Not quite sure if it's the user base that's changed, the content that's produced and reciprocated...

Not quite sure if it's the user base that's changed, the content that's produced and reciprocated, or maybe it's just me.
I'm fucking sick of it all, i'm sick of you,i'm sick of me, i'm just plain old tired.
I give up, and frankly, it's comforting in a masochistic sort of way.

TLDR: fuck you, and this never ending ride.

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Other urls found in this thread:

its the moderation that is complete garbage

userbase barely changed. pedos and ponies got the boot and they were 80% of the PPH so everyone thinks the board is slow because they rely too much on rons count system.

moderation is fine, its just like snacks-era 4chan.

OC isn't produced very often here for some reason, though.

You are OC right now tbh

Maybe Holla Forums should go raiding something. Hadn't been done in awhile.

Noone is going to waste their time producing anything for a shithole ran by a normalfag that wants to turn this place into what 4chan is now.

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if you were, you would be fully capable of making content that makes fun of the moderation like others have already done.

admit it, you're just creatively defunct.

clearly you haven't been there in a while, maybe you should go back and see for yourself that this place is nothing of the sort.

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Blaming others for your own shortcomings?

I am fully capable I'm just not willing and I'm not the only one, nice basic bitch reverse psychology though you totally fooled me I'll get right to wasting my time making OC for this shithole now.

And you're right this place will never be 4chan because 4chan already exists, no this place will just slowly wither and die agonizingly like a terminally ill cancer patient because it has no niche to fill and no pull for new users.

What's it like being controlled by your emotions? Don't think about it too long.

You're fully capable and willing to be full of shit, I see.

yeah that's probably accurate, fuck what a joke banning pedos, christ, not even fond of the material myself most days, but that was drastic, and unnecessary, unless the board was under the scrutiny of some lettersoup niggers.
slow is good for the most part, keep it comfy
yes, been waiting for some new travis, honestly.

If I was controlled by my emotions I would never come here again.

the ponyniggers were CIA and the pedoniggers were NSA/FBI

they were also antifa SJW's part of the same group that made moot cuck 4chan

shit forced meme

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No one does raids anymore.

In denial about what? Do you expect me to believe that we're in the heyday of Holla Forums right now and its never been better because thats demonstrably false in more ways than one.

Theres noone to do raids with anymore, personal army requests actually require an army.

Ever think about an alternative, or has that image been polluted in your minds, like the one virgin girl that may have been yours, being taken.
Metaphorically they're similar, though i doubt a virgin cunt would be as broken as this shithole.
Why the fuck are you even here, user.

Attached: soley to talk trash.png (1181x667, 1.1M)

We've had a slight influx of 4chan newfags who appear to be actively posting in threads. It appears to me some are quality discussions that could be what 8/b/ needs. Others are funny shitposts. If anything the catalog looks refreshed over the usual stale content. Honestly though I welcome my 4channers that either got banned, or are tired of having the threads they create only last at most no more than perhaps an hour. This board has threads that last much much longer than an hour making it so you can post higher quality content and in a less hurried manner.

I guess this is the part I shill 30chan because they're small and easy to bully

32chan was the best when it existed man

I miss that place too, man. I remember doing shit like getting some dumbass to light his basement on fire to get rid of the spiders. Funniest shit.

Its precisely because theres no alternative, I spent years stewing on 4chan as the shit got shittier and then Holla Forums came about like a saving grace and now unfortunately history is repeating itself.
All the imageboards being shilled currently like mewch are no viable alternative at all its just the same shit.

What would a perfect world for a special snowflake like yourself consist of then?

Holla Forums run by hotwheels again would suffice. Where the hell is this "special snowflake" shit coming from?

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I'm guessing you weren't here then since by the looks of things you just stumbled in here out of 4chan but trust me when I say it was great. Like reliving 4chans glory days all over again.

It was actually better then 4chans glory days cuz we had/have sound webms.

suppose you're right, so you repeat it, and stew some more?

Very true, hard to imagine in its current state that it was Holla Forums that made webms as relevant as they are today.

That and reminisce about the good old days along with the occasional shitpost.

i came over to 8ch during the gamergate spam threads and never went back. tried going to pedochan too, but well, didnt like pedos

What you mean librechan? As a pedo myself I didn't either honestly, I want an actual imageboard not a glorified pedo ring in an imageboard format.

Hot wheels has a disease that most people don't even live that long with, unfortunately. If things weren't run by Jim would he even be able to afford the servers at all? Doubtful.
I'm talking about a serious alternative.

Ok then someone who has the same principles as hotwheels making a new imageboard which hasn't happened yet and probably won't happen until internet freedom is dead and we all have to flee to onion sites to even say anything controversial without repercussions.

There is no alternative. If you like using imageboards this is pretty much the end of the line. Unless you want to post somewhere really, really slow.

no. one. cares.

Then why is this one of the fastest threads on Holla Forums at the moment?

jk fuck 8gag and fuck all its gay boards. Come back to 4chan. More cancer but more quality posters too.

All the old fags left to

Thats a contradiction.

No it isn't. Cancer can't thrive without an organism, and the body of 4chan, isn't that bad. Even shitholes like int have better threads than Holla Forums. The banter is quality, and the USERS, the most important part, are image board users. Not Facebook boomers or plebbitors.

Admittedly, it was, but we can't do anything about it now. I heard Jim wants to bring back 5chan, maybe we can wait on that. But for now, you have to get over it. Doing the same thing and expecting different (or old) results in spite of facts is le definition of insanity.

Are we talking about the same 4chan because 4chan doesn't have any "imageboard users" left and that was painfully evident yesterday when it went down for a few hours and they came here. It was so easy to tell there was an influx of faggots from 4chan without even knowing anything is happening just because they're so far removed from imageboard culture that they stick out like sore thumbs in a place like this which is the last dying bastion of imageboard culture.

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He said "join me on 5chan" or some shit. The website is down though, but that's nothing unusual. He might be working on it now. For all we know, Holla Forums was a (personal) test run.

on his Twitter*

Its so crazy it just might work. Do it on some weekend. Who knows.

Hotwheels was the one that enticed people to come here because he had the right principles, jim on the other hand destroyed the only reason for anyone to come here by making the rules no different than 4chan so why on earth would he think that "5chan" will be anything but dead in the water?

What do you mean the rules are no different. You can post anything here as long as its not illegal in USA and create and mod your own board. Not the case with 4chang. Don't post silly things that aren't true. Remember when 4chins had to come here just do to /hwndu/ cuz they weren't allowed to operate their?

what the hell is bronnene or whatever

Do you not remember what happened the day jim kicked hotwheels off the throne and took over as admin? The only explanation I can come to for why you'd believe the rules are no different is that you weren't even here before jim.

yikes! you are beyond normie at this point as with the rest of 4chan. i did actually consider checking 4chan out again, i checked few boards like Holla Forums and Holla Forums and /x/ and by god were they shitholes of pure cancer. complete worthless garbage. literally reddit it better because it's exactly the same but they ban the edgy kids that want to pretend to be racist and say bad words

I was and what has changed. It's still the same rules.

Yeah by doing an AMA on reddit, wow principles, in fact, he fucked off because we WEREN'T like reddit. The only bad thing about Jim is that he doesn't intervene when autistic entities (jew mods) that Samson option the whole website with us on it.
News flash: no one follows their own rules. People get banned for rules that don't exist. At least on 4chan its WITHIN the rules, for three days at a time, not four fucking weeks for getting the autistic virgin mod triggered. KC bans people for a day and they go livid. People can self moderate, as long as they know the culture, but day after day it seems like you're just a bunch of sad 4cuck outcasts and redditors who have no culture and were chased out for all the right reasons.

LMFAO case in point, faggot.

No its not, its "whatever jim doesn't like isn't allowed" which is why all the law abiding pedo boards that had been on the site for years with no problems all got erased the day jim became admin because he doesn't like pedos.
You think because they haven't bothered to change "In the interest of free speech, only content that directly violates the DMCA or other US laws is deleted." on the front page it must mean its still true?

You think the AMA on reddit is what made Holla Forums popular? Are you fucking stupid? Oh right of course you are you're advocating for going back to 4chan.

??? ebin! go back to 4chan, stop peddling your garbage. we have at least two neurons to rub together. if we wanted to go to your homo hookup, we would

I am, cry for another year faggots. No ones answering your prayers. Shit happens, dwell on this time waster some more though.

True. But, that's the only thing Jim changed really. Take it or leave it on that subject.

We will, have fun pretending to be edgy with all the kids who don't want their reddit account banned so they go to 4chan to say nigger.

nice! ty babe

Faggots liking to Holla Forums in r/European and r/coontown (and later r/the_zognald) did. I remember the post count before the immigration and around the time of the shemitah. Don't lie, newfag. Most image boards, like KC, are populated by 10 autists at most, almost none came here.

Its about standing by your principles and jim has none which is why 5chan is dead in the water.
The only reason Holla Forums still has a userbase is because the people hotwheels enticed to come here by sticking to his principles have nowhere else to go now that its run by a normalfag that wants nothing more than to turn this place into what 4chan is today.

Yes, it won't be appropriate on your fav board, /mlp/. There's so many shitskins because all the whites left to here. Now they're coming back, and they're leaving. I know, I was there bullying them, and its funnier.

Show me your tits babe.

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Wow you seem very knowledgeable about reddit while at the same time advocating for going back to 4chan, really makes you think.
But no you retarded redditor the thing that made Holla Forums popular was 4chan showing its hand as a site that doesn't give a shit about free speech when it tried to stifle gamergate and later when moot nuked Holla Forums because they were making fun of him for being a cuck. Thats why Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the largest boards on this site.

e/b/in Holla Forumsrother! lets go make a post on 4chan about how we trolled those cripplechan dweebs! pwned MAGA ni**as!

ok but hold on I gotta steal my moms credit card for a 4chan pass becuz i can never get captcha to work xD

whos gonna make the r/4chan post? i could, then you get top comment

5chan was dead for years. He might be hinting at a reboot. He prob knows this site is fucked but doesn't want to intervene because acknowledging the semi criminal shit that goes here would have the alphabets up his neck about intervening some more and deleting shit they don't like. He has to make it seem like us calling for a race war isn't with his control. Who'd wanna be involved with us?

Tits or gtfo, even /x/ here is le spoopy dead squid ward tyre

all the upboats will enlarge my benis LOLOLOLO

Yeah its not like countless fbi tips were sent in by normalfags about the pedo boards on this site that were sharing pictures of kids in bikinis and shit for years and nothing came of it because theres nothing illegal about it.

Not my point, dum dum. It's not illegal because its not within Jim's control what random users posts. If he stars removing mods and deleting shit himself only THEN they can compel him to do their bidding, removing shit like "offensive speech" even.

I don't really have a problem with slow image boards and I personally don't understand why people like high traffic image boards if you want a fast image board use 4chan or something I would much rather use a slower change that is actually making decent content and is worth my time.

Imagine the uprising that would cause, lulz would be bountiful once again.

Its the responsibility of the admin to get rid of anything illegal on their site, if they don't then they're willingly hosting it and become just as libel as the poster themselves.
Why do you think clearnet pedo imageboards disappear so often? The pedo owner is too lax with the rules and lets blatantly illegal shit stay on the site and ends up in deep shit over it.
The fact that pedo boards on Holla Forums remained for years posting what they did and nothing came of it is proof enough that what they were doing was of no legal threat and their removal when jim became admin was purely because of his feelies.

I was on Holla Forums then you hyper autist. I saw all the "take back reddit threads". Random omegle threads weren't so "quality" either. Take a look at the archive newfag, 8gag was best when it was like 4chan populated by solely whites with only slightly higher sophistication.
10 autists populating two boards, wow. Amazing. Post count with around six zeros DOUBLED during the election, around two years worth of posts.

There's slow. And then there is sloooowwww.

Honestly, I'm willing to ride it out here with Jim, Wheels and Philipino friends and crew until the end. Feels like the place to be.

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Does the owner of Facebook personally remove each and every loli pic ever taken? wew lad I'm glad you 2smart4u faggot's aren't there.
HATE SPEECH AND ANTI SEMITISM ARE IN THE CURRENT YEAR GENUIS. Speak to a brick wall, enjoy your autism retards I see you're all "too intelligent for the normals" xD

4chan full of only whites! haha that's amazing! what else do you believe? Do you think 4chans users aren't 40% female? hahaha! 4chan is literally reddit you nigger. it's reddit with badwords! by god youre a real kek maga e/b/in meam Holla Forumsrother!

Fuck off you retarded redditor you have nothing of worth to add, whether you fuck off to 4chan or reddit really makes no difference to me as its all the same shit at this point just get away from here for fuck sake.

Never said that, you retard. Some people (you) were meant to be outcasts here. This is your prison, I won't be punished by remaining here having to suffer your 29iq company.
I've got other image boards that act as Holla Forums. You're too much of a sad bitch to make your own fun, you can only leech onto fun threads where others are.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

*slams on purpose*

Yeah what's required for those kinds of chans so that they don't fall into the pit of non existence slow is a dedicated user base which for some reason can be hard to come by these days. Holla Forums really isn't all that bad past the government shills and such, and honestly if you think about it it's pretty cool being a part of a chan that is basically fighting corrupt parts of the new world order. There's not too many newfags, honestly the only real problem I have with Holla Forums is the lack of raids. With a keen eye and some patience you can witness a lot happening here.

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Holy shit. The newest faggot who ever newed and the boomest boomer who ever bombed. You're the reason why real users left, no wonder you're so incredibly delusional and dumb. This place is Israel compared to to what it was, you saw the Washington post about 8gag and came here, didn't you?

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*downvotes your post*

Jesus who shit in your coffee this morning, bud?
Of fucking cause this place is an anal leakage of what it once was but you know where "da oldfags" left? They went on to get a fucking life instead of jerking off in their own rooms on a Vietnamese fishing board on the internet.

you smell like boipucci

How can you smell through the screen you big dumb idiot? I'm clearly wearing a cologne that only faggots can smell so, I guess that makes sense then, doesn't it

Go put your Holla Forums knowledge to work then. I'm writing a history book. Do you want to save the white race or LARP on the internet?


Aw come on man, I wanna do both at the same time.(hey in your history book write me in as the faggiest faggot that ever fagged)
You don't want me to put my knowledge to use it'll stir up the shit pot trust me…

Beeg boolie

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Its science Hitler, fags look like women for taking it in the ass, the problem is that they took too much, plus stds and hormones, but their bones are still there, this also the reason why brazilian girls looks so hot even if they are ugly and also proves a difference between male and woman at chemical level, and more, it show both woman and man like different and symbiotic systems, again, this is science and proved and not even Holla Forums talk about this because most of them are ignorants, christian scientists smarter than fedoras that are stupid enough to show something like this arent common.

It also explain why raped men and kids become faggots most of the time and why women and girls raped not, of course there are more factors, but this shit is just too big, a unique man for every woman will extend their lifespans and solve a lot of 'psycological problems' and they will look younger.

This is your brain on Holla Forums

U mean like the 16-21(cant remember) trillion dollars the federal reserve shadow loaned other central banks/govts in 2008 and is still a huge deal secretly in the background. Stuff like that.


u mean the 16 trillion (at least) they gave to their buddies to keep em rolling

Never forget it.

''The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest. Why the Federal Reserve had never been public about this or even informed the United States Congress about the $16 trillion dollar bailout is obvious - the American public would have been outraged to find out that the Federal Reserve bailed out foreign banks while Americans were struggling to find jobs.

To place $16 trillion into perspective, remember that GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion. The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is "only" $14.5 trillion. The budget that is being debated so heavily in Congress and the Senate is "only" $3.5 trillion. Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was no debate about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world.''

The debt is 20 billion today.

sadface.jpg muh nigguh I was a lurker forever and only came out of my hole **after a decade thereabouts*³ and started posting when I saw the chans slipping into normalcy.. 4cuck is a lost cause but there's still hope here MAGA #BASED

no this is your brain on mental illness. Holla Forums is overzealous and and misguided but generally bang on point, even on cuckchan, even to this day. I disagree with socialism in general, but if we must it should at least be nationalistic.

Found some great things. Not gonna let /nu/pol know though.

Your government is bad and you should feel bad. I'm inventing a way to annihilate the living fuck out of everything digitally. What are you doing?