species for a good reason.
The amygdala produces the drive to need to do something or to complete a task as well. If a wolf doesn't find prey it starves. The rabbits prey is grass, so it's drive is much much less by instinct as it doesn't need to work as hard to find it's food. Predator species are also naturally more K-type with selection and have more loyalty to their own species which is also related to amygdala size. If a rabbit or goose sees one of it's kind attacked the rest sit and watch or run.
But yes, keep focusing on how it's just a matter of "telling people they're afraid" while conviently ignoring the actual facts and statistics that show their fears are correct.
Thanks for the explanations, it apparent that you've thought this through for a while, and i appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
Still though idk man, it makes me feel like shit, theres a real war out there with real people and children getting blown the fuck up. But if we open the boarders a bunch of economic migrant cunts take advantage so we can't even do that. Shit just sucks.
I get what they want, but its just not a good idea.
Liberals man despite how much they think they are a force for good, they can be so counterproductive and naive.
You are aware that unless you're a post menopausal woman you should really avoid excess xeno and phytoestrogens, yes?
Don't fuck with your bodily hormone chemistry it really, really shits on your well-being.
Its* damn phone making my punctuation and English shit XD
Bruh soy is a meme not a real hazard. Like actually look at the studies and shit
1.The immigrants that come to germany mostly do that for economic reasons, they could also be safe in other countries. The german government could support them financially as a form of compensation. These other countries also make sure they go back once the war is over.
2.There is no reason for social suicide/self sacrifice.
3.In the mid-long run it is even worse for the 3. world nations because they could profit from our technology and other methods in helping them.
But if the our nations are destabilized then they also get fucked.
4. The asylum process is a joke, now men in their thirties can claim they are underage and orphans so they can collect up to 3x the amount a regular german on welfare gets. This is also mainly due to the silence of this fucked process.
5.My personal opinion is that the liberals, esp. in murica have been steered in the wrong direction, their main talking points (at least how i see it) are fringe issues.
Similar to those in germany, they claim everything that isnt exactly on their page as nazi.
Very simply speaking, the issue in itself is very complex.
I've made $$$64,000 this year working online and I'm a full time student. I'm using an online business opportunity I heard about and I've made such great money. It's really user friendly and I'm just so happy about it. Here's what I've been doing, Try it out on following website–
"…the estrogenic potential of phytoestrogens does not prevent from extensive use of soy in infant food and other foodstuffs as well as pediatric parenteral nutrition. Feminizing effect of phytoestrogens and soy products may be subtle, detectable only statistically in large populations; it can be of particular importance for children and adolescents. This matter should be clarified by independent research, which can have implications for the future of soy in the agriculture."
They literally just said.
So its fucking milk, its literally the same as milk you fucking genius XDXDXD
Ok einstein. What's from stopping all of the male participants from being associated with liberalism (when it is a well known fact that men carry over 6x more grey matter volume than women do). What is stopping from people of lying about their political background? Also, you are assuming a nonexistent conclusion, that the larger the amygdala is, the more fearful people are. But, the last I checked, the amygdala is also a large part of the decision making process. Also, this "study" is pseudo science for the simple fact that they do not factor in that men and womens brains are different from each other.
You do know in the study i referenced they used an MRI right?
How does muh mri disprove my statement?
They did however admit that it has a "feminizing effect"
You're literally everything you're trying to prove you're not lmao
You're actually a meme XD
Did you actually just say "what if they lie??????" And "but muh extra grey mass tho" followed by
Where was I emotional? I find it a bit ironic that you say I'm emotional after you just sperged out in front of everyone's eyes.
Only on a "diverse population" meaning all including: people who eat a lot of soy and are already female.
Scientific literacy is important, its easy to just read "population sees rise" without explanation. That's why they wanted an extra study so they could have control groups and actually observe the thing we wanted to see. males from 17-50, not mothers and teen girls.
I've made $$64,000 this year working online and I'm a full time student. I'm using an online business opportunity I heard about and I've made such great money. It's really user friendly and I'm just so happy about it. Here's what I've been doing, Try it out on following website–
Lol were done kid. No stats no sources no points to the main point of soy? Worthless.
Can this bot fuck off and die?
it is clear you do not subscribe or even listen to anyone on the "right of politics", after this huge sperge out, that is for sure.
You should know by now that this is either a troll or a redditor
Ok buddy. Heres your source.
But I do lol. Im Just not a fucking retard that takes the soy boy meme as a valid piece of nutrition advice, and im right. Because here you are AGAIN trying to change the topic. You got btfo, soy is just a bean, and a lot of food contain phytoestrogen. Get cucked nigger XDXDXD
What is the point of this? How does that change, or impact the study in any way? Am i missing something?
You're replying to the wrong person… I think
What the fuck is this thread
Soy reduces testosterone and causes complications with sexual development and reproduction.
Game over.
That is a really pretty ass, it also looks natural.
I wonder however, how to spot ass implants, if i decide to fap to a nice ass i dont want it to be fake.
Its science Hitler, fags look like women for taking it in the ass, the problem is that they took too much, plus stds and hormones, but their bones are still there, this also the reason why brazilian girls looks so hot even if they are ugly and also proves a difference between male and woman at chemical level, and more, it show both woman and man like different and symbiotic systems, again, this is science and proved and not even Holla Forums talk about this because most of them are ignorants, christian scientists smarter than fedoras that are stupid enough to show something like this arent common.
It also explain why raped men and kids become faggots most of the time and why women and girls raped not, of course there are more factors, but this shit is just too big, a unique man for every woman will extend their lifespans and solve a lot of 'psycological problems' and they will look younger.
You're obviously very confused. He was talking about the liberal/conservative brain argument itt. He did not say anything about soy.
user,i know you hear this alot,but whatever insight you wanted to share got lost right about
You sound like a lovecraftian entity trying to poke into our reality via imageboard,it's quite unsettling tbh.
I got something about fags suffering from mental issues alot more then women when they are raped,something about men and women prefering symbiosis relationshipsi can actually agree to some extent,it's just that imo women see their role in society as unfufilling
Something about brazilian chicks being ugly but hot?you mean Butterface's?and something about there not being enough intelligent christian scientists.
I'ts getting better Cthulhu but this is still gibberish for the most part,tell the R'lyeh translators they're doing a shit job tbh,hope you're sleeping comfy
Holla Forums is retarded
This is a study on vegans eating massive amounts of soy. Has huge and numerous health benefits like lower cholesterol excellent cardiac health and lowers risk of stroke, and a minor effect on erections.
This is the bean you're scared of? And this is the best you got against it? Pussy. Hope you stop eating steak or butter or milk too then lmao.
Nigga replied to the wrong block lmao
TBH, I think you'd probably be troubled to find a 'right-winger' on this site who doesn't, to one degree or another, regard modern, mainstream conservatives with disdain and dejection. They see them as ill-fated, ineffectual stooges. They're "reactionaries", as Holla Forums often likes to say, who have no real stake in the established order of things, and see little worth 'conserving' within it. They're revolutionary in spirit, not reformative – quite antithetical to conservatism as it is commonly understood.
Just a thought.
why haven't i watched new game yet
Also, nice non argument retard.
So the video you posted references a single article in psychology today, which references four different papers.
The first and fourth articles are linked in the paper so they're aren't linked here.
The second article has a link to the abstract, but not the paper.
Third article is actually unpublished and I'm pretty sure they put the wrong link in the articles. I'm pretty sure this is the article they're talking about.
I haven't read much on the studies, but I think there have been studies showing that conservatives and liberals tend to score differently in terms of the big five. So this isn't surprising at all.
Keep in mind that the young turks are pretty biased and they're framing something negatively that isn't inherently negative. Another biased way of putting the difference between liberals is that liberals are more likely to do stupid shit than conservatives. Another thing is that even if there are personality differences between liberals and conservatives, you shouldn't assess their policies and positions by their correlated personality traits but by the positions themselves. Just because someones more closed-minded doesn't mean they're wrong, and sometimes those who are open to new ideas end up being right.
Ah yes. Another "I'm more evolved and smarter than you" articles. Ho hum. Didn't you just love the hysterical reaction of the left on election night. Didn't they prove how much more evolved they were, and how they had no fear. Yeah… right.
Be aware that this sort of hypocrisy is seen only in people who have a complete lack of self-awareness, and that taking whatever they say to be true as true is dangerous at worst and irresponsible at best.
Nah gods a dick.