Namecheap now cracking down on wrongthink

Revokes the Daily Stormer's new domain:

At Namecheap, we see both sides of the free speech consideration. On the one hand, we cannot be the ones censoring content, unpopular though it may be. On the other hand, and without question, the content appearing on the is highly offensive, even more so in light of the recent events in Charlottesville, VA.

We find ourselves in a difficult situation, where we must balance the repugnant nature of the content against our principles, beliefs and ongoing support of free speech. This has been particularly challenging given that the fallout from our decision will be in the public eye and subject to public scrutiny, no matter what path we may take.

So, the question, as I see it, is whether deletion of these domains contradicts our core principle of advocacy of free speech? In this particular case, I state that the answer is “No.”

I’ve examined the website carefully. It purports to disclaim violence. But, these words are profoundly hollow as the actual text supports both viewpoints as well as groups that specifically promote violence. As an example: “It doesn’t take a Ph.D. in mathematics to understand that White men + pride + organization = Jews being stuffed into ovens.”

This statement clearly incites violence and endorses wholesale eradication of Jews through genocide championed by the Nazis. Daily Stormer in all its content advocates that proud white men organize themselves. It also presents the inevitable consequence of the organization of white men and their pride: “jews being stuffed into ovens.” This alone is a drastic departure from traditional freedom of speech principles and endorsement of a very violent eventuality. Based on this statement alone, the site should be legitimately shut down as the speech constitutes an incitement of violence.

This point is reinforced by the very tagline of the site: Daily Stormer: “Summer of Hate Edition.” The site spends considerable effort demonizing Asians, Blacks, Mexicans, etc.

I have considered this from a Constitutional perspective and sought a legal perspective. I believe that hate speech and incitement of violence provides ample legal support for a proper termination of the domains.

Our commitment to free speech is well-documented, including through our support of, but there is a line where free speech ends and incitement begins. It may be an elusive one but, as United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart stated in his threshold test for obscenity in Jacobellis v. Ohio: “I know it when I see it.”

So it is here: the quality and context of the material, paired with the support for violent groups and causes passes from protected free speech into incitement.

We have, and always will continue to uphold our principles in support of privacy, freedom of speech and Internet freedom.


Richard Kirkendall
CEO, Namecheap

Other urls found in this thread:*

Thanks for the warning.

Of course, people started boycotting it and cancelling their services.
We knew this would happen, but strangely, for a time the CEO started debating people on Twitter defending his position on accepting the Dailystormer.
I guess it was too much pressure, too much bad PR and too much money lost.
I feel bad for them, their branding got deeply hurt, their CEO even with that statement, also got his name burned.

Can't they use an actual freedom-respecting DNS provider?

It's funny, in a month or two, people will have forgotten about this and they'll be able to register anywhere again.

Holla Forums and 4chan have much worse content / 'hate speech' than the Daily Stormer.

At least the EFF thinks censoring domains is a problem. They have been cucked lately.

No, other sites have been hit as well, this is part of a global effort. A Swedish nationalist online newspaper was hacked by (((Anonymous))), Red Ice too, twitter shut down TDS' accounts, etc

Is there anything decent that also accepts buttcoin payments?

How many domains are they up to now?

Anyone have a decent .li domain provider in mind to transfer to? Thanks user for the warning.

People need to start using the same services antifa groups use so when they get kicked out you'll get another blatant example of one-sided censorship. This one supports illegal activity including rioting and sabotage and it took quite a while for Patreon to kick them out*

You can use a bitcoin exchange to pay via bank transfer.

If you can't tell the difference between ironic shitposting hyperbole and actual skinhead cultists then you need to fuck off back to /r/srs.

Holla Forums as usual is at the forefront of the computing industry, we've been sending /roachpol/ and Holla Forums retards back to their own boards for years

are you retarded?


Do you see /roachpol/ on the streets and doing anything?

I already pulled my donations to EFF as they were complicit in the censoring of tds. Any organization that somehow justifies how the satire, or even real speech for that matter, on TDS isn't protected speech will not be getting my money. Sure companies can freely associate and change their ToS as they see fit, but this is just manipulating the masses into accepting draconian censorship through peer conformity ultimately leading to judicial reform in relation to hate speech 5 to 10 years down the road.

This. Expect hate speech to be broadly defined enough to apply to any speech the government doesn't like, similar to "terrorist" today.

Pick your poison


How's that? Are you retarded or did you not read their article. More likely you're a NEET that doesn't donate anything so I wouldn't expect you to know shit.

Racists as a group have a high incidence of cognitive dysfunction, low intelligence, and limited reasoning ability.
Not that user but I also pulled my support. Their solution to this problem was to implement the Manilla Principles on Intermediary Liability which would basically result in the same thing happening to tds except extended over a few days to a few weeks. Also their injection of idpol into this article really turned me off.

Strange... So do niggers.

There isn't much difference betwen white-trash racists and niggers, tbh.

It's funny - people moved to Namecheap when they opposed Godaddy on SOPA, and here they are a couple years later joining with Godaddy on censorship. I was on godaddy when that happened and I transferred to namecheap. Now I'm waiting on my transfer away from namecheap to kick in, will be 5 days. It took unusually long to get an auth code to start the process which should normally be instant. This is only the beginning of corporate censorship of DNS. We're in for some terrifying shit.


"PR" never works, you look weak as you get your ass kicked, did you learn nothing from gamergate?

"Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact"

"Liberals have the highest education level of any typology group. 49% are college graduates and 26% have some postgraduate education."


Whiter than you, Sambo.

Moving the goalposts, /reddipol/. I didn't claim that sampled liberals from predominantly liberal-oriented college campuses are smarter than right wing adherents with low inter-group contact. Rather I implied through my posts that blacks have a significantly lower IQ than whites on average.

Fuck off fascist.

That's nice. So do rightwingers and racists. Thus the equivalence,

Seriously? Seriously?!
Do any of you fuckers actually support these nazis? There's no reason they shouldn't be shut the fuck down. Hate speech -/= free speech. Sorry Holla Forumstards but you're fucked and this site will be next.

The problem with your equivalence is that it's not based on race only ideology. Moving the goalposts again. I never argued from an ideological perspective, solely on an ethnic and racial perspective. In this regard you admit that nearly half of all blacks are equivalent to these supposed 'racists'. In that case, I agree with your new claim that the majority of all blacks are as stupid if not stupider than a minority of racists from every racial group on earth.

I'm sure you're so you can't even right now like even even.


You clearly have no reading comprehension or don't understand that this is a company's fundamental right to not do business with whoever they want. They also state that this is dangerous, especially in the way they went about it, especially Google by putting their domain in limbo and taking away their property.
Fuck off, moron.
Okay moron, how were they supposed to refer to the people who identify themselves as fucking neo-nazis?
You're retarded.

We don't live in the 30s anymore fascist, companies have to serve any client regardless of skin color, gender and sexual preference.

By law they have to serve regardless of race, sex, marital status or sexual orientation. They can, however, refuse service based on other factors, which they can lay out in their terms.
I can refuse to serve you if you're a fuckhead screaming on your cell phone in the middle of the resturaunt. I can't refuse to serve you just based on the fact that you're black.

thank you but I'm trying not to get a second namecheap, wanted to know if you had any good suggestions

I fail to comprehend how anyone wouldn't see why we might have a problem with this.

No shoes, no shirt, no service.

Did you know restaurants can refuse to serve people who aren't dressed properly? Companies are not forced to do business with everybody.

Tell that to the Christian bakeries being forced to bake faggot wedding cakes.

That particular case is not settled. The appeal process has yet to be exhausted.

Nevertheless, there is no law that compels businesses to do business. Show me which law that says otherwise.

Holla Forumstards btfo again

You're actually a fascist if you don't.
Leave and never come back, you "words hurt" thin skinned neo-infant.

Enlightened by their liberal arts degree.

What's wrong with hate speech though? Hate is a genuine human emotion, hate speech is just an expression of said emotion, to deny hate speech is to deny part of your humanity.

What's wrong with rape and murder though? Lust and hate are genuine human emotion, rape and murder is just an expression of said emotion, to deny rape and murder is to deny part of your humanity.

This just in: saying mean things now considered equivalent to rape and murder.

Rape and murder violates another person's right to life. This means people need the right to live in freedom and safety. There is no freedom or safety whenever rape or murder happens.

You can lust and hate all you want as long as you don't hurt other people. The second you start hurting other people and infringing on their freedom is the second you will be restrained.

Grow the fuck up

Total nuclear annihilation is totally nothing, amirite? After all, it's just physical safety.

Not my fault you leftycucks didnt think to build a bunker

In that case, I hope you enjoy your prison sentence.

Why can't they connect these dots?

Haha yeah, those cucks with degrees. REAL men drop out of highschool.

These stats do not recognize that there are essentially three tiers of educated people:
1) libshit arts PhD with no real working knowledge of the world. An echo chamber education.
2) god-tier math, physics, chemistry. And their slightly handicapped cousins, the engineers.
3) a true classics liberal education - philosophy before it was co-oped, classic literature, history, and most importantly a ruthless set of critical reasoning skills.

90% of your "educated" people in the USA and Europe are receiving #1. It's indoctrination with a side serving of debt-slavery.

Do you have a source to back up your numbers?

What are you even trying to say? The comment chain is about the meme of leftists being smarter because more of them come out of academia, and how leftists ignore that this stat also agrees with leftists being manufactured in academia.

Gtfo off my board stormfag you aren't wanted here

Yes comrade, shut them down. No platform. No air for these disgusting bigots. Have your friends assault them. Alienate them until they know their place under porkie- I mean under equality.

Further than that, you can make a case to encourage it.
1. Those repressing certain thoughts feel bitter, isolated and attacked by the rest of the population who are constantly transgressing their moral rules. This is how you end up with suicidal madmen going on public rampages.
2. People with forbidden ideas will gather in smaller and smaller places, far from the controlled areas, where they can engage in an endless feedback loop, becoming more and more extreme.
3. If you are trespassing someone's moral rules, but you have no idea (because they are not allowed to talk about their moral compass), then you are more likely to be in danger when standing nearby those individuals.
4. If you cannot have a discussion about certain ideologies, you have no opportunity to sort it out and maybe steer them away from it or find common ground. The only option left is to paint society with a broad brush (since you don't know who holds what belief, you have to target everyone has a whole), which leads to unjust treatment, turning people away from the beliefs you are forcibly attempting to instill in them.
5. The moment you are no longer keeping up with what is "hate" and what is not, you will get caught by the same mechanism that silenced those before you. Should anyone re-frame anything you do or think as hate, you have no recourse available, even if you can see how much havoc the new "love" is causing.

>rape and murder is just an expression of said emotion
And here we go again: you are using "expression" as "action" (or "result"), while is using "expression" as "language" (or "communication"). This language manipulation is the same reason why people rioting in the streets is considered "free speech". Here's the thing: you should be allowed to express ("let out") any idea you want, but not in any way you want. You can't make the case that saying "I hate puppies" is the same as killing puppies because they both "express" your disgust for puppies. People should be allowed to say "I hate puppies", but should not be allowed to kill them. If you can express ("let out") the same idea using a vehicle that doesn't require to shred a single drop of blood, you're doing it right. If you have to burn down cars, and I'm telling you you're not allowed to, it's not a violation of free speech: you can express ("communicate") you frustration in many other ways that do not involve property damage or harm.

Daily Stormer moved to an onion address but it never loads.

Well shit.

Might as well use your bank account if your using memecoin.

nah ohnicoin is ganna be big.

seems to work fine for me.

I emailed namecheap about this and actually got a response back directly from the CEO. I'm waiting to see how things develop before I post the email chain here. I doubt they're going to budge, but the least we can do is give them some pushback.

I called them out on the sheer irony there.


Remember when Jewish Daily Stormer lied about upstream shutting them down, and had that kike Weev vouch for them, asserting no proof nor evidence whatsoever?

what domain registrar are you using now? I want away from this censorship bullshit.

Who is good now?
Can go into the registrar business?

that would be cool, I need a good li domain registrar

lol new webshotter meme

Yeah, nothing to do with intelligent people going to a university that is completely one sided on the question of race or anything. But of course, being an intelligent anti-racist you weren't implying that racism is caused by a lack of intelligence it's caused by interacting with other races, merely hoping that the common man would take it as such and get back to being exterminated.

DailyStormer is officially now "TOO EXTREEM FOR TEH INTARWEBZ!"

It is also far more widely known about than two weeks ago. Normies know it is a thing now.

Once they find stability, and they will, they will be able to reach audiences previously unimagined.

Considering how flexible the definition of racist is these days, I'd love to know how they selected their sample for this purely scientific™ data from experts™.

racists are basically niggers. they see someone who isn't the same as them and think this means they are wearing different gang colors. other ones don't like someone and fall back to appeal to race because they have no other arguments, and soon they start hating that race all together. this happens in literally every country though, not just america or whatever tiny group your study is focused on. just look at all the poltards on this board, none of them seem to know anything about tech, im not sure why they're even here


Not surprising, given all niggers are racist.

I bet you haven't even written your own compiler you fucking nigger.

daily reminder that Porky is using Nazis as an excuse to extend their power further into their "intellectual property"
do not talk to porkies
do not agree with porkies
do not help porkies
if we don't support free speech for the Nazis we don't support free speech for the working man.

The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet. It is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware something is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread the information is increased.

Pity the site in question was actually the Daily Stormer.

its obviously an excuse to set a precedent for removing anything they don't like.
stormfags don't matter, and if they did, their fucking newspaper wouldnt be the most important issue at hand.

Congratulations for developing some degree of self-consciousness.


i've written an interpreter for a strongly typed functional language (no compiler yet, but optimizing compilers are for niggers. this compilation process will be trivial), a game, hacked 10 multiplayer AAA games, 2 botnets and lots of other things.

Post the full image.

This site looks like CNN for people who like to fantasize about shooting up their high school