Rate my sister Holla Forums
Rate my sister Holla Forums
I prefer to think you are rusing us and not semi-doxxing your family. Otherwise you are retarded, underage or combination of both.
I would love to brush her hair
with my cock
the fact that he cropped it and placed it in a white box makes me think its actually his sister and he's trying to circumvent google reverse search.
Cannot rate without seeing da tits
How much is the dowry for her? Can I have her as my wife?
My bid is four goats (used) and a chicken (as new), and that's pretty generous imho.
I would rait her an 8 or maybe even 9 if you can show me dat bod, brah
Would you take bitcoins?
t. Mohammed
you should be helping her find a suitable husband
ask her to show tits, draw a timestamp on them and post a picture of it or we wont believe thats your sister
She's clearly underage. Reported.
Why are you here?
Do not want
so hardcore