Shit trib my gf

My soon to be xgf has been begging me to cum tribute her pic for weeks. I guess she and her gfs are all doing it as a thing with their bfs and comparing the tributes for whatever reason. I'm cutting her loose and I want to get a bunch of shit tribute pics (shit instead of cum) to send to her when I let her know that she has been "dumped".
Here's the pic, just print it off, shit on it and post pics of the result.

Attached: l_2a4235a1858373de04555aad789e630e.jpg (600x799, 48.14K)

dude nobody has a printer anymore, and I'm not about to shit on my screen

Not your personal half dozen people

wtf are you doing here on Holla Forums if you won't even shit on your monitor?


Obviously you are not.
But some anons will do it, I am sure.
There are still a few old legit Holla Forumstards lurking who are willing to show you nu4faggots what real Holla Forums culture looks like.
I'll check back this afternoon and see what's up.
Thx in advance, bros.

Bro that's a Tranny mother fuck.


Nope most definitely not.
If I get 6 shit tribs I will reward all with noodz proving it.

Attached: 26he2b.jpg (381x378, 53.32K)

you are faggot cancer
if all you want is to see pics of naked girls go to google and do an image search, retard

oh look…a samefag

wtf is with all these noobs on Holla Forums??
did dysnigger shill the board on reddit /sk8rboiz again?

Wew, look at that jaw line. Tranny.

Attached: crossbreeding-redneck-mexican-breed-demotivational-poster-1229767082.jpg (640x848, 35.86K)

You sound jealous that none of your shit posts written like a texting child get any positive response.

Valid point. OP didn't ask us to jerk off to it.

Tranny thread…Failed

Attached: When-You-Are-On-House-Arrest-And-You-Run-Out-Of-Beer-Funny-Redneck-Meme-Image~2.jpeg (582x351, 32.61K)

No I shilled it at the men's bathroom at Terry's Truckstop

OP: Is this you gf?
Found on Google.

Attached: 333.jpg (242x242, 27.18K)

Ever get the feeling it is just you and us posting on your board?

There's like three people here, myself included

Attached: 26jrdg~2.jpg (480x518, 43.78K)

Attached: 785b181de289e134e50a9746e225ac6a244bd3819db106f37219e4605b7e0104-b(1)(1)(1)(1).jpg (260x290, 61.85K)

Attached: 26joc1~2.jpg (408x320, 36.25K)

your'e ex look like modern day oscar wilde (female)


Attached: c8e905806cc955bc055adbbf7b939ad3730e25cf065141abbf696b3ca976ea6e.jpg (180x240 46.67 KB, 4.49K)

OP here, finally back.
WTF…how did you find that?
THat is her, wtF?!?

Anyway, you are all lame assed 4chan faggots. Not even a single one of you had the balls to shit on a picture and post the result on Holla Forums.
Proof positive that chans, and this board in particular are not worth the time of day.
Fuck you all, and I hope you enjoy staying here forever in your Fairyland Safe-Zone for Autistic retards.


i'm too nervous tho

Wait, is he mad because anons here didn't dox his GF?

Attached: 8chan-IS-your-personal-army.mp4 (854x480, 5.41M)