Is he the most unbeatable e-celeb?

Nobody can take him down
Be it sjw's, furfags, "skeptics", redditors or even Holla Forums itself.
He's a fucking master at this, holy shit!

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but can he beat this
*unzips duck*

If that's who I think it is he's just a smug retard who never shuts up about petty shit

When you base your entire internet personality on being a fence sitter yeah its pretty hard to take you down but you also don't say anything of worth since if you do you'll actually have to take a position on something and open yourself up to being taken down.
He sure can bully autists though 10/10 e-celeb would watch 5 minutes of a video before getting bored and switching to something else again.

This is niggerism.

you mean Holla Forums

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master at what? Describing yt drama?

Soygon is that you?

Jared Taylor > ramzpaul > metokur >>>> civic nationalist cucks

fucking who?

manchild promoting his yt channel where he bitches about things OP

These skeptic youtube channels are getting annoying. Fact: if he is saying shit that actually matters, he would have had his channel banned a long time ago

Out of all the cancerous e-celebs, Jim is probably the one I'd agree with on the largest number of issues.

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Jim died the moment he (((redpilled))) sperged about GG.
Bitches about ebegging, becomes ebegger
Bitches about eceleb drama, creates eceleb drama
Complains about sponsored content, makes sponsored content
Makes fun of hugboxes, spends all day in a hug box

Metokour can suck king of pols cock

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This. He's an embarrassment.

I think you fags have got who's sucking who's cock wrong. You autistic sodomites.

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He won't lose because he knows none of this shit matters, and when he confronts someone he can easily navegate the topic from the weakest angle. It's not that hard, you just have to not care.
Idubbbz won't lose either, but he's different. He won't lose simply because he studies plenty and covers all possible angles.

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le pretty good man does debates now?

Jim is the dirty kid no one wants to sit with at lunch time. He acts the fool and everyone laughs but no one truly loves him.

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KOP is a retarded nigger…jims funny IDK about any of the other e celeb horse shit

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How have none of you figured out (((Jim))) is controlled opposition.

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Metokurers usually are very hard to bring down because all they do is watch and laugh, Jim's not really a great one, every once in a while he spergs about an issue from a personal perspective but he's just smart enough to not let his personal life slip out trough the cracks, by that logic even fags at Channel Awesome could be considered good critics at metokuring if we didn't have so much personal shit about them.
I'd say idubbz is a better metokurer and working at a higher profile.
btw, yes I'm trying to turn metokur into a thing, I refuse to say Kiwi farming and forces newfags to lurk for

channel awesome are good critics you generic fucktard

Things like these are all just a matter of perspective

Just tell me they're unironically comedians and I won't have desires to slap you.

maybe like 5-10 years ago, maybe.

jim really just enjoys the autism that the internet brings out, he just wants to 'watch and laugh as everything burns'. i don't know if that's a fence sitter or just someone who enjoys watching idiots.

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He roasts youtubers, pretty funny

I know about his content cop shit, I was asking if he's actually done any debates. Totally different

I miss that guy

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It's funny in some way: Jim is criticized for being "basic", because apparently all he does is "being an internet troll who steals memes or opinions from others and tries too hard to be hiveminded".
Yet, most of enemies do the same thing: criticize him for what he is and try to shame him for it.
They never think of turning his own strenghts against him or "OutMetokur" Metokur, whether or not it would even work.
Nobody ever makes a video, where they try to be the ones laughing and makes him the lolcow.
Nor do they even call him a "reddit loving cuck".
Nor do they even make something like a crying wojak based on him and say "JIM BTFO HOW WILL BE RECOVER".
So, how can a man really be predictable and easy, yet the tactics against him are all the same?
Every Fucking Time!

He still hasn't defeated Sargon yet.

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Jim is a splerg that has an autistic following
he makes the news he doesn't report it anymore

What's a splerg?

Sargon defeats himself by being a fat oompa loompa.

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I'd love to see a bloodsport between the two just to expose who Sargon actually is

considering all the shit jim has been through, would be mind ever being a laughing stock or a lolcow himself?
i mean, you're not truly a fan of internet shitshows unless you're one yourself, so nothing wrong with laughing at yourself

who is he … a youtuber right?

good logic there watson

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this meme is as bad as the banana meme

Try to do better on a phone…

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fucking 13 year old phoneposting faggot

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who? you're not a celeb if nobody has heard of you

what he was producing then is differnt to now he makes entertainment now he isnt representing a cause anymore
no need to white knight him he can do that him self although when u get basic shit wrong coz of your own personal distaste of somone its just dishonest
Also confirmed KOP is a raging homosexual

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16 year old nigger detected

New video

Karen took his to the cleaners tbh. Jim’s just gotten sad. He’s the drunk that’s
No longer fun to laugh with or at.
Jim just an hero and save us all from your faggotry.

He sounds like a hag
Harping on and on about how random people on the internet are ridiculous and shameful
He's a gossip

Jim is like Keemstar for Holla Forums, but at the same time more entertaining because not making shit for normies means he can bring up obscure shit and be more brave about what he does

inb4 he goes full on revolver ocelot and this whole time he didn't care for Holla Forums or related and he might not even be named jim