Tight Pussy Thread

Post your tight pussy images, puffy vulva images are also accepted here.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think the thumbnail image was created from my Omegle Ban thread a couple months back. FUN fact. People know about that right? Dynsomia Remembers Right? Am I a popular guy on here? Secretly popilar maybe?

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I remember.

Yeah I remember the thread, I also remember how dysnomia deleted a shit ton of posts deleting all of your OC. They'd have to be pretty new not to remember.

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Sorry to burst your bubble but, no one knows you and nobody cares about you tbh

t. newfag that doesn't know

t. shit BO that should an hero

You can't kill what's already dead.

He's gotten better, if you here long enough to see the omeagle ban thread you would know he was much worse.

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That doesn't make you less of a faggot

4chan.org/ tbh

This tbh. My job is done, I got disrupted the cyclic-thread tripfags (aka pedos and ponies) that shit this board up and now its a proper Holla Forums.

I kinda liked the pedo's, not so much the anti-pedos though.

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Bitch, i've been here since that fuckhead took control. He ruined Holla Forums completely. He took a great thing, and took a shit on it, and made worse than cuckkchan.

Fuck off pedonigger. Your death will be slow.

I don't care for either of them because they shit up every thread.

You're delusional.

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That's why I said he was much worse.

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Don't post pictures of yourself.

If you think Holla Forums being a retarded version of 4chan, than you should make your own site, fuckhead.
Dysnomia trippcode is different FYI

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also your enligh is shit.

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Hey Goldberg, you know that kikes are more likely to be pedoniggers, right? You're projecting again.

I remember somehow. I tend to make some pretty interesting threads tbh. There was a thread about accusing me once too, glad that's over. Yep, the life of a popular man.

I'm the only good anti-pedo. Pedos suck too

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you suck as well, scholmo. This was always a pedo freindly board. Wether you like it or not

I am the bull, cuck.

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Your the low-life queer, that needs to shit on a specific group of people, in order to feel good with yourself.

No you're jims little bitch boy and you'll run this board exactly how he wants you to or you'll be replaced.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

What the hell is a scholmo? Slowmo. Nothing is ever pedo friendly besides your uncles basement. Here have some beautiful adult women

Entering the mind of a mad and desperate man. Sad men smoking in their dump.

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kill yourself.

The board exists right now, and isn't, therefore was not always.

Someone who is really lazy.
usually describes someone who is chilling at home, wearing pijamas all day, being really slow with everything.

i meant before you, jackass

How popular is the baby name Scholmo? That's all Google gave me, sorry. Think next time. And in English, too.

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You're making the mistake of assuming he has any agency of his own when in reality the only reason hes still BO is because hes a good little bitch boy that does everything jim and son tell him to do.

>using (((JEW)))ggle
how new are you?

Google is the future. ABC Will take over the world. Make the switch right now and they'll protect you from other shit search engines and platforms. Good advertisements aswell.
I told you to use English, what is wrong with you?

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Not as new as you.

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Holy shit. I never realised after all these years. schomol is my new favorite word

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you're just a sad, little faggot boy. FYI i was here since this meltdown. So i'm probably and olderfag than (You)

I don't really care how much of a newfag you are, it doesn't matter. What matters is what you post, and yours are utter trash.

Can't post CP. It is illegal.

better than your posts

Oh, is that a challenge? I can show both of our posts and let anons decideā€¦

Just wait for bitch boy to go beddy bye and that shit will stay up for hours on this board.

b-better than yours!
fucking spring breakers.

Even if you are a normal person, that is not something to joke about. I think you are sharing something very sad about yourself. Share something better for once godammit. Hows your life? Sad? Do something happy and come back to us when you're feeling better. We care about you.

i dont care what you do. As far as im concerned, you can shove a pineapple up your ass

Don't fall for this, user. This place isn't Reddit, ffs

which is it?

you can go fuck yourself, bitch boy.

I care. Very much. I want this user to pour his heart out for us.

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sure you do

because the imageboard is filled with moralfags such as yourself.


I myself personally do not leave anyone out. I'm like your little buddy. A friendly bear with it's tongue sticking out and it's tail wagging.

What are you? Some kind of sicko?

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more like you're just butthurt that someone doesn't agree with you.

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you're projecting your butthurt.

Why don't you go to crystal.cafe and try to pretend theres nothing wrong with the moderation banning you the second they get a hint that you have the wrong genitals?

This is not 144chan or 2013 Holla Forums.

You're in absolute denial. if I had never done anything to make you butthurt you wouldn't be in this thread posting whatever garbage you are posting.

Admit it, I reign your emotions. Without me you are incapable of experiencing such butthurt.

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That is correct. The moderation here is perfectly in control. Management is amazing. We are doing great work so far. Now lets make up

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You're nothing but a puppet and if you stepped out of line and got replaced I would still be just as "butthurt" because its jim that ruined this place and not you.

you're a faggot, who takes it from behind, arent you?

Its the exact opposite that makes me angry. You normies came here and decided to get rid of everything you don't. Much like millennial SJW snowflakes. You're probably one of them, am i right? And what is sad is, that the Mods are completely fine with this censorship.

You're literally a retard. There isn't a "line" to step out of. I keep illegal shit off the board, that's it. Jim isn't in charge of that, it's US law. I'm not stupid enough to allow illegal content on this board even if Jim gave the say-so.

I only take taps on the shoulder from behind, and that's usually my boss telling me I'm doing a good job. When was the last time your mother felt like hugging you? Or ever enjoyed your presence for that matter? Huh?

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You're the snowflake, pedo.
DOTR soon.

No you keep pedos off the board and if you allowed pedos to stay like for example /bbbb/ did you wouldn't be BO anymore just like the owner of /bbbb/ got his board taken away even though he was deleting anything illegal.

Thats BS and you now it. You and your monkeys keep deleting stuff that is perfectly ok, for no fucking reason and you can see the logs, tho. The majority of the bans you guys give, are for no fucking reason whatsoever. And i'm not talking about just the pedos. You guys ystematically deleted everytihng you disagree with. Am i wrong?

Are you a good poster or not?

Actually i'm not, because i wasn't the one that got triggered by pictures of lolis.


i have my moments

Let me rephrase, and you would do your best to understand this, as I will word it very clearly.

The purpose of a Holla Forums volunteer is to remove/ban any illegal content on Holla Forums. Anything done outside of that is completely arbitrary, because this is the Holla Forums board, and there are no rules aside from removing illegal content, and that clause applies to the moderation. If you don't like it, make your own board. That's why we fled to this site anyway.

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Just go to 144chan.
It is a much better honeypot than this.

It's not that hard. You like this song?

Are you consistent with these moments? You can't look sad now


I unerstand what a VOL, you retard. What i'm saying is that you and your Vols, have a very loose definition of illegal.


Sorry if im bothering you but Puffy Vulva

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this. There is no winning with these guys

ALSO to any of the newfags saying "Holla Forums was always pedo friendly!" it was also always ban friendly and never actually had any rules, including for moderation.

Clearly you have no clue what I just posted.
It doesn't have to be illegal to be removed, anything can be removed at any time for no reason at all because it's Holla Forums.

I won't repeat myself because you do not understand. Understanding of it cannot be given to you because, you see, all that you can receive are more words in order to explain words.

If you have not understood the first set of words you will most likely not understand the second set of words.

Are you talking about pedo boards that host illegal content? If not:

If you're only talking about Holla Forums alternatives:

You've completely proven yourself to be a retard, congratulations. Dismissed.

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I meant >>>/general/ but there truly isn't a difference.

linking /bbbb/ just proves my point, it was nuked because it wasn't cucked enough and no it wasn't hosting anything illegal the owner just wasn't jims bitch boy and didn't have as broad an opinion on what dost is as jims bitch boys are supposed to have.
You can't hide behind legality when you're banning people for images that are easily found on facebook and instagram, fucking nobody but jim and his bitch boys believe any of the shit people are getting banned for is illegal.

is that a threat, you stupid ass?

makes no fucking sense, and that all i needed to know you're even more retarded that i thought and you dont know what the fuck you're doing.



don't try to talk to a retard.