Waifu thread

I love her

Attached: 1519287476289.png (1920x1080, 3.84M)

More importantly, she loves me.

Attached: Hmm.png (432x480, 167.24K)

Attached: 426acb26778acb4e86e359dae4eff4f2.gif (1000x1600, 964.94K)

lmaoing @ your lives


Attached: Best_Girl.jpg (500x571, 29.03K)

kys tbh

Attached: __undertale___mettaton_ex_by_nightlocksmoothie-d9cfgem.png.jpg (800x1000, 64.92K)

Attached: bliss_by_kaleso-d6qvlk7.png (400x600, 387.28K)

Just Monika

Attached: 13e00c1bd59432ecd03e49ecefc47bb462bb13fdff5e3028594e1eea7584122d.gif (600x428, 7.01M)

Attached: challenging stare.jpg (716x768, 47.44K)


Is this the birth of a new epic meme?!

What TV show is this from?

inb4 >she

Attached: c9be69da47c7dccb0179dac6a920859c40a1684a9059e8e0b8479edbae08a22f.png (654x687, 205.27K)

The Black Chevalier Rises

Here are my waifu's

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Attached: minnow_over_the_years_by_nickinamerica-dav8m9h.png (1600x1405, 897.92K)

All hope is lost

time for my monthly post, I think

Attached: 301.png (997x931, 720.57K)


Attached: 702.png (231x238, 79.44K)

Your waifu is a cow tit slut millions of herbivor jap men have fapped to.

Attached: 57E60481-54FC-41BB-BAC8-82B650601184.jpeg (400x560, 52.69K)

pls no bully
they're not fapping over my copy of sena

Attached: 679.png (1529x1080, 1.06M)

Attached: 1d01ee5e26d1086233e40f5639a2aa72.png (1200x900, 1009.16K)

There are 2D you love and there are 2D you jerk until you cum blood to. She’s the later.

Attached: EB74CC5D-5A46-4B7A-8182-A0DB0BE625AA.jpeg (400x583, 48.22K)

Some comfy choices in there, user.

Attached: Brisby-Fatalis_03.jpg (652x1024 90.96 KB, 134.42K)

Attached: 705.png (535x521, 281.45K)

shes a cutie too.

I can feel it raising!

I want to see that face when I enter her

yeah, maybe
for you

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you mean this?

Attached: 1d01ee5e26d1086233e40f5639a2aa72.png (1200x900, 1009.16K)

Attached: best.png (400x399, 208.89K)

I respect your opinions but you are all wrong

Attached: 113407.jpg (225x350, 27.23K)

Attached: waifu.jpeg (600x556, 70.14K)


I am disappointed.

Attached: __buchi_gray_haa_san_kajiwara_sora_kuma_and_others_sketchbook_full_colors__59a8bc820c1cd5e61da383b690b7d472.2.jpg (479x700, 219.35K)

She's a professor, that's good enough for me

Attached: Underwater-Commie-Nichijou-24-720p-2ED80A22.mkv_snapshot_15.01_2017.01.18_11.52.13.jpg (1280x720, 56.97K)

Attached: 93F.jpg (1024x768, 64.65K)

Yo tell me who your waifu is so i can find lewd and lurid pictures of her

Attached: __midnight_boku_no_hero_academia_drawn_by_glo_s_s__b215f73beb0bcc3068d7014a35b27dc5.png (2416x4332, 7.58M)

My waifu tbh

I have just spent the last 15 minutes meowing loudly, calling out to her.

I am pathetically lonely.

Attached: lpl000a.jpg (400x629, 226.83K)

What anime is she from?

Eh i want a gf (male) so much…

jeez that is fucking sad. i just cringed harder than I ever did in months

looks like a dog fucker tbh



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Attached: DX7SIo_VQAEjiLr.jpg (738x720 84.94 KB, 42.08K)

If Mio says its OK, then its OK.