Cyberpunk Thread

Will the Los Angeles of the future be more like the movie Her or Blade Runner?

Attached: Altered Carbon.jpg (960x570, 152.4K)

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the amount of rebuilt-from-scratch buildings in bladerunner indicates some kind of devastation from war or natural disaster so no maybe not so much. culturally, the way things are going, no not really either. everything will be all prim and non-offensive on the outside but just as fucked up on the inside
never seen it

more skyscrapers, skywalks, and public transportation, less suburban sprawl, much cleaner air than Blade Runner, less neon jap letters on everything

it's a nice idea and will probably exist but most will live in shitty, depressing (but equally life-sustaining) housing sprawls
and there will always be advertising on everything

Attached: shibiji city.jpg (1280x720, 293.45K)

If it's not English it will probably be Spanish or Chinese though, not Japanese.

Only the French did advertising properly, their blue wall ad murals are the best.

"Her" has some faggy post-modernism style… so I give it 12 years before all the city starts looking like it.

On the other hand, how's "Altered Carbon"?

It's alright. If you can get past the first three episodes you'll enjoy it because it does get better. Feels more edgy and less noir for my taste, but still watchable.

probably a lot more like 1984

Hi Holla Forums JK I can't mock you anymore, China is starting to scare the shit out of me too

Attached: China bans pooh.jpg (624x274, 28.16K)

So I suscribed to NewRetroWave and there I can listen to 80s candy pop synth right next to dark synthwave that would fit better in a cyberpunk setting.
So can anyone give me a handy diagram of the subgenres and styles?

no but i can give you a handy

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Why are Cyberpunkfags such sluts?

the future is grim discard your dignity now

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Nah, In my cyberpunk world I only come out during daylight. Fuck that underworld sketchy shit.

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then HER GitS

Blade Runner isnt Cyberpunk, yet it has all 'secondary elements' cyberpunk has.

Cyberpunk demands:

We have none, we are living niggerpunk jewdom at best, to be honest we are living the age of stupidity, smart people is castrated and their money is used to breed retards, tbh we are falling into a new dark age, seriously, check antikhytera artifact, greeks under christianity had advanced technology, then the jew revolt destroyed everything, Rome with his last forces destroyed jews and they created talmud and all 'gospels' supporting the views of islam came from this age, jews destroying christianity, forcing lies that are still used as history and replacing whites with muslims is exactly the same thing that is happening today, if this time the caliphates are destroyed and we enter a real age of anarchy shit will be like the Rome of Diocletianus, christinianty forcing people to be civilizated again while a fedora with power is stopping them in the name of civilization, the big mistake of cyber was and is ignoring christianity, islam and niggers, sad fact, that shit didnt happen in shadowrun and its pathetic.

that was black panther

Xi is dictator for life now. That shouldn't scare you at all, it just means China is damage controlling hard and realizes having a central leader manage their economy for so long was a mistake and they can't afford to have some potential Gorbachev 2.0 step up and fuck up what Xi setup, keeping wages low for the rest of the world while maintaining the value of the Yuan. China is going to die in our lifetimes

The Los Angeles of the future will be an irradiated crater, courtesy of numerous thermonuclear detonations of Chinese and/or Russian origin.

I think we are definitely falling into what I would consider the "Dark Ages 2.0" but I disagree on the reasons why.

The original Dark Ages was about a lack of record keeping by anyone outside the Church, who were the only people documenting anything at the time. Rome was fallen, and Europe had to rebuild itself, there was a black plague, it was a dark and grim time of human history.

Today, I see a similar pattern. Information is trivial do to the internet and mass media, Islam is rising do to the rise of political correctness, the age of Superpowers has the entire world locked between the United States and China. It is an age that is breeding nihilists. The average person today is more miserable than they have been in hundreds of years. I do believe this age will come to an end eventually. And historians will look back at this day and age as a failure of post-modernism.

You're the only one that thinks that. If I'm wrong I will happily accept that I'm a retard 30 years from now.

I don't know, we have records. True most people today take in all their info via smartphone, but so many more of us are literate than Europeans in the Dark Ages. Lets say a global pandemic and world war ravages the planet, most of us unburdened by the rat race or school, could as a community head down to the library study up and make comfy, educated, most self-sustaining villages if you lived in a rural community far from military targets.

It's a nice idea, but if you want to see what would probably actually happen, read the book Earth Abides.

Do you live under a fucking rock? The general consensus right now is Chinas economic model is unsustainable and Xi is ultimately turning China into USSR 2.0 while America is starting to get fed up with their unfair trade policies

Pretty much just Trump, not enough Republicans or Democrats care.

Niggerpunk is real

We have asian records and the Kitos war was recorded by both jews and romans, we also have muslim records, the golden age of islam, still we have a lot of problems with what happened in the dark ages, but at least we have (some) of the reasons of the destruction or not keeping of all that data, 'barbarians' didnt give a fuck and jews destroyed the rest with their shabbos goys.

Fun fact, we know more about dinosaurs than our specie thanks to cultural marxism and we know more about the dark ages than WWII thanks to cultural marxism, same deceivers, same tactics.

Desire of knowing more intensifies.

Civilization is generated by people, not all people obviously, if you dont replace chinese with other people like Gengis did then China will live like europe after Rome, its about people, genetics, nogs cant minesis.

It's been real since the 90s, have you never heard of a 419 scam?

Wikipedia has a pretty thorough summary.

It's a quick read. Lots of libraries have a copy.


Some nig buy something from me years ago, then i received a fucking alert before sending my iphone, i dont want to sound racist, but niggerpunk is a serious problem.

Thanks, remember that this shit happened a lot of times and minesis always won in non niggers, its part of genetics, also the 'no interest' part isnt real, check how academics worked before jewdom.

Shouldn't be long until HBO makes a Deus Ex series yeah