
ヴァージニア州での、南北戦争時の南軍将軍の銅像に関しての「保全すべき」派 (多くは白人至上主義者であると思われる) と「撤去すべき」派 (多くは反白人至上主義者であると思われる) の衝突で、トランプは珍しく双方を平等に扱ったが、米国社会の多くがそれに不満を表明している。

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codekike what is this moonspeak shit about virginia? What does that image say you faggot?

what the shit is this fuck? I can't read any of it no matter what direction I turn my phone.

Who are you meeting there? Why are you meeting there? Who is this meant for? I think I should stop solving this right now.

we're going to atlandis lads

Surely you jest? History repeats itself. But are we already at the door of the palace? Little time remains if so.

It is. Just because some morons get emotional about a demonstration they don't like doesn't mean that the demonstrators don't have the freedom to do so.
If the Supreme Court has affirmed anything time and time again, it's the right to engage in "hate speech."
It has been reaffirmed. Time and time again.

If you're going to shitpost about "lack of freedom" then shitpost about Europe. Good luck wearing a swastika there.

>>>Holla Forums



idefk. Give me a hint?

and a ching chong nip fong wong to you too, you irradiated island monkey

how to learn moonspeak, i tried to do japanese-lesson.com but i cannot focus

Whito piggu go home


Ching chang chong ling lang long.



Where the fuck are the subs?

This, normally the subs are floating somewhere but I've even looked under my keyboard and they're not there.

Don't bother it's only useful in nipland, which is going downhill anyway.

You can easily find translation for anime, there's no need for moon rune anymore.


This is only true for casuals.

Learning a language isnt about getting a fucking job somewhere you primitive mong. If it was you'd learn exactly the one of either neighboring countries or a specific place you were going.
all translation is mistranslation and oftentimes also bad mistranslation, and more than (popular, quickly subbed) Anime comes from japan, and japanese imageboards are what all other ones came from.

RIP Holla Forums

Is 2ch raiding us?

With moonspeak you can appreciate tentacle porn in its purest form. Reading gets you useless shit like this post.

Thanks for proving him right.

Preassu Speaku Engrishhu!

They aren't cartoons, and there are many uses for Japanese. You don't decide what is and isn't an acceptable reason to learn a language.

This is harder to read than OP.

They're cartoons you stupid faggot


Really, nigga, your Japanese is shit.


Spricst ðe Engliscan Slant Eyed!

Americans like to call their country, the land of the free/land of quality, but this is nothing but a lie.

In Virginia, the statues of Southern Civil War generals drew in those who wished to "Conserve" (many of whom are believed to have been WN) and those who wished to "Remove" (many of whom are believed to be anti-WN). The violent clashes was denounced by Trump, and in a rare move, he denounced both sides equally, but many Americans still felt as though this was "insufficient".

To add insult to injury, the Governor of Virginia told the white nationalists that they were "Not needed in America", and to "Get out". If this isn't a violation of basic Human Rights, I don't know what is.

Americans do not have the "Freedom of Thought".

A large degree of Americans do not know the difference between "Principle (Ideology or Thoughts)" and "Opinions (ideas spoken or portrayed to others)".

Americans do not have the "Freedom of Association and Assembly"

A large degree of Americans think that it's absolutely normal to deny the assembly of those whose ideas and principles are not "normal"

Americans utterly lack "Equality" and "Fairness"

We've seen this in the LA Riots; as long as it's proclaimed that they (rioters) are against Racial Prejudice, that some degree of violence and chaos is allowed for.

In America, those who tout "Anti-Racism", are not against racism, but care to be the big brother over "American" citizens, or are living within America, and denigrate them and rule over them.

Here's a rough translation

Oh, well then it doesn't belong on this board. Why is this still here mods? MODS