Is he a feminist, or just a cuck?

Is he a feminist, or just a cuck?

you can be both

he never directed a feminist film, what kind of drug(s) are you on?

just a bad director


t. rotten tomatoes intern and gender fluid


You can have a female lead actress without making a feminist film.


They're stronger than they should be, even more than the male characters.

Sarah Connor isn't strong in the first film, and in T2 she became strong because she went borderline insane from the revelation of the incoming doom of the world and went into, so her strength is justified because of the intense training she goes through. We see character growth in her so it feels natural.
Ellen Ripley isn't particulary strong, it was more or less chance that she was the last one to survive on the ship, and even then it was really close.
Vasquez was a supporting character who dies, so she wasn't that strong.

what a gay

True Lies is arguably the most accurate portrayal of Muslims ever done on film.

The Terminator - good
The Abyss - good
T2 - shit
True Lies - shit
Titanic - shit
Avatar - shit

Oh I forgot
Aliens - shit


The director's cut of the abyss is terrible.

T2/Aliens were good and True Lies was entertaining

The Terminator - shit
Aliens - shit
The Abyss - shit
T2 - shit
True Lies - shit
Titanic - shit x 3,000
Avatar - shit

t. shitlord millennial gender fluid

if gender is a fluid, why don't they sell it by the gallon?

Sarah went borderline insane from the oppression by the patriarchy.

She brought big guns all alone and killed the alien queen.

He is a boomer.

so and so
ironically good

Kill Capitalism!
