Why did god make little girls so hot if it's a sin to be attracted to them?

Why did god make little girls so hot if it's a sin to be attracted to them?

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You are your own god (!!!)

the question is why did god make you such a degenerate. there isn't even help for you, you will be a slave of your dick forever. an hero.

The real question is why did god make a penis so much stronger than a man?

But loli is legal in my country, and that's all I care about.
Why should I an her when I'm technically doing nothing wrong

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so hot.

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because you're weak and the weak must be destroyed in order to make the world better.


The only thing you're capable of destroying is a clean bathroom you shit flinging faggot go back to Holla Forums and whine fruitlessly about how much you hate jews and darkies some more.

loli is allowed on Holla Forums son, I can post as much as I like

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No thanks I have better things to do, but seems like I hit a nerve there huh

Anybody has the full version?

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There isn't one you damn lolicon.

You clearly don't spouting off "muh degeneracy" like the typical Holla Forumstard. Nobody outside of Holla Forums uses that buzzword.

Is this lewd enough?

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It's not a sin. The Bible is very, very specific about the things you aren't supposed to do, and the only thing in it that is even close to being against pedophilia is the commonly misinterpreted bit about the millstones (which is actually him saying that anyone who leads Christians away from the faith should be killed).

It's a real word user, and it describes perfectly what's going on, sorry if it triggers you.

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Cuckold is a real word and its lost all meaning from people overusing it much like whats happening to degenerate.
But by all means keep calling everything you don't like degenerate just like people call everyone they don't like cucks I'm sure it will work out great.

A man can dream, right?

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Brain problems.

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How about no?

A letdown.

Lolicon is victimless, unless you claim fictional representation can be a victim.

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do you know the source for this? seems fairly interesting

I just wasted 3 minutes listening to this fucker for his amazing revelation to be that pedophiles are sexually attracted to children?

God dident make it against the rules man did

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If god can get a 12 year old knocked up then so can I thats what I always say.

ask yourself: what would jesus do? I think hed fuck little girls


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Correction, jews made it against the rules for non-jews to do it, if you're a kike it is not against the rules.

Correction, muslims made it against the rules for non-muslims to do it, if you're a sand nigger it is not against the rules.

Well in that case better take two

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I don't think the bible mentions baby fucking but I could be wrong as shit

t. heterophobe

Honestly if your not a pedo your a mind controlled slave. A victim of jewish influence.

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Everyone's a pedo, they just pretend not to be because the jews will punish them otherwise.

I'm not a pedo or whatever other root you throw in, I am attracted to pretty women. age doesn't matter (until sex is involved) nor does ethnicity

t. filthy degenerate who likes getting his dick sucked by hot chicks

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Oh come on now, you and I both know your mother would never approve of you marrying outside the tribe, don't we Chaim?

Because there is no god, but there are men. Men who are fathers & brothers who would bust your shit, faggot.

I'm not EVER going to marry and your mindset, as well as most other retards on this site, is completely fucking broken. beauty has no ethnicity; if a bitch is bad, smash or at least want to for the ones I can't meet in person

What point are fags trying to make when they argue that homosexuality is either learned or genetic? Its not like its any less degenerate either way.

Its talking about sodomy not homosexuality.

If your anti sodomy your anti pedo and will be gas on TDOR

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anal is fucking gay

it doesn't matter if it's tighter or not, if you willingly fuck someone's ass, you are literally one step away from being a full blown faggot

Pedo here. I am anti-sodomy. I just want my loli to grind on my dick. Fucking her in the ass is gross.

The only thing I'm anti about is rape because my moral structure revolves around consent.
The problem with these retards babbling about degeneracy is that their moral structure revolves around something completely baseless and they can just as easily be called degenerate as the people they accuse of it. It just comes down to where you draw the line.
Is sex outside of marriage degenerate?
Is sodomy degenerate?
Is race mixing degenerate?
Is homosexuality degenerate?
These are all lines that previous generations have drawn in the sand as a point we cannot cross and now we're so far past them that people don't even remember the line existed in the first place.

Are you forgetting that sodomy includes oral?

sodomy means anal fucknugget

Look up the definition.

Anal is necessary to avoid injury until your partner reaches maturity I.E. 12 yrs. Unless your into hurting children you sick fuck.

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Nope not forgetting that.

benis goes in bagina

here's the thing you immoral piece of shit, I don't fuck kids and I never will so anal won't ever be on my to do list when fucking

that is not ever true.

lol no? We removed all the pedoshit, we are clean.

when did they add oral?

01 a.d

t. lonely nu-male

The concept of having sex outside of marriage being degenerate is completely baseless

Consenting adults are in love, why can't they marry? They can't have kids, but neither can gay people.

Prostitutes are being treated like dirt in US, they're beaten up and assaulted and nobody stands up for them. Time to legalize prostitution and make sure that prostitutes can work in a safe and happy environment. You don't really think that you can make prostitution go away, do you? It has been around for quite a while. Time to face the facts and take care of sex workers in US.

Age of consent is 14-15 in most countries. Stop being so conservative, America. Lower it to 15 nationwide. What right do you have to stop postpubescent adults from having sex?

The age for CP should be the same as the age of consent. It's legal to have sex with a 16 yo girl in many states, but if you take a picture of her, you go to jail. Time to fix this, America. The system is broken.

Can't a consenting adult let other consenting adults have sex with his body after he's dead? Why is it that I can donate organs, but can's donate my body to be a sex toy? Let people make that choice.

A pig dies every day so that I can have my steak. Why can't a girl suck that pig's penis? How is okay to kill an animal, but not okay to have sex with it? Let's stop the hypocrisy.

Nasty grannyfucker

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Pretty sure you can fuck a girl's vagina as soon as she's 4 years old.


i guess every non-human animal in the world is degenerate

the only weird one here in this conversation is you

Transmission of diseases.


Pedophile's Handbook.

What ever you say normie sicko

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your average sex obsessed degenerate is not very different from an animal that's true

You forgot to mention the years of preparation it would take to fuck someone that young without hurting them and at that point you're just designing you're own fucking onahole instead of having a sexual relationship with someone.

agree but the reasoning is hilarious and bad
kinda agree but idk, the kids in the pics/vids are being abused even if not by you in the case of the content that you didnt partake in creating
lmfao goddammit user you made me waste my gnac
a lot of people just aren't that into it man

yea whatever conventional sicko

Isnt it actually approved in the bible/torah?

Its not approved but they don't denounce it and the fact that they waste time denouncing shit thats as irrelevant as wearing mixed fabrics you'd think they'd put in a line somewhere that says fucking kids isn't okay but they didn't.

You say that like they don't want living onaholes

It's not a sin. Humans used to fuck children throughout all of human history. Even christians. It's just recently, that it suddenly became "bad" to like children.
The world has gone to shit.

inb4 someone posts that deep web story about the guy who made living onaholes with no arms legs teeth eyes or ears by butchering girls he found in third world orphanages

Woah, that sounds fucking hot tbh.

Lolicon is perfection

fucking infertile things doesn't make any sense in terms of evolution, I doubt what you claim is true

kids become fertile well before the age of 18. also, it makes perfect sense if you think about it. rape is one of the best ways to ensure the survival of a species, and if you're raping someone you don't know, you don't know whether they've had their period or not. it makes a lot more sense to inseminate anyone and everyone you can, regardless of age, as that's the best way to spread your genes.

soulless dead-eyed autist bug people don't understand the concept of human feelings - so they believe they are a sign of mental illness…

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it would make more sense if you'd refer to them as teenagers. It makes no sense to make no distinction between people below the age of puberty and people who reached puberty when talking about this subject. you are either trying to cloud things on purpose or you don't really want to have a conversation.

I believe attraction to fertile human beings of the opposite sex was the norm throughout human history

its like trying to have a conversation with siri…

Well, say hello to my double barrel surprise, faggot.

I'm sure humans fucked children throughout history, like they still do. but I don't think that's what you meant. what you meant is that it used to be accepted and isn't anymore, and I don't see any reasonable proof for that. The difference probably is that it was easier to get away with it.

fathers and brothers are statistically most likely to be the ones tapping that underage ass…

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oh okay, in a short time period it was apparently accepted for men to fuck young boys, that totally proves it.

Now why would birds think that, i bet birds don't even have a concept for illness.

So, teenagers then?

by the way those were usually adolescents and not actual children.

anything that's capable of bearing children, preferably without having the pregnancy destroy an undeveloped body.

So, over 15 then?

i didn't refer to them as teenagers because children can give birth even before the age of ten. but we both know you don't really care about semantics. you're just trying to hide the fact that your shitty evolution "argument" was so easily disproven. next time, try to be less of a transparent pussy and maybe people will respect you.

are you saying it was normal and 10 year olds could safely deliver children throughout human history, without caesarian section? I think they probably either dies or got damaged and only beared 1 child, which isn't enough if you think about it a little.


wtf am I reading. this must be a feminist lie, anons on Holla Forums told me that only 14 year olds bear alpha children


no there is always a risk, but that risk is by orders of magnitude lower at a higher age. given the high risk involved with the pregnancy of a 10 year old that type of attraction is not only evolutionary pointless, but contra-productive. I really don't see how this disproves my argument.

Eating a diseased pig isn't a good idea either.

you're thinking about this too narrowly. it's not about the well-being of one child. it's about spreading genes. take two men, identical in every way, except one fucks females of any age, and the other only fucks 13+ girls (by the way, 13 is middle-aged if we're talking stone age). Each man fucks ten women and has three children by these ten women. however, over the course of their lives, they encounter 30 children capable of bearing children (though they may die or damage themselves irreparably in the process). the man who fucks the children will spread his genes more than the man who does not, even if he only fathers one successful offspring with the aforementioned children. he has 31, and the other has 30. this gives his genes a greater chance of being passed down to future generations.

in those days, the mortality rate was absurdly high. any one with the genes to have children earlier in life, with higher frequency, was better at passing genes down. this means fucking any female you can get your hands on, consent or no.

you can argue all day about the morals of fucking children, but from an evolutionary standpoint, it makes perfect sense.

For cockroaches. You clearly don't know about K and R reproductive strategies.

Not until fully immersive VR becoming widespread. Or maybe not until pic related becoming reality.

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Ackshually it's r, not R.

not really. there was no way to determine if a child was capable of bearing a child or not, and if it would have been normal for men to just try it humans would have gone extinct at some point. the man who fucked 30 grown women instead always had higher chances of producing healthy offspring.

sorry but to me it makes no sense.

he also doesn't own the board anymore.
the creator of 2ch does

i call bs.

This post reeks of kikery

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maybe he's talking about the average lifespan, which would make no sense. someone who reached fertility age had a much higher life expectancy because children often died very young.

What a bizarre thread


Sure thing buddy. Keep waiting on the second coming for da ebil peados to get it. Your life must be so rewarding!




god is a metaphor for evolution.

Uh huh.

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God is a concept by which we measure our pain through guilt



literally from the get go because Christianity is against basically everything that feels good for no actual good reason save for the 10 commandments and even they have niche reasons to be broken from time to time that the word of god dont give 3 fucks about

2d < 3d prove me wrong.
protip: you can't

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For what? Things are pretty okay rn.
Can't complain

Don't blame God, if you're fucked up in the head then ask for help.

Because you have a mental illness.

This is an artist's depiction of the immature sexuality present in children, perhaps its a self-insert.

Le post-weeabisme est un courant de pensée né à la fin du XXe siècle, qui s'agit du rapport des otacous gaïdjines aux japonais et aux japanophiles. Le terme, qui surgit en réaction à l'hyperorientalisme des weeaboos, promouvant l'idée d'éviter les problémes de cette hyperorientalisme par devenir "plus weeabesque que les weeaboos", surpassant la appréciation superficielle de la culture japonaise et essayant à y connecter authentiquement.

You're worshiping the wrong God.

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Have something more.


Prove that we need an age of consent, prove that an adult and child cannot love each other, prove that consensual sex will be harmful for most girls between the ages of 4 and 11 (my preferance). I have a girlfriend who says she loves me and wants to get married when she's old enough, and this is after we had made love for the first time (i got vaginal penetration on the first try), she comes to visit me, not the other way around, she doesnt have to, no one makes her, does that sound like a traumatized rape vitim to you?
I took some pics and vids of her being nothing but blissful in our lovemaking sessions, i wish i could show them to you to prove my point.
I want no other girl or woman in the world, I'd still love her when shes 25, i would be old by then, so I'd find it acceptable if she stops loving me back.
BTW, you cannot stop us or break us up, so don't waste your time trying.
My last name is Trudeau, my first is not Justin, but you'd find me in the same family, this means that you cannot touch me, even if you could connect what i do to who i am, where am I posting from? In my personal pool, on my phone.

we may be k right now, but during the stone age we were definitely r. you can look at it today, in poor countries, families have as many children as possible in the hopes that a few of them will survive into adulthood.

you're missing my point. it's not an either/or scenario, it's one man who fucks 30 grown women, and another man who fucks 30 grown women and 30 children. the second guy is gonna have more children. how is it so hard for you to wrap your head around this?

my bad, i was thinking in averages. either way though, my argument stands. without medicine, the mortality rate for infants and mothers is extremely high. to compensate, humans had/have to have as many children as possible in the hopes that some would make it to adulthood.

furthermore, impregnating a child is going to be conducive to spreading your genes, with the exception of close relatives. if you fuck another man's child, and it dies giving birth, evolution doesn't give a shit, that means your genes get +1 to survival

2nd is broke

r/K selection theory is an outdated scientific model. It's not used in used in ecology and people should stop framing human reproductive strategies from that framework.
Also, instead of saying child specify the age range. Ephebephilia, hebephilia and pedophilia can all be described by "wanting to fuck children"

plz, fix 2nd

[nose bleeds]

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Way to get triggered over not being able to recognize the exploration of potential leftist arguments.

if this is such a winning strategy, then why is fucking undeveloped children not much more common? why don't animals do it if it guarantees a better outcome (your claim)? maybe because it makes absolutely no sense to favor a reproduction strategy that puts the mother at high risk and produces unhealthy offspring? how is it so hard for you to think a little further…?

Put both in the same directory and run the second.

It's a hack to first swf to remove all difficulty.

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It's not a sin to be attracted to young women. In fact the bible and most other religious text encourage it. The only people who have a problem with it is feminist.

my claim is not that it guarantees a "better outcome", my claim is that it is an extra avenue for a person to spread his genes.

you need to let go of your assumptions, they're clearly clouding your judgement. my point is that humans are ready to have children even before the age of ten. that is why we have a drive to have sex with them. animals DO exhibit such behavior. dogs are ready to conceive as early as 4 months old, cows are more like 6. I have already conceded to you that it's a bad idea to impregnate a child too early because it is likely they won't survive childbirth. what you fail to understand is that we are arguing about evolution. as such, you seem to be arguing about the greater benefit to humanity, whereas i'm arguing about males competing with eachother to spread their genes as much as possible.

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