Help me Holla Forums

this lady just blocked my path and wont let me pass.
what to do?

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Quit being autistic and give the stupid bitch a belly to belly suplex and be on your way.


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w-w-what could she want?

A kiss on the cheek and a promise that you'll make sure you'll always be there for her.

Pin her to the ground and start punching her repeatedly.

turn around and go back to 4chan. post it there and crosspost to r/4chan for epic karmas!

And by punching her I meant

To stop making boring template threads here would be a good start.

There are other boards to post on if you don't want to be here.

Explain to her that by physically blocking your right of passage through an area she does not own, she has violated the NAP, thus inviting retaliation. Take out your human-skin-bound copy of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and begin beating her savagely with it.

When she is no longer able to physically block your path, tell her that she's lucky that your slave barracks are already overfull, or you would have punished her violation of the NAP by enslaving her.

Then tip your fedora, tell her "Heh, nothin' personnel, kid," and be on your way.

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I can easily overpower her, so rape would be for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner.
Penis would touch vagina in a big, exciting way. IFKWIM…


im not a liar, cant make that promise

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Love is Love

just turn 360° and walk away

stick a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger problem solved

Try fug


gud tip

Kick her in the throat

Hug her tenderly and gently brush her hair, whilst trying to covince her to allow me to pass, or otherwise I will be swept up into the dream of her endless eyes.

Woah user… that bought a lump to my throat

Tell her "you have beautiful feet" and she'll get out of your way, running.

I used to creep out this young lady (18+) at my local game store. She always wore slutty open toed shoes, so I would just sit there gripping my deck of cards, stuffing cheetos into my fat face with crumbs spilling into my beard and stare at her feet. Blatantly, shamelessly and openly. She stopped coming around mostly, but she never stopped wearing slutty foot wear.

Ask her if she likes Jake Paul and then whip out your phone.

kick her in the balls.

She needs a big zucchini to make them italian foods so she can feed her family. Are you a big enough guy to give her the zucchini?

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shes a jew , give her sheckles

Have you guys ever seen cp?


Dropkick that thing in the face like every good advocate of gender equality would for blocking your way

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t. bump

Why don't you faggots just stay on waifuist?

why dont the Holla Forumstards stay in Holla Forums?

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That's not relevant in the slightest.

it is if you think about it

It's truly not. Just asking for you waifuist faggots to stay on waifuist.

if you can tolerate Holla Forums you should be able to tolerate everyone tbh

Who says I tolerate pol?

never said that. but if we have Holla Forums tier shit then why not this? it is a random board after all


too many rules tbh

What rules don't you like there?



Then go to lolifox.

I do but I also go here, 4chan, and hispachan

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ugly fat bitch. she will be executed when the sandniggers take over all of North America tbh

I've got my own dead board, only enforced rule is no trannies.

Anything can be technically dost nowadays, because as dysnomia said:
"I think it's (Holla Forums) quite balanced right now. Anons do what they want whatever they feel like it, and mods do as well" (03/11/18).
So, if mod feels like something is dost, it's dost.

