Spic flips out at Pro trump girl on CNN when she brings up Bill Clintons rapes.
Spic flips out at Pro trump girl on CNN when she brings up Bill Clintons rapes
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Does she have a twitter account?
She reads out the definition of sexual assault and casually leaves out the part where Trump said 'they LET you'…
If they let you, it's not sexual assault.
Selective outrage. They don't really care. They know there is a lot at stake and just want to win. This is a common lefty thing.
cant stand these half breeds larping as black. no, youre just some mixed scum with no family or past.
Are anti-trumpers really that stupid? I mean holy shit, if I would try I couldnt make sense of it. So you want Trump to be Satan over the most mundane shit. Okay, we get it, but shit, at least try to find something to be outraged about, dont just take any fucking shit. It makes you look retarded.
The comment section is a shit show.
holy shit the amount of cancer in the comments
actually seeing the way liberals try to argue is scary honestly
you can't argue against them because, even if you tell them the real facts and try to reason, they counter with you're wrong , made up or distorted "facts" of their own, and when that fails, yelling about feeling and braying like the family guy footloose donkey until they get their way
and i can see how people who can't into logic end up supporting them. the things they're saying really make sense if what they're saying is literally the only thing you bother listening to
It's great, that shit melts peoples' brains.
Every single woman or man who says this should be instantly banished to a random muslim country where they can learn the true meaning of rape culture.
This is the same woman that triggered the shit out of that fat butch lesbian feminist a few months back.
i've been barrel bombing redpills on my shitlib friends because of this exact mentality, these stupid faggots come up on the spot with their own "facts" and present them as the highest authority or appeal to fucking cnn
the only way around it is to just barrage them for 10 minutes at a time, just yesterday i went full JQ on this moron who said trump lost the debate and was talking about grabbing pussy, i full on assaulted this dude, and he shut the fuck up and listened, then thanked me while looking some at stuff on counter currents
I literally cannot tell what race she is, her accent sounds hispanic.
lefties trigger so easily, no wonder they want everything banned.
I love the rise of blond shitladies during this election
She has the most triggering composure I've seen in a while. It's a beautiful thing.
Nice, doing God's work, user
I've been on a redpill bombing campaign through my kikebook feed as well. One month left, we need to either demoralize or convert.
She talks like a nigger, what do you think
straight Aryan supremacy
Irish Nigger BTFO
Did I hear that correctly? Did she just use "ef-ing" in her argument? On a tv news show? Shit, nigger. Feels not facts is the name of the game
they can't stand losing their moral authority, because its all they have.
You'd think for all the many years kikes have gone crypto they'd understand the origin of surnames.
no you need to do it in person. you have to get mad, and they have to know it. they will kill this nation. we are in flashpoint times and if they keep believing the lies, they will die in a war.
you have to show them the look in your eye of a man who knows what is yet to come but fights tooth and nail. a man against time.
the latest thing i've seen these disingenuous faggots do is take everything trump says literally. "oh he grabbed a girl by the pussy" "oh he wants to deport every single muslim/hispanic (i fucking wish) etc. well, spit it back at them. tell them what kikes like tim wise and barbara spectre and paul krugman and fucking joe biden are saying about white genocide. We are at the precipice, do not solely hide behind a screen. the battle has to be done where they can see your face.
This, it's always more effective to debate in person and make sure to belittle them for understanding nothing and laugh and mock if necessary. In the sight of a strong man, they will relinquish, even if subconsciously and you have planted the seeds of doubt in the Jewish narrative.
In my case I'm working in CA but have family and friends in PA. PA has a great chance of going red so I'm working third party and non-voters to Trump's side. My social network in commieville is my smaller, but it don't stop me from going out in my MAGA hat and engaging in conversation.
The rationalization of the pussy grabbing, if it really seems like a sore spot, is the same explanation of the "he said all muzzies are rapists, etc" He was talking about groupie women and he was talking about criminal illegal aliens i know, they broke the law when crossing, but you are trying to convince a libtard and he was talking about radical muzzies. He didn't say that about all women, all immigrants, or all muzzies and to impy that from his statements is grasping at a far away straw.
Kayleigh, please…
Oh no I understand that, my emphasis was on the "literally" part. You know shitlibs, "literally this" has become like a fucking biologically encoded method of perception to the point where they take everything he says as if it's done in the exact manner he's saying it. context, synthesis,and ironically enough rhetoric, have all become mythological concepts to these stupid creatures.
It's like some kind of warped and concentrated autism where they can't understand context.
Same loud chick that said Trump wuz raciss when Don King said "nigger" while recounting a story and said that Trump doesn't understand critical race theory.
it's not something you understand with logic & reasoning, it's a feel
Do all spics sound like niggers?
Yet they were all perfectly fine with Bill Clinton being president.
She's a light skinned niggeress
in scant 3 months from now kayleigh will be White House press secretary while that kike bitch won't even have her own show
We need a nation of Kayleighs.
"I'm not going to let you say…"
i'd say this phrasing combined with her physically threatening response and raised voice went outside the bounds of normal discourse, all this to defend a rapist.
there was no recipient you stupid cunt.
she talks like a nigger. is she a nigger?
You're right, Bill Clinton isn't running for president, Saudi Arabia is.
there's another one on CNN who may as well be the exact same person, Sunny Hostin. she was utterly hysterical during the Zimmerman trial and unfortunately was a federal prosecutor at one point, absolutely frightening that someone like her could put people in jail
Watching the media implode in on itself is much more entertaining than real news has ever been.
Based qt is so dweamy…
Why is she so perfect?
Look at how she looks right at her destroying her argument while this spic has to look anywhere else.
God, progressive women are some of the most retarded people on the planet, they don't want equality, they want superiority.
You know that bitch went home and beat her wife because of this.
When did Don King say "nigger"? Sauce?
Also I want to kill my Canadian parents for being retarded enough to believe that CNN are "experts" and their opinions aren't trash.
What? She has a ghetto black accent, cadence and attitude. At one point she even calls Kayleigh "dude." Her Twitter is filled with niggers and it's clear she identifies as 'black.'
twitter. com/angela_rye
niggers get triggered while whites snicker
I really don't think women should be on TV in the first place. In fact, I wish Television didn't exist at all
Add her to this list of liars and crazies:
These are dangerous lies being spread accusing Mr. Trump of advocating sexual assault. This is scary. See Anderson Cooper's absurd questions at the debate. Kelly Oxford's cynical use of sexual assault victims on twitter is another example. Lynda Tran's absurd comments on CBSN after the debate too.
Any regular person can tell that Trump's words were not to be taken literally. That he was basically boasting about being sexually desired because he is famous. Even when taken literally, Trump clearly characterized the kisses and touching as consensual, bragging that "they let me". Not only is there nothing that implies non-consent, consent is explicitly said! Many of these liars take it a step further and say he was saying you can go up to random girls and grab their pussies (LIES!), but even then whether or no it was sexual assault would be up to those hypothetical girls, and in Trump's words consent was given.
Why is this important? Because feminists are evil and want to destroy normal heterosexual relations. They want men to be forced to ask, by threat of criminal penalty, before trying anything with a woman. Before kissing her, like in the Trump example. This is unnatural. It turns most women off, it makes most men feel sexually uncomfortable. That is the point. To make men and women have bad sexual experiences. This promotes the breakdown of heterosexual relations and has another effect: it will cause BDSM to explode.
Most women are sexually submissive. They will seek out things that allow them to be sexually fulfilled. By fucking over normal heterosexual relations, BDSM is the natural outlet. Men will either become controlling doms, or submissive subs. They want you daughter to be tied up in basements.
This is what they want to make HS Sex Ed Like: youtube.com
Broadcast television has been absolutely destructive as a propaganda tool in ways that radio, newspapers, and even film never could be. They're IRL telescreens.
triggerfu is based as always
Well, I was speaking with a coworker about these issues, and he sperged out hard, emotionally, like a little bitch,
but I didn't let up and I mocked him a little bit and showed how weak and brainwashed he was for caring nothing for
his race and the fact that we are being bred out of existence. This is an unnatural state of being, so for people to be in it,
they must have been put that way, somehow.
Anyhow, he wants to be a cop, and he told me that I am obviously someone who has a good understanding of world events,
and I should go into politics and become someone powerful, and then I can command him to do what needs to be done, essentially.
He said that his outlook is he wants to be a cop and stop bad people in person, but that's it for him, he doesn't think about this
stuff and he essentially abdicated all his responsiblity to me and told me to become a big powerful guy and order him around.
The funny thing is, he wasn't even kidding, and I think he likely will end up a LEO. Gave me a good insight into the normie mindset,
essentially broke him down to the point where he admitted he just absolutely required a big strong guy to tell him what to do because he
is a fucking pleb
When you find you are surrounded by sheep, you have two options. You can become a wolf, and take them for everything they've got, or you can become a Shepard and guide them. Find your purpose in this world
Fucking LOL
Muh seduction
More like when hasn't he?
warning clip contains half-breed nig logic
These uppity cunts have no fucking clue what "rape culture" is because they've never set one fucking toe in Africa or Arabia. They think the US is actually a "rape culture". If we're actually a "rape culture" why aren't these sluts claiming they were raped being stoned to death?
Because the US isn't actually a rape culture like these shitskin lovers fantasize it to be.
Also… spic? She sure has all the pavement ape attributes: sloped back 5 head, horse hair, bobble head, loud, obnoxious, broken record repition, OH NO YOU DI-INT! Fucking niggers.