Laura Thread

Alright new Lera Thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

pedo datamining DO NOT REPLY!

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Hey there newfag.

Faggots like you think EVERYTHING is datamining just stop you paranoid fuck.

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She still looks nice.

creepy tbh fam

while we're on the topic, anyone know how this piece of ass got so chunky?

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snagged this one from a bread a few days ago

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Last 2 pictures she's so beautiful I could eat. Absolutely angelic. As you can see she was much better turning 18. Peaked.

and also can anyone tell me why sandra hooked up with a draugr?

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Please no.

Who fucking cares.

That was that other girl Laura B always hung out with, except grown up, right?

She's still beautiful but i like 12 year old Lera the best tbh.

Shes much more covered in make up and still doesn't compare to when she was younger.

Nobody likes 12 years old Jesus Christ. Kiddy-fiddler eh. If picture related is what she looks like then you are completely disgusting

No make-up. Just a figure and facial structure. She's clearly beautiful

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Nawwhh looks nothing like Valensiya.


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A place where attention-whores like mr. 12 should not be accepted

She was more beautiful when she was younger and didn't have to use make up to hide the imperfections caused by aging because she had none.

The only person thats not accepted here is you, whether the normalfag admin of this site is on your side or not.

Are you crazy. Her facial structure peaked older. No imperfections. 12 year old is pure babyface jello. JELLO, Jerry. JELLO. No facial structure.

I'm the one who doesn't accept you. And overall, I'm much more important and tolerate tbh

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Being attracted to 10-14 year olds is normal because they show signs of puberty and are able to reproduce.

But they are underdeveloped and dumb. And still ugly.

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You seem a little underdeveloped yourself, with all that shit taste.

Go back to 4chan normalfag.

I think you just have a big, big problem, and that's it. Pic related, if you like this, then you are mental. Nuff said. Socially isolated loser

Pedos always go crazy. Reported.

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Go back to 4chan its painfully obvious you just got here yesterday when it went offline and now you've burrowed in and are draining the post quality out of this place like a fucking tick.

I like your pic related and there's nothing you can do about it. Post more, I dare you.

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Of course I just got here yesterday. Fresh off the 4chan train! And I'm here to clean this here place up! Hopefully you grow to like your new companion!

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You only believe that because a bunch of old people congress told you what to believe..

How old is she? as of today.
She is growing up and becoming a gorgeous girl.

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Kids can be projectors. Like, you could imagine what they'll grow up to be maybe. But you are a sick sick man.


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Did I mention that I also have a gf? B^)

can someone tell me how to view bans for a board?

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Go back to halfcuck

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You have to go back normalfag.

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Mmmm sexy.

Careful, mods might get a little upset.

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I know there's no more of that mom, but oh lord do I have a need to see it.

Laura is just so beautiful.

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Bet he fucks his daughter and wife together LOL.

So this is how some women get their Electra complex.
That was very lewd to say the least.

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Preteen Lera Armpits or Teenage Lera armpits?

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How to delete other peoples posts?

What is wrong with you people? smh

I'm more of a princess fan tbh but this is supposed to be a laura thread so I won't derail.

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You need to leave you dont fit in you're too normal for this site get out our enemy Cuckchan is that way faggot >>>>.

Parents have to set some limits.
I have seen little girls give small kisses in the mouth to their fathers and that's wrong.
That dancing was too sexual in my opinion and that's wrong.

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this gives me some serious creeps dude

if you dont think thats wierd as heck. and look at his expression, he's in for the fuck

Someone else but that guy has a point that was just father and daughter bonding dumbass thanks for putting on the dumbass act, I'm leaving this thread forever

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More pits user to be fair

Thats a favorite of mine.

Wow such a hard choice

Don't have to ask me twice fam

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You will never make it with that awful armpit talk. Loser.

Where do you think you are??.

Why do you feel so threatened? insecure pedos.

Make what? You can't just come in here and diss a mans fetish or the consequences will never be the same.

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Not everyone on Holla Forums is a pedophile but almost everyone on Holla Forums is a loser in someway lurk more newfag or go back to Normalchan.

I don't want to save the pictures of Laura.
I dont want my depressed ass to land in jail.
but she is just so pretty.

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Stop it!

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The world is not centered around you. We are all winners. Fix your mistakes. FBI are winners too. they should take care of you.

You won't go to jail Candydoll is legal for the most part though that also depends on where you live too.


Fear mongering is how they keep people in line since they lack the power to actually do it but hey if you'd rather be safe than sorry its all good I'll take one for the team.

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Fuck off with your normalfaggotry get out cunt.

I hope ironically Mr. i posted a little girl LOL.

I wanna cum on her tummy mmm.

I know.
but we are powerless man.
We are being spied all the time.
We are just disposable tools for the rich and the state.

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Buddy i haven't gone outside in 11 years so i don't think so.

I'm just fucking with you calm your tits, shitposting is definitely not worth actually posting anything thats illegal in my country.

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Stop bumping the thread you nigger

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