Christianity Today says Donald Trump is what the Bible calls 'a fool'
I don't even need to say it.
Two more articles bashing Trump:
Christianity Today says Donald Trump is what the Bible calls 'a fool'
I don't even need to say it.
Two more articles bashing Trump:
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares?
Yes, of course he is, but Hillary is worse.
Wow just wow,
Christian Magazine also thinks we have to defend Israel because Jews are going to bring about the second coming of Jesus.
christcucks are once again complete cucks
Isaiah 5
18 Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:
19 That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it!
You have to understand something. A bunch of Christians are retarded normies, and then there's a bunch of "Christian" leaders that are actually (((Christians))). This shouldn't be surprising. The Jews hate Christ, and seek to destroy Christianity. This isn't the fault of Christianity.
Christcucks gonna cuck.
"Christianity Today "
What the Amish hate Trump?
GTFO you heebs.
What a shocker.
>Oy vey if you support Trump you're not a real Christian
Fucking horseshit.
The main problem with the faith in the year of our Lord 2016 is that women exercise too much influence. The Bible says that women should keep silence in the churches and live in subjugation to their husband, and to treat him like he is their personal God. Instead we have a bunch of feminist faggot-loving (((Christian women))) running our churches
Isaiah 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
Then fix the church before preaching to us.
And yet Trump will still be the best President for Christianity, and probably the first best President. Trump will use his generosity to separate the Christians from the (((Christians))), which is something he does for any group with moles to reveal.
The church is fixed by the preaching of the gospel. The Bible says that there will be many in the day of judgement who say "Lord, Lord, we've done many wonderful works in your name," but he will say "I never knew you, depart from me, you who work iniquity" and throw them into hell.
There is a plague of (((Christians))) who pay the Lord service with their lips, but their hearts are far from him, and they'll all be going to hell. It isn't about your works, but about your FAITH: what do you believe?
I believe that GOD is the rock of my salvation, he is my gun and my body armor against the evils of this world, and that EVERY WORD of the Bible is the absolute truth. Any (((Christian))) who professes faith in anything other than the Bible (ie works, ie being a nice person) is going to hell.
Jesus was NOT some long haired hippy in a dress. He specifically taught that men should have short hair and only wear pants (men's clothing), so why the fuck would he say that while having long hair and a dress?
Here's the only physical description we have of Jesus:
14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
And they wonder why people continue to turn away from them.
I'll become an orthodox christian when christianity becomes EXPLICITLY white rather than IMPLICITLY white.
No "saving" mud people, no equality in the eyes of the lord bullshit and no cucking in regards to violence. Once that becomes clear and becomes doctrine, I'll happily go to church.
All of those things are true, but there are things that come before forgiveness and before morality. FEAR OF THE LORD. How many ignorant people go to church and listen to some short-haired dyke in jeans preach about love and forgiveness, when she herself will be thrown into the lake of fire with wailing and gnashing of teeth? THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF KNOWLEDGE.
Malachi 1:6
A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the Lord of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name?
Those aren't christians OP, they're what's known as heretics.
Any faith that diverges from what is taught in the scriptures is heretical, including evangelicals.
Well, it is always a sign of poor health when there's a woman as the pastor.
Oh, I didn't know this was one of those kinds of threads. My apologies. I'll sage now, Chaim.
Also, that's like saying that the west sucks, and that we should fix it before we care about it at all. That's retarded.
You don't understand Christianity then. Christianity is about having a relationship with God, and a major part of that is salvation. There's no problem with wars, and fighting for what's right, but Christianity is important for everyone. If someone sets themselves up as an adversary to righteousness, then they have to be removed somehow. Wars are not a problem.
I don't personally hate any particular races, but I think they should be segregated, since it's mutually destructive to bring them together. I'm not someone who thinks we should kill all members of a different race. In that same way, Christianity must not remain solely within the white race. It's something that's deeply important to everyone.
Christianity is really the cancer that opened the door for Judaism and Islam in the west. Under the guise of religous freedom that was established because of christcucks, Islam and Judaism found fertile lands to spread their ideology to. We should treat every superstition equal. Christians are the henchmen of jews and muslims and should hang when the day comes.
Its a very clear Biblical teachings. Any "pastor" should be affiliated with the New Testament, at least, so if she reads over these verses and continues "preaching" she should be stoned tbh.
1 Timothy 2
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Here's another obvious one.
1 Corinthians 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
Just swarm them with "heretic" and shit, make sure that they feel pushed out of "christianity" or something. I'm too tired to structure this post properly, you know what I mean, just do it.
Oh, I know, user. Thanks for that, but I am familiar with it. Mom, and my sister, would also agree with that.
First of all that word "relationship" is never found in the Bible, but the word RELIGION is. Secondly the "relationship" is that of a master and a servant, of a father and a son, whereas you seem to imply there is some sort of give and take.
That's the foundation. Without that part, there is nothing else. Without salvation, you're going to hell and its said and done. Hell is a real physical place under the earth which is dark and has a lake of fire. People are there right now screaming and wailing and gnashing their teeth. Reject the free gift of life, and you'll be judged according to your works. There is none that doeth good, no not one.
No one cares at this point about all of that because your boys are acting stupid.
Oh please. There are two significant Christian demographics, bible thumpers and fake christians. The former are retarded and vote by brand, they will never support a democrat over a republican. The latter have already become full poz, multiculturalist, pro-lgbt, feminist churches years ago so of course they will vote hillary.
The single issue voters have all been cemented in at this point. The debate is to sway indecisive, extremely ambivalent moderates who vote based on who did better in debates or who gets most embarrassed by October surprise.
The salvation concept is what I have problem with. I want whites to inherit the earth, I don't want my future descendants to ever be in the same position we're in now, by eliminating the competition and hostile elements, we eliminate the possibility of whites getting enslaved again.
Factor in dwindling resources and the notion of respecting everyone and leaving them alone doesn't stand. I'd rather get the messy stuff out of the way sooner rather than later. I can guarantee that even if every race went back to their rightful homes, it would only take a few decades for the cucking to begin again. For the salvation squads to attempt to tame wild beats yet again.
If that's what you're selling under the banner of "true christianity" then I don't want it
Yes and I will continue to thump my Bible and stand on my soap box
The effeminate scourge, they make me sick. Ask them about hell: they're soft.
1 Corinthians 11:7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Nonbelievers will inherit the wind. God made Europe greater than the rest of the world when they were his most faithful servants, and he gave them dominion over the earth. They turned away from him, so he turned away from them, and now look at us.
Isaiah 2:6 Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers.
Christianity Today is a "progressive" strain. Read an article there a few months back while doing research for a Bible study, instead of offering a defense for the text, they say "oh yeah, the critics are right, the Bible is flawed, let's just roll over and bend over." Read another one fairly recently, but I can't remember exactly, just remember it pissed me off with how ready they were to bend over to post modernism.
Jews have been pushing christianity relentlessly since they created it. Both presidential candidates kiss jew ass anyway so they're just two sides of the same coin, just as any flavor of (((christianity))). Enough sub-groups and sects to satisfy your needs while all center around the jews, jews and more jews.
The whole book is about jews, what the jews did and how the jews supposedly want to rule the world.
I don't understand this wish to be a jew. Out of any people, you want to be them.
Look at what the faggot fake bible versions do to this verse.
First the latin: et creavit Deus hominem ad imaginem suam ad imaginem Dei creavit illum masculum et feminam creavit eos
So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
O gee, why are people confused?
Not true. Half of the Old Testament is God talking about how much he hates the Jews.
1:11 For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith the Lord of hosts.
2:11 Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.
3:3 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.
4:4 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
This is the best answer in this thread so far. Fuck any Pagans or Kek worshippers.
wew lad.
Yeah not interested in your prose
I see christians as snakes in the grass, they care more about pleasing the lord and doing the lords work than they do securing a future for our people. Why do you christians love to signal against your own flesh and blood. Very (((progressive))) and (((liberal))) of you.
I know i'll get the
tripe but how come there has been no action by christians against jewish infiltration of the christian faith? Talking shit about whites rejecting god is one thing, but how come nothing has been done by the "true christians" to fight it?
The Church of Being Nice holds sermons in hell
Fuck you, faggot. I could ask the same about white people? Why do (((whites))) actively participate in destroying ourselves? It's because Christianity, and whites, have been subverted by Jewish interest.
I'm getting real fucking sick of you retards posting here without actually doing any fucking reading. It's been driving post quality down for the last year. If you care about European civilization then fucking read about European civilization. You can hate Christianity all you'd like, call it christcuckery or whatever else you're shilling now, but saying things that things that are verifiably false about what has been the foundation of European civilization for the two thousand years makes you look like a jackass. If you are going to criticize something, then learn about that something, don't just take snippets from edgelords on the Internet and pretend to be an expert.
I think you're looking for, Jamal
Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.
19 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.
20 For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain.
21 Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
The only reason any non-jew would hold a book about the history of the jews as their own scripture is that the jews destroyed and corrupted all references to the gentiles history, and in particular the occult history.
It's the jewish option, or atheism. Any genuine spiritual practice has been jewified and destroyed to make it useless to gentiles. This is the only reason christianity succeeds somewhat, if it all. Jews are banking on Islam now, since people are leaving christianity.
They do the same with Islam now that they did with christianity prior to the dark ages, and if the jews succeed, we will have a new dark age, a global communist regime where the goyim live in dirt houses while technology is only for the jews.
And what have Christians done about it? One would think that if a hostile force infiltrated your religion, the very same force that killed your savior, they would be destroyed forever more.
Clearly we both understand that jewish subversion has ruined white people, but if Christianity has been thoroughly subverted, why on earth would I want to use it to save white people? That's like curing one disease by replacing it with another. You have no business to be asserting that Christianity is the solution when you yourself admit that its compromised.
At least my ideal solution is a final solution, one that Christianity would never support because it goes against their doctrine. Doesn't sound like too good of a deal to me
Well, in a way, there is a give and take. He gives, and we take it or leave it.
I know that we have nothing without God, so we can't give him anything. He's the rightful owner of everything anyway. I don't know where you got the idea that I thought we had something to give.
I said salvation is a major part of that BECAUSE it's the foundation. You're preaching to the choir, user.
When I said relationship, I basically meant that we listen for him, obey, give thanks, and that we strive to know him. That sort of thing.
Do whatever you want, man. If you want to kill everyone, you do you. Other people will also do what they do and kill you back, for good reason.
Shut it down?
Here's the thing smartass, our ancestors were wise. They accepted the gospel because of its power and truth.
Secondly, the Bible plainly says that Jews are the synagogue of Satan and that the antichrist will rule from Jerusalem.
1 Thessalonians 2
14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
I hear you. Your heart is in the right place, but I take issue with the word "relationship" because its usually twisted into some sort of faggotry. Almost every church in the entire country is saturated with this nonsense, what we need to be preaching about is God's eternal godhead, his throne, his kingship. God is our MASTER, just like a husband is the master and the ruler of his wife.
You are correct about that.
Science when pursued without hinderance leads to true spirituality. And spirituality when pursued without hinderance or falsehood and lies leads to true science. The two are inseparable.
Abrahamic religions are unspiritual because they are unscientific. Atheism is unscientific because it is unspiritual.
Atheists reject everything they can not explain as visible light and tactile experience. If it can not be sensed with the basal senses, it can not exist.
Abrahamism rejects science by discouraging it and replacing experiental knowledge with faith.
Those who say they are jews and are not but do lie, who do you think they are?
The jews say they are jews, and they are. Who then could it be?
According to that book it's a sin to even be born. Not for the jews though! Just the religions for the gentiles so christians and muslims are controlled by fear and mutually destroy each other. See through it already.
It's very simple, and I recommend reading: "The Brothers Karamazov." If there is no God, all is permissible. We cannot expect people to control themselves, and act according to Kantian ethics. Therefore, we need God and His rule of law. I believe in God, but I don't force it on anybody. Our entire civilization is built on the church, on His laws, on Christ the savior. We can't throw that away, and we shouldn't. We have to fix Christianity, make it what it was 100 years ago.
Buchanan talks about how his grandfather would hold his hand over fire, and burn him, while telling him "this is what Hell would feel like, only 100x worse." We need scare tactics, anti-Jewish teachings, and mercy teachings. We are great because only our race has Mercy, given to us by Him. Basically, what I'm saying is that it's not Christianity's fault, it's (((Christianity's))) fault, as well as the (((LuegenPresse))).
That's fine but you christians better not stand in the way or fight against it.
I'm willing to let you guys peddle your shit, it can be immensely powerful in a 100% white nation. I respect what christianity has done for the european people (although I have always disliked how it obliterated many peoples traditions and cultures) But this egalitarianism in the eyes of the lord shit will lead to disaster, much like egalitarianism in the eyes of the libshit has lead to disaster. There's just no need to cuck ourselves while we're still on this planet
Let me get this straight:
Hillary wants to wants to protect Roe V Wade and Trump wants to repeal it but these Christians are going to vote for Hillary because Trump said mean things about a woman?
Maybe they should get the fuck out of politics and get back into the Bible.
There is a name for these hypocrites. They are called Pharisees.
Modern day Jews are khazar babies. The reason why Jews suffer from such a ridiculous propensity for genetic diseases is because every Jew living today is descended from less than a few hundred reprobate Jews which fled out of Palestine when everyone else converted to Christ. The long story short is that they fled to Yemen in Arabia first and set up a petty Jewish kingdom which got BTFO by the Ethiopians after the Jews started massacreing Christians (Ethiopians because the Byzantines were busy fighting the Persians.) Then they fled to Khazaria and set up another petty kingdom, this one lasted for a long time and was made very rich as an intermediary between the warring Christian and Muslim world along the silk road, hence the Jewish tradition of being "merchants." So modern day "Jews" are genetically only part "Jewish." So they are both spiritually AND genetically divorced from the Jews of old.
Spiritually, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, Jews today do not even follow the Old Testament. Have you ever seen a Jew sacrifice a bull at the temple? No, they follow a different religion from the Talmud.
That's where you're wrong about Christianity. It metaphysically concludes that discovering God through empirical knowledge is impossible, but it doesn't deny scientific knowledge as such. It puts faith in God and a godly life above scientism, but it doesn't deny the scientific method. The two aren't incompatible.
But thats what I was alluding too earlier with making it apparent in christrian doctrine that WE are the ones who grew the faith into what it was. Arabs sure as shit didn't do too well with it, africans are still eating each other despite the christian presence on their continent and christian chinks are still ant people.
All I want is for christians to be intellectually honest for once and say
Basically, less cucking and "saving" and more crusading (with a no survivors policy)
I'd be more than happy for my descendants to be christian as long as they aren't sitting on a ticking non-white timebomb.
I use the word "relationship" to convey that we have to have an ongoing conversation with God. God does work with us to achieve his goals in the way that he wants them achieved.
A lot of people don't understand that it's not enough to just know that God exists. We have to have a relationship with him. That's what I try to convey when I say that, because it's also a big problem when people think they can just believe God exists somewhere out there, and he will magically do something good for them.
Maybe I just didn't go to any churches that have been infiltrated with faggotry, but it's kind of a foreign concept to me, at least in context of Christianity, that God would be anything but our master.
I strongly disagree that we should kill all other races. I think it would be good to completely destroy Judaism though. If we did that, maybe these other racial tensions would fix themselves.
bump :^)
friendzoned by the lord
It's not racial tension that bothers me. Take africans for example, they are so fucking backwards that it's inevitable for the devout or women to take pity on those creatures.
The problem is we can't go back to what we had at the turn of the 19th century where people legitimately believed that some races weren't human. Pandoras box has been opened and can never be shut, so humanitarianism will never go away because any sane person knows that apefricans can't look after themselves. Heartless assholes like me can live just fine knowing that, counting the days just waiting for that continent to become free for the taking. I don't think christians can be convinced to think that way however.
Plus, it doesn't even matter about leaving people to their devices because it quite clear that choyna wants africa, among other nations. I think its much wiser to nip problems in the bud before it results in whites getting squeezed out.
I don't know about you, but God has never spoken to me. I pray and he shows me his power and mercy and generosity. Its been a unidirectional "conversation."
God communicates with me through the Bible. Everything that he would ever need to say, he has said ("what more could I do in my vineyard, that I have not done in it?"). The rich man who went to hell called up to Lazarus the poor man in Abraham's bosom, and asked him to go tell his family about how horrible hell was so they wouldn't have to do. Abraham answered and told him that they already have the scriptures and the words of the prophet and that there was nothing he could do for them, that has not already been done.
There isn't any "conversation." God is my teacher, and I am his student, and what more could he say to me, that he has not told me in the Bible?
He watches us and, while he also shows mercy to us, he does reward us for our works and punish us for our sins, just like a father rewards and disciplines his son.
There it is, bless your parents then. How old are you, by the way? There is an unbelievable degree of faggotry in churches, and its mainly the fault of women and effeminate men who cater to women. If they would stop tut-tutting from the pews and listen to a MAN OF GOD preach power, our country would be in better shape.
That would be a never ending genocide (are Greeks and mediterraneans white? How about slavs? Once all the other races were destroyed, then everybody would affiliate by such), and it'd be retarded because even if you killed every other race, the people would immediately begin to diverge into separate races again. Kinda dumb tbh. God created the races at the Tower of Babel
"Jews of old" and "modern jews" were and still are semites. Are you denying that semites are a problem?
Sage for obvious intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Nah, kill yourself.
Reported for intl.
Going for the high score?
Reported for intl.
Can you give me the link for the board log? I'm interested to see who's on right now.
Why, when that’s me? Reported for intl. Thanks for admitting you are, by the way.
Stop dude, you can report but let them shill. We have the answers.
The "semites of old" gave us civilization inb4 cuck (we wuz egypt, we wuz babylon, we wuz persia, we wuz EVERYTHING)
Take a guess
Genesis 10:2-5:
Ashkenazim descended from Japheth not Shem. The Bible says they are gentiles.
Fucking kill yourself.
Good luck with that
This is how retarded intl thinks we are
This is how the liberal mind operates
Reported for admitting to being intl by posting an image only intl posts.
Reported for intl.
The problem is jews.
I see the christcuck is triggered.
If you're new to this, what happens is that the mod sage bombs the thread for a while then he bumplocks it because he now feels he has justification for locking a thread that has 'devolved to shitflinging'.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Holy shit, calm the fuck down. The mods either are working on something else, or don't care. You don't have to report every bastard in this thread.
He is the moderator. We've asked him to stop sage bombing religion threads. There were a lot of good pro-christian responses in this thread.
Please die, shill.
Actually you are a little off he IS a mod looking for a excuses to lock the thread and start b& for Christ
Except you’re not. You’re just an intl shill.
1. Reported for not saging.
2. See:
Reminder that intl always outs themselves
Why do the mods to this? Seriously, this is a free-speech politics board. Bannign should only be if the thread is a cuck-porn thread or some bullshit like that.
Check my replies, Kike. I am a Catholic, and have responded favorably to Religion.
Reported for being a kike-cocksucking heretic, then. Holy shit, you retard.
Thanks for proving you are intl.
Shove it up your asshole, you fucking Kike. We'll roast every single on of you blood-suckign cocksuckers in an oven.
Moonman is a protestant from texas, I've argued with him many times. He gets upset when people do anything other than agree wholeheartedly with his belief.
Fucked up the link, >>>/polmeta/11917
see for proof of him being a prot
Thread recap
Ah that makes sense
Ah, so you admit that jews bear the responsibility for killing Jesus, then?
You’ll notice I never replied to any of those. Because that’s actual discussion. You cocksucking faggot.
I'm intl because I am using an imageboard that hotwheels says is for free-speech. Great logic Yid.
Reported for intl.
Take a look who's online
Just replace any mentions of Christians or Christianity with Zionists and Zionism. That's going to be their top priority, Israel.
Of course the Jews killed Jesus. How disagrees with that?
Holla Forums is not free speech. Reported for intl.
kill yourself Kike
Reported for admitting to being intl
He's 'reported for intl' me at least a thousand times by now, nothing ever happens. He just sage bombs the thread into oblivion then bumplocks the now shitflinging thread. As you can see, he's a major prot who spergs even at catholics.
Please, show me in the FAQS of the fucking board where it says no free speech allowed. I'll wait.
Corinthians confirms the same thing in a slightly different way. Men are are to dominate over women.
1 Corinthians 11:3
But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ: and the head of the woman is the man: and the head of Christ is God.
1 Corinthians 11:7-10
The man indeed ought not to cover his head: because he is the image and glory of God. But the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. For the man was not created for the woman: but the woman for the man. Therefore ought the woman to have a power over her head, because of the angels.
It pisses me off because it's pure D&C stupidity. We should unite, all Christians, and remove merchant and mud
Well fuck that, I'm not absolving them of shit. They've never stopped doing any of the shitty things that earned them the ire of Europe in the first place.
Yep, reported for intl.
He is right though, take a look at the Nicene creed. Now the church blames Pontius Pilate who simply washed his hands of the entire problem.
Next you’ll tell me that you accept that Mary had no children but Jesus.
lol reported
Thanks for outing yourself as the JIDF, Kike. Enjoy burning in hell, after we kill you and your entire family
Yes, the catholic church actually teaches that Mary had no other children, despite the Bible explicitly mentioning them.
That’s what you get when you listen to a heretical cult that tells its followers that it’s wrong for THEM to own Bibles and only the “father” should own them.
bump ;^)
Isn't it nicer when you contribute instead of sperging out?
What a surprise.
Anyway, other Christian publications, perhaps less infiltrated by Jews idk, support Trump, so we know that this publication is for RINOs like Paul Ryan, McCain, Bush etc. Either way, modern Christianity in a religious sense has been completely and utterly subverted since the 60s.
Thanks to this dumb cunt 5ca4f9 I'll never get to pry for some answers to questions that never get any serious replies. Thanks faggot.
CATHOLIC TRADITION - Mary never had other children after the Lord Jesus. She remained a perpetual virgin.
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS - After Mary delivered our precious Lord Jesus Christ into the world, Joseph did know his wife. Joseph and Mary indeed had children together, plenty of them. They were the Lord's half brothers and sisters for their father was Joseph and mother was Mary.
Matthew 1:24-25 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not TILL she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.
13:55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
13:56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?
6:3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.
It’s nicer when you sage the fucking thread.
You’re welcome. Sage the thread, you fucking faggot.
Reported for sliding.
Commit suicide as painfully as possible
Oh no!
Forgot my sage
Fuck off intl, CTR, TRS, JIDF, etc.
Papists also build graven images (read: idols) so they can worship the "queen of heaven."
Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.
CATHOLIC TRADITION - Mary is the queen of heaven.
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS - Worshipping the queen of heaven (which is not the Mary of the Bible) is worshipping another god and it provokes the Lord to anger.
7:17 Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?
7:18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.
7:19 Do they provoke me to anger? saith the LORD: do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces?
The choice is theirs!
Do they want a king Trump, like Cyrus, that God ordained to take them into a time of prosperity.
Or do they want to vote for Satan's little daughter Hillary and be crushed under high taxation, persecuted for their beliefs, flooded with radical Islamic terrorists at home, and endless other burdens.
Trump vowed that he would protect the rights of the church. Meaning you won't be forced to bake any cakes for Sodomites among other things.
Not voting for Trump is really naive. Especially as a Christian.
CATHOLIC TRADITION - Pope called Holy Father.
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS - The term Holy Father is only found one time in the entire Bible. It was when Jesus prayed before He and His disciples went to the garden of Gethsemane. He referred to God the Father as Holy Father. It is blasphemy to call a man by God's name
17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.
CATHOLIC TRADITION - Venerating/worshipping images. Pope bows to statues of Mary, people worship the eucharist and have statues/candles in their homes and churches.
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS - It is idolatry to venerate images. We are not even supposed to make them.
20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God…
CATHOLIC TRADITION - The mass. Through transubstantiation, the wafer/host and the wine supposedly become the actual blood and body of Jesus Christ when the priest prays over them.
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS - Jesus died once for sins, never to be repeated. He sits on the right hand of God and does not reappear in the mass as a mass of blood and flesh.
10:12 But this man [Jesus], after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
10:13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
10:14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.
10:15 Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before,
10:16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
10:17 And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
10:18 Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.
19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
1 Corinthians
11:24 And when he [Jesus] had given thanks, he brake it [bread], and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
11:25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.
11:26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come (not for the forgiveness of sins or to receive Jesus).
CATHOLIC TRADITION - Confessing sins to a priest. Petitioning saints and Mary.
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS - We are to confess our sins and needs to God alone.
I John
1:9 If we confess our sins, he [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
6:9, 12 After this manner…pray ye: Our Father… forgive us….
1 Timothy
2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus [not Mary, not saints, not priests, not the pope];
I John 2:1, …And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
Another day, another decent religion thread ruined by coonman.
Another day, another reported for admitting to being intl.
Jesus is time, you fucking retarded asshole. Christ is still dying as we speak now on the Cross, because time works in multiple dimensions.
intl, everyone
This is how mentally gymnastic catholics have to be to reconcile their heresy
I didn’t even get to the vain repetitions that come from you fellating your rosary!
the whole point of Christianity is that Jesus Christ gave Peter the Keys to the church, so we could worship and enter the Kingdom of Heaven briefly on Sundays. You cannot confess your sins to God alone, that is pure heresy.
I want this to happen so bad. I and others are sick of (((christian's))) shitting up our faith. Were all Pro-Trump.
This is the type of shit that should be spread to gather the Christian vote for Trump, but no, faggots on here have to take the intl bait and commence D&C. Which we all know will be a waste of time.
Hail Mary, Full of Grace
The Lord Is With Thee
Blessed Art Thou Among Women
And Blessed Is The Fruit Of Your Women, Jesus
Holy Mary, Mother Of God
Pray For Us Sinners
Now, And At The Hour Of Our Deaths
So big deal. Were the bigger man. If Jews want to act jewish afterwards, fuck em.
This is how mentally gymnastic catholics have to be to reconcile their heresy
Bible proves you wrong, moishe.
Do you have evidence of that from his past business dealings?
The fact that Trump wants us to
1. be saying Merry Christmas more often and
2. wants to repeal the law that says churches can’t preach based on political standing
is enough to really begin to separate church doctrine from kike media, but will he, himself, actually be doing anything else like you (and I) would like here?
No, keep repeating it. I’m sure your whore queen will reach up from hell and bring you to her.
12:46 While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him.
13:55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
2:12 After this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples: and they continued there not many days.
7:3 His brethren therefore said unto him, Depart hence, and go into Judaea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest.
7:5 For neither did his brethren believe in him.
If I could hang you on a cross, I would. You know you are assisting Jews with this D&C, right? You sure are a good Goy, Moonman.
Repent or die, heretic.
Time does not continuously flow, in a linear fahion. Christ still dies as we speak
Mary the mother of Jesus was just a regular woman who had sex many times within the bond of marriage with her husband Joseph and produced many children.
Your whore queen is something else
Kill yourself, heretic.
Kill yourself, heretic.
Kill yourself, heretic.
Stand behind me Satan in the name of Jesus Christ. Your D&C does not work. The truth has been seen by those with the seal of God in their foreheads.
Yes I agree. I'll put something together.
I don't know what to say, man. I don't find what you're saying to be a satisfactory answer to the problem, but I also see what you're saying. I'm not convinced we would reach a peaceful equilibrium that way anyway.
One thing I will say though, is that I think we're about to his a major technological milestone in the next couple decades, and humans will become obsoleted. We won't be able to compete with AI. We'll have nothing we can do for work, because robots will be better at it than we will. At that point, I don't know if these issues will even persist in this way.
He hasn't directly spoken with me either, but I suspect that he speaks to different people differently. All it takes for a conversation is to convey messages back and forth. He already knows what you'd have to say anyway.
My prayers have boiled down to "Please do your will, and thanks for everything. I love you." Because, I understand that I don't know what's best, and that he always does. That's why I just ask that what he wants to happen happens.
Ya, but isn't that for people who are already saved? It's been my understanding that that discipline doesn't extend out to everyone else. I don't think people who just think God is somewhere out there and that he'll do something good for them is even saved in the first place.
That much I've certainly noticed, but I don't step foot in those churches, and if I did, it would probably be to have a conversation with the leaders, and then the people who are being spiritually attacked by them.
I agree. It's pretty dumb, IMO.
Did you not read my posts, or what?
I never said that.
Let's pretend for am moment that I liked Jews, and had just come to Holla Forums today. I would probably go vote HRC and worship Jews after this treatment. This is exactly what Kikes want, pure D&C, and you play right into it. I have not once attacked Martin Luther for eating his own shit every day, a give from God. Sounds awfully Jewish to me, shit worship.
I want a King Asa
1 Kings 15
11 And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father.
12 And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.
13 And also Maachah his mother, even her he removed from being queen, because she had made an idol in a grove; and Asa destroyed her idol, and burnt it by the brook Kidron.
What the hell happened to this thread?
t. Martin Luther
t. Modern day Kike
When you worship a Semite, you become a slave to the Semites. That's simply how religion works. All christcucks are race traitors.
Reported for intl.
It was started by intl, bumped by intl, and spammed with intl posts.
My friend, the only one spamming here is you
Do these people require their doctor to be Christian? Their waiter? Their mechanic? Their mailman? No, of course not. You just want them to be competent at their job. If my Christian barber kept screwing up my haircut I'd go to another barber. Not because he's immoral or a bad Christian but because he a TERRIBLE BARBER.
Although Trump is far from a paragon of virtue (so called "Evangelicals" aren't squeaky clean) he hasn't done anything that would make him bad at being President. Hillary on the other hand and done quite enough to make her bad at being President multiple times.
Fuck you, Kike
Great argument, heretic.
Could you not be a faggot for once?
Seriously, was the BO high when he allowed you to be a mod? You are one of the worst fucking mods on Holla Forums, bar none.
They're often filthy.
Reported for intl.
The Christian right are worthless pawns. They're our niggers and spics, voting blindly and dumbly and reliabl.y
Eat Shit And Die Prot Fag, It's A Gift From God
Hi, intl.
I think you mean the Christian left, which is just as bad as the atheist left. All should be hung.
We've been doing this dance since February when you started this reported for intl shit. Just stop, contribute if you want. I'm going to archive this thread for the polmeta post about you if you don't stop.
Thank you for contributing to the eventual banning of Cuckstianity from this board, showing your true nature as a shill for the Semites does wonders for the cause of traditionalism. Already, most people have realized the worthlessness (or the truth, the degeneracy) of Cuckstianity. It is anathema to European ethnostates because it is a foreign tradition with foreign values which cannot coexist in a purely European society.
Keep sucking the whore’s cock, heretic!
That must be when you started shilling for intl, moishe. I’ve been doing this far longer.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
I guess that's when I first noticed. I've been here since second exodus so if you've been doing it before then then I wouldn't know. Just stop. That's all we want.
No one cares what you want, intl.
Your enthusiasm is commendable but constantly calling out heresies of your brothers (even if they are) when we are trying to work together is short sighted. You are too puffed up in your knowledge. Work with your brethren.
Proverbs 28:25 - He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat.
Mark 3:24 - And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
1 Corinthians 1:10-13
Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing and that there be no schisms among you: but that you be perfect in the same mind and in the same judgment. For it hath been signified unto me, my brethren, of you, by them that are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. Now this I say, that every one of you saith: I indeed am of Paul; and I am of Apollo; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? Was Paul then crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?
I don't know scripture well. Isn't written that there will be "a great falling away" of believers. Leaving few, a remnant of true believers?
I won’t work with heretics, thanks.
Air1? I'm convinced that it's a scam
Well many of them are unknowing.
My question is this, if christians were against this why would this newspaper print this story? It obviously has traction within that demographic or else they wouldn't publish it.
Where are the Christians cancelling their subscriptions en masse like right leaning people did with NRO when they started shilling against Trump en masse?
Who says they haven’t? These articles were posted this month, only a few days ago. We’ll see.
Hahaha, where did retards like you come from? Here is where you belong >>>/christian/
I also commend 5ca4f9 for his zeal. Obviously we do have a lot to be angry about and heresies need to be called out. But if he wants to be a more effective ambassador of the Lord, he needs to post most concisely. Sage bombing like this is really annoying.
Proverbs 10:19 In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.
A lot of people are afraid to speak out because of the tyranny of women within the churches. Honestly men need to start stepping up and putting these women into their place, give leadership to the effeminate men, and remove the sodomites out of the church.
Reminder that women are not made in the image of God and should keep silence in the chuches, being in subjugation to a man.
Threadly reminder the jews are terrified of losing christian support, and will do anything to keep anons and christians from talking to each other
Building on this, reminder that Zionism in the USA began with the introduction of the "Scofield study bible" and the multitude of other fake bibles that came after that.
KJV or hell.
That time is now, it started in the 1960s when Vatican II was finally in full-swing, and the major protestant churches were completely subverted by groups such as AIPAC, Judeo-Christianity was a new term being pushed by the Jews and (((evangelicals))) sprung up out of nowhere.
Communism, Marxism, Progressivism and Leftism finally subjugated Western society in the 60s. I'm sure you've listened to Yuri Bezmenov by now?
I don't think you mean this.
We will see. It's also possible they are doing 'ivory tower' journalism where act like they know better than their readership.
Christians who actually follow Christ's teachings and Church tradition dislike the liberal cafeteria Christians even more than atheists do, I can assure you of that. Christianity is very divided, unfortunately. As Saint Augustine said, "If you believe what you like in the Gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself." All of the people who virtue-signal and think they are good Christians because they interpret "judge not, lest ye be judged" to mean "postmodern egalitarian views are correct and everybody can live a life of sin because I love them," these people are subverting the original, traditional truths given in the Bible because they oversimplify everything and apply it to 2016 when they should apply it to 33AD.
Have a look for yourselves, Hillary's """"""Christian"""""" team was found in their emails to be calling real Catholics "deplorable" and "backwards," trying to claim that following Church tradition is a "bastardization" of the faith. Be assured, they know nothing of the faith.
forgot link
Yes I do. Common misconception is that effeminate = sodomite. Many sodomites (but not all) are effeminate, but there are also many effeminate men who are not sodomites.
But… catholic tradition IS a bastardization of actual Christianity. Anyone with a Bible can prove it.
Why would you want effeminate men leading the church? I don't get it. I understand effeminate men aren't always sodomites but that's not exactly who I'd want leading the church were I a believer.
Roman Catholicism is a continuation of the idolatry of Babylon (Rome was where the whore of Babylon resided in the days of Jesus, through the middle ages. its no longer in Rome though. now its is the USA
Oh, I did choose my words poorly. I meant that the effeminate should be led by strong men of God (given leadership being, given someone to follow)
Not to say we shouldn’t spread the Hillary leaks, though. Use the heretics’ own heresy against them by getting them not to vote for Hillary.
Maybe its because christcuckery breeds weak men? Your religion of kike worship hates masculine men and feminine women. It is essentially kike's dysgenics programme. It's also why christcucks had to burn so many European women. These were women who didn't want to kneel before a dead kike and be led by race traitors.
I think catholicism started off well but went off the rails fast. I have roman catholic family and they always believe whenever someone says they did a miracle, it's insane.
Obvious D&C shill, only beta leftism breeds weak men, and it says right in the Bible that women are inferior to men and must serve their husbands. Numales are essentially all atheist anyway. One thing I've learned is that atheism should only be reserved for a few philosophers, when atheism takes hold in a society it goes to complete shit, reveling in degeneracy, hedonism and nihilism.
Moonman is a kampfy tier faggot
That's the problem, though. People are prideful enough to believe that the Bible and the Apostolic teachings were completely misinterpreted somehow for 1500 years and it was only properly interpreted when Martin Luther came along. He was a very wise man and didn't even disagree with most of the Catholic church's teachings. I'm not a Catholic I have no denomination currently, but if I don't know how to interpret a verse I am going to look to how wise men interpreted it for over a thousand years, rather than just interpret it myself willy nilly.
1 Corinthians 14:34
>Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
Women aren't allowed to speak in church. Any denomination that allows that is committing heresy, and moving farther away from Christianity.
Look no farther than the Eastern Orthodox Church. All priests have beards. It's required. Go into any Orthodox church (except maybe the ones in the US), all the men have at least some facial hair and the women are dressed in ways that modestly assert their femininity.
Jesus was ethnically Jewish, but he disapproved of them in every way. He called them "sons of your father the devil," a "wicked generation," and he even yelled, whipped them, and flipped over tables when they were using a Synagogue to trade and exchange money. He was their Lord because he fulfilled the religion of Judaism (which was different back then from the rabbinic Judaism and the atheist Jews we see today), but he was also their enemy because they were the original deniers of Christ and did not accept him.
I think most of your problems with Christianity stem from problems with liberal cafeteria Protestantism. The rest of us Christians have problems with that too.
Totally agree with this, except that I should point out that women aren't inferior to men on a matter of the worth of their souls, but they have little to no authority on religious matters (whereas men have all authority).
You're off to a pretty bad start, christcuck.
Correct! And christcuckery is proto-Communism with its egalitarianism and universalism. As for the atheists, they are just a symptom of disease that is christcuckery.
It's still christcuckery, the only good thing about it is the European content that was integrated in order to appeal to Europeans.
So you actually admit you worship a dead kike? As for the rest of your post, I don't care about Jewish fairy tales, they are completely foreign to European racial soul and mind.
Top tier shitpost back in 2010 faggot
Forgot to add:
When I mentioned the burning and other despicable things done by christcucks to European women your answer was that they were 'Pagan', implying its justified to torture and kill Europeans if they do not bend their knees to a dead kike.
Your statement is pretty much self explanatory and proves christcuckery is anti-European cancer.
Nothing I said is wrong, Jesus is a dead kike and you do worship him. user above me even admits it.
Yes indeed, uncle Yuri was right. Since this is to be expected and confirms prophesy, then we should not be despairing over churchian displays of heresy. Seems it has to be this way, end times when? Will I ever convert..
Is there any good vids, anything from red pilled christians that isn't made by pastor anderson.
my friend agrees so it's true
sorry about your daddy issues faggot, but Jesus wasn't jewish (or are you a kike shill pushing that Jesus is part of your heritage again).
….that being said the Christian church is an absolute mess. No true Christian should ever be found in one.
Pastor Anderson is pro-race mixing. He said there's no problem. His position against jews is nil because he becomes the jew in this sense. His 'redpilled' opinion on race is that people shouldn't be forced to race mix. Wow! So h'redpilled!
I despise Christkikes more then nose itself, nose have no choice but to do what nose do, Christkikes chose to be this way
Here you go.
Well, no shit.
"Christians" (aka, non-denominational Protestants trying to steal the title) base their entire worldview on their own English translation of a book. They have no traditions, hierarchies, or ethnic interests that can keep this in check. It's all written-world autism.
They're endlessly playing Calvinball with each other, rationalizing whatever bullshit they want to believe with handfuls of copypasta verses. The one with the most copypasta wins.
It's no wonder that ((((certain people)))) can dominate in an environment like this.
To the trash he goes.
ty user
Actual drawings produced of that time even show there were kikes, the noses, the "witches hat" for example was a cultural hat for Jews in the middle ages.
Nothing I said was wrong. To claim he was a Jew is historically illiterate. Especially in the modern sense of the word "Jew" which even kike Rabbis say that the Jews today are not the "Jews" of the past. The letter J didn't even exist until the 1600s and if you read the 1769 KJV then compare it to the 1611 KJV, then use a strong's concordance along with the original Greek manuscript, you would know that the word "Jew" used in 1769 meant something along the lines of iudaous (there are many forms meaning the same thing) in Greek which was Judean or of the region of Juda, a location with many ethnicities, races, cultures and languages, which was majority Indo-European inb4 faggot thinks whites didn't own the Middle East prior to being pushed out by Arabs during the rise of Islam. It was only until the 1800s that modern Jewry coopted the term to mean themselves so they could claim their religion didn't come from a book finally completed in 500AD.
tl;dr you're an ignorant retard that hasn't done any research for either topic, only lapped up the baseless rhetoric from edgy fedoralords using the same talking points since at least 2007 on the chans. Since this has already been settle a thousand times over you must be an intl shill.
He's right on some things, wrong on others, like being ignorant of the tower of Babel and the moral of its story.
Woah changing proxies now and varying your words up a bit to look different, clever kikel!
Sieg Heil! DEUS VULT!
Who cares what he says on other topics if he's wrong on the race question?
most christians i know are backing trump. hillary is a monster, and her "husband" is a literal rapist. polite sage
Style note,
Its like this
Red text equal signs always have to be on the outside
That’s not it. The book was SUBVERTED and IGNORED by the catholics.
I dont like scumbags who say native Europeans were niggers before your semitic religion came.
Niggers didnt teach Romans how to knit chainmails and certainly didnt find the art of blacksmith by themselves.
That's quite a dichotomy you've got there. He's only good for chastising the Jews as far as I'm concerned and helpful in providing the first bits of the repill in easily swallowable video format for the "nice lefty christians" out there. That's all that matters, much in the same way I don't attack MolyJew for his work on redpilling others as well, even if he isn't always right.
Most of today's "Jews" are the sons of Cain and are referred to as the Kenites in the Bible. They are the sons of Satan. Their hub of economic activity was Tyre, Lebanon.
The Jews that are not of the lineage of Cain are just trees among the forest. They work together with the Kenites.
I don't care about any topic other than race. If you're wrong on that question then none of your other opinions matter. MolyJew talks about race from a pro-white perspective so I forgive his lolbergyness for example.
Wow, exactly like said, way to prove him wrong.
Cristcuckike do you want to see my healthy foreskin ? can you provide us yours ?
There's no way
… that's not… but
you know I've never seen one without a breard.
Nigga, we burn people at the stake for making the sign of the cross wrong. We have saints who are famous for burning heretics alive, but the one thing we don't do is give a shit about paganbros; you'll have to check out the Roman Catholic bros for that and I don't even think they do that anymore.
Not executing (((people))) for being subversive faggots who actively sow dissent is a sign of (((chosen people))) doing what they do.
Oh weird, that's what this guy is trying to do in this thread!
If a nig says, "I want to marry a blonde… a redhead" there is a problem Mr. Anderson.
I have to think he's trolling at this point.
This preacher supports creation of Manzars and Adultery. Mixing races.
Races were created on the sixth day and the Adamic man on the eighth day. God commanded them to reproduce seed after seed, kind after kind.
Reported for intl.
Deported for lentils
christians have many sects and some are highly heretical, god made different races for a reason.
Paganism (european paganism), for all its faults, is our faulty belief system. It's ours, blemishes and all.
Reported for admitting to being intl.
It's less about the deities, more about the ancestor worship and racial stories highlighting our own ethos. I always found Aesop to be more enlightening than any parable.
many christian sects are heretical like mormons
Reported for JIDF
Reported for intl.
The white race is my god if you want to put it that way. Not that a deracinated faggot like you would ever understand what it means to be European. I'm guessing you're a burger with no ties to Europe. Sad!
He's probably a shill
He called himself king of Jews, his name is Jewish and he was born in territory populated by Jews.
It's a pretty common knowledge that he was a kike, christcuck.
Sorry to break it to you, but you indeed are worshipping a dead kike. Better to argue with your christcuck brethren about it, I'm pretty sure most of them would tell you that he was indeed a Jew.
Oh, and before you say I ignored your sources: they don't prove anything.
So now you're saying that Europeans who were called 'Pagan' were actually kikes, because of how they were depicted in christcuck propaganda? Do you even know what the word 'Pagan' means? Are you denying millions of Europeans who died because they didn't want to worship a kike?
I don't really know whether you're a petty liar or just dumb, I think you're probably a little bit of both tbh.
I'm afraid it's the other way around, kike worshipper.
To call someone who called himself the king of Jews, had Jewish disciples, had a Jewish name and who based his teachings on Jewish mythology, not a Jew is historically illiterate and delusional at best.
Reported for intl.
I Corinthians 7 Specifically 18-19
17 But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk. And so ordain I in all churches.
18 Is any man called being circumcised? let him not become uncircumcised. Is any called in uncircumcision? let him not be circumcised.
19 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.
20 Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called.
Foreskin intact m80
god make you less you a faggot, I hope.
mormons are heretics that will burn in hellfire
The white race is divine when it follows his path as the adamaic descendant, a sheep of the shepherd jesus christ.
Jesus was regularly referred to as rabbi. I think that puts to bed any claim that he wasn't Jewish.
Reported for intl.
The white race is divine, no if or buts. Whites were divine before Jesus ever came along as well buddy, and we'll be divine long after we all forget about religion in general.
Read the OT. Tell me how the Jews of the past wern't exactly like the Jews of today. Give us a real, tangible difference.
So if the jew book told you to cut your foreskin, you would do it?
White man is the creation of god closest to his image, but there are obligations like believing in god and his only son.
Jews in a jew religion, fitting.
Christianity was molded and improved by absorbing european pagan traditions. If the good parts of christianity are the parts it stole, why don't I just go straight to the source, i.e. european pagan traditions? If anything, christianity was made in our image.
Christianity is fascism, where we follow the good shepherd, we have order, pagans have traps like materialism etc which is a sin.
You best be taking the piss, sonny boy. That's possibly the most retarded thing I've ever seen posted on Holla Forums. If you actually believe that ridiculousness then you really should go and stay go. Holla Forums is not a christian board, no matter how much you tooth-fairy bible literalists want to believe otherwise.
Flesh that out, seems like you're just throwing bullshit at the wall. You're right though, pagans are material, which is why european pagans believe race and racial purity is a valid issue unlike the 'enlightened' immaterial christians.
How can a place be dark if it has a lake of fire in the middle of it?
Lets get real for a second, a 10 year old audio record isn't (((their))) best weapon.
It doesn't :^)
That's nothing, I'm building a folder filled with screencaps of christcucks being retarded on Holla Forums. Too bad, I'm on a laptop now, will dumb some of it soon.
You didn't get the point christcuck.
They never do, because they don't want to.
I have a treasure trove of this stuff on my home machine.
If you're fallacious pure religion says you have to cut your foreskin off would you do it?
That's why the question is retarded, because it doesn't exist in the real world.
You might as well get images of yourself arguing with yourself
Found the negro
Show us you intact foreskin, I smell not just a Christcuck wanna be kike but full on yid
Afterlife seems really bland in both cases
You shills are so hypocritical and easy to spot, maybe you should have a concrete ideology first
Found the nigger with no reading comprehension :^)
I'm not going to show my dick, nor am I going to ask you to show yours you flaming faggot
Kek, didn't know this board exists, thanks user.
The point is that your answer to the question if you're a cutfag was pasting the content of the jew book instead of just, I don't know, saying it's bad for you and your people.
So since your reason for not cutting the foreskin off of your dick is your jew book, I suppose you would do it if it said so, no?
Christcucks gonna cuck.
Wow, confirmed for an IQ of 85.
You implied there is nothing to be learned from a hypothetical. You can't get out of this, my negro friend :^)
Don't be so disingenuous, you claimed I must be circumcised because of the religion so I showed you you're wrong using the religion. Rekt.
I already know what's bad for me and my people, and that's letting in hordes of third-world shitskins that should be purged instead.
Yeah, cause we all know D&Cing Holla Forums and trying to break up white people from unifying and keep them in labeled segmented groups is the best way to help and not totally a Jewish ploy, chaim.
Yes, I worship an ethnic Jew because he is literally God. He was the enemy of the Jews and still is today. It wasn't until late 2015 / early 2016 that Holla Forums believed that 100% of a race was bad solely because of its genes, so I know that you are a newfag and should lurk moar.
Fairies are pagan, Christians condemned fairy tales.
Christianity has been a part of European soul and mind for the past 1,700+ years. Before that, Europeans worshiped pagan gods that. Don't ever forget about the time when Loki turned into a female horse and got impregnated by a stallion. European paganism was sick and vile and ultimately untrue.
See above post. Europe has been Christian for a really long time now. Back when it was pagan, it worshiped gays and beastiality. When it was Christian it burned them instead. Now that it's atheist, it's worshiping Muslim refugees. Europe needs Christianity.
Ethnically speaking, most scholars would agree that he was. But the Jews have always been Jesus' enemy. Countless Christian saints and theologians are on record stating how awful Jews are.
Not everything is subversion, you know. Give me examples of verses that ex-cathedra Catholic doctrine ignores. Personally I think Catholics, Orthodox, and Lutherans are the most sound in their doctrine. Though I doubt that any group is 100% correct.
You may already know this, but if not and for anyone else who is curious: it's because Leviticus says a couple times that men are not to trim their beards. It used to be that all Orthodox clergy had completely untrimmed beards, but in this day and age they can't go around looking homeless so they trim them but still keep beards. The Mosaic Covenant is divided into moral, ceremonial, and judicial parts, and only the moral law still stands (unless you are a Jew and deny that Christ fulfilled the covenant). I imagine Catholics interpret the verses on facial hair to be ceremonial doctrine, which is why they ignore it. Regardless, God made men with facial hair so we ought to keep it.
Why would you keep a belief system if it is inherently flawed? When Jesus came he made it so that Jews were no longer the children of God (instead, any Jew that denied him was from that day forward the child of Satan). He said that anybody who follows the Bible and has faith in him, the Son of God, is a child of God and the rightful inheritor of God's kingdom. Don't resign yourself to a religion based on gay vikings who have sex with horses.
Pick one.
stopped reading
Fairy tales is a pagan thing, ave Christus rex we destroyed your temples and burned your trees.
this, we are enterying the third age anyway
I would preferred a flawed European religion than a flawed Semitic one.
Check the ID, that wasn't me.
Thank you for your honesty, kike worshipper.
~1500 years is little compared the history of Europe and Europeans.
Yeah, Europe was a complete shithole, even worse than nigger-tier, but than Christcucks came and everything became great because of the power of Jewsus!
Here you have it people, an honest Christcuck, he admits he's worshipping a dead kike as his god and spits on his ancestors, calling them faggots and animal fuckers.
You think you're a Nationalist? If so, I have some bad news for you, race traitor.
And yet trees grow back and temples can be rebuilt through the power of our European blood while your kike worship on the other hand is dying in Europe and is being recognised as a Semitic poison that it is with the rise of European Nationalism.
The only ones around here I see D&Cing the whites on Holla Forums are the Christians, tbh fam. You lose your shit when anybody criticizes Christianity in any way, but I've never seen anybody here shit on both Christianity AND whites in the same post. The arguments are that Christianity is a negative asset for whites, which is an inherently pro-white position.
I've seen Christians shit on whites around here all the time for not joining their religion or for finding it stupid. And the nominally pro-white ones still end up cucking out about 80% of the time, because if they had to choose between a white atheist and a Christian nigger, they'd quickly show their true colors.
Check out this guy, for example:
How amazingly ignorant can anybody be? It would take a hundred posts just to address this, and in the end he'd just ignore you anyway. In the next thread, he'd post the exact same anti-white dribble and your kind would drink it up.
It's either really strawman, underage, or newfag in here, and I can't tell which.
Sage for so much D&C.
I addressed them in my post, then they ignored my answers and restated the exact same things they said before. Do you want me to just copypaste my post all over again?
Posting some quotes by true Christians.
yeah well we didn't vote him in and there is currently a massive divide in the catholic church because of him
Also, let us not forget that Martin Luther (the founder of Protestantism) wrote an entire book titled On the Jews and Their Lies. It included a treatise stating that:
Christians don't consonantly spam thread declaring all non-Christians anti-whites. Hell, they barely make any threads here at all. It is mostly useful idiots and shills that spam D&C here. I honestly miss the rare religious threads you would see over a year ago. Actual discussion rather than idiots spamming the same arguments and "christcuck."
Martin Luther also fucked up everything for the church and regretted it at his deathbed
If only the light of Kek had reached him.
CTR and fedoras.
The kicker is that Hillary's camp resents Christianity for being "backwards".
What a bunch of doormats.
being a fool is part of the human condition.
trump is a fool and so am i.
we must make a leap of faith, and hope that in so doing God will grace us with His presence.
if we do not make that leap of faith, we will be paralyzed by fear of the consequences of any choice presented to us.
have faith.
do your best and let God do the rest.
Any of you guys have actual proof of Christianity being the correct religion compared to every other religion in the world?
ayy fucking lmao
You mean the Torah. The Torah is the first part of the Old Testament, the Talmud is the post-exile book of "rabbinical tradition" that they do follow, the one full of all the stuff like "even the best of gentiles should all be killed".
Good way to wake Christian about the goats among the sheep, retards. It makes it easier to counter subversion in the future.
Jesus is a loser. I like messiahs that don't get crucified.
You didnt give that much thought christkilling kike.
Well his idea regarding rome was correct, see how it ended with emperor hadrian.
Only way to "save" christianity is through a massive reform, something akin to Positive Christianity, what Hitler did.
It's seriously the only way at this point to hang on to it. It's completely pozzed, no way to get back to where it was just by bible thumping and prayer.
A massive re-interpretation would be needed, everything from a pro-white AND anti-nonwhite standpoint. Nonwhites would be considered literal demons and racemixing is consorting with a demon. Jews would be archdemons, if not physical representations of satan.
Remove the semetic traditions and beliefs and replace them with European ones. If the faggots can interpret the bible to claim that jesus would love cock in his ass, then we can interpret it to claim that Jesus was a proto-Hitler Aryan warrior god.
Honestly just easier to destroy Christianity and replace it with something new. Wouldn't be hard when whites take our countries back tbh. Would just have to demonize Abrahamism in all its forms and push people to join the new religion. Push it on kids, young couples, the lost, etc. People who join get their social status elevated and networking opportunities.
Either way, religion is important to the masses. Not everyone is an ubermensch who can stare into the abyss and still find the will to create.
absolutely shameless self-check
Christcuckoldry is quite possible even more disgusting than Judaism at this point.
At this point I'm passed the point of caring. All major institutions have been infiltrated, my worship will be done internally
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for intl.
Reported for being a faggot
Is there anything to suggest the one who wrote that ever actually SAW Jesus?
And even if the author HAD seen Jesus… Wasn't that writer then identifiable as a Jew, who should not be trusted in word of mouth or quill?
pls dont report me lad
If i bow down to the jewish god YHWH and suck cut cock and praise my TRUE AND HONEST savior jesus will you not report me?
Please tel me why talmud and qran are depicted like the bad guys of that book, protip, even fedoras agree that Revelations is older than qran or talmud.
thats an odd way to check dubs, but ok
What a convincing argument.
Christians are not pious high horse holy people.
They are however hypocrites x10 always and as usual.
If you need to read a magazine or publication to guide your faith and direction, let alone a book printed in a factory… you have some problems.
Fuck off D&C kike
every thread
They love kikes too
Should be obvious.
Even moreso.
… And?
Good chance that the person writing the Book of Revelation never personally saw Jesus Christ at any point.
No, christcuckold, I will not leave you to shove your head back into the kosher sand.
Christianity has fallen. It has been a major component of bringing us to this state of imminent downfall.
And now, as this thread demonstrates, Christian leaders are doing everything they can to inhibit the only thing that appears to offer even the vaguest suggestion of salvation.
He's an idolator goy! Obviously he is very unChristianlike and you should vote for Hillary instead! He doesn't put Israel first, oy vey, what an anti-semite!
(((Christianity Today)))
I also need to read an anonymous imageboard if that helps.
No proof, but if there were proof then there would be no reason for faith, and it is by our faith that God graces us with salvation in the first place. I would take a look at this thread though:
There are lots of great arguments for why Christianity is true, as compared to other religions. Many saints, especially the Apostolic and Desert Fathers, have written extensively on it if you're in for some heavy reading.
Reform is exactly what caused so many problems for Christianity. It was basically just Catholics and Orthodox, and they were burning heretics and growing beards and being super pious and kicking Jews out of their countries and pillaging Muslims. After the Protestant Reformation, people misunderstood Luther and thought he meant "we can all interpret the Bible however we want and that's that, the end."
That's not Christianity; you aren't reforming it if you do that, you're replacing it, and you aren't any different from the """""Christians""""" who try to "reform" the religion by being accepting of gays and Muslims. Anyone who confesses the Gospel can be a Christian, the Bible clearly states this.
European beliefs like a god of chaos who turns himself into a mare so he can be impregnated by a stallion?
Europe's increasing atheism and paganism is a big part of what has led them to be so accepting of Muslims. It was when they were Christian that they kicked out Jews and Muslims.
I don't think you understand Christianity very well. Maybe read up on your church history.
Us Christians who follow church tradition all agree that most Christians today are far too liberal. Can you believe that? We are in agreement. Stop trying to act like the divide between liberals and conservatives is actually a divide between Christians and atheists/pagans. You are not helping the cause, you are hindering it.
Christianity was a mistake.
Humility will be rewarded in heaven. There is a difference, though, between letting others insult you and letting others insult God. Jesus was not tolerant of Jews because they insulted his Father.
Matthew 21:12-13
It sounds better than Christianity.
Wow that's almost as insane as God telling the chosen people to slice their dicks off.
This is the problem with Cuckinsanity, you sandniggers are obsessed with the past and won't accept that Christianity is pozzed beyond repair. Stop trying to pretend that you can just roll back the clock and get everyone to believe in this shit again. The illusion was shattered centuries ago, there is no going back.
Then you have failed. Christianity has failed. So now what?
Maybe to you. I believe that demons truly exist, so it would be ridiculous to start claiming that humans are also demons. Satan certainly has a stronger grasp on some races than others, but he ultimately overcomes all of us in various ways. Blacks and Arabs tend towards rape and murder, but whites are not without sin either. The whole point is that you can be redeemed despite your sins, so to claim that all races besides whites are demons because of their sin is wrong because whites are by no means without sin. Some races commit more sin, sure, but any amount of sin is wrong.
That's Judaism. After Jesus, the doctrine was to not circumcise anybody.
Lel, you are starting to sound like a modernist.
We deny that anybody could be anything "beyond repair," because the whole doctrine of Christianity is that we need to be repaired and only God can do that for us.
Christianity has over 2 billion followers, it's the largest belief system there is (including atheism). The parts of Christianity that the average Holla Forums non-Christian has problems with are the same as what traditional Christians have problems with.
The world was always condemned. Revelations expresses this. There will be a point at which Christianity will be nearly gone in the world, the Bible tells us this. It also tells us that Jesus will return and final judgment will come. True Christians will join God in His Kingdom. Everybody else (the cafeteria Christians that you have problems with, Muslims, Jews, people like you, atheists, and pagans will all go to hell and cease to exist. Nobody will have any memory of this world. God's Kingdom will go on forever, and you will be completely forgotten by everyone except for God.
Are they actually getting worse at this?
Christian my ass
Everything you say about Christians can apply more to atheists and LARPagans. Christian institutions may be subverted, but atheists ARE the subverters. It's atheists, secularists and jews who have been consistently on the attack against western civilization's morality and culture.
Trump IS a fool, but not a biblical fool, hes a shakespearean one.
The fool/jester/clown's purpose is to, from the safety of parody, speak truth to the powerful, the fool is always the most wise person in the room, but to the foolish he seems even more than they, the fool leads the audience (ie: the average people) in mockery against the unmockable, fools/clowns are often regarded as spirits of chaos who destroy the status quo
Perhaps this sentiment has resulted in us meming the sudden and fascinating clown epidemic.
So Christianity is all inclusive and all accepting? All you have to do is believe and you'll be accepted and you'll go to heaven? No acts? No rules to live by? Just faith?
That is bullshit. I refuse to join a club that would have everyone as a member. Being all inclusive is a hallmark of marxism.
I'm trying to strengthen christianity by only allowing the people that made christianity so great to begin with to join: Whites. I'm not reforming by including more, I'm excluding.
European beliefs like honor, pride, creativity, monogamy, a desire for beauty, and a hunger for understanding the world around them. Really, more values.
They expelled the muslims after hundreds of years of being ravaged by them. They kick out the jews but a few years later let them come back in, either willingly or by claiming to be christain.
The infiltration could be stopped by adding in a racial aspect. Jews would never have been able to join due to their disgusting features and traits.
I understand Christianity just fine. I just don't blind myself to race and believe that god will solve all problems.
Glad to see religion still triggers massive shitfests on 8/pol/ lets me know I'm home
But seriously fuck christcucks and all of the bluepilled normies that follow it
shiggy diggy
See, there's the problem. Nothing is your fault. Nothing on earth matters. All that matters is going to heaven. No good deeds, no improving the world we live in now. All earth is to you is just a dream, a dream that one day jesus will wake you up from and you'll be in eternal paradise.
That's the biggest issue with you people. This world doesn't matter, the white race doesn't matter, white homelands, women, children, they don't matter. All that matters is God's Kingdom, and when you will be called to it.
Try jews.
careful you don't get banned.
Billy Sunday's evangelism predated the 1960s.
Really, the subverters are the Jews and anyone the Jews can convince they have common cause with, be it atheists, Muslims, Freemasons or whoever.
This is highly debated. What the Bible states is that no acts can impress God enough to make Him accept you, only His grace for your faith. But it also states that "faith without works is dead." The point that is usually agreed upon is that it is God that saves you (not yourself that saves you), but He will not do it unless you have faith, and it's not really faith unless it has works.
Same thing as above. The Bible states that people who claim to have faith but still sin their whole lives without repenting will go to hell and are not the children of God. So if a homosexual believes in Jesus but thinks he can get away with gay sex and not repent, he will go to hell. If a fornicator believes in Jesus but thinks he can get away with premarital sex and not repent, he will go to hell. God can forgive all sins, but He will not forgive you unless you repent and believe. This is asserted throughout the Bible.
The Bible states that the vast majority of people, even the majority of Christians, will not go to heaven.
Christianity, as a belief system and a universal set of truths, is flawless. It is its followers that need to be reformed. We don't get to just choose what is true and what is false. We aren't in charge of that.
Ultimately, heaven is exclusive. God gives everybody the chance to enter heaven, but He will not accept even most people who worship Him. As the Bible states, God has the highest standards. Whites and non-whites have equal chance to enter heaven. The vast majority of both throw it away, even if a much higher portion of non-whites throw it away than whites do.
All of the ones you listed are Christian values, with the exception of pride. However, the doctrine on pride is often misunderstood. There is nothing Biblically wrong with being proud of your race and your heritage. After all, God gave you into that family and culture, and He does nothing without reason. What is wrong is hubristic pride, basically believing yourself to be above or equal to God. Christians should practice humility, knowing that the good they do is by the grace of God, and the evil they do is because the human species is fallen, and prone to sin.
Again, all people have a chance. Those who reject that chance and reject God get thrown out. Christian Europe was a great enemy of the Jews and the Muslims. It is their belief systems that makes them enemies, but their race that makes them predisposed to their beliefs (whether by genetics or culture or both).
God has no reason to solve worldy, material problems in real time, as they happen. We humans created all those problems in the first place. What He will do is purge and cleanse the whole world and every person in it when the time comes. I am not race blind, most influential Christians of the past were not race blind. Modern liberalism is subverting the Church, and many have abandoned it like the Muslim refugees abandoned their homelands. I am not going to let myself get kicked out of truth just because of subversion. By furthering atheist doctrine, you are part of the problem.
Nice straw man. Earth does matter, I don't know any Christian who thinks it doesn't. We need to improve this world because the worse it gets, the closer it gets to God destroying everything. I'm not going to racemix because I like being a part of my race and I want my kids to look like me, among other reasons. I want races to stay in their respective lands. I agree with you on a lot more than you might think. But you are speaking out against all Christians and against Christ our God, when the people you have described are the liberal modernists subverting our Church. Many Christians dislike the rhetoric you described just as much as you do.
I assume you're just trolling about this, but I will say: humans and Neanderthals interbred in Europe, which is why whites are often more creative/intelligent and can handle climate better. Blacks are technically more human than whites because they are the only race that did not interbreed with any non-humans. As a student of evolutionary biology, I have to disagree that nonwhites aren't human, especially when chihuahuas and gray wolves are the same species. Anyways, it's just taxonomy. A human system of looking at the way things are. Race can be just as important as species if you make it that way.
P.S. to kek worshipers who think repeating digits mean anything: check my quads and repent, pagans
That sounds like modern Protestantism in a nutshell. The lack of oversight and cohesion made them far too easy to infiltrate and co-op by outside groups. The second Vatican counsil may have taken a shit on Roman Catholicism, but it's a lot easier to fix than the mess of denominations that spawned under the split.
That logic is warped as hell considering jews were the ones to put him on the cross too.
Yes, we were all shiftless gay niggers until the King of the Jews invented these values for us. Hardly a single philosophy of worth existed in Europe prior to the mid 300s. What a disgusting, backward people. I'm so glad Jesus invented not being a faggot and told us how.
I didn't say they weren't European values, just that they are also Christian values. Seeing as you squeezed out one tiny straw man and did not respond to the rest of such a large post, I assume it is because you have no real response?
Then what are these works? What you just said has no meaning without specifics.
And so if in the end I repend I'm fine. Great, god is all forgiving. I guess I;ll just go on my merry way then.
If that is true, then it contradicts what you said earlier. If they have faith and practice, then they should be good to go. Unless these are the '''''''christain''''''''''''' you love to put quotations around.
If it is flawless, then there should be no debates around it, no different sects, no other religions. It should uplift anyone, even the niggerest of niggers to a standard aryans only dreamed of. But it doesn't.
Then most of my work is already done. Now we just have to get rid of the rest. It'll be fine, fun even. Trust me.
Not even remotely true. relating to above, if they were "Christain values" than your precious ethiopian niggers and american niggers would act the same as whites. They don't. There's an image above detailing that it's not Christianity that made Europe great, it's Europe, and by extension whites, that made Christianity great.
Literally no true scotsman. Both of those paragraphs, no true scotsman.
I think you should go.
When will you cucks clean up your own christian degeneracy?
They arn't European values, though! No European even had a value until they were Christian. They were living in mud huts and fucking goats. They were truly a disgusting, unwashed horde, hardly any better than modern Africa.
The ancient Greeks and Romans were barely literate until the Jews showed them the magic of writing and numbers (the ancient Jews who were 6' aryans, not the modern Jews who knocked them all out and stole their clothes). They only could do this because they had Yahweh on their side while the snow niggers of Europe were busy worshiping cow poop and rocks, devoid of any sort of introspection of the universe or spirituality. They often ate each other.
Also, the rampant homosexuality and degeneracy that Christ solved. Tacitus said that homosexuals and deviants were drowned in a bog by the ancient Germans. Ibn Fadlan said that the Vikings never practiced pederasty or homosexuality. I think they were lying, since without Christianity there is literally no reason to not have buttsex. Such deception is natural among men who were born before Christ or were not Christian.
In summary, I wish the best for whites. But since they collectively turned their back on Christ they deserve scorn and hatred. Much better to live in Christian Nigeria than atheist Sweden.
t. pro-white Holla Forums Christian
Reported for Holla Forums.
…because whites developed christian mythology and doctrine to where it is now. It wouldn't be nearly as impressive if it stayed in the middle east, or worse, spread mostly into africa.
Absolutely 200% this. praise god and jesus for saving us from turning ourselves into mares and having stallions fuck us, or having one of our gods come down as a swan to fug a lady
t. ultra-orthodox redpilled anti-jew pro-white race realist christain
…did I get transported to another dimension? How is the world this upside down?
You're so outside the pale of the norm of your faith that you're essentially worshipping a different god. If there's only 10 of you who are the 'right' type of christians such as yourself, then it's a dead religion mate.
Typical pisstian logic.
Sorry, I forgot I wasn't talking to Christians. Works = doing the things the Bible instructs you to do. Meaning, the things Jesus and the Apostles instructed people to do in the New Testament, and the moral laws (NOT ceremonial or judicial like circumcision) of the Old Testament.
That's Protestant logic, and it's not what the Church has taught for the past ~2,000 years.
You underestimate just how hard it is to follow God's commandments. C.S. Lewis put it best: "No man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good." Yes, salvation is as simple as you are making it out to be. But hardly anybody has faith enough to really put God's Word into practice. Ultimately, we all fall short of the glory of God.
It is the flaws of humans that makes this happen. God's Word is flawless, but putting it into human terms causes problems because we don't know how to interpret it properly. Again, the problem is its practitioners.
I don't like the antics of blacks, stop implying that I'm some race-worshiping liberal. They are Christian values because they are what the Bible tells us to do. End of story. By your logic, European values are letting other races get away with raping your women, because that is what Europeans do nowadays.
This isn't what I meant, and you either know that but want to start fights; or I wasn't clear enough in my statements, in which case I apologize.
This applies to both of our sides, and personally I think it's something some subversive groups made up. Yes, there are people who do un-Christian things in the name of Christ. Yes, there are also Europeans who do what you would consider un-European things, in the name of their race.
I knew that poster wasn't you, I was talking to him because he was talking to me. The world doesn't revolve around you, you know.
m8, i'm the guy arguing for a complete reformation of christianity as the only way to salvage it. Something like Hitler's Positive Christianity would be great.
I just did that second thing for a little fun.
I would agree with you that that's what's necessary, but until that happens don't blame us for throwing that religion in the bin. Your view, while the most attractive to fellow travelers such as myself, has so little purchase within your faith at the moment it's essentially an edge case. Even Hitler gave up on the possibility of a positive Christianity if you take the Table Talks seriously, as I do.
The problem with reforming Christianity to the point at which it is no longer Christianity is that you can't just decide what is right and what is not right. You are talking about religion as if it is some sort of asset in a strategy game. You aren't a world leader so you don't get to make those kinds of subversive, dishonest decisions. I believe the truths contained in the Bible because I cannot possibly deny them. I was an atheist for four years, trust me when I say that I've tried. Through all the apologetics, personal experiences, answered prayers, and historical research I've seen and done, there is no possible way that I could deny Christ. Reforming a religion is not like reforming a political manifesto. You can start your own denomination if you want, but as soon as you strive away from what's Biblical, it will no longer be Christianity. See: Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses.
Then it's useless. For every reason that you take as proof of the verity of the religion, I have one I take against. You deny all other faiths, I deny one more than you. If it has to remain this pozzed deracinated bullshit forever then I'll consider myself vindicated in having being against it.
Just because you say its flawless, doesn't mean its flawless.
Circular logic. I'm saying that they were purely christain values, and the word of god is so strong, then christianity would "uplift" them as it supposedly did whites.
It doesn't, so that means that whites are the ones with the values, not christianity. They originated in whites, and diffused into christianity over time.
You don't understand no true scotsman than. NTS is when one claims that a true X would never do Y
It's about purity spiraling. What you are saying in doing un-christian things is consequentialist thought, in that the ends justify the means.
If so, then we are on the same page. The ends absolutely justify the means.
Oh, I know he did give up on it. It was meant to smooth the transition into traditional German religions, which it did somewhat.
In all honesty, I was thinking the exact same process. Start with Positive Christianity 2.0, and then work our way out of Abrahamism.
It's also not my faith. I'm not too sure where I stand. I suppose I believe in a higher power, but I just don't know what its name is at the moment.
Well, we are apparently influencing the state of world politics. I'd say that as close to world leader as many of us will ever get. We can really shift the culture from here, and we should try to ensure we shift it the right way this time, and make sure it stays shifted.
I'm playing the long game here, lad. I know damn well I may never get to see the Whitetopia, but i'll be damned if I'm not gonna do my part.
And tbh, religion is an asset in politics. Christianity is a great one. Keeps the plebs docile and hoping for their eternal reward, and entry and practice is easy enough.
When Christianity was based (dubious) it's literally only because white people were based. There's really nothing inherently based about it. It's always just been changed as needed to reflect the general consensus of the time. If people want it and can perform the mental gymnastics required to spin it as pro-white then let them have it, who cares? We to say we "need" it or that it's native to our people is dangerously close to racial treason.
That being said, I'm pretty sure most Christians support Trump, to their credit.
nice trips btw
*but to say
Our Roman Catholic bros used to have some amazing leaders; what happened?
Protestant bros too; what the fuck went wrong?
this is how I became a Christian after a lifetime of proverbial fedora tipping user. Thanks again Holla Forums
…Evangelicals support Trump at least 4 to 1; I don't get your point user.
Trips of truth, m8
That's completely your choice, and if it is the path you wish then I will not stop you (though I'd rather you convert). You call it "useless," and it is true that it has little use in the material world compared to taking everything for yourself and hating nonwhites. If I really cared about bettering myself in such a way, I probably would have a hard time being a Christian.
Christianity != multikulti. I think multiculturalism is inherently flawed. You have to understand that I am a Christian, and I would not be a Christian if I believed that God isn't flawless. To prove that Christianity is flawed to a believer like me, you should first prove that God as we conceive Him is flawed. By the mere concept of an infinite, omnipotent being alone, God cannot have flaws.
I never said it would do that. Life is a struggle, being a Christian is a struggle, being an atheist is a struggle. I haven't thought that becoming Christian "uplifts" anybody since the week I converted. After that I quickly realized that I'm the same old loser, just with more things to try and not do.
Really, then do we always let every other race there is step all over us so often?
I can't say with certainty that a true Christian wouldn't do anything, because if we're going by the standards of the Bible sans forgiveness, then there has never been a true Christian ever, except for Jesus, and possibly Mary and John the Baptist. You are right though, I was arguing that people like gays who call themselves Christian are not true Christians, while I somehow am. Thank you for pointing this out to me. Again, all fall short of the glory of God. It's something I forget too often. We are all sinners, after all. Still though, if somebody tries to act like sinning is an okay thing to do, they are going against Christian doctrine.
Well, hats off to you for planting trees that won't yield fruit for your own generation, but for your children's children. It is an honorable thing to do.
Sure, until 15 crusades happen.
Modernism, subversion, the usual I suppose. It's a shame, man. There are still churches out there that go back to the good (medieval) times. Probably none in America, though.
I'd just like to point out to the kek-ists that my Christian posts have gotten dubs, trips, and quads.
Trump REALLY messed up there.
He was just married and he actually tried to fuck a married woman.
How is that not degenerate?
just remember these (((pastors))) wouldnt vote for jesus either because hes "antisemetic"
You are saying that correlation=/=causation even if repeated a lot of times, study a little of math please and you will notice why your point is wrong ctr fag.
12Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East. 13And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs, coming from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 14These are demonic spirits that perform signs and go out to all the kings of the earth, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God, the Almighty
yfw this is run by jews
I honestly don't know how you can live your life holding yourself to a standard where you and everybody around you are always shit. Seems like an awful way to live, and I guess it explains why most Christians are so low-energy politically. It's like they're programmed so the Jews can suck the wind out of their sails at any time.
It's not like good, clear and achievable standards for happiness and civilization don't exist.
You miss the point. I'm comparing the two as ideas of utopias that are ultimately unattainable, and the most common arguement in favor of them being "it's not the system that doesn't work, it's the people who have to make the system work.
Same as multikulti. It's not that it's a flawed idea simply due to human nature, it's because it's defenders say that the people must change to accomodate it.. Same as communism. It's not the system, it's the people.
If your system has to work AROUND human nature, instead of WITH it, it's flawed.
Another problem. I cannot argue against a claim that is not falsifiable. This is not a point in your favor, it is a point against. It's as if we were playing a game where we pretend to attack each other. I try to strike, but you say you have an impenetrable shield around you, or you are invincible. It's almost cheating.
But you did say that before Christianity, Europe was filled with disgusting pagans. Im not talking about uplift on the individual level, I'm talking society-wide.
Do not attempt sophistry and misdirection on me.
Subversion. That christian churches are helping with.
No problemo.
For what purpose would they turn on me? If I do a good enough job on the doctrine, then they will believe that service leads to paradise. Not to mention I'm not going to force subhumans upon them, force them to smile and ask for more, and piss on their heads and call it rain. They are my people, my folk, my blood, my race, my family.
He's rewarding you for this civil debate, and not just spamming your fedora folder and deporting for lentils, friend. Also, nice hitler dubs
You're right, evangelicals were the type that went with the sleepy negro or the spic rat but they're not the ones I was think of. There is a certain class of christfags that are cucked out the ass, they adopt somali niggers and basically follow Christianity as leftists. Those people do not support Trump.
All the good things that Christianity did for Europeans in the past… the churches aren't doing those things anymore. I'm really tired of how every sect of Christianity now endlessly shills for Israel and rapefugees.
"Turn the other cheek" is not the same as, "Willingly take it up the ass from hostile foreigners." Fuck that.
Step into a Russian/Romanian/Serbian/Antiochian church before you reach that conclusion.
Also, any of the above flavor + Greek in the monastery variety.
Word on the street is that they are forced to pay taxes in burgerland because they refuse to not get involved in politics.
On the flip side, this means massive amounts of schilling for anything Russia ever does, but on the plus side, Russia looks pretty good right now purely by virtue of the fact that (((our leaders))) all want to start world war 3 with it, so it's not all bad.
I think I have to call it a night. I'll read the response in the morning. Thank you for the discussion, and I hope you'll come around here tomorrow so we can continue.
reported for Kike
Matthew 7:15-20
1 John 4:3
>And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
Kek's followers actively speak out against Christ. Repent and believe, LARPer.
It's a very high standard, but it's not my standard to decide. It's God's standard. It's not awful though, because due to Jesus' sacrifice I can still be forgiven and cleansed of my iniquity.
Don't worry, I'm not going to attempt the argument that Christianity is the only way to have morals. That's ridiculous. The Christian doctrine of "general revelation" disagrees with that idea anyways.
I agree that there can be no utopia on Earth, and I believe that is because humans are prone to sin and incapable of living the way God wants us to.
A lot of Christian doctrine is based on human nature, this nature being a predisposition to sin. We're imperfect, there's no getting around that. But God's Kingdom exists apart from human nature, because we are cleansed of sin before entering it. I will use a Holla Forums-tier analogy to describe what I mean, since I'm not the best at writing out my thoughts properly: You have a bunch of dirty negroes, a black pool, and a pristine, empty pool. They stay in the black pool, but you created them (bear with me) and you love them (really bear with me), so you want them to swim in your pristine pool. But they are unworthy of your pool. So great is your love and your mercy, that you build two showers and tell them how to wash themselves. Some reject it, so you let them stay in their dirty pool. Some accept it and wash themselves in the first shower. Some accept it and try to wash themselves, but fail miserably because they don't care (due to their nature). The ones that fail get cast back into the dirty pool. The ones that succeed move to the next shower, which is an acid shower. It burns them clean until they are bones, and now that they're white they can swim in your pool. On judgment day, you kill all the ones who are still dirty and cleanse all the ones who are deserving. Then it's just you, your pristine pool, and your skeletons.
There is no way to prove Christianity true or false. I believe it mainly because for a month straight, every single one of my prayers was answered quickly and specifically, and also because of some other personal experiences that prove it to me but cannot prove it to somebody else.
Oh, that makes more sense. Pre-Christian Europeans were pretty cool, and there is a chance that many of them are with God despite never hearing the Gospel, due to general revelation.
Agreed. But the Christian churches that do so are only helping because they have been equally subverted. You and I have a common enemy, and turning on each other benefits that enemy. I will not bow to the subversion that tells me to be a postmodern egalitarian ethnomasochistic liberal, and I hope that you will also not bow to the subversion that tells you that Christianity needs to be abandoned by Europeans.
Jesus was a pleb, he was a homeless carpenter/preacher. Yet it was his doctrine that usurped that of the Pharisees and Sadducees (who were in power).
Not the ID you're responding to, but I have been debating you and I will keep the thread open so I can continue tomorrow (after my exam). Glad we can be humane in our discussion.
Yeah like sending money and white girls to africa in order to evangelize the niggers, How can we forget that churches have been sending white girls to africa for more than 200 years and Christcucks will defend this.
Take your kikebook memes back to Reddit, Kike
Agreed, my priest spent several days talking about the jews unapologetically, and the members of the church were open to talking about jewish involvement in the ukrainian civil war, and other similar redpills
why is orthodox so fuckin based Holla Forums
seriously thinking of joining them
b-b-but Goy, Christ is le Kike on a stick! You should all be homosexual pagans like those filthy nords, yes!
Average sampling of world pop in 50 years if we don't sort our shit out.
literally a site for heretics fam
of course probably funded by jews
You may think it's a "high" standard, but it seems more like a silly standard. Thinking it to be "so high as to be unattainable" sounds much better to the mind than "to be unattainable and frivolous." From an outsider perspective, it seems like the standard is deliberately unattainable so as to keep everybody in a state of torpidity and unease.
That's the thing, it's not even true.
It's really a bad position to be in. You can neither claim moral truth, factual truth, nor beneficial consequent. You're a mystic. So why are you even here?
I've been meaning to join my local Greek Orthodox Church for a liturgy or two, to see how it is. They're pretty scarce where I am. It's important, though, to keep in mind that the grass is always greener on the other side. I've heard from the Eastern Europeans on /christian/ that Orthodoxy has its own problems with subversion. Still, it's miles away from the rest. I'm currently without a denomination, but I've been considering Catholicism (though it has modernists everywhere, the official doctrine has not been corrupted and right now the Church needs more conservatives) and Orthodoxy (for many other reasons).
Please do, here's a starter kit:
Just don't become a LARPer.
All of them have too many rules
Fuck off, Ben
You sound like you are in denial of your iniquity. Surely you don't think that you are without flaws?
Nice opinion.
Same reason as most, to read the news with an anti-Semitic bias rather than a pro-Semitic bias and to debate things. Since when were mystics not allowed to post on Holla Forums? The Orthodox Christians make a point of practicing mysticism, and they also make a point of keeping/making their countries ethnically and religiously homogeneous. Atheist nations make a point of doing the exact opposite nowadays.
I guess Putin wouldn't let them kiss his feet.
honestly can't disagree with you there but it is true what this user is saying
especially when you consider how disgusting humanity is
Christianity is pretty much about bettering yourself even if you fail those standards, so that you can try again and not give up
of course there are those hypocritical kikes who act holier-than-thou shit
racemixing is biblicaly frowned upon
one day fam
I'm not sure why this is a response to my post, I am speaking in favor of the Orthodox here. I don't think racemixing is necessarily a sin, but Catholic and Orthodox doctrine hold that God gave us a conscience and we should use our common sense to avoid things that are harmful to us. And racemixing is harmful beyond any shred of doubt.
Wholeheartedly agree with you here.
Fucking fags sex isnt important to christians.
The churches are cucked by SJeW and socialist so who cares what they say.
this sadly
Nice try, Christian.
I am criticizing the very concept of what you consider a "flaw."
For example, you might think having sex with 1000 women is a flaw in character. I'd agree. You'd consider having sex with a single woman a flaw in character. I'd disagree, because the dosage makes the poison. This is the standard to which I hold myself, as do most rational people.
This is my issue with Christian "morality." It's a mockery of the concept, akin to an "agree and amplify" shill tactic, and erodes standards by making them ridiculous.
Go study eastern Europe again, since you seem particularly fond of them. The ones that are majority atheist are equally nationalist to the Orthodox and Catholic ones. and Sweden has a mandatory state-sponsored Church, btw
Lies. Any division between members of the true Church of Christ on the lines of race is heresy, not because sjws says it's mean and hurts liberals feefees, but because it's heresy and a divison of the church; it's a dogmatic issue on the unity of the church Christ said would not be divided. Also by turning off people of another color to Christ and his true church you have mortally sinned by keeping redemption away from someone.
This is not Holla Forums. Charity is not just good deeds and prayer alone and not done by socialism. True charity starts with preaching the true gospel and repentance to sinners that need to hear it, that means to homosexuals, transgenders, jews, muslims, other false religions, atheist and fornicators ect. All the socialism or forced wealth distribution in the world, no social status, rich or poor, means anything in the end. What's is at stake is the eternal soul, not the material world. If you only care about physical charity and giving people (someone else's) food or money, (man does not live by bread alone Matt 4:4) but are afraid to preach God's message out of fear of offending a sodomite or some other reprobate you are just as damned to fire as a racist. You have denied them true mana, God's word and that makes you the least charitable kind of person. At the end of the day you can donate a million dollars to a poor refugee and make him rich but as long as he still follows a false religion like islam, he is still spiritually poor and is going to hell.
Mark 8:36
Also both Holla Forums and Holla Forums seem to have forgotten that nazism and communism/socialism are probably the two biggest antithesis to Christianity in the modern age.
Anything that pushed secularism,loyalty to the state or tolerance of false religions and sodomites is of satan.
In an encyclical by Pope Saint Pius X; "Greatly moved by the deplorable condition of the Indians in Lower America", on not only preaching the gospel to and converting the american indians but also helping them with good deeds along with prayer:
Encyclical by Pope Pius XII:
As gentiles we did not receive the word of God from God, you received it from St. Paul, who was sent to preach it to us. Before that gentiles were the greatest enemies of God in the OT. But we we're brought into the church and it's a duty to bring others into the church.
not a response just something to add upon
*ignore if you will*
chill fam i was just saying racemixing is absolutely degeneracy and that shit is promoted everywhere now
fuck i can't believe i forgot to spoiler fuck me
criticism is fine, but please stop d&c.
it's blatant.
Oh, okay. Sorry for getting so defensive.
Ahahaha what? Christian standards represented in the Bible allow sex with only one woman. What are you talking about, user?
I guess 99% of people aren't rational, because if you haven't noticed, today's society considers having sex with several women to be a good thing. And it's immoral.
Please, enlighten me on how a morality that so far has mirrored your own morality, aside from being more intense, is a "mockery."
God's standards are too high for me and they're too high for you. That's the problem with Judaism, because the Jews lack Christ. Jesus made it so that it doesn't matter that you don't live up to God's standards, because they are impossible. God will recognize that you are at least trying, and that you have faith in him. That's why Christianity is so difficult to practice. You have to always make efforts to meet God's standards, knowing that you never will but also knowing that the effort will make you a better person regardless.
Not really, no.
I don't care about nationalism, I'm talking about what they let go on. The atheist nations are the ones letting thousands of rapes slip by for fear of being called racists. These problems aren't occurring on any similar order of magnitude in places like Poland and Romania.
You mean the one with the lesbian deacon who said that crosses should be removed from churches and they should add prayer spaces for Muslims? Just recently, the other Christian Churches in Europe agreed that if the Church of Sweden moves any farther from Biblical doctrine, it will cease to be Christianity. Swedes were the last to join Christianity, and they're the first to leave.
Don't play stupid, you knew full well what I meant. The flaw in Christian morality is that it supposes that if 200 of X is bad, 0.1 must be equally bad. Complete erosion of all sense, proportion, and indeed the concept of good and evil itself.
Which morality is that?
You need to go and look up which countries have the greatest number of atheists in them. Then get back to us on how friendly they are to muslims and foreigners.
I'll spare you the effort. Only countries that recently abandoned Christianity are cucked to the maxx. Countries that never had it or abandoned it generations ago are among the least cucked.
cities are rife with atheists who tend to be aposematic bleeding heart liberal socialists representing our multicult zeitgeist.
the country tends to have more religious folk who are more traditional, practical blue collar anti current zeitgeist.
what should i make of this?
they're all bad in nature
but are they equally heinous? no
the christian essence is about forgiveness and repentance so if a terrorist or a rapist decides to have a change of heart and stop their actions then of course they are welcomed to be redeemed
its talking about the essence of that action which is evil but of course to keep doing that same thing vs doing it once is't equal in effect
sorry for my bad argument fam
Reported for being a cuck.
Cucks ! That is all.
In the end, everyone will pay for their sins. Somebody who does 200 of X can still be forgiven, just like somebody who does 0.1 of X, but they will have to suffer much more.
The one you described concerning having sex. I said "so far," because the only example you gave was that you think it's bad to have sex with 1000 women and good to have sex with one woman. Christian doctrine agrees with that claim.
Okay. First category is "lack of importance of religion," second category is "number of refugees per 1,000 inhabitants, as of mid-2015." With the US thrown in for reference.
United States: 23%, 0.84
Gee, those religious countries sure are looking nice right about now. It sure would benefit them if they could stop being christcucks and go act more like their atheist brothers.
Sources: UNHCR and Gallup
So you admit that abandoning Christ was a bad thing for them? Then why advocate it?
Iam from Massachusetts and all the church's around here fly the rainbow flags and speak openly about sporting Israel. Fuckem!! There compromised as Fuck.
the people and culture are being subverted. all of it.
this is pathetic.
So you admit that abandoning Christ was a bad thing for them? Then why advocate it?
He means that the effects of Christian weakness "forgive those who wrong you" etc. are much more ingrained in the people, even though they no longer believe in the Christian God.
As a Christian, I agree. It's not Christianity causing problems though. Massachusetts is liberal, and that liberalism poisons the churches as much as it poisons everything else. In my hometown in Georgia, there is a church on every street (literally, we have almost 300 despite less than 40,000 people living there) and very few of them are fond of gays and not a single one flies rainbow flags. Actually, I don't think a single house flies a rainbow flag. Confederate flags everywhere though. We had a KKK/nazi rally this year. Liberals (who, I might add, are almost exclusively atheists and cafeteria Christians there) are starting to gain ground though, so you should move to the deep south. We need you.
Wow, it's almost as if countries who reject the local semitic cult are the ones being targeted hardest with a flood of immigrants representing another semitic cult.
Must be coincidence.
I would say look up which countries actually have the highest percentages of atheists.
You completely missed the point. If being a fatass is bad and a sign of weak character, is being anorexic therefor virtuous? I don't think so, and it's bizarre to think it would be.
No. Modern whoring is not the same morality that I hold. I put forth that while having sex with thousands of women is a flaw, having sex with one (or two or three) is not. The dosage makes the poison.
Modern whore morality is just the inverse of Christian morality. You believer that if 1000 of something is bad, 0 of it is good. They believe that if 0 of something is bad, 1000 is good. You are both mistaken.
Number of atheists is a much better indicator than "how important do you think religion is."
Here's are some highlights.
Estonia, land of the cucks, 70.4% atheist
Czech Republic, home of multiculturalism, 67.8%
Vietnam, known for being pussies with no will to fight, 63%
Germany, Sweden and France go here, I will fully admit that
Albania, friend to the Muslims everywhere, 52%
Japan, beacon of light for all immigrants 52%
Azerbaijan 51%
China, a cuddly home for gays and immigrants, 50%
A bit further down the list and we see…
Russia, 43.8%
Belarus 43.5%
South Korea, 43%
Ukraine, 42.4%
So, some of them are cucked, sure. Most of them are the opposite of cucked, though. There is definitely a "cuck cluster" around western Europe and nowhere else. Which leads me to my next point…
Nice try, Shlomo. You left out the other half of my statement, which was the countries that abandoned Christianity generations ago (or never had it) do not fall into the cuck cluster. If "you temporarily become a cuck" is a justification for keeping Christianity, it seems a weak one.
I didn't want to really get into that because it's all anecdotes on my part, but yes.
People who abandon Christianity after being raised with it are far, far more degenerate than those who never had it to begin with.
christian beliefs have helped me through some rough times, as have christians. they're not perfect, but they are quite easy to speak with.
i believe the people are in dire need of spirituality, and christianity despite apparent flaws is in my opinion are very good avenue for the people.
otherwise, the people will place too much value in materialism and ultimately become spoiled. their desires will go out of control.
if you don't know just how sweet a simple glass of water can taste or how delicious simple bread and butter can be, then it means you lack appreciation for it.
the people need spiritual guidance, and the church is best equipped to handle this at the moment.
in the very least, it will teach people the patience and forgiveness necessary to have an honest conversation as per my personal experience. of course, i'm not exactly a tactless spergelord.
I suppose that makes sense. The "weakness" is a misinterpretation though. Forgive people who personally offend/wrong you, sure, but Jesus did not have a single ounce of tolerance for those who offended/wronged his Father. If somebody offends God, they are my enemy. After all,
Matthew 10:34-36
James 4:4
1 John 3:13
And you completely missed mine. Christian morality is not what you seem to think it is. Right now, this argument is two of us throwing sticks at each other and completely missing every time, and blocking in the wrong direction to boot. I'm dropping this point.
The ones you listed support my claim that atheist nations have more problems with refugees than Christian nations.
Do you have any examples of this? Anyways, this falls along the lines of Christian doctrine. "General revelation" is the concept that God has revealed to all the basics of what is right and wrong, so they are without excuse if they are still degenerates. So it would make sense that a society that was always one thing and didn't drastically change could maintain the values originally bestowed upon them by God. They are still doing much worse for themselves than the nations that became Christian and stayed Christian. The ones that recently left Christianity are so bad because they had a chance to accept the Gospel (specific revelation), but they denied it and denied the general revelation along with it.
This was the original reason why I stopped being an atheist and started reading the Bible. I felt spiritually empty and deprived. Nothing physical or emotional was appealing anymore, because in my liberal atheist years I had sinned quite a bit. Realizing the truth of the Gospel has given meaning to everything in my life, where there used to be none.
No, it really isn't. Christianity is at it's core a religion that teaches weakness, encourages social discord and apathy.
That's another reason why Christianity sucks - it creates division amongst kin.
And this is the crux of the matter. Cultural marxists and Christians appear so different, because they have diametrically opposite views on so many things. But it's a false dialectic that obscures other more valid positions.
On all the important stuff they are in complete agreement, although this is somewhat hidden by their infighting over why. Eugenics is not allowed, sex is tainted, you are born with sin, decisions of the social group (cult) precedes family and tribe. The last one is the most important. The people in charge don't care if it's Christianity or Marxism that rallies the drones, what they care about is putting cult-ure in front of blood. They know how to handle that. Fringe elements who don't conform to the mass can always be killed off if push comes to shove.
This is the one thing they are afraid of, the one thing they can't allow. Cohesion by blood. So all these petty squabbles whether original sin is because of eating apples or because of pollution and raycissm doesn't matter to them. Go ahead, knock yourselves out, fight some bloody wars, as long as you return to the fold of the cult.
I am 100% down for that. All most about to burn down the church's around here a long with there dike prechers. I know the true religion is not for the the people that killed the prophet.
Please continue enlightening me and 619389, because clearly although we both have extensive and direct experience with the religion and you have your superior and euphoric opinions, you know much more about it than we do. Thank you for teaching me so much about my own faith that I spend 10+ hours per week studying and practicing, I really am lost without your input.
Great, just watch out for blacks and the rednecks' dogs and it's smooth sailing from there.
I'm an ex Christian & I'm still a theist.
What point are you trying to make?
Basic logic said that christianity is the best between the other "abrahamistic" religions.
Comparing modern Christianity is like comparing modern Talmudic Jewry to ancient Judaism. Its also like comparing the swedes of today to the vikings of old. Things degenerate and get more corrupt over time.
That being said, the oranized Church is cucked. ALL OF THEM Even based Putin's Russo-Orthodoxy, Christ was against organizing, the first of his followers were the Desert Fathers, a group of guys and some qts that all went out into the desert to get away from materialism and disconnect from the world to get closer to Christ. These were incredibly devoted hermits who eventually formed a small city and became sages.
Christ did not want for people to gather in small churches and squabble over such petty things as denomination, he wanted us to live as he did and basically become wizards that can just up and create huge communities from nothing overnight.
That the "muh fedora" reply was stupid.
Your trips won't save you from the fact that you're wrong on all counts.
That's like saying Cyanide is the best of three poisons.
This claim has become a meme. I'm tired of seeing it because Protestants were the ones who promoted ecumenism in the 50s, alongside Jews. All Christians are not Protestants and, in fact, the history of religious melting-pot ethos in the United States– beginning roughly with Will Herberg's "Protestant, Catholic, Jew"– demonstrates that the Catholic church was neither willing nor necessarily accepted into the institutional machinations of the political religion, or "civil religion," scheme until later. Moreover, the Russian Orthodox Church flatly refused to reinterpret their faith in neutral political language in pursuit of a universalizable morality that would always and forever justify foreign intervention in all things. If the Roman Catholic Church was slow to opt in, and the Russian Orthodox never have, please tell me how this is the fault of "Christianity"?
If all you're gioing to do is flood everyone's consciousness with tiny bits of propaganda and expect this will make the world a betrer place you're in for a rude awakening. Getting Trump elected won't give white people salvation. Redpilling them won't help them win a war.
All I'm saying is that you should not talk about things you don't understand. You haven't given a single coherent argument in any of your posts, you've just recited 2016/pol/ memes about something you don't like. Give me a real argument and I will take you seriously and stop treating you like a child.
that's quite the proposition that i will simply reject as false.
your influence is weak. lead by example.
at first glance, but it's exceptionally strong. one who is capable of accepting inevitable suffering and enduring in spite of it; and who is capable of moving on to actual progress despite the suffering of the past can't in any way be considered weak. this is not equivalent to not learning from the past of directing one's self to a future that is functional.
we are not perfect. we have our vices and imperfections. we should be humbled by it. overestimating one's own strength isn't a mentality that requires dedication to accomplish an objective like improving the self or one's environment.
culture should absolutely be in front of blood.
if the people believe racemixing to be inherently good, then there will be racemixing.
if that's your issue, then that's that.
the only people at the moment who are not allowed cohesion by blood are whites. think about this if you are to propose that this is a universal.
i actually haven't studied christianity all that much. though, from what i've seen so far, the meaning i've derived from it is pretty good.
there could be some things i find contentious, as a philosopher this is just going to be the case, but it's been largely more interesting and helpful than entertainment of any medium in general. entertainment just mostly seems like a waste of time at this point.
i've found it to be aesthetically pleasing and interesting, so why not.
i'm not going to foce it on anyone, though.
my point here is just to keep some d&c retardeds in check.
hah i like this thought.
churches are a good place to discuss these things, though. they have a function imo.
why aren't you trying?
Every Jew who came to Europe did so during Christianity's reign.
Yes. They were already here. Their inbreeding with the local aristocracies and wealth building have been going on for almost a thousand years now.
From one Christian feudal country to the next when people got too fed up, and then back to the one they fled from a couple of decades later.
Publicly the Church and Kings condemned them, but their words and their actions were not the same.
Hol up nigger.
How can not believing in the abrahamic god make you more kike than worshipping him, like christcucks?
Do you have trouble with reading comprehension? I'm talking about the 1950s and you're responding to me with unsourced bullshit about an aristocracy. Do you know what solipsism is? Look in the mirror. My point is that I'm fed up with ignorant motherfuckers repeating memes all day and night while the community stagnates.
Do you have trouble with reading comprehension?
Do you have trouble with your brain? You were responding to this:
Which is a true statement. You wanting to only look at the last 50 years, doesn't change the fact that your cult have been destroying the foundations of the west for a thousand years before that.
Correct me if I'm wrong here but Christians worship the God of Abraham right? The same God that told Abraham to cut his dick off and to cut his sons dicks off. Even if God said to stop doing that, he commanded people to do it in the first place. It's still the same dick mutilating God who just so happened to "change his mind, oops. sorry about your fucked up dicks". I just can't worship a God that tells people he supposedly loves to chop their dicks off.
That above all else really kills the whole "loving God" shit for me.
prove that the west wouldn't be a charred wasteland otherwise.
you can't
i'm pretty sure god doesn't want people to cut their dicks off.
maybe some people had so much sand in their dicks that they thought it would be god's will.
If you prove it wouldn't be a blissful utopia without your Jew importing cuck cult.
Every anti-Christian cuck has come out to make sure this thread is bumped and the other is hidden. You might as well be voting for Hillary, because you believe the same things she does.
words in the wind.
aye aye
Any time a christian tries to take credit for the achievements of Europe, I remind them that Rome was built under a pagan structure. If they can make that work, why can't we?
First of all, the above is an evaluative statement. Do you know how I can tell? Because there is no quantitative, testable, or indeed factual content in it whatsoever. It is your opinion that the above is "true." Even uttering such a moronic claim tells me there's more likely something wrong with your brain, namely that you're entirely unable to understand that opinions do not merit the honorific "true" because they are Jew-wise or yours.
Secondly, you've got a false equivalence on your hands if you think the current sociopolitical dynamic has to do with Christianity in the ancient and medieval worlds, in general, as if you and yours have apprehended some true essence of The Word all on your own that verifiable tracks between then and now. This, when the 2000 year old western philosophic tradition has not managed to so much as develop a reliable 1:1 correspondence between language and reality in that entire time. Don't you think someone has considered that strong foundations of knowledge would protect a civilization from subversion? Do you have enough wducation to realize people have worked on achieving truth, correct interpretations of words, science and universal natural law this whole time?
No, in your keen wisdom you have flipped the pursuit of objective reality on its head and discovered the real Truth: that the world is full of evil and confusion and misery because the words in the Christian bible are cancer.
Paganism is basically feminism, that is why women and cucks love it some much.
Thinking that wiccans represent pagans is like saying that mormons represent christianity.
And then there's this other guy unironically demanding you go about proving a counterfactual.
This board is a sewer.
You did ask him to prove a hypothetical, which is asinine. You seem to be scraping rationalwiki for keywords to sound smart, but it just comes out as word salad.
He is not a retard, he is just another ctr fedora that needs food.
LMAO hat meem XDDDdddDDDD
i'm not saying other spiritual guidance would be unwelcome.
nor am i saying history should be twisted or destroyed in another way.
i despise falsehoods. i also despise things that should not be the case: like all sorts of malicious behaviors.
the different religions all can be interesting to different people. i'm enjoying christianity.
i liked ~25% of "ao no exorcist", ~50% of "madoka magika", and maybe i'll like 75% of christianity.
i think it'll be quite meaningful and useful to me and other people.
Die in a fire, as soon as you're done sucking his circumcised cock, faggot.
That makes sense but I still don't think it can be reconciled with the Christian idea of God being perfect and humans being made in God's image. Dick cutting is so fucking psycho it ruins the whole loving God idea for me.
Unless maybe God told the kikes to cut their dicks off as a joke because he secretly hated them because they were so evil and annoying. And maybe secretly he though Job was a pious Jew fag and that's why he tortured him too. That would make sense maybe.
I've read parts of some of the nordic pagan books, they're filled with some good information as well. I don't see why we don't preach aesop on the same level we preach parables really. You can get the important bits from the bible without thinking its actually real.
You seem to be upset I wasn't dazzled by your tryhard language
is this orchestrated?
I just got the call from Soros on my cell
souls have nothing to do with physical egalitarianism
a black's soul is no different in the eyes of God than my white soul
check out pastor mannings vid on why slavery was a good thing and he considers it a blessing for blacks
The kikes and US shabbos goy just attacked Yemen don't let these kikes revive a graveyard religious D&C thread
Also, O'Keefe had his twatter account banned for the viral videos
the problem with anti christians here is that they don't really know how to meme. it's only disparaging towards christians, nothing else. i've seen some quotes and such from those actual pagans, but it's somewhat rare.
i'm more inclined to believe it's d&c because there really is no productive meme wizardy.
don't meme like a faggot and i may be on your side from time to time.
Go to bed grandpa, you're tired
What do you propose, memelord?
memes are just ideas or expressions that spread if they are good ones.
pagans, atheists, whatever ideas one has can be put out there.
if they're good, they'll be successful. if you want people to be pagan or believe in something or other then spread it.
d&c is pretty obvious. there's a difference between a good argument and a bad one for the sake of constructive criticism.
Go in there on a Sunday and start whipping
American Christians aren't real Christians.
That is true.
Sometimes you have to represent though, especially in the face of slander.
is somehow
i'm tired but i cannot be strawmanned.
i made defensive psy ops a kind of a jerb at one point. it's fun.
fishing for the lowest common denominaters to devolve into a flame war isn't new.
i don't appreciate a low quality thread or board. it shows.
well yeah there's banter. no fun allowed is bad policy too. a lot of it is just so fucking old and boring, though: like out of a handbook. that's what annoys me. it's not subtle enough. consequently, higher quality argument can be had from this.
the merit of psy ops, though, is hardening the community to the real possibility of psy ops. awareness immunizes the community. just awareness, not "shill" wars. i keep wondering if and how to apply this irl.
In Brazil the cops have a saying for when cunts ask if they pity the niggers or some shit
And this is exacly how religion should be. Talmud and Sandpigs know better, since Ours have been cucked by the skypes. Once proud and strong knights now some of the followers aren't even fucking white, and the ones that are say "hurr killing iz wrong!"
When and how will you uncuck the white religion, Holla Forums?
Christianity isn't fascim user, it's explicitly an absolute monarchy with an spiritual aristocracy of sorts though in medival times this was used to invent a lot of weird bs both for heaven and hell. We're commanded to serve the lord and fight againts his enemies, on earth by beaing virtous and on the other plane againts principalities etc. This is something many christians forget, that" nations" usually have assigned "princes", some sort of mayor fallen angel using humans as a means to obtain idk honir or power over others. It's like they foget the Earth is nothing more than feudal land for evil until the Lord returns. It's interesting that it wasn't until I took the redpill and found Holla Forums that the notion of hierarchy and duty became "good" in my eyes. Egalitarian education has really fucked up society.
Got a few relevant images but no text, anyway, hope you can now understand why the shills go All Out when we talk about religion, because religion is the pillar of civilization It's what keeps the normalfags in line - well, it was, especially now days, women who sing in churchs suck dick and men refuse to hate.
And remeber, there is a reason why the media is so hard on indoctrinating that Hate is wrong and a bad thing, because hate give us strenght.
Reminder normalfags wil be purged or send to die in the crusades, their inferior DNA must be breed out of the gene /pool/
Second reminder that Brasil is white, it is still over 40% and niggers are only 20%, whites used to be majority.
In Orhtodoxy, we call the Church a hospital for the sick. The idea is that you're striving for a goal
Are you in America? Go to a Russian or Serbian one, or (upon research to make sure it isn't one of the pozzed ones) an Orthodox Church of America one (english liturgy, still beautiful). American Greek Churches…
Let me put it this way: Churches aren't actually run by clergy in America. It's the parishioners who decide shit and Greek Americans are some of the most pozz'd SJW types ever. Clergy is usually fine since the Greek church is constantly purging via excommunication, but you'll get shit in Greek churches that are no good.
The reason Russian churches are so great is because they have this saying, "If it's not hard, it's not holy."
What that ends up meaning is that you don't get gay shit like pews (you're supposed to stand the entire time) or laity who post on facebook about how gays should marry. Antiochians are usually fresh off the boat from Syria and they're usually women of marriageable age so there's also that.
OCA churches are usually okay since they're filled with ultra-zealous converts from WASP denominations, but I've heard stories on the east coast of some poz; they get excommunicated really quickly though.
If you want an absolute sure fire, medieval times Orthodox experience, go to a monastery of any flavor (greek, russian, whatever). We have several now and they are almost always run by someone who has at least been to Mt Athos (the center of the religion for all intents and purposes).
holy shit that was massive
thanks user
Pfft why bother.
This turned up nothing in reverse image search, but if any of you know how to image search facebook have at it.
Also, correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation, and in your case, there isn't really any strong correlation anyway.
I don't have all the answers, it would be foolish of me to say that I do, but my understanding of it is this: When the Hebrews/Israelites (which, I might mention, were unbelievably different in many ways from the Jews of the past 1,000 years) were God's chosen people, He had them circumcise each other as a marking of being His people. It's not like they were forced to. They wanted to, out of their faith for God. But then Pharisees and Sadducees came around, they kept doing things wrong, and Jesus came and they were no longer the chosen people, so circumcision didn't matter anymore. But anyways, that's my limited understanding of it. The internet exists, so if it's really such a pressing matter that it prevents you from having faith, you should research answers.
It's not literal/physical God's image, by the way. It's various qualities, such as creativity and the capacity for mercy.
I would, but there is none anywhere near me.
I've really wanted to visit one, don't have the chance yet but I will.
But in this case it is causation, if you look into the people's opinions on Muslim refugees, and what they base these opinions on. Poland (87.5% Catholic) even told Pope Francis to go away when he said he was coming to tell them about refugees. You're in denial at this point if you seriously believe that Christian nation's aren't doing far better than atheist ones.
Really, then give me a list from the same data that I used, and make it have the opposite correlation.
They are over 10 percent of them
Pretty sure he was making a quip about the rampant liberalism, cafeteria Christianity, and Protestantism in the United States that defies the intended meaning of the Bible and Apostolic teachings.
Oh, should of figured there are no true Christians
No true Scotsman can't really apply here. I could go back on things over and over again, except that there is a book that has every law of Christianity written down in some form. If the Bible didn't exist, I could say "well, they aren't real Christians because they don't _, and it would be fallacious. But as it stands, some people legitimately aren't real Christians because they ignore a very large portion of the doctrine that has been written down and accepted for nearly 2,000 years. If there were a book describing everything that a true Scotsman does, and that book had authority, then the "no true Scotsman" fallacy wouldn't exist.
Lol ok. Tell me, do you have any statistics about the 'real' adherents of your faith then?
See this:
Catholic here, many catholics go just to bautizos, then they found the church again cause the girl want a wedding ceremony, but they read horoscopes every day, pay gypsies for hand readings and pay witches for having sex with somebody, they are basically pagans (real, not the fedoras trolling here) .
Not that guy, do you have one?
And God said unto the Israelites grab them by the pussy
Every time I dig one up, such as frequency of church visits compared with their preponderance for poz I just get the no true scot argument over and over. That's why I'm asking the deus larpers if they have any statistics showing they aren't virtually alone in their quest amidst a sea of heretical progs.
ctr payment ready.
They consider themselves Christians regardless of what Holla Forums has to say about it, which is relevant to voter statistics.
You didn't have to make my point for me.
If somebody called himself a law-abiding citizen but only because he claimed that every law he breaks is not an actual law, would you still agree that he is a law-abiding citizen? It's the same deal. One of the main goals of Christianity is abiding by every law that the Bible gives to Christians. Many churches nowadays have decided to ignore certain laws, and instead of accepting that they are ignoring them, they just claim that those laws don't matter.
If there is such thing as specific universal truth, then there cannot be two parts of that truth that contradict each other. If Christianity is truth, then ignoring half of Christianity because you don't like it is false.
So, you have nothing then?
I am living there boy, i know how that shit work, i he has a bautizos fe, he is a catholic, then they ask the person and they said they believe in God, therefore are marked as catholics.
The "i believe in something/God, but not in the church" is very common here, the only real statistics are the ones asking heavy/deep questions, the protestants at least are more honest, like the JW and mormons.
Quality questions get quality answers.
Good deflection, as expected from someone who has internalized Jewry.
There are no statistics on Christians based solely on what amount of laws they follow, because groups like Gallup and Pew have no way of recording that. Why don't you stop shitposting and actually refute my responses instead of just asking for more? I'd like you to point out why is untrue, like you claim it is.
I talked normally with the non ctr, maybe if you try directly in place of using disgusting schopenhauer shill tactics you can get something.
Sorry for tipping.
I'm not interested in engaging with someone dishonest enough to imply that there is no way one could sample people for their adherence to your guidelines on what constitutes a true believer or not. We all know why that is of course, you'd have to admit things about Christendom you'd rather leave buried. Then you take your dishonesty further by implying that you cannot commit a fallacy that your ilk regularly commit because you said so. I have an objectivity test for the people I engage with and you failed so I'll bow out.
Okay, bye.
Ivan, please.