I know, "generals" aren't common practice here, but I simply see no other way to sort out all the shit going on and people aren't going to want to read 40 different threads.
I don't know how to even sum it up, I'd invite others to help me try….
South Africa General--revolution shaping up
Other urls found in this thread:
So Rwanda style genocide of the few remaining whites soon?
The economic freedom fighters are taking over ?
It's not worth it. Just abandon it dude. Flee to Europe.
Don't have the shekels os the skills they'd want. But may as well leave what I can as on online warning to the US and Europe to fight your own scumbag politicians before it's too late…
Boer refugees when? Let's meet our immigration quota with Dutch qts
Also- please keep in mind, we have shit, kaffir-level internet speed in ZA, so linking to a page through archive.is can sometimes take us 45 mins to get through page (depending on where you are).
as a courtesy, if you can, please leave regular link along with archive link, because in some parts of ZA (namely outside the Western Cape) our net speed is close to dial up, not kidding. thanks.
If it kicks off im on the first flight over I missed rhodesia im not missing south africa
Why not get an air card for sat internet?
If you're german, you have the right of return.
pls flee to brazil
or don't, i wouldn't if i were you
Smear shit on your skin and claim to be a 12yr old Syrian boy
Please do tell stories from SA. Im very curious what life is like. Are the whites redpilled?
If they were, they would get the fuck out of there
Look at this picture taken for google maps, later censored by google.
How can they not be redpilled by living there?
Seriously. My wife is from SA, though from a British lineage. South African women are awesome. Really hoping her extended family still back there doesn't get "diversified"
You are not very informed if you think so
A land full of negroes, outnumbering you 10000 to 1, ought to kill or assault you due to butthurt, shitting everything that was once build, gov looking for an excuse to hunt you, get ganked in countryside with no one to hear you scream
Whoever lives there is batshit insane levels of poor to not run out of there safely or a suicidal liberal
I've met some afrikaneer expats, nice guys, but they are mentally ill to think they can stay back there
Sure she doesnt have a 32th part nigger?
At this point lucky I have any internet access. Was meant to write exams and graduate by now, but thanks to kaffirs doing such lovely thing as throwing human feces at guest speakers ad foreign ambassadors at some unis, have remained closed.
You cannot imagine how fucked young White guys here who aren't from wealthy families are. BEE and all the other shit was bad enough.
now, BEST CASE scenario is the credit downgrade in Nov/Dec, IMF comes in to make them restructure their debt and enforce austerity, and more and worse chimp outs ensue.
Do you know why ZA is even afloat at this point? The USA keeps them afloat with shekels that just go to keep the ANC buying luxury cars and mansions, maybe 10% of it goes to keeping power on, no idea.
check the US/ZA trade balance. Every other developed nation is robbing the niggers blind. Obongo refuses to make monies off his "soul brothers," so the US willingly gives ZA money to allow the ANC to keep up the party.
And no, it's not "generous." It's like giving a heroin addict more dope to prolong when they have to go through withdrawal. The fact that Obama hasn't helped get Zuma out before the nation might have been salvaged…I give up.
Anglos are the ones who fucked up south africa as they didn't like boers anyways.
Are you that brazilian that wanted us to believe boers were 10% blackso we wouldnt call him a spic?
Their stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
I really much appreciate a south african general since the whites there are basically leading the way in terms of survival.
Keep it up and stay strong.
Rob the white traitors and go to PNG. The government in PNG is incredibly corrupted so you can bribe them to get you a P.R or citizenship.
Fo shame homeboi
No im 100% pure scandi.
Why the fuck are whites still there? Just go to fucking Siberia and farm there whatever you can, it will still be better than Africa.
everything you'v already heard. Home invasions, sleep with gun and wake up every 2 hours to walk the perimeter, don't stop at robot after dark for fear of smash and grabs.
3 houses in my neighborhood have been robbed, I never have. And if you do shoot the kaffir, as the entire system moves more and more toward "blame Whitey," you'd have to worry about niggers banging you up just for being White,
Even the language in the remaining papers is all about "White-owned capital," "universities need to focus on decolonization" (since universities were set up by "colonizers," wouldn't that mean just razing them to the ground?
A few weeks ago they burned down a Law library counting 400+ year old Dutch and early Cape Colony books….we are so fucked mates….so fucked. Zim 2.0 is not far off.
This would be solved the moment aid is cut off from African countries. They would go into civil war mode.
Howzit okes just blomming w/ a castle.
Hope the kafs aren't getting you down.
How is this real?
Start making some money for your exit-strategy user.
Thats a scam
If there's enough whites left, you need to start killing–and killing fast.
Otherwise, take what's valuable and leave.
user, to keep it going, people are going to need to actively hunt down articles from unusual sources, since for obvious reasons the Jews aren't eager to broadcast that their promised "rainbow nation" has ended in shit, literally.
The kaffirs have no concept of consequences. Between movies, media, world attention, they've been coddled and told how special and how deserving they are.
Wait until the Jew (or the Gupta) comes to collect his monies. Let's see how "special" they think these kaffirs are.
(for those who don't know, the "Guptas" are…the India equivalent of the ROthschilds, although they have focused only on one nation, South Africa.
A culture has developed where Whites owning ANYTHING (unless they are Jews and the press keeps it very quiet) is not acceptable, so 3 brothers from India, the Guptas, have come in and bribed the President with his 4th grad education, 7-8 wives and 28 children. IT's so bad that a new term had to be invented for it: "State Capture."
Example: When one of their nieces was getting married and they wanted to fly in their curry smelling relatives, they simply used a South African military base to land their private plane their and had a military escort to the hotel where it was taken place….then Zuma (who fucked his best friend's daughter despite knowing she had HIV, but is was OK because he took as power after it) blamed the entire thing on some poor White son of a bitch security guard and said HE somehow was able to give a foreign plane permission to enter kaffir airspace and land at a oaf military base…it's surreal.)
I think a "South Africa General" might be useful here because as bad as things are in Sweden, UK, wherever, ZA is at a whole different level as far as corruption…
Eish…he took a SHOWER after it…
Best fellatio I wver had was drom a SA chick.
Jeus christ. I blame the phone.
Well they all carry .45 hollow points around. And having a handgun liscense (self defence is legal cause, also they don't check a damn thing when they issue these, they are not that competent) automatically entitles you to concealed carry anywhere. This is literally the ONLY reasons whites continue to survive there.
The numbers that have actually gotten out are basically appalling. Australia has 35,000 only
Kaffirs flinging human shit is common in ZA, user. It was just a fluke this happened to make it into a ZA website.
ZA has no more free media, and there is a bill waiting to crack down harder, much harder. The Western lügenpresse won't touch any stories from South Africa, which is why when it finally boils over and thousands die in racial riots, all the Jews are going to act shocked and "how could no one have seen it coming?"
When it happens, think back to this thread. For 3+ years, have been telling people to short the Rand if the want to make monies. 2 weeks ago, a German pension fund bought $5 billion plus in ZA 10 years bonds.
That money is already gone and never coming back. I just can't figure out if the German traders that that PC brainwashed, or just fucking crooked and are making shekels out of it somehow.
don't worry user the UN said that africa is the next emerging superpower
If anyone is bored and wants to see some unreal shit, just jewggle around for ZA news. You won't believe what's been going on that the Jews have been hiding.
Admittedly, it's easier if you can read Afrikaans, but you can still find stories that–had they happened in any other nation in the world– would have been front page headlines throughout the world.
Has anyone ever used South Africa as case-study of redpilling? How successful has it been? I am of opinion that if someone compiled articles from SA and highlighted everything up until modern SA from Rhodesian times, it would be big like With Open Gates.
This is a good site (waring: author is a Zionist, perhaps even a Jew, but he seems to have gotten the message to keep his feelings about Israel to himself):
Africa deserve the white people and Africas don't care about the Africa, do they.
It's not like it would matter because all classes can be done online anyway.
PM Smith was right and now the blacks are turning on each other. I'm not worried though, the ANC will simply crackdown and it'll be Aparthied 2.
You sound pretty retarded
lol, not going to happen. They're going to stay because legal immigration is a time consuming process and in their new countries they'd be on the lowest rung compared to academics from any other country (except perhaps China). They will stay here and eat the fruits of their labor. Better to be a big fish in a small pond than a tiny fish in an ocean.
argh I'm gonna get a heart attack from this cucking
SA is a money machine, Armscor alone is one of the world's premier gun manufacturers and there are lots mineral resources that British and Chinese companies want access to. The government won't go down without a fight, and they are capable of completely crushing all domestic opposition as long as they continue to receive the backing of larger powers.
Everywhere in africa is a money making machine that doesnt stop nigs from being niggers
It's like you think they can be dealt with socially
Whatever you think you know about niggers im pretty sure south africans already know
Never underestimate a humans ability to lie to itself
European here. Cannot confirm. I'm fleeing to south america.
The difference is raw materials. BHP will go apeshit if they have to write off their SA assets off as losses. The EFF openly target their employees. Same for the Chinese consortium, though they whine about it far more.
And memes aside the government's military is good enough to maintain order. That's why the miners don't strike, they'd get shot and replaced.
you clearly live in gauteng, and that is your fault
*coal miners
You mean nigger footsoldiers that will run away from conflict or fight like apes? Or the nigger NCOs that will run away the moment they are threatened with loss of life? They won't write off the resources as losses, they'll just come with a PMC and establish a perimeter.
They do their jobs well enough, especially when most rioters are even more cowardly. If the army was useless then SA would have broken up years ago.
And the biggest PMC is the SANDF. They're also the lowest bidder, and the ones with the best weapons (Armscor).
I lived in gauteng until my vet got killed for 5 rand. It's kind of ironic that africa is like a paradise and is only ruined by people that are basically a biological weapon like something from resident evil. I take silent satisfaction in the fact that other south africans I meet are literally only not living there anymore because of blacks. Even if they're cucks and won't admit it. They laugh when I say what's happening there can and probably will happen anywhere eventually. Then I ask why it couldn't and they can't answer.
I've read the opposite, that it's difficult, particularly for Whites, to obtain firearms there because of their second-class status.
There have been so many Black-on-White murders of farmers and rural people, the first ones you'd think would be armed.
Some of them had automatic weapons and still succumbed. Nig hoards are big. And especially in the dark you are fucked
tbf m8 the boers shouldn't have set up shop so close to all that gold, what were they thinking
Come to the US friends, the ride is almost over.
Maybe once trump gets elected.
You are delusional user. Though if you are in ZA, I guess you need to be delusional to get through the day.
Just like the Whites "stayed" when king kaffir mugabe began his land confiscation? Do you realize what's coming? The IMF taking over, austerity, nigger's claiming "Whitey b taking over our cunt-ry."
ANY White academic who can male any sort of living will be leaving. It's the doomsday scenario.
the final hope was that they could talk showhead into keeping Pravin and maybe reinserting some, some sanity. This is the end. any White with the money is now leaving.
Academics who have experience in the real sciences will take jobs at any Us uni that will pay them, no matter what the reputation.
the "women's studies and decolonization" types, I'm afriad, will have to stay with the monster they've built.
Fuck off fucking coon nigger faggot coon faggot cunts nigger dickhead cunts coons shit smeared mongoloid coons.
depending on what part of the country you are in and if the nigger community hears about and decides to make up their own version of what happened.
You have to realize, you have kaffir "judges" with 65 iqs. For any reason at all, could decide to throw you into a cell with 40 HIV niggers for nothing and leave with the AIDs and with PTSD from 40 niggers splitting your asshole open.
I really hope Trump comes out against the '65 Immigration Act and promotes white immigration again; even more hopefully if he gives white South African asylum status. My fiancee and her family are expats, with family still there (Orania) that would take advantage of that.
They won't stay. They're jews after all, citizens of the world. They just felt the call of new lands to visit and spread their ways. Nothing to do with swarms of baboons and the collapse that happened for some reason.
And for what? Just so that they can take lowly positions in Melbourne or Londonistan. Most won't actually leave because they enjoy their privilege here. Of course they won't actually admit that because they got to be PC. Also it's not like the job market is any better overseas, where they would be dealing with ridiculous rents as well as being second-class citizens.
it's not that user. If you know right people are have the shekels, you could get NVG (granted, not top of the line).
Problem? if you are caught (you won't be caught by niggers, but by the fucking indians who are ready to serve whichever side will pay) you end up with a fate worse than death,
The Jews left decades ago once Israel became a thing. Anglos can't leave because the BRexit fucks up their ability to simply migrate into the UK by walking in.
Can't whites model a country after Israel, with PR and everything.
We're not leaving. True and blue (and orange) Saffas will stay. Also America's mass transit is a fucking joke even compared to West Cape. We enjoy drinking after work and not spending two hours trapped in our cars.
lol, I still don't think you fully GET what's coming. Zim 2.0 I understand, you can't deal with the psychological reality of the impending doom, but it is coming.
Who do yo uthink is going to stop them? If they can literally throw human shit at the Swedish Ambassador and get away free and clear, who do you think is going to protect YOU user?
You don't realize how far gone it is and close to Rhodesia. Come back to the board in January (if it's still here) and let's see how your thinking has changed.
Fight well white man. Restore the cape to its proper and rightful status as the white man's foothold on Africa.
Zim 2.0 won't happen. They're a landlocked country without the natural resources available here. More importantly they're 98% black, no coloureds.
Nobody gives a shit about sweden, if they tried that with a British or Chinese ambassador things would be different. Remember where the money comes from: London and Hong Kong.
No because we have a defect where we romantacise being charitable to others, and that means holding nothing back, not even the places we try to inhabit and raise families in. Luckily to compensate for that we also have self preservation instincts that places a seal of approval on simply showing even more kindness and surrendering up even more to malignant races on the off chance they might not express themselves violently for 10 or 20 minutes. Any whites who go against this strategy are seen as jeopardising the whole operation and are a bigger threat than the richly ethnic party or parties in question. The only long term hope I see coming is that eventually we will just have had a long history of getting fucked, something will snap, and then pic related.
Oh, I'm not suggesting an abandonment, mostly speaking of my new families situation that would like to leave.
Any mass service is fucked here thanks to diversity and bureaucracy. Hell my fiancee usually refuses to go to any largish city here because of they're nigger holes. Can't say I blame her at all after I got her to open up about her childhood there.
Can any SA anons confirm the ghouls shitting up office buildings?
Yeah there are huge abandoned business buildings in Johannesburg. I can't even imagine what the fuck goes on in there. There was a pretty hilarious video on youtube of a jew complaining that he had to work in a building next to one.
Across the world, race traitor SJW scum all look the same: here are some from a recent protest at Wits University.
"Fuck white people"
"Fuck your privilege"
Also note that just 15 hours ago three petrol bombs were found at this same university, see: archive.is
It's mostly memes. During apartheid protesters (led by British Labour leader Jermey Corbyn) would occupy office buildings even when the utility company would shut off service. It's mostly stopped as now protesters are simply shot with rubber bullets and mace at the entrances.
Remember that the worst parts of SA are black shack towns near sources of clean water (at least until they shit in it). Towers don't make for good residences, because things like water pumps have to be powered and require maintenance. Obviously black squatters don't know how to do either. Also, the reason why most blacks remain stupid is because they keep burning down the schools and clinics we give them (like children having a temper tantrum). Not much can be done to solve this except martial law.
Also for what it's worth the trains here run like they do in England, on time. Stations are clean and secure. The ANC knows what would happen otherwise, they'd become Zim (most of the riots there are being caused by their rail network shutting down because they can't afford diesel. SA's railroads are electric and thus coal powered).
The few abandoned towers used to be housing blocks. They're mostly empty except for the first few floors. When the power is cut, elevators don't work and there is no water for the upper levels.
Keep in mind that the protests have gotten a lot more "vibrant" and "colorful" than the low-energy cuckfest seen it the above video. archive.is
r-selected "rabbits" show their non-aggression physiology in low-T levels, which results in a less muscular skeleton-looking frame. Or as your grandpa would have put it, "he looks like a liberal pussy".
If you don't have the competitive mindset in place, if you don't invest in yourself for protection and worth, it shows. Super skinny non-muscular men, fat overweight slobs, the effeminate, etc. You can see it at a glance.
pics related, this is probably the single biggest difference (in terms of infrastructure) between Zimbabwe and SA.
Hate to say it brah.
But trains in England are never on time since they privatised the railways.
Every western man should strive to be conan the barbarian
You do realize that Jews wanted what Zuid Afrika is today right? A large portion of the whites killed, the infrastructure has fallen into decay, what once was a nation who was self sufficient in it's basic needs is now dependent on IMF / WORLDBANK UN / US handouts.
These jews and their communist retards professed multiculti bullshit in the media and in the western world. They invoked the dutch (my kind) against the zuid afrikaners, offspring of my kind and depicted them all as Nazi racists wanting to kill niggers and build new camps. Radio stations were 24/7 screaming that whites were racist and the reason nigger had a shit life was because of whitey rhetoric. One radio host is now a prominent head of a government committee of internal affairs in The Netherlands.
Apartheid worked in ZA, it's the same reason why it's working in Israel for the Jews. They can procreate at drastic numbers while keeping the Palestinians down. Yet there is never if any critique over this obvious double standard, as many other double standards. #DiversityForIsrael.
I have family in ZA and my distant relative sleeps in a upper class neighborhood, in a 4 story concrete building at the top of the house is a panic room where he goes to bed at night with an armory of weapons. The law has been rewritten that instead of being allowed to shoot at criminals or those that do you harm, you now have to retreat to the last room in your home and call the emergency services / private security. Use of deadly force is not allowed unless the nigger has a gun as well.
Jews want the world to become like the new world is: mixed race and run by a small elite of clergy. Blacks and arabs are noncompliant but catholics are.
The best thing white South Africans can do is to move to Europe and let the retarded black devils ruin their country into the ground.
He has made, shall we say, coded comments about the 65' act. I've listened to virtually every speech he has given and he has brought it up at least a half dozen times. Definitely coming form the Sessions/Miller end of his camp.
say in theory a young fit user wanted to take a vacation to SA, would he be viewed as a burden and left high and dry?
or would he be equipped and trained?
or would it be better for said user to wait until foreign divisions are formed?
Is there any chance you guys might get your own ethnostate in the future?
I dont think the cape party wants an ethnostate
Any SA anons want to fuck off to Switzerland with a burger?
It is their country by birth right more then those niggers who migrated south after abolition of Apartheid. Literal black tin shack ghetto's started to be build around white neighborhoods. Today however most blacks live in 1930s concrete homes without any windows or window sills and barely any furniture. Which today liberals now use to say that white's are racist for living in concrete houses while they live in tin shacks.
The same logic when a white takes care of his yard, plants food, and tends to his field, while the nigger has a barren patch of dirt and then you compare the two and say the white is racist because he has a nice garden - it's complete mental retardation.
If people in the west actually cared and looked deeper into the subject matter rather then believing some retarded communist journalist you'd see that these niggers who have now lived next to these rich neighborhoods for over 22 years, don't build anything, don't work, don't create; they do nothing other then steal and cause crime.
Most Zuid Afrikaners have already fled or made sure their children could flee. Only a large portion of impoverished whites whom can't even escape their own poverty anymore due to government anti-white laws and by instigating blacks to be racist towards white's exist in white ghetto's - i shit you not. When the babyboom generation dies in ZA in about 10 to 20 years, you'll might actually see the government make some weird moves.
There's are sporadic medium income and high income white neighborhoods where all the niggers flock to to steal and commit crimes against, it's their literal livelihood. They rarely if ever target their own and if they do; instant mob justice - tire around the neck, fill it with petrol and light it or the basic old stoning.
These ZA white's believe various things; the government will change and adapt to a more tolerant stance like in Europe. (never going to happen) Some still believe the multiculti nonsense to live in peace with each other. While some are hoping for a mass purge of niggers in a mass killing before any other country or the UN can react to stop it.
Most boers are dutch not deutsch
It's actually a fairly even split.
As a dutchman I feel extremely sad about what happened to south africa and the boers, almost makes me cry
The best way to deal with niggers as a whole is to let them be around their own kind.
Many countries and towns around the globe show this to be a common fact.
Well, white South Africans better start organizing, militantly, because it looks like you have a hell of a fight on your hands.
Hey, you might as well go down a man than a white flight coward like these first world faggots are suggesting.
All of you faggots watch this
-t. Capetonian
You lying kike fuck, you've obviously never had to catch a train from cape town station.
also what that doc (>>7831877)
if you think its "mostly memes", and keep in mind that was made years ago.
Samefagging it up, but watch this too
Most are and saying the equivalent of nigger (kaffir) in conversation is accepted by most, frowned upon by some and vilified by most Joburgers and Cape Town fags.
Eerlik waar ek dink binne die volgende twee jaar gaan dinge af skop. Hoop jy is gewapen.
This story is 100% accurate. If you want to see how it actually looks, the British cuckold Louis Theroux did a documentary on it…
now you see where the "eternal Anglo" meme came from
This is the one user, "Law and disorder in Johannesburg."
Worth watching. They run into a wanted murder who describes breaking into White homes and torturing their children by burning them on the oven if they can't produce cast or jewels fast enough (one look at him and you'll know he's deadly serious).
Sometimes when I look at the situation, I wonder how we're going to deal with it. Between the traitors in our race and the enemies outside trying to get rid of us, it looks bleak.
More Delusion. Rhodesia has as much mineral wealth as ZA if oe takes into account the huge quantities of Zinc, Copper, etc.. Rhodesia is one of the wealthiest nations on earth based on based on natural resources, perhaps the wealthiest.
No, thet have no de beers diamond mine (that we know of) for the Oppenheimer Jews to steal literally right from under the feet of the Dutch de Beers brothers in the greatest rip off in history.
Somalia has sea access as well. What the hell do you think that means? Yes, in theory in would be easier to evacuate the Whites, at least the Anglos in the W. Cape.
Exactly which Euro nation do you think is going ot take you, tantamount to admitting South Africa is a fucking nightmare and it should have been left as it was in 1994, when everyone was better off, and maybe 65 IQ kaffirs cannot run a modern 1st world nation…
As much as I dislike Theroux, if you want to see what it looks like when a few trucks full of hard Whites/Coloureds leds by Boers take back a building from the "ghouls" (as the Russian in the story above called them), this is worth seeing.
If your nation tells you "not available in your country," download proxyflow.
Good to know I triggered some niggers. Next time, it'll be the entire continent. They can live in the jungle, with the other great apes, or die.
after meeting this murderous thug he went on too say that a white supremacists was the most vile man he ever met.
Don't fire crackers cause serious burns? How didn't they flinch from them?
oh and don't forget, thorough met and interviewed Saville and witnessed him grope a 15 year old girl…but, you know, he kept his cuckold mouth shit because at the time it might have cost him his job, Saville still had his power then.
Interesting all they all suddenly became brave AFTER the scumbag died…. hope they find a way to sue Theroux into penury for not saying anything to authorities….
I'm using the new "Siri" feature on mac OS to dictate posts, mixed results so far.
inb4- "apple sucks!" yes, newer products, esp latest phone and headphones are financial rape, but there is a reason every hollywood fuck and greasy computer kike (including kikerberg) has a macbook pro.
I'll take their endorsement (i.e., they know something rest of us do not) over anyone on here, sorry. If you don't game and have the shekels, have someone in US visting get you a macbook pro and bring it over.
I don't even want to fucking think of this kak. But i'd say the EFF is attributing a lot of it too. Even Lindsay Williams of fine business radio and his guests were talking about it, the student thing, nevermind our koelie that at least gave us a little bit of hope in the system.
Zuma (poes in boots) is being backed into a corner which is why he's using the authorities to leverage chaos 15 days before Pravin's speech. Go figure like a nigger.
Afrika tyd
Check out Vyfster, it was a series, also a movie back in the day. Literally the exact same feel to it as this webm.
not the same user but that'd be kak expensive.
Ja, we don't really give a fuck. Unfortunately some of the whites, maybe more english but afrikaners too are so fucking delusional that they are beginning to think like swedes. Most of us, in our circles are pretty fucking racist. It's not that we racist, we just hate the bastards. I feel sorry for the black gentlemen out there who are trying to survive while their own ilk rape and murder their own as well as ours. But fuck the majority and fuck PW, the US, SJW's, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, etc and all the traitors that sold us out the river.
It's kak, but what the fuck can we do when nobody wants us and you have to remember, we trust nobody. Really, only dumb saffas fall for shit. We (Whites, English and Afrikaans speaking) tend to be a very conservative and weary people. We're not cowards. We're more African and established than our local blacks. Khois are long gone.
Ja, that's true. But these days a lot of us are English and Afrikaans, Ons is deurmekaar. It's only on Holla Forums and in boarding schools where the divide is noticable. Maybe in a few common places too but overall, we need to unite and we're all good pals when looking back at the old SA. It's only the snooty fucking brits who's parents have british passports or they have dual citizenship where we kind of differ. They are the modern SJW's praising the new SA while living in luxury with a rich daddy and lifeline to leave at any time.
.Thanks user. My great grandfather was Gen. Christiaan Rudolph de Wet. I can only hope I'm as good as he was should it happen.
Spoken like a true china my boi. howzit hanging in benoni?
The main "whites" that were anti-apartheid were (((freedom fighters)))
Had an argument with a philosophy lecturer who I met at a bar through a mutual friend. Guy looked just like the cunt with the hat. Fully endorses socialism, doesn't believe that hard earned money should be saved, it should be shared. A true fucking commie. The problem is, these arseholes have never been through the same shit we have, or grown up without what they grew up with. They've never been culturally enriched like the majority have. They are completely fucking detached from reality but unfortunately their connections have given them a voice louder than ours. This is why you don't hide your power levels.
Rhodes was a greedy jewcunt that fucked his own people in Kimberley as well as the boers. I highly recommend the Boer War by Thomas Packenham. A noble Brit who takes a completely unbiased look at the war. Decide for yourself. No offense, but the brits caused so much unnecessary shit, and the big bad apartheid was merely a legacy they began. The nats just improved on it in a more effective and human manner.
Also, Would you like some glass in your sugar while we burn down the farm and give everything back to the kaffirs who didn't belong here in the first place?
Remember Siener van Rensburg.
2nd cousin is a train driver. Nogs beat up another nog, tie him to the track. Cuz runs him over. Few weeks later, nig judge asks him "why didn't you swerve out." Not even bullshitting you. This is the shit that happens.
No chance. These guys are too small, they're targeting the hotnots and the whites. The zots can't behave in majorities. We're too different. Also, why vote for them? You're throwing it away. Vote DA so you can cause the ANC to weaken, voting anyway else, is a waste. SA is the size of Texas, that's it.
Defo's but have a stable job that takes care of me and a family i need to take care of. So what do.
Bok Van Blerk - Die Kaplyn.
Gaan luister. Dis baie mooi en hartseer altesaam. Dankie broer.
Ja, but that's a based coloured. In the cape, they're just hotnots + meide. The ones in joburg are decent, even though we don't mix with them, we respect them a lot more and we get along. A complete different culture between the ones in joeys and the 27s, 28s and 26s, tik koppe, etc, in the cape.
Guys. Ouens. Never be ashamed of who you are. Nobody is perfect. Love your God, Love your fellow man and never ever give up. Don't let your countries become like ours. Find a way to survive. And use your heads. Sometimes, you need to think strategically rather than emotionally.
This shit site got compromised a long time ago, but Holla Forums will always be family. Thanks to OP and the rest of you glorious bastards for helping anons vent.
kek, go to around 10 mins where you see how afraid the kaffir is of a Boer who stands up for himself and who he knows isn't afraid to use violence: "if they mess with my buildings, if they mess with my tenants, there's hell to pay."
Look at the body language of the kaffir as he admits the security guy is his "boss." If the Jews and Marxism had not destroyed the way Boers handled kaffirs (i.e. "take no shit") the entire nation would be a lot happier and more prosperous at every level.
That is a cancer known the world over.
This is blocked in SA
I think that sums its up quite nicely.
Yes, but they are a minority.
Our SJW's are influencing the majority (i.e. "new South Africans"/"non-swimmers")
The US and EU still have hope, they just need to man up.
I'll agree with you here, for the most part I get along with Coloureds, so many different varieties. But if you brought a Coloured to….the States, where their skin colour would give them extra opportunities and extra privileges, you'd see how quick they'd stop taking offense at being called "African."
Which is of course a fear, that the ANC or EFF manages t cut a deal with Coloureds where it's everyone against Whitey. I'd like to think they are too smart for this, but I don't discount anything these days,
Also, no offense to you. I'm not sure about British but we come from the French Huguenots, have had some very English family members far down the line, but also had people fighting on the Boers side from my family. Biggest joke is, the relative's son, eventually moved to England long after the war. This is our problem though, the D&C over multiple generations has to end and we need to unite as Europeans.
The German currency traders used to have a reputation as mugs on the world markets. A lot of the banks used to have stodgy 'Tcherman probity und rectitude' mindsets, so when Deutsche and the rest hit the bourses big in the early 90s they were the obvious rube in the room. There are stories of Britbong and Yank market traders ripping them off for billions.
I imagine they've got better since then, but investing in SA seems insane. It could be 1) virtue signalling with Herr and Frau Quadratenkopf's pension fund, 2) a high risk bet, 3) some kind of bribe to the SA state, or 4) ???
Now hold up nigger.
did you do what I advised & download proxyflox? That should fix your problem. Jewggle chrome .firefox and proxyflow, you are in clear.
Worst case, you can torrent it quite easily.
Italy would welcome you all with open arms, immigrating here is easy, and you'd be a welcome change.
Honestly, it's hard to have sympathy for remaining whites in SA. I feel bad for you guys who come to Holla Forums, but the rest kind of deserve it for being such spineless pussies in the face of OVERWHELMING evidence that nigs are bad news.
I used to go on /r/southafrica every day and argue with the shitlibs there, warn them about how their country was going to shit, explain to them what happened to Rhodesia. I got banned numerous times, and always got downvoted and silenced. It brings a smile to my face to think of those progressive faggots cowering in fear in their compounds as Tyrone and his ninety million brothers climb the walls.
If you're still white in South Africa, I suggest you GTFO immediately. The whole country is fucked, and your leftist traitor faggot whites aren't going to lift a finger when shit kicks off. I don't even understand how libs can still exist in SA, it's so obvious apartheid was better for everyone.
Definitely, look. As with whites, so with coloured. You get trash everywhere. I do believe the coloureds got a kak deal as they were stuck in the middle, but I honestly think that the WC coloureds are a lot different from their northern ones. in the WC, it's a divide between the muslims, capey, etc, etc. whereas in Joeys, they just seem to be very relaxed.
I have a lot of experience in and around both coloured and black areas and honestly feel that coloureds are a lot less trustworthy in the cape. In Joeys, i'd trust him with my life. Obviously i'm generalising here, but it's a real mindfuck to meet them up there and they don't know what a passion gap is. Or the fact that I'm making jokes about being a white guy who can talk and joke while putting on a gam accent.
I think, should the shit hit the fan, we have a lot of solid coloureds that will side with us, unfortunately, their communities are broken with drugs and gangs and many of them will just revert to the easiest path. Then you also have "where da white wimmen at" mentality. The only coloureds we like are proud coloureds who are proud of who they are.
There's nothing racist in celebrating each others identities with a mutual respect. Sadly, you don't see that in many of the people in WC. "We got the sea, we got the mountains, fuck you i don't care" attitude down here. It's getting worse though. It's becoming like some places we'd rather not remember.
Why the fuck are you on reddit?
That's your first problem right there.
Thanks for understanding though. I believe you'd be wasting your time in that place. They are long gone. Let them move in with the kaffs, just like UCT did in the 80's. It sure did serve them well.
here you go user, your problem solved. (before accusations begin flying, no am not a shill for proxyflox, t just works for me. If you have a better program, pls feel free to correct me and give the better one.)
Just get PR=roxyFlox as a an extension for Jewggle Chrome (go under preferences, under extensions).
It gives them future status and a place in history books so that they can brag, "See? I was an open-minded freedom fighter!". Too weak to fight for their principles or achieve anything tangible through difficult means, so they decide to take the easy way out.
A nice necklace perhaps.
Or he'll get to watch his daughter being fucked and finally get the noddy badge he was looking for.
would SA police actually investigate a murder of a white successfully if it was made to look like a break in?
Honestly robbing and murdering traitors is what I'd do if I was SA.
I remember as a kid hanging out with some south african (whites obv) at disney world for a few days. We were about 8 so it was a lot of fun. If they had the money to vacation then hopefully they are out of there now instead of being some cucked lefty.
Shame this happened before cell phones or emails were a thing for kids since they were really cute too (they were 2 girls). Could have had a nice SA wifey if we had been born 3-4 year later.
Be warned that there are other individuals lurk here besides us, many of them being our enemies. Our enemies consist of the mainstream press, influential left-wing political groups, and multi-million corporations like Google. They'll probably try to coax the developer to monitor and hinder you with that app.
Don't expect duplicitous, decadent individuals to display any form of mercy towards you. Always be on guard.
The sad thing is that they still wouldn't change from those bad circumstances. They value intangible image over tangible individuals.
If you are still around user, it would be of great help if you could let everyone know if proxyflow is working for you? If not, need to look for a different program or get a link to a torrent, thanks.
In Eastern part of ZA Proxyflow works fine. And before the paranoid.bi-polars come out, NO, don't work for them, just have found it works for me, If there is something better out there I'm all ears. (yes, it's pathetic I need to add these sorts of disclaimers, but wake up and say you took a nice shit this morning and you'll be accused of shilling for laxatives that's how bad it is now. And worse, some mods will back them up.)
What happened to this site that made it the old 4ch. only 4ch 2.0. Endc is dead and everybody has dispersed. 2008 and onwards was good until about last year. Also, being in SA, internet wasn't great so 3 months went by and got back to a different world. Do you have a TL;DR non gamergate version and is this place cucked?
What Eastern part Mordecai? Answer in 30 seconds. Give a location
Well, these days, it takes 8 hours for police to arrive, so you'd actually have to admit to murdering somebody for them to investigate. However, if there's money involved, the SJW lawyer will cause lots of shit for the sake of it.
OP, your flag is disgusting.
Bitter saffer living in euroland reporting in! Ask me anything about how I fucking hate the (((globalists))) for destroying the country I grew up in and that I can never visit again for fear of destroying the nice memories I have.
God Bless You.
I'm looking at Slovenia. Jinne, ek wens ek kon daar saam met my hele familie wees.
Lion beer has re-introduced into the SA market. A small but good little memory of yesteryear.
laaste een
I've heard good things about Slovenia, although I haven't been there myself. They appear to be a proud folk, even though they're also EU-cucked, and keep their fucking gypsies in check and told the "Syrian" rapefugees to fuck off elsewhere.
Good okes.
But, once again, haven't been there myself, so keep asking around.
Do you remember Sunnyside or Bez Valley by any chance? I lost a family member recently. I'm upset, very very upset and I had fond memories of Gauteng. Bez Valley, Bruma Lake, Eastgate. Fuck how this world has changed. My heart is broken and my mind is drunk. this thread is all we have left.
oh, fully aware of that user. Have fully thought through consequences, and no one is using it to…"share terrorism related info."
At best, BCC would have a weak copyright case. That extension spans continents and countries, and more than anything is used in places like Saudi Arabia where YT content is all censored.
he will have a very, very hard time shutting down proxyflow in a court, and all sorts of huge name companies and orgs from apple to google to ACLU would file Amicus Curiae briefs.
tl;dr- don't worry about telling people to use proxyflox, it has a much wider user base than just us and would cause a shitstorm from all sorts of arenas if they tried getting rid of it just to cuck us.
Now back to enjoying and commenting on video.
Don't use chrome so can't say if it worked. Sorry guys
Kom plaas toe drink 'n brannewyn en ons sit rustig om die bosveld vuur en praat kak tot 3 uur die oggend. Dan gaan skiet ons 'n jakkals of twee. Sit en kyk na die sterre en vat jou broer om die skouers soos wat jy luister na die nag.
Boet, the family left when there were still four provinces. I'm not familiar with those places you speak of.
Durban / Bloemfagtein is where I spent most of my days, shooting b-ball outside of the school, etc.
This place isn't cucked at all, it's still good. It unfortunately has a lot of (((shills))) who lurk here though.
We got lot of heat from the hitpieces that they've published about us, but we aren't affected by it.
I was very young when Sunnyside was still a place you could go too. I don't live very far from it
Putin never said that
But you are gone, and you are safe. And you have hope and you have made it and for that, i congratulate you. For your sacrifices that you made, for the pain you had when leaving family behind.You have gripped what many of us can't and realised that life must go on and that we can't look back. I just think that we are now so overwhelmed by death, reality, struggle for hand to mouth survival no matter who you are, colour or creed that the news and events happening on a daily level has desensitized us. This is why this new SJW movement in SA is a funded psyop and bullshit campaign to fuck us even more. We are already slaves, what more do they want? This is why we no longer care about the world's stage or getting out of here. It's happening to the rest of the world and we're watching the rest of the world get pulled down to our level. A sad state indeed. Funny how the Ruskies, our enemies of yesteryear, now have the moral highgrounds of what is right and decent.
Ah okay, so you got out nice and early. Bloemfontein is beautiful. Flat and repetitive but beautiful in its own right. Did you ever visit the Blyde River Canyon? Or the Drie Rondawels, God's Window, Graskop, Pilgrim's Rest, Kathu, Upington, Knysna.
There's a song by fleetwood mac called the seven wonders. I tear up when I hear it thinking that it is all in SA but it went to waste. So thankful to have enjoyed the last part of it when I could.
What did he say?
No, what happened to HW?
I remember visiting the Big Hole in Kimberly, hiking in the Drakensberg (what I wouldn't give to be able to do that again), holidaying att Wyndford.
Fuck. The. Globalists.
user, unfortunately, that flag hasn't been used in…21 or 22 years is it?
Rest assured, I don't recognize the spear-chucker flag (curiously featuring a wheel they never got around to inventing) as "authentic," I have just come to accept the reality that younger people from overseas don't even recognize the real flag as South African, and my goal was to start a "SOUTH AFRICA GENERAL–" which hopefully others will carry on so the laughable but dangerous crimes of the ANC will continue to be exposed– given that not a single Western (((journalist))) has taken it upon himself to do it.
When this one gets close to limit, please feel free to start the 2nd South Africa General Using the REAL flag, and add in a few of the the better linked stories from here if you can. If you don't feel up to it, I or another user will do it, but the important part is to use some of the cool links and stories from here.
You'll have my full support.
He ceased to administrate the site due to stress after the failed InfinityNext integration and employed Codemonkey as the new head.
Look at them. The Dutch are a nordic blonde people with very fair skin and these guys look like gypsies (Romanians). Dutch people are not predominantly black haired and do not have southern euro shitskin complexion. I'm afraid you all have significant nigger blood in you, and should keep to yourselves in Africa.
A. There is a version for Firefox called "Proxtube" which has very good ratings
B. mate, even with the shittest speed in nation would take you 10 mins at most to DL and set up, you are just being lazy. Come on. Not like you can do other shit in the meantime.
Now makes me think you are…not here for right motives, if you want to see whether or not videos can be watched by people in ZA with proxyflow or "proxtube" to get around their bulshit ban, would take you a very short time, you are surely off work by now. WTF is your deal?
O fuck off lots of blondes with very fair skin. The sun fucks us up because its very different from yours.
Those guys are wearing browns meaning they are probably in the sun a shit ton.
Hadfield went to shit as well. Saw it last year. I remember it being better, and then it was gone. FUCK even the lake in Centurion has dried out. Do you remember the go-karts?
Couldn't embed, not even the webm would upload. Doesn't sound like the first one, but it's something to singalong with me
And j boy?
You know who I mean, owner. Don't forget what he said if it should happen what happend.
Oh wow, thanks for that (((scientific))) breakthrough you just shared. Why not share a picture of yourself you filthy kike. Let's do a visual test on you while we're at it you. Make sure you get an erection and walk into a wall so you can break your nose while you're at it. I'm blonde haired, blue eyed, black hair is not a majority amongst the boers. While some of them may have pomped the meide in Jan v. Riebeek's day, you are discounting the Coloured pop which may have been a part of these studies… as well as the pure blooded, white French, German, Irish, American, British and even Russian descendants of modern day SA. Please do humour us though. Nigger.
Don't forget that Afrikaans speaking =/= Boere
I am studying at the moment probably too hear the University is closed tomorrow again will WEBM a video of Boers seuns having fun and how the universities look atm.
I used proxtube I didn't work thought I might have done something wrong will "thinker" with it tomorrow but as is it did not work for me.
Hatfield died when Kaffirs started partying at the cheecky Monkeys. We had a shit ton of fights though it was glorious.
Some fresh OC for you>>7833716 and dubs for me.
Goodnight brothers
{Beginning of OT Rant}= The 6 foot 2 Amazonian German pictured above with Taylor Swift, who is she dating?
Ivnaka Trump's Orthodox kike brother-in-law, (literally who?) Kushner. Why? Well don't be silly goyim, unless she is a Nazi or something a GERMAN girl, a 6 foot 2 German goddess who embodies the Aryan ideal cannot date another actual German male (oy vey it wuld be like another shoa!)
So if she hopes to crossover into acting (as all these models do), that leaves her with the option of dating a nigger buck or an ORTHODOX kike.
This one really hurts. The Jew is at least 3-4 inches shorter than she is, he's neverm ade money on his own in his life, his father was locked up as a tax crook, and he get s to fuck the epitome of Aryan beauty…why?
Because to virtue signal to the world you aren't a racist (esp as a German blonde female), it's either a nigger buck or not just a jrw but an ORTHODOX fucking kike.
Who, yes has access to some impressive properties through his kike family and relationship with Trump but must be cash poor.
Fuck em, the end can't come sooon enough {end of OT rant}
Nag broer
Jy ook ou pel. Waarookal jy in die wereld is, wil ek net se dat dinge gou gaan verander.
Dit is net verskriklik dat ons medemense dit nie gaan verwag nie. Lees jou bybel ou mater en geniet jou lewe. Maak nie saak waar jy is nie. Ons genot kom van die waarheid en die ellenderlike vertoue wat ons in Hom kan vind.
Ek wil glad nie preek nie, maar nasies is rasse, en dit beteken geen haat nie, al wat ek probeer se is dat jy nie die wereld, jou hart laat verander nie en dat hy sterk moet wees.
Ons is maar net mens maar is nogtans dankbaar vir al die dinge wat ons weet, wat hulle nog nie weet nie maar teminste nog kan uitvind.
Baie dankie broer en sterkte met als. Sterkte en Liefde en sommer net n goeie groete.
thanks mate. it may not be fast….shit it may even be below 3rd level evel at this point.
But between proxyflow and proxtube, they cannot keep us from viewing anything on jewtube, and when they do we;ll just mirror on vi,eo
It became much easier to understand nigger actions and thought processes when I viewed them as dogs or apes. The same physical displays and methods of conveying oneself around those animals elicit similar responses in niggers.
Dominance displays, deferring to strength/resolute calm, eye contact, and so on.
Dankie ek waardeur en selfde vir jou.
Spoken like a true cuck. Niggers aren't capable of advancing.
Man, did the JEws do a job on the Dutch Reformed Church to turn them from people who recognized the Jews for the dangerous subversives they are into Jew worshipping patsys.
Let me say this clearly– EVERY.SINGLE.INDIVIDUAL, who helped destroy South Africa's apartheid system (which, btw, was a hell of a lot more lenient than what the Jews practice with the Palestinians today, but for some odd reason you've never seen any movies about that. Can anyone guess why that is?
Every. Single. One. From Slovo to Oppenheimer to Zillie to Zapiro, we could go on for days. But my personal fav is George Galloway admitting in a speech at the Oxford Union that while he was illegally acting as a spy for the ANC terrorist group, "Every meal I ate, every car I drove, every bed I slept in, was paid for by Jewish activists of the ANC."
See video and go too a bit before 2:10 for him to spill the beans: youtube.com
OTher fun facts-: (A)since 1994, 92% of all Jews have left South Africa, mostly for Israel or the US. Christians have a much harder time getting visa, unless they are doctors.
(B.) After getting the end of apartheid that the Oppenheimer company fought so very hard for, they up and moved their headquarters to London in 2,000
NOW, here is one that trips up many, I'm going to give you the answer: f Israelis were against us, then why did did they sell us arms and riot control shite for out police? See you are lying…"
Why not pocket a hefty profit selling South Africa 3rd rate, hand-me down US arms from 1973 that the Israelis never paid for in the first place? What could possibly have happened to them? Israel owned (still owns) the congress in the US (see Mearsheimer and Walt, "The ISraeli Lobby and Us Foreign Policy"
The US knew what they were doing. For fuck's sake, in June of 1967 the Israelis deliberately tried to sink the USS Liberty, killing 34 US sailors, injuring over 150, and having 2 aircraft from the USS SAratoga and the USS America sent out with Nukes aboard with orders to hit Cairo.
WW 3 was only averted by a few 20-something sailors on the USS Liberty managing to jerry rig an radio antenna (the usual US conn channels were being bloked by Israel…so, the Israelis blocked the comms channel known to be used for US Navy emergency channel, even though their later story when it all failed was that they thought it was an ISraeli horse carrying ship?"
Simple answer, why did Israel sell arms to South Africa despite an embargo? They had everything to gain (shekels), nothing to lose.
LEst you think all that USS Liberty stuff is bullshit, here is a BBC doc on the incident called "Dead in the Water." This one documentary truly did change my life:
yes, it's not my fucking M.S., I'm "lazy" friend…
Yank here. I had a childhood friend from SA, one of the funniest and bravest bastards I've ever known. He died fighting for ZOG but I still think of him often and wonder if I could have done something to prevent that. I wish you boys the best, cannot even fathom what your people go through daily in ZA.
One question for you m80s…. Die Antwoord. Do you disavow?
Will watch it now.
They are a fucking disgrace too our language and culture. Some people like them but they are usually super liberal trash.
Trips confirm.
What's wrong with putting jew kids into ovens?
Now I expect the question from those who don't understand history to come "What does the USS Liberty have to do with South Africa?"
The Liberty Incident proved to the JEws they could bomb US warships, kill their sailors, even get the US within 1:30 of nuking Cairo (I'll find a source for that if anyone cares) and how did the US respond?
They asked PERMISSION of the Israelis if it would be OK to give the ship's Captain William L Macgonagul (who lost his leg but refused to leave his battle station) the CMH– which he was given in a quiet ceremony in the Navy Yard with no press, not in the rose garden by the President as is traditional.
tl;dr– some Afrikaners still see the Israelis as "allies" for selling them 3rd hand, overpriced American military gear they got for free in spite of a blockade.
Why were the ISraelis not worried about the blockade? The US had already proved the ISraelis could murder their soldiers and they'd do nothing. Scumbags, all, Israelis and US leadership from JBJ on down…
assuming you are serious mate, watch the USS liberty one, that's the important one, not the George Ga-allha-way speech.
Here is link again. You won't fucking believe it's even real, that all this happened and was kept quiet (Nukes were 1 minute and 30 seconds (!!!!) from dropping on Cairo, as they Jews blamed Egypt for the attack!) Trust me, you will never look at history the same…
go to 25:10 of BBC documentary. US embassy received message "Cairo was about the be incinerated by nuclear weapons."'
All over Jews sinking a US ship. Can anyone watch this, then look me in the eye and tell me ?Jews wouldn't illegally sell arms to south africa bc bc they knew they could get away with it, when ~ 13-15 years ago the mothersfuckers came withn a cunt hair of desr=triyug the entire planet based in a false flag attack?
Believe it or not, wearing a very prominent accessory like that is actually a tactic used by robbers/stalkers/criminals and the like to avoid being recognized by the victim after the crime. For example, if the robber is wearing a large, very noticeable fake mustache when he jumps someone, most of the focus of eyewitnesses goes to that mustache. Thus, when the police question them later to try and get a physical description of the criminal, the only description they get from witnesses is "He had this large mustache".
Or maybe that nigger was just being stupid, it's a nigger after all.
nice dubs, but the sight of that theroux faggot or the sound of his voice makes me immediately ill.
NVGs are overrated. Not that you shouldn't have them anyway, they are good in the woods.
They are fickle in use and can be fucked up with any light. Forget strobe lights, a car putting on high beams will fuck you up and put an entire village in the fog.
Poorfag advice
Pirates use eye patches so they always have on eye adjusted to darkness for when they rape the lower dark decks of a galleon.
Chances are when one is at home their lights will be on. When the power gos out you will not be fucked if you had an eye patch on. If the enemy has NVG you can use strobes to counter them.
anyone taking bets that the 2 (((houthi))) missiles launched at the USS mason are this exact same shit again?
Is this the same neighborhood that Chappie held up?
If I set up a any type of business and offers the White Africans $10,000 AUD bonus lump, free private health insurance and superannuation to work in Papua New Guinea and the wage earning is $10,000 - $20,000 per year. Will they accept it?
And we'll have fun doing it.
I think I understand how Boers feel. I'm from the deep South in America. My family has lived in the same county for 8 generations. When I was a kid it was rural here and a farming community but over the decades it turned urban. With the urban build up came the diversity. Whites are a minority in my state now and county and region. I long for how it used to be. Blacks have always been here because I'm in the heart of the cotton belt but most of them left post WWII to go to the cities. Now, they're coming back along with the other brown hordes.
It's not as bad here as South Africa yet. We still have law and order because the police will crack down on any criminality. But it's getting more difficult to handle.
Venezuela will look nice compared to what South Africa will turn into.
Latin America. Cheap living, whites are usually privileged elites perceived as good looking, and lax immigration law enforcement.
You could always be language teacher I guess.
music source?
My door will be open for SA white refugees
I would enjoy that link. Here's some good sauce on the Liberty.
Northwest Front
I should note that it's founded by a former soldier in the Rhodesian Army
Who is he?
Die Antwood, not sure what song though
All Afrikaners have 18% non-European admixture due to founder effect.
I'm just kidding, the Boer wars should never have happened, and I completely agree with you about the D&C. Good luck against the kaffir hordes bru
All kinds of fun shit going on as ZA inches closer to civil war: locking security guards in a shed and setting it on fire, running battles with police. Wish there were a better news sources, less disjointed but this is best we have:
I'm Australian, but I consider white South Africans to be cultural cousins, second only to New Zealanders. I would love to support white South Africans in any way I can. I'm very well-read in South African history and have an education in international law, and also my ancestry is Huguenot, and many Huguenots fled to South Africa so I feel a connection with the plight of the white South Africans.
/end blog
In my opinion, the only realistic solution for South Africa is balkanisation. The Rainbow Nation cannot be, because as with any confederation the different cultures all vie for control to the detriment of the whole, and of the smaller cultural population. There's no reason why Swaziland and Lesotho should be independent nations, but not Zululand, Natal, Transvaal, Orange, and potentially the entire Cape. That is the only way the international community would let white African culture survive IMHO.
Were the Tutsis really more white than the Hutus?
Hoe kan ek leer Afrikaans?
Ek is 'n uitlander en Chinese. Ek hoop om te lewe in Suid-Afrika.
This jewish lie never dies. Those 2 tribes had been at war with one another long before the Belgians ever arrived.
The Belgians "allied" with the one they thought they could do business with. So, the cultural marxist jews began teaching that the Belgians caused the "genocide" by" teaching them that one group was superior to the other," which takes more "chutzpah" than a non-Jew can imagine to pass off as truth.
Like trying to blame Whites for the Maya exterminating the Olmec 700 years before they arrived. Insanity, and the Jews tell the lie with a straight face.
While I'm ranting, a movie everyone should see is "Out of Africa" from the mid-1980s. Yes, it's a bit fem but at the same time it has a sane message underneath– don't try to "Westernize" the African, because you will only destroy both groups in the process.
You don't need to get swept away by the emotion of the story line and "le strong womenyz," but you get amazing views of Africa and African wildlife that are on the verge of disappearing.
and, I forget if it's been mentioned here yet, the Italian version (NOT the watered down yank version) of "Africa Addio," which shows the kafs ethnically cleansing the arabs up close (so close they begin firing at the small helicopter and they have to leave).
Also, highly recommend you look through the videos of user SLAVICWORLD. He has the best selection of pro-White videos still allowed to be kept under Jewtube rules, and I'd view them ASAP before JEwtube takes them down.
He has without doubt the best collection of videos on jewtube (and no, not a "Shill" for the guy, look at his videos and if you know anything about the cause, I'd challenge you to find a better collection.)
God I'm fucking enraged. Anyoen recall 3 years ago or so when one could easily download any video from jewtube with no fuss, just hit a button?
I was stupid enough to think it would always remain that way, and so wasn't very careful about saving files. Now it seem the JEws have made SLAVIC WORLD take down a video a gave him, an Israeli TV broadcast showing the Jews raiding a brothel filled with Slavic women and how the jew cops treat them like shit.
I could have saved in 1,000 different times, but never in my wildest dreams did I think the Jews could get away with just taking away ability to download YT videos.
We should have fucking revelled them and quit using Jewtube. Makes you wonder, what are they going to take away next?
Thats why I linked the dailymotion one up above
I support this so the white people have a nation to call their home. When this happen then they better fortify the border.
I know, this is traditionally meant for Holla Forums, but the mod there had a hard on for me and looks for any possible excuse to ban me for a month.
I just found a way that seemingly lets me save YT videos on my mac, I see no obvious fraud (and I've become ultra-paranoid, always expecting a happy merchant on other end trying to fuck me).
I have a decent number of shekels in "mac store credits," would be mor ethan willing to pay for a yt downloader through the mac store if it worked, but apparently they are now in bed with google.
That was the good thing about having Jobs alive and not the pole smoker apple has in charge now– Jobs believed 100% in his heart that Jeggle had stolen his phone, and so looked for every and any opportunity to fuck them over *consumer always benefits when 2 big companies are at war to the point of Jobs saying "I'm willing to go thermonuclear and spend every last cent of the $50 billion apple has in the bank on this one).
anyway, I have what seems to be a semi-good "free trial" of a jewtube file saver, will let you all know how it goes (though I'm loathe to give a product by name and sat it's working ok for me bc I'll have every savage jew on here screaming "shill!" at me.)
Holla Forums seems to despise us, it started at cuck chan and seems to have carried over to here when many of us moved after Holla Forums harbor and the rest.
IF we here at Holla Forums could come to some sort of a consensus as to a good Jewtube video downloader for pc and mac and let it be known, would be vert helpful because I have a very bad feeling censorship is going to slowly but surely get a lot worse all over the world since the US has sold (rather, given away) the right to regulate the internet….
why is it blocked?
Or it might have been 60%…anyway, you guys are becoming a minority too, Trump can't fix that.
Eish, user, I don't like to beat up on new people, but for 3-4 years now euro nations have been blocking things on jewtube that might give the natives a…less than ideal vision of the coloured brother.
This video in particular is video because he talks about cutting the throat of a white woman and burning their infant in the oven unless they produce cash.jewels.
If you have yet to see it and it is blocked in yor nation, use proxyflow or the other one discussed above and watch it. It will be a real wake call, assuming you are new here…
I am not surprised. Leftards are harmful and need to be fixed.
Die Antwoord - I fink u freeky
It's a South African rap-rave group.
Don't know about the rest but the part about the Johannesburg's centre being the safest area is pure bull. I was there for a while and that's the worst area in the country, by far.
I know that chick. Pic related.
kek, they just charge malema (can someone outside ZA with better speed archive please?) Looks like Zuma is getting rid of this this Kaffir and Pravin in the same week.
Zuma has lost it. Wait until Dec for Credit downgrade….
I should say– I'm all for scumbag Malema going to jail for inciting hatred against Whites, but does anyone else find this timing more than a bit suspect?
Relatively recently, BRICS expressed their wish to go independent and defy the globalists. Since then:
Brazil's government was replaced through a media/legislative coup.
Russia is being subverted on all fronts.
India got a new, more friendly, government.
China is being subverted on all fronts.
South Africa is pushed towards a civil war.
Here's an open source youtube downloader.
Install it per the instructions (you'll need to use the terminal, don't worry it's not a big deal), then type
youtube-dl youtube.com
and it'll download the webm to your working directory (type "pwd" to see what that is)
Get greasemonkey and viewtube plugin for mozilla. It runs youtube videos through VLC natively and allows for downloading in various formats.
If you want html one, try clipconverter.cc
Look at how pissed off China is at Mugabe for renationalizing Zim's mines. NRZ can't afford diesel which is causing the country to shut down. Meanwhile China is demanding their loans be serviced in USD, and he's burning everything down to ensure that his last remaining source of support doesn't drop him. That can't happen here as BHP and Rio Tinto would be much, MUCH quicker in ousting Zuma.
Sea access is important because if the ANC gets truly desperate for cash they can whore out land to the American navy. The Cape's location itself is strategically important.
First of all, I'm not fucking leaving. But it's better to be surrounded by water (that can be desalinated) than enemies.
the only thing worse than living around blacks is living around catholics
nice trips m8
stay alive, get cash and leave, we can get it back form the ashes.
lol, you don't get it. There is no conspiracy, just global capitalism breaking down.
China's boom years are over and they were stupid enough to kick the can down the road by inflating a US-style housing bubble. Six months ago all major Chinese banks wrapped mortgages into securities and sold them to investors to generate cash (sound familiar?). This was also when the Chinese government started prohibiting people from selling many types of stock. Now everyone is taking losses and debt is piling up. The question is when the chair gets kicked out. So to say it's being "subverted" is incredibility stupid.
And the situation here in SA has been brewing for a long time, and is the reason why Apartheid exist and will inevitably exist again.
You need to connect the dots between global events, goy.
Right now you're lost, trashing in the MSM "insight" that's conditioning you to see things short-term - like a nigger.
LEL. You sweet summer child.
There is no conspiracy to "subvert" China, or at least one that has any affect. Right now the Chinese government is trying desperately to figure out how to transition their economy to a lower-growth state without completely breaking it. They will be unsuccessful.
On a similar note, the conspiracy to subvert europe via the ECB is falling apart for the same reason. Even with negative interest rates spending is not increasing. Both Italian and Spanish banks will enter a major crisis soon when they run out of cash and the contagion will ensnare Germany's DB. The entire system will have a stroke at this point, and will likely collapse as investors go broke and the hyperinflation occurs as the ECB prints out money to insure depositors with.
And here in SA things will continue to be as they are because ultimately we're still a British satellite state. People might laugh at the mayhem in joberg but I can laugh at everything else becoming unglued.
Anyone know the song name?
What reason? You've just decribed the situation in which Europe will get fucked.
Did you ever examine the (((Brzezinski))) doctrine and the (((Wolfowitz))) doctrine? No? I thought so.
How many kidneys would that cost?
kek the best part of that pic is that that is an armed response car.
Gaan jy 'n winkel oopmaak wat plastiese speelgoed en horlosie batterye verkoop?
There isn't a whole lot of resources available on internet, you would have to actually interact with people who speak Afrikaans. Failing that learn Dutch, Afrikaans is a bit like simplified Dutch.
Sorry for the youtube embed, on a shitty network at the moment so can't upload a webm.
Video is of a recent coon-quorum presentation at University of Cape Town proclaiming that western science is worthless and that science must be "restarted from an african perspective". Why? Because it can't explain things like nigger witch doctors who can send lighting to strike his enemies.
I wish I was joking.
thanks mates, saving for when I have time and net is least busy to try them…
Really nice thread. I always love to hear stories from ZA. Although it must be a like a living nightmare living in ZA
But what do Holla Forumsacks from ZA think about Barend Strydom? Is he considered a hero nowadays? vid related
kek, this is going to be an amazing shitshow. For those who don't have the pleasure, new buzzword in ZA is "decolonize." All academic subjects have to be "decolonized," and this is the meeting of kaffirs trying to decide how to "decolonize" their university.
They aren't kidding. If any uni survives, it's going to be African maths (interesting since they never invented a system, African writing (no written language), etc…
there are going to be lots of hilarious tapes/articles to come out of this. Just last week, "The Mail and Guardian" had an article on "the importance of decolonization," and all the comments were from Whites saying it's time to leave….
It is time to bring it back
Let's see here,
I'm sorry OP, I can't feel bad for you. You choose to live with chimps and now you are going to eat shit.
you realize he didn't even kill 1/10th of those Mandela killed in the bombings he directly authorized, and some of which he participated in?
Why he ever agreed to do media (esp with a Brit) I have no idea, maybe they offered him money that he needed to live on.
I could have saved you, South Africa. You only had to listen.
hes a nigger lover, the nigs are already christian cuck
you are very smart. I decided to land in the Cape in 1651 in an area that was then not inhabited. It's clearly my fault.
Sir, you seem very learned. Didn't I run into you at Christ's Church , Oxford doing your history degree?
Mandela is a filthy son of a bitch. I am just curious about this guy. How does a everyday ZAn think about him? Didn't he do the ZAn society a favour with his killing spree?
No fuck you. Fight, fight until every last white is dead or you put the niggers down.
I fucking swear I will join you, I have nothing else to live for and id gladly die for Capestaat
Most of us on here are way too young to even know who he is honestly. As for what he did….would have been a lot more useful if he had targeted ANC terrorists. A few office worker kaffirs who were minding their business really did nothing but put even more intl pressure on ZA.
This was possible in the early 1990s. South africa had a nuclear weapon and an excellent military, could have demanded the country be divided.
After the end of White ZA, many former military joined a military contractor called "executive outcomes" who managed to literally clean up in a few days what "UN peacekeepers" could not solve in years. That all came to an end when South Africa made working for military contractors illegal, and lots of those guys still had their families in ZA. Used to be a good jewtube video on them, let me look fast….
On the remote chance, does anyone recall the 16 minute Executive Outcomes video from journeyman that showed the guys from Executive Outcomes cleaning up Sierra Leone with one Sikorsky Helicopter gunship wit the UN could not do it in over 3 years and billions of dollars wasted?
It's pretty bad ass, so of course Jewtube had to delete it. Would anyone else donate money to start our own video repository here at 8 Holla Forums if it had proper administration?
I sure as shit would, and I'm fucking broke, but I can go every other day without eating for as long as it would take.
If I am to suggest anything, I would recommend some of the South Africans here to go to South America.
We have ok living standards and there are low chances of war ever erupting here in the next 10-20 years. Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and South Brazil are the best options, but they all have a draw back. Getting ID's and all is pretty easy and fast too.
If anyone is interested I can expand on my country (Chile).
get that anglo trash out of here, zuid afrika is for the dutchman and dutchman only
Please don't let this thread die anons, and make new ones in any board you belong to where the Jews will allow you to have one up.
This is the reality of the "rainbow nation" the Jews promised. For those who don't follow the Rugby even in passing, there is now a quota for how many black africans must play (but not for the footit team, bafana bafana, which is 100% negro).
Yhe entire world (which boycotted ZA for YEARS for selecting solely based on color is applauding this move, and the boks get the shit kicked out of them all over the field by Argentina, Ireland, NZ, I've stopped even following, and I hope all other South Africans boycott the fuckers too.
This was the last semblance of normality upper class South Africans held onto– a Braai and watching the Rugby.
Now that has been taken away. And frankly, I'm all for it. Maybe it will wake up the few remaining Boers with heads still up their fucking asses thinking they can live with this monster– they are slowly learning, they cannot.
nigger why the fuck are you randomly indenting ne lines
of course, they got the shit kicked out of them by NZ (actually proud of myself I no longer even follow it to where I had clue of the result). You may be asking yourself "what the fuck does a sport matter when the entire nation is in danger of becoming a failed state?" Well, Remember bullshit movies movies like "Invictus?" (that was actually the last thing Tim McVeigh wrote down before they executed him, had nothing to do with the commie bigger terrorist). You may also recall recent allegations that chemical analysis proved the All-Blacks were poisoned the night before the game, but even they knew better than to bring up such a trivial thing as poisoning when the entire world was fixated on cheering on the success of the glorious rainbow nation).
"South Africa lost at home to Argentina and Ireland for the first time in 2015, suffered a shock upset to Japan during pool play at the World Cup and finished third in this year's Rugby Championship with four defeats from six games.
Last weekend's 57-15 defeat to the All Blacks in Durban was a record loss at the hands of their old rivals who they've beaten just twice in 15 tests since 2010.
"You cannot look at 2016 in isolation, it is a problem that has been coming for some time and you need to look at the game holistically from grassroots level to the top," Stransky told Reuters."
because I'm on a raspberry pi with a shitty ]=, knock off chink keyboard and some sort of old 19 inch tv with an hdmi plug.
if you can read it at all, I'm happy, please don't bitch about fucking "indents" when I'm lucky to get the motherfcker sent at all. thanks. IF you'd like to send me shekels for a nice western computer where I could format properly, happy to give you my bitcoin account…
You can bitch all you want, I'm still not gonna feel bad for you
I'm sorry, you must be responding to a different person in error. I was the chap who recognized your clearly outstanding intelligence shining like a beacon of sunlight over all of us and asking if you'd be so kind as to grace us with a lecture in the form of a post.
Any chance to learn from an individual as gifted as you is one I'd not soon turn down. What do you say?
How about a lecture on the political history of ZA and all that was done wrong, such that we all might take this chance to enlighten ourselves at your feet, o' wise one.
Please, enlighten all who may pass through this thread with your wisdom as a benchmark to which future future generations might aspire.
I'm sure that will break his heart. Quit being a fag and fuck off if you've got nothing to say but D&C garbage.
Jesus christ it's literally lost half it's value in less then five years which was already absurdly low. Dose anyone even bother saving money in SA?
my almost brother-in-law was in currency speculation. Back in ~2011, was telling him SHORT THE RAND, this thing is a Potemkin Village, 65 IQ negroes cannot run a first world nation.
A lot of them were thrown off by the World Cup being relatively problem-free. And while no one hates Blatter more than I, you have to have him his due. HE literally talk over the entire nation of South Africa for 2 months, from top to bottom for 2 months and brought in 10k+ foreign contractors to do the security.
I want to look for the name of the company that bought $5 billion+ in ZA 10 year bonds about 10 days ago, because you can bet some Indian got rich on that fucking deal.
New hierarchy in South Africa is, Whites are obviously the "colonial exploiters" and so are not publicly allowed to show their face or run anything, but Indians (Amin was right on this count– Indians are extremely dishonest, cause in point Gandhi began his career asa race hustler in South Africa) are acceptable to appear in public since they are seen by the kaffirs as as least being somewhat "dark" and therefore acceptable.
There you had a black nigger in the US with even part of a brain and a sliver of ambition, he could go to ZA and become a billionaire over 10 years if he showed even moderate honesty and the ability to delay gratification even for a while, rather than simply emptying the entire treasury at once.
For fuck's sake, at this point you have THOUSANDS of nigger graduates of yale, Harvard, Stanford, Duke, etc… why is is I only se WHITE "aid workers" there instead of niggers helping their own?
I realize this is kind of naive, but is there anything that we burgers can do to help out the whites in SA? I know our immigration laws are against whites, but is there any way we could help emigrate Whites who want to leave? Maybe I have a woodcarving business that requires "special South African expertise"?
Briefly, while on this topic– why haven't Warren Buffet and Bull Gates been publicly lynched yet? Instead of helping Whites in South Africa (not eligible for any government money) or even people in his own nation, they want to give 100 Billion plus to fucking AFRICA (!!!) to help them breed faster and create more niggers, despite knowing that given their IQ, all this will lead to is faster destruction of native flora and fauna?
You expect Zuckerberg to be evil since he's a Jew, but what's wrong with Buffett and Gates? I used to laugh at people who thought "freemasonry" was anything more than a drinking club for fat bored men, but watching "Marching to Zion" and trying to understand men like Buffet and Gates and why they want to destroy Africa instead if having their tubes tied…it's all starting to come together, as crazy as that may sound.
you really can't mate, thought people do appreciate it. If you have goybook, I suspect contacting the people (very FEW people) who help the Whites who live in slums.
Under ZA law, you are lot allowed to earmark donations…"only for Whites," but you sure as hell can for blacks (look at Oprah's school).
Look into the White slums and people who help, contact them, et them feel you out so they are comfortable you aren't a honeytrap or press looking to do a smear article on them (they get a lot of those).
E.g., don't send an email with "…these fucking kaffirs" or that sort of thing, just be polite and earnest. I don't keep a goybook, refuse to.
If you are serious, find someone on FB who speaks Afrikaans (if you don't). Also understand it has to be done quietly, no…"go fund me" or whatever that thing is, the kafs would shut it right down: (NOTE: I HAVEN'T SCREENED THIS DOCUMENTARY, IT COULD BE BULLSHIT, BUT IF YOU ARE SERIOUS YOU MIGHT B]GET SOME NAMES FROM IT)
FUCK IT, my mistake, this documentary on poor Whites hosted by a kaffir so you can assume a bias let me look for a good one, my mistake…
Here mare, please ignore video in thread I posted above (didn't realize it was a nigger host and "ha ha, Whitey is getting what he deserves…" type of thing.
This one seems better, but beware of the fucking churches there man, majority of them are complete kak.
If you really want to help poor south africans, do your research and it will be greatly appreciated. These were a poor people who traveled halfway around the world and tamed a wilderness (the Boers have been the ones hit by poverty, not the anglos).
Entire thing is sad. And I've posted way too much here so will shit my mouth for a long while with this:
I just wish I could help bring these people over here, I live in flyover country(rustbelt) and we have lots of space and houses that are not being used but all we get are more shitskins. It's infuriating. We could help repair the Rustbelt and bring up the White population here in the states too. For example, here's a house for $52k, you could get a house for cheaper even via auction. It sickens me that we have this white infrastructure here that is rotting away and we have Whites who need it. Thanks for the vid M8, just know that there is a lot of sympathy for the Whites in Africa, we feel for you brother.
That house got blacked homie
No, it was just inhabited by old people whose community collapsed after the loss of the regional industry, and then neglected. Just an example.
A few questions:
Why don't Boers flee to whiter areas such as Port Elizabeth, East London or Cape Town?
Why don't Boers flee to countries that don't blame whitey for everythang like Botswana or Namibia?
So this is the future, no matter what it's still white man's burden and now Indian man's too. No wonder even fucking Gandhi hated niggers. Gandhi! This really says it all. The fact of the matter is niggers are inherently inferior subhumans and whites need to all GTFO of Apefrica as soon as possible and let it all collapse. Hopefully the Israelis get so pissed off at niggers, they release the ethnic bioweapons they have targeted specifically at niggers, then nobody will have to deal with niggers ever again. They're the single race nobody fucking likes, not even niggers themselves.
Is there a fund to get whites the hell out of that nigger infested shithole? I'll give what I can.
But you guys really need to pay some mafia or something to get into somewhere illegally.
Even fucking Latin America like Argentina or something then get into someplace better from there as a launchpad. Change your names too.
The dutch betrayed you like the British did the Rhodesians despite all their loyalty.
Because it's their home. Generations of their families have lived there.
Unlike shitskins white people don't like to abandon their homes.
Harold Covington
Jesus fucking christ, this thread just gets more and more depressing. Was the bladerunner story only a big deal in SA because the nigs saw it as a reason to take a famous white guy down a peg? For any SA anons, what was the general nigger attitude and reaction to that event?
can i get a sauce for this?
So when the shit hits the fan big time and suddenly they can no longer ignore the genocide of whites in SA, will our governments do something or will they just hum and haw like useless faggots?
I see they wanted a nigger who throw the towels over the mirrors.
HAC got kicked out of the country after about 4 years and never served
White people need to move to Botswana.
That way, you can face kebab instead of dindus
There was a women working on helping the other whites there. She was on Red Ice and Sinead's show.
Pretty sure this is her
I don't know how you can actually get them out though. A lot don't want to leave and most countries won't let them in. might have a point, the beaners might accept them.
Every white Africans need to colonise Papua New Guinea and coup the png government.
South African Family Relief Project
shit m8 just call in to moly's show if you know how to shoot or farm he'll find you a job like he did for that other yarpie a while back
Let's start a project called "Travel to Papua New Guinea".
Why there?
The botswana thing made more sense. It's closer and has less than half the population size, and is larger.
Ek sou verkoop hulle maar hulle sal wees kak.
PNG have a lot of oils and no niggers.
Regrettably I can't find the song.
Is there a Russian here that can explain this meme?
Love it when an investigation succeeds.
Kakkmaddafakka - Someone New (Roosevelt Remix)
Tee Bee Aich, the gollywogs aren't much better than the oongaboongas. Lot of cannibalism in PNG plus you'd have to fight the Indonesians for the west half and the Aussies for the east.
No fights against Indonesians. All the white people can do is to move there and take over PNG by becoming politicians and change the government. The Papua n politicians are too corrupt to be trusted. They can't manage the matters very well so it is pointless to let them continue.
Is this fucking thread still alive? Why? What is left to discuss? Will there be a civil war?
Who will be fighting whom? ANC vs ANC?
Niggers are going to start a war because they are not happy with the universities. That is their reason.
As for some basic context, when the guy puts his ear out in the video, the commie faggot in isolation says "you poor slaves, for the revolution!".
Basically the movie is about russian prison life and the uncultured faggot part of the population that has to swear every 2/3 words have pulled this movie apart on quotations and memes thanks to the convincing acting. This is what I gathered from the comments anyway, I've personally never seen it.
one of the comments asks "what anime is this?"
This is a good one. Re: the negress calling for science to be "decolonized," there's an article by an angry, womenyz studies major type. And it's a beauty:
She is of course correct. I recall my AP Biology course teaching that Charles Darwin was actually an American, and Watson and Crick made their discovery in Oxford, Mississippi.
But for some reason she never names these remarkable negro achievement of which she speaks.
Also,methinks her backpack of White privilege doesn't give her the right to speak for the brown brothers and sisters. If their idea of "decolonizing" is learning about how to use witchcraft to target others with lightening, why not let them?
Yeah I noticed that.
oo fok ouens, kafs firebombed a bakkie on my campus at 03:00 this morning.
mooi, zeer mooi
For those who don't know, Geocode Watch now has Whites in South Africa at stage 7– preparation (there are only 8 stages).
I think it's closer than people realize, and many need to just keep deluding themselves to get through the day. For example, look at any ZA news sources and read how many times you read the word "decolonization" or "White-owned capital."
Interesting how none of them dare to mention dogs though since the rabble-rousers are all getting a piece either from the Guptas or one of the myriad of other Indian scumbags.
Not from South Africa but Red Ice just put out an interesting podcast with a white lawyer from ZAF.
redice. tv/radio-3fourteen/the-truth-about-south-africas-rainbow-nation
is this what afrikaans english sounds like?
its called rooinekaans user
dis seker nie nice nie :'( gaan fokken huil :'((((
niet huilen, broer
White South Africans need to hurry up and go to Botswana.
Negroes turn to arson, looting for "muh free education:"
"Cape Town - Nine people were arrested during looting and arson in Braamfontein early on Saturday morning, Johannesburg's Metro Police said.
Senior Superintendent Wayne Minnaar said they looted a supermarket at the corner of De Korte Street and Biccard Street in Braamfontein before midnight.
They also torched a vehicle which belongs to the SABC, a Mercedes Vito and a tow truck which was parked on the side of the road. He said the arrests came while a group of students were protesting but did not know if those arrested are students.
Roads were blocked until after 01:00 while police moved through the area, stun grenades booming. The roads were opened again later. None of the officers were injured during the skirmishes. Clean up operations are underway and motorists can drive through there now.
On Friday nationwide protests in demand of free and decolonised education took a sinister turn when University of Cape Town Vice Chancellor Max Price was allegedly punched twice in the course of a conversation with students on the campus."
Negroes disrupt classes with "stink bombs" (I assume just bags of shit on fire) and arson:
"Johannesburg – Classes had to be relocated after stink bombs were let off in a lecture hall in the New Commerce Building on Wits University’s West campus on Friday, management said.
"Police were called to the scene after classes were disrupted. It looks like two students were going from class to class trying to disrupt them," Wits spokesperson Shirona Patel said.
The two students had been identified.
Meanwhile, a group of about 30 students were singing outside the building.
Science and mathematics classes were also disrupted.
On Thursday evening, protesting students used stones to break several windows.
They tried to start fires near the Old Mutual Hall, the DJ du Plessis Building, the Grand Stand at the Science Stadium, and the Umthombo Building.
The fires were all extinguished quickly. Some buildings were flooded as protesting students opened taps in the bathrooms. Two students were arrested."
University of Cape Town Chancellor gets punched by negroes:
Cape Town - UCT vice chancellor Max Price was punched during a meeting on campus with students, the university alleged on Friday.
And further afield Wits University in Johannesburg has introduced a curfew with the right to conduct spot searches as pockets of protests continue on the campuses.
At the University of Cape Town, Price and two members of the university's executive were meeting with a group of protesters outside the Bremner Building on lower campus when the altercation took place.
This was after the court appearance of activist Masixole Mlandu at the Wynberg Magistrate's Court.
When Price tried to leave for another meeting some people surrounded him and started pushing and pulling him, the university alleged.
"Dr Price attempted to walk away when he received two punches to the body," the university
I think its Australian media, but point taken.
I think the interviewer is Richard Carlton.
free and no email required. make a few channels and UL vids to there, paste links here from time to time.
thanks, never knew it was there, So
presumably one can take videos from jewtube and put them up there? I don't mean "vlogger" shit or music, but things like the program from israeli tv on the russian girls in the brothel.
Feels bad man. Why do US/EU take in tons of shitskin economic migrants and refuse actual refugees who face genocide? God damn it, come home white man.
Put up a good fight, user. Just thinking about this makes me simultaneously sad and angered. This is what the jew wants for all of us whites…
Yea I know right.
Yeah, I'd use the prinsenvlag only when discussing when South Africa was't AIDS. Know what I mean?
In 1998, my high school got a new student, a Boer kid whose family had just immigrated from Johannesburg. Talking to him and learning about the danger of the new kind and tolerant South Africa - not even five years after Apartheid ended at that - was my first young hint that maybe blacks really did hate us and we needed to stay away from them. I never knew because my parents always made sure we lived in a white area so I could go to a mostly white school.
The next year, we got three new black kids who immediately tried to ban whites from a particular lunch table. I challenged them to a fight over it and they backed down. Liberal teachers didn't want to do shit about it.
Fuck niggers. The death of white South Africa is a top 5 catastrophe of the 20th century.
They were more interested in putting the line of self-determination and chance to breakaway in their consitution as leverage for what esp. Constant Viljoen saw the eventual chaos of South Africa to come. If he didn't, the UN and the ANC would've rejected it anyway, because what you're suggesting is essentially the goal of Apartheid anyway.
It just wants to be around a greater nation of blacks. The majority of the cape is white, asian and coloured with a small amount of natives.
Then don't call aids infested land South Africa. Call it mandeliland or something like that
But that's the flag that denotes what South Africa has become. You see?
people pissed I used the "new and improved" ZA flag with the spearchucker, should we use the Rhodesia flag for Zimbabwe?
They've turned it into a hellhole where they throw human shit at ambassadors and chemistry lecturers, why shouldn't their speakerchucker flag be used to represent what it is now?
I've heard good things about zambia lately, easy credit, white africans being protected, zambians understanding the importance of their white overlords.
Is there a reason why you guys are buoying up the Sth African economy when there's countries without nigger gommunist governments that hate you right on your doorstep?
IT'S BEGINNING LADS! (archive.is is down)
Kaveel Singh and Jenna Etheridge, News24
Durban - The ANCYL Chairperson Collen Maine on Saturday called for MK Veterans to arm themselves to defend President Jacob Zuma.
"Comrades from Umkhonto we Sizwe, bring your guns. Now is the time to defend the revolution. We must do it. Generations that came before did it. They sacrificed their lives," he said in Durban.
Maine was speaking at a Hands Off Zuma march the city. Over 4 000 attended the peaceful gathering.
The ANC Ethekwini Region organised the event because it believed Zuma was being targeted.
The march comes in the wake of drama around outgoing Public Protector Thuli Madonsela's "state capture" report.
On Friday, Black First Land First (BFLF) protesters marched to the Public Protector's office in Pretoria to defend the president.
They carried posters reading "hamba Madonsela" and "hands off Zuma" as they rushed up to the gates of the office complex.
Others held signs accusing Madonsela of being in cahoots with the wealthy Rupert family and acting in the interests of white monopoly capital.
what do we do if the two groups of kafs are killing one another, other than sit home, watch, and drink beer and cheer on both sides?
For weeks I've been saying it was about to burst. This isn't a sure thing given that they make lots of threats, but with everything else going on at the moment it's damn possible…
Is anyone else getting the "archive.is" SERVER ERROR message? (I'm putting this up in case an autist has a shit fit an accuses me of being a "shill" for the news24)
To understand this…think of the Guptas sort of as "Indian Rothschilds" who run South Africa, but aren't quite as powerful, even more corrupt but not as good at covering their tracks, nor do they have the power of their tribe to help them.
This is going to be an amazing shitshow here…
8ch cuckchan and all archive sites are under attack
I can't imagine why…fuck I hope people have the entire shillary thing saved.
We live in such a sewer of a world…
Are the white people going to become politicians?
friend, Zambians might be a bit more reasonable in knowing where their mealy-meal comes from, but a kaffir is still a kaffir.
You won't see a White politician of any importance in sub-saharan africa unless the w. Cape breaks off and becomes something like a Hong Kong or Dubai, a self-governing, financial capital city state.
Problem is that the W. Cape is mostly dominated by Anglos who have no balls, and I don't know what happens to the Boers spread out to the north and east (although the kaffirs are already trying to "reclaim" their land in ZA).
The most amazing part of all this? This Western, controlled Jewish media hasn't dared to touch any of it.
Becoming politicians is a good way to gain control over country.
That's what I argued m80
They have to be in their 60's and 70's by now and probably have AIDS, plus many of them are probably bitter that they fought for the Communists though they're still in a hell-hole. If anything, they'd take up arms to attack the ANC-government.
**Botswana too.
full cyka blyat
Just go teach english somewhere in Asia. If you don't have a degree you can't teach in Japan but you can in China Thailand etc. Don't sit around waiting to get slaughtered.
dubs confirm
after trump is elected and we kick out the shitskins we will become a safe haven for whites
These are the rape capitals of the world.
1. South Africa
2. Botswana
3. Lesotho
4. Swaziland
5. Bermuda
6. Sweden
What do they all have in common?
Visiting once, I found it laughable. The niggers were savage subhumans who still engaged in slavery and cannibalism, sure but they were all a bunch of manlets and absolutely none of them can fight worth a shit and attempts at intimidation were laughable. I felt like a god. No wonder the Rhodesian battles and war had such a slanted favour to whites in causalities.
Baboon police lel
I met a boer who left SA after almost getting stabbed by a black. Do you have any family in the UK? He could come and join the army as he had an aunt who lived here.
I've considered US, what's a good state that's not too hot, white majority, republican and socially conservative and with polite soft spoken people?
A lot of South Africans come to California for the similar climate. If you're looking for majority-white, aim for the Central Valley or the far northern parts of the state. Red Bluff and Redding are nice, as is Fort Bragg. Try Clearlake or Lucerne if you're strapped for cash.
I'm from Europe, just thought I'd hijack the thread for a bit.
Why do Sout-Africans look so inbred? And what is this "all white Christian" place, and why is it allowed?
This is hilarious
They probably are inbred. Better go over there and diversify their genepool fam.
All those who had the means got out.
The others settled elsewhere or became mercs.
Leaving only the poor and unlucky.
What is the company that the mercs work in?
There is something poetic in that picture.
Niggers doing what they do (violent crime).
Jews doing what they do (censoring the truth, but too money-grubby to take a second picture).
you brought this on yourselves. come home white men
Um no…The Jew and Eternal Anglo brought it upon them. Learn some history (d)weeb. It's no more the South Africans fault than it was the Germans fault for what happened to them during the "liberation" following WW2.
Roast in hell, you historically illiterate faggot.
Did any white africans attempt to live in botswana illegal?
Nobody has tried to dispose of the bodies of burglars and wannabe booty warriors without telling the gov?
Holy shit, this shit is stupid. KILL THEM! DRIVE THEM OUT!
I am sure if an entire town does it then the authorities protecting the baboon shits won't do anything.
I still think it's disgusting how Europe is letting the scum of the earth into it's borders while ignoring it's brothers in need in Suid Afrika.
Sommige van ons zijn de boeren niet vergeten.
No idea we used to get a guy woreking for some of them posting stories here.
What do you think of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging? How about the Kommandokorps?
How about Orania?
Thoughts on Constand Viljoen? Eugene Terre'Blanche?
ZA is close to a major happening. Zuma (the tribal chieftain/goad herder with a 4th grade education) is suppressing the report into what is known as "State Capture." In short, a group of Indian brothers named "the Guptas" have become zuma's boss, and he runs the country according to their liking.
so, some fuss, the negress appointed as "public protector" wrote up a report on it. but, of course, since a nigger is a nigger, she made a few glaring mistakes that while laughable in a Western court system, are par for the course in ZA.
So now, report is being held, new "public protector" (a more pliable negress) who will play ball, and the semi-honest Indian finance minister is up on completely spurious fraud charges, and the case is going ahead.
Meanwhile, the ANC just pocketed another $500 million in "USAID" to play his flunkies.
now, where are the Whites in all this? It's now completely unacceptable for a White to hold any sort of public position. The Kafs obviously can't do it themselves, so Indians have been settled on as dark enough and "decolonised" (new ZA buzzword, though no one will openly say what it means: education must be "decolonised," sport, business, government, etc….). In practice, "decolonised" really means "get rid of Whitey."
That's not even a nearly full account of this, but if I tried to give a "full account" of past ~12-15 years of ANC politics and scandals, it would take pages and if anyone read it, they wouldn't believe it.
Oh, should add– the former "public protector" has taken up a position at a Uni as the "chair of Social Justice," which is a good gig since unis will most likely never open again since kafs took to flinging faeces about as part of their "#feesmustfall" call for "free and decolonised" education.
So, Zuma used the $500 million in USAID to hire a smart Jew or Indian lawyer to go over her report with a fine comb, and point out procedural errors that will be used to suppress the report into Zuma and the Guptas.
also, despite the relatively few Jew bankers left essentially threatening Zuma, he is going ahead with State Capture, charges against the finance finance minister, and his doubled his "security detail."
When the dam finally breaks, it's going to be a clusterfuck on a global scale and if any Western press reports on it, they will act like no one could have predicted it or it was a sudden development. If you look into Zuma's past, his wives, raping his friend's daughter with the AIDS (but he was safe since he took a shower after).
Kaffirs don't really believe AIDs exists, or if does it os a plot by the White man that can be cured by a Witch Doctor. That's not a joke about "Witch Doctors," all the Kaffirs use them and they are accepted as "traditional healers" they way…chink acupuncture would be in the West, but the Kaffirs actually use them.
Also, the passing standard is now 30% for exams (even still many negroes fail), but the ones with IQs over 75 or so can pass and they have flooded the universities. Thus the "#feesmustfall" and "decolonise education" movement on campuses that have led to numerous murders already, burning of libraries, etc..
ZA is over. the remote hope is an independent Western Cape based on the Idea of a hong Kong model, but the Kaffirs will never willingly give up their cash cow and you can be sure West will stand with kaffirs…
Of course, most of this is just meaningless kak, but might give you an idea how far this has gone. this negress wants a "Whiteness" month– essentially an entire month set apart to criticize (and probably physically harm) Whites. Some of them want to get rid of things like Medicine, Engineering, Chemistry, anf other "White" subjects in favor of a "we wuz kangs," "afrocentric" model of education. Just how this would lead to a job, I've never heard them explain, but they can't seem to think long enough into the future to realize that when their credit rating goes to junk in December, all investment is going to leave ZA since pension funds and others investing out of White Guilt no longer can by law:
" In A Case for Whiteness History Month, I make a short case for the introduction of Whiteness History Month, a month dedicated to kyriarchy: the overlapping and interconnected oppressions around gender, sexuality, race, class, and physical ability that are made invisible by violent normativities. Inherent to this case for this history month is a case for critical pedagogy." (N.B., the negress hasn't the slightest clue what any of these terms she's throwing around really mean, which is the point)
I wish there were still a good blog about ZA like "South Africa Sucks" (which zuma had closed before the world cup, and the authors hunted down and arrested at gunpoint with all their computer equipment seized), but so far as I know there isn't.
I hope this guy's doing ok
better still read the book Gunship Ace by AJ Venter, it's about your chopper pilot but the chopper was a Hind (vodka burner), good insight into the whole PMC world
a lot of saffers went to perth, so there's always that
He got kicked out for being too racist (lol), and there are pictures of him serving
lol fuck niggers
god fucking damnit
Last image is retarded
I refuse to believe that is not a scripted sequence. What the fuck is even going on in that video? Seen it posted a couple of times before.
Stand up for yourself, don't let District 6 happen again.
The two train collided because they are on the same lane. Niggers are retards by nature.
Sorry I forgot to embed.
Its from a Documentary Film about South African Special Forces. The South African Special Task Force is their equivalent of SWAT
and here you see them Stop a bank Robbery
Here is the Source (The Documentary features 3 episodes)
When i think of SA i think human safari. Just how competent are security forces at stopping everyday shootings??
Whats the average response time?
Is there helicopter coverage?
great vid, the british guy is a complete cuck though. his types are the reason london will look the same soon.
Even the Jews and cucks admit now itz coming:
Is SA headed for revolution?
2016-10-25 07:37
Max du Preez
South Africa is experiencing political turbulence verging on instability. But what are the chances that this could lead to some kind of revolution or a collapse of the present order?
I write this column from Tunis, where the Arab Spring of 2011 started and then spread to other Arab states. The geopolitics of North Africa is very different from that of the southern tip of the continent, but I could not avoid drawing some parallels."
Any more update from South Africa?
so what exactly is the problem? every nation focuses extra on their own inventions and history. go to japan and you'll read about important Japanese inventions and parts of history
Please. Just. Fucking. Live. Here.
A shit shot, but ffs, worth a watch.
A friend just wrote on kikebook that people should not travel to SA atm.
Nothing in western media.
What's going on?
So long as they keep their black hands off the Chosen Ones diamond mines, it will stay out of Western Media.
What's happening? South Africa is heading to the common denominator for all negro nations, Haiti.
You sound like a total passive aggressive whiny faggot.
Are you going to use such rethoric against nigger hordes coming for you, too?
I don't think even I know what's going on in SA at the moment. Only Indians and kafs really are allowed to be journalists, with the exception of a few old jew ANC communists who couldn't tell the truth if they were on fire.
All that's really certain is that the negroes are protesting for free, 'Decolinised' education at university level. "Decolonised" meaning "kill Whitey."
Nothing go- guys! I swear it's all fine here. If the media hasn't reported on it then there can't be any serious problems can there?
Theroux is a kike. So yeah good point.
Media here is quite as fuck. Have you realized how all the violent and sensational headlines have become petty crap? If your South African.
How's the wildlife in South Africa doing?
I don't see how the Western lügenpresse can hide it for much longer. today, riots outside parliament, tearing up bricks and throwing them, and burned down 3 university buildings.
Not sustainable for much longer, something too big for the Jews to hide is going to happen.
Just go to Brazil.
It's a bit hard to get a visa to stay permanently, you need to either have family here, marry someone here or be a rich fuck that can bring at least 150k reais to investment in a business here.
Or you can go and say that you're a political refugee, and things will be pretty easy. And the way things are going in SA, you can actually do this.
You'll want to live in the south, you don't want to live in any of the big cities, especially Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, since they're really violent (but surely less violent than civil war SA). Other than that, I think white SAs would get used to Brazil quickly, the only problem would be learning the language.
I'd get here with a tourist visa, get a job illegally and wait till the shit hits the fan in SA, then say you're a political refugee and get access to all the rights you need to get a working permit.
So does anyone from SA want to get brought to America? We have fag marriage now so might as well put it to good use. Give me some money and we can make a deal.
Rhodesian explains Rhodesian culture.
Go to the png and work there illegal. PNG is too poor to deport.
I would suggest you leave. Now.
When the happening begins, it's not announced on national tv. You get few warnings. This is one of them.
This is a great one. Negress "medical student" chimps out at BBC reporter, apparently these fucks don't understand that the Kafs are ready to ill anything with White skin, even those willing to act as their propaganda mouthpieces.
Something tells me they will edit this out from the BBC final cut: