News roundup: Trump-Clinton-McMullin statistically tied in new Utah poll
We need to have a conversation about the Mormon problem.
News roundup: Trump-Clinton-McMullin statistically tied in new Utah poll
We need to have a conversation about the Mormon problem.
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Literally never heard nor read about him until just now.
Similar story to Cruz I guess, with the evangelicals flocking to him.
Does anyone have the article showing that a lot of people saying they'd vote for Hillary in polls actually go on and vote for Trump ?
NeverTrump cucks will be purged.
He's the cuck that answered Kristol's call for someone to run third party. He's not even on the ballot on a number of states so he's there purely to split the vote and send things to the House where Ryan will hand it to Hillary since he is that much of a cuck. I don't think it will come down to that but that is what they are hoping for.
Never liked Mormons, when Rmoney was running began to think even less of them. Now they are the living examples of everything that's wrong with the GOP. These cucks need to be removed from the gene pool.
Don't forget Glenn Beck is a mormon.
*cheeto-faced cuckold who won't last six months
Yeah awful lot of butthurt in utah about the religious thing
Egg McMuffin's running mate (((Mindy Finn))) is a Jewess.
Who the fuck is McMullin?
CIA deep-state operative running for president as a spoiler at the behest of maximum neocon Jew Bill Kristol.
All I see anymore are niggers and spics bragging about all the blonde girls they fuck. My own parents are helping 'refugees' and the 'poor'. They have no fucking idea what they've done. All the tithing they pay to the LDS/Mormon church, a self-sustaining globalist corporation, is used for the same thing. Whatever they pray to would probably burn them alive for a few eternities if it cared at all, if they pray at all.
It's too demoralizing to think about. Having the eyes to see and being surrounded by pridefully blind people is too much. I'm just waiting for the sign to leave them for the wilderness, tbh.
If you take the second m out of "mormon" what you get is a moron.
Fortunately (in this case) people who will claim to vote 3rd party to pollsters are more than likely LARPing. They will either not vote or vote for whoever they're more aligned with out of the two actual candidates. Considering there is more of a social stigma against supporting Trump, I'd be willing to bet that they're more likely to be closet-Trumpists than closet-Hillshills.
Mormons sided with the mexicunts back when we exiled their asses to Utah and murdered American settlers in the West. They are still tied with the cartels right now and behind the drugs flooding our country. Fuck them.
Would Utah normally be red?
Really well connected guy campaigning EXCLUSIVELY in Utah in order to turn the electorate.
Yes, 70% 'republican' but they are also very infected by the mormon disease. They bloc vote more successfully than nogs did for Obama. Take a look at the Mormon voting rate for Romney for example. The LDS tells them what to do and they do it. They are christians who act like jews really.
Can you explain what happened to him to get such a deformed head?
It's simple. Mormons are followers. They'll do anything that they are told.
The marching orders say that Trump is mean, and muh daughters earholes.
It's simple really. I thought they would vote for Weed Man instead, but they might vote for McMuffin just to say Fuck You in a Mormon way.
Here is him being interviewed by a Utah Romneyfag :
Literally who?
That's not a bad thing.
His wiki page shows he was a cia agent from 2001 to 2011, then worked for Goldman Sachs for a few years. Bloody alarm bells.
He stands for "free trade" and is working closely with Never Trump, had the endorsement of Erick Erickson.
Please help me DIG further. I am ashamed of the Mormons I know ditching trump because they're upset about pussy. I feel responsibility for Mormons voting for this good goy, because I am a Mormon.
I've been shooting the guy down hard with people I know. Pls help.
Shitty mormon meme candidate.
I think of Mormons as the kikes of the christian world.
Mormons force their children to be door to door salesmen. That's a level of shilling that even jews don't do. No wonder they are so fucked up in the head.
I called this a LONG time ago, when McMullin first came out. Mormons vote as a hivemind, and will just vote for whoever romney wants. McMullin will 100% win Utah or prevent Trump from winning it.
Utah is the state where Soros owns the electronic voting machines.
Don't be surprised if it goes blue or some other color.
Is it WTA? I think Trump could still win without those 6 delegates. I am seeing a lot of guff on CNN about 'Russians hacking Florida voting machines' though.
Who the fuck is McMullin?
ya their play will be utah and florida
maybe Ohio
Florida is looking promising.
Utah really isn't make or break, it's only 6 votes
Florida and Ohio are what this race is really going to come down to, Trump has to nail both or it's over
If things are close enough that neither Clinton or Trump hit 270 then she's going to win just because of that cuck Ryan.
Ohio seems in the bag. Hillary stopped campaigning there. I live in FL and I've seen a ton of Hilldog ads though. I think the play will be Penn, FL, and CO.
Pennsylvania is the one I'm most worried about. He has to win there, CO isn't mandatory.
Ads? Or signs?
Come on Florida you're the south
PA is going to be blue unless there's some act of god that flips it
It's highly unlikely that Trump will win PA
If that's true we're in trouble.
I've seen good numbers out of PA, only issue is we can't see which polls are good or bad.
They haven't voted for a republican nationally since the 80s due to rust belt and cities
While sure, it's possible it could happen, I just don't think it's likely
Trump's entire campaign is tailored to attracting those states, he has to do well in them.
Oh god please no. I live in Utah and of mormon pioneer stock but my grandparents gave up on mormonism long ago because its retarded. The capital of Utah is filled with liberal ex-mormons and wetbacks. So the only white traditional conservatives are mormon shabbos goys. Trying to find some one 'alt-right' is near to impossible. Yet supposably we have lots of 'white supremacists'.
The land that is filled with my conservative kinfolk are the best goyim alive, and the ones who arent are liberals who think theyre super edgy.
Liberals to the left of me, Cuckolds to the right, here; I am stuck in the middle with Jews
Correct. Mitt Romney actually made his fortune laundering money for Central American drug cartels in Mexico and Panama.
Mormons are not Christians.
Ads. Signs are all Trump, but I'm in NoFlo that is a heavily pro-Trump area. We just had a judge rule that voter registration should extend for another week because of Hurricane Matthew disrupted things so much (praise kek). Florida will go red if we don't get fucked with by FEDGOV, of that I'm sure.
I think you don't understand how cult like mormons are.
It is a real problem. It wasn't such a big deal years ago, but that's before the Mid-Atlantic became a total dead zone for Republicans.
Yeah, NOVA turning Virginia blue means gains must be made in other areas.
Not necessarily, depends on what the unions do, most union works are a bloc, they vote the way their bosses tell them to
The Republican path is a real tight rope. It needs no surprises in the South, a pretty clean sweep in the West, and better-than-usual performance in the Midwest.
Non-performance in New England and the Mid-Atlantic has been devastating. The Pacific Northwest, too.
"Mormons are the Jews of the West" - Rocky Mountain Proverb
This is an actual saying because:
1. Mormons were kicked out of all the places they inhabited back East.
2. Because they were essentially chased out of everywhere they went and eventually had what was called the 'Mormon Exodus' which was when their town (Nauvoo Illinois) eventually was destroyed by angry mid-westerners and led to the their temple being burned to the ground.
3. They have their own 'Israel' (Utah)
4. They have their own banks (Zions Bank seriously) \Who were known for Jewing the fuck out of their own people during the great depression. To this day my family uses wells fargo because "Zions bank is worst than the Jews" -my dad
5. They're life purpose seems to be swindling those that they view as 'goyim' non-mormons and praise the chosenites while converting anyone they can find to get more tithe shekles from converts
Don't they also have this weird thing with wanting to collect samples of everyone's DNA.
Never heard of that specifically. But they are and have always been fascinated with geneology.
Because my ancestors were Mormon I can actually go on a website called 'Familysearch' and type in my grandparents' names and automatically have a perfectly laid out family tree. I was able to trace my surname back to 1700's conneticut. A majority of my ancestors I could research all the way back to 8th century England. Mormons LOVE geneology and are obsessed with it. some Mormons even use it a religeous sense to try and track their ancestors all the way 'back to Adam and Eve'. Shit is crazy.
Their geneology might also exist to seperate Mormons of pioneer ancestry to those of converted ancestry. Because the church essentially has an invisible caste system.
Pic related, EWBOC=Elite White Boy Only Club is owned by Mormons from what I've heard and they've been taking DNA samples from people to give them their genealogy. Thing is that they're keeping all the samples and collecting them.
They are banking on genetic data becoming public domain as google has been pushing for for a long time.
Interesting. Also kind of scarey yet interesting. Idk what they could really do with all that DNA unless they plan on cloning their own converts or something, now that would be hilarious. They could genetically engineer them to be more complient and hivemind esque.
I guess its agreed Mormons just got added to the oven list?
They've been on it since the primaries.
Also inbred.
Can somewhat confirm the Pioneer caste thing. My Uncle was converted while still living in California and visited Utah while on business. Once people found out he was a convert and didn't have any pioneer ancestors he was given the cold shoulder by almost everyone. One thing I've noticed is that there is a huge difference in attitudes and perceptions between West Coast and East Coast Mormons.
West Coast Mormons (ESPECIALLY Utahans) are very uptight about obeying letter of the law, and tend to have a holier then thou attitude towards everyone else. While those in the East Coast tend be somewhat more laid back.
I think the major difference between the two Coasts has to do with the fact that the West Coast Mormons are descendant from the original members of the church, whereas the East Coast guys are converts from all the various Protestant denominations and still have all the quirks that entails.
Last thing, don't think Mormons are immune from cultural Marxism, progressive, etc. EVERYONE goes to the same public schools and colleges you go to, they can be just as blue pilled as normies. In fact the Church back in the 1900's actively discouraged sending their children to public education because of its susceptibility to the progressives.
Get it trending #MormonsAreCancer
The mormons are just as susceptible to cultural marxism but it tends to vary. The schools that mormons are sent to are either LDS private schools or public schools funded by rich mormons in all white all pioneer descended neighborhoods.
Idk if mormons really understand what is happening on a redpill sense but more of a common sense, I.E. "Good schools"
My expirience in the education system was going to a school my ancestors went to called East High School (place where highschool musical was filmed) and a change happened a decade or two ago where South High School (mud highschool, latinos and pacific islanders) shut down and so now; the once great highschool my ancestors built and went from all white to what it is now which is over 70% mexican and something like under 10% white. This highschool mind you is located in like the 2nd richest whitest pioneer descended neighborhood. So they have to fucking ship all the beaners and polynesians by bus the whole county go to the formerly nice white school.
The only Mormon I knew was at my high school in South Carolina. Guy was fairly normal if a bit degenerate(slept around and such). Even then he still did the whole missionary door to door on bicycle thing after his senior year because he said he didn't want to get completely disowned from his family.
They've always got a non-profit org to launder their shekels through. No exceptions.
Mormons must be purged
Who does congress vote for Holla Forums?
Wow, it's almost like this is some masturbatory fantasy from a Hillary volunteer.
The reason they are heavily into genealogy is to proxy baptise the dead so that even in death there's no escaping them. There's even some Moloch imagery in their inner sanctums.
here's a hidden camera video of the ritual itself.
Straight up won't happen.
These dubs don`t lie.
NY is solidly blue. Hillary was senator there if you remember, it's her state as well. That said, I think Trump will get Florida for sure. Iowa blue on that map is retarded.
Mormons who vote Trump will be granted amnesty from the oven. All other Mormons however must be purged along with the other degenerates.
My sis is engaged to a Mormon, he's a total fucking cuck and doormat. It's going to be amusing to fuck with him.
I can solidly believe that more than FL and NY both being blue. I'm a Floridafag. I see nothing but Trump signs on front yards and Trump-Pence stickers on cars.
They're shit, like all Christcucks, just especially shit in a weird way because they are especially cucky for Christ and weird as fuck.
I literally have no idea why these people waste the time to pretend they're "Conservative" or Republican.
They might as well all just join the Democrats.
Those Mormon temples and robes are pretty snazzy.
They're against abortion. They think males should be the head of the household. They thing religion and government should not be separated. They aren't democrats.
On the other hand, they heavily push for diversity. (But so does the Republican party.) They only don't like Trump because Mitt Romney says Trumps a racist and they blindly listen to church leaders.
If this guy is the reason that Trump loses Utah, the NeverTrump movement is going to be crucified by the GOP base.
Trump has Florida in the bag
Egg McMuffin could cost the election.
Rick Wilson and the Renegade Jews might have the last laugh.
Don't they? Separation of church and state ensures protection from religious persecution. I heard Morons saying "we can't support Drumpf because he doesn't respect the separation of church and state, muh slippery slope to the Shoah"
$Hillary has no home state. Is it Illinois (her birthplace), Arkansas (Bill's), or Jew York? She's a globalist whore whose "home" is whatever step she happens to be on in the climb to power.
You know why user. Why control one party when you can control both?
They were engineered to be an obedient slave class to the jews. Jews were involved with the creation of the church and influence its leadership to this day. They are nwo status signalling goodest goyim who are so used to lying to themselves and pretending like they are happy and doing tge right thing while serving the greatest of evils they are perfect footsoldiers for zog army and alphabet agencies.
What are you talking about? Dead men don't laugh.
Infiltration and subversion. You don't just hope you beat them every time, because you won't. You don't just hope people never choose their side, because sometimes they will. You don't just hope that you win the culture war fast enough, you might not.
You join them and attack/subvert from within. The same thing Hillary wanted to do to the Catholics.
Jewish females are always 100% fucking hideous.
I'd disagree and say that there's a weird dichotomy I've observed where Jewish girls can be pretty damn hot sometimes, but the men are unfailingly weak and goofy looking.
That being said, there are still plenty of yid-looking Jewesses with the expected tiny eyes and giant noses.
Literally fucking who?
I could easily trick you into fucking a jewess
dank dubs errywhere in here.
yeh, but she didn't actually do anything. Meanwhile…
shoot, I gots time!
Yea, they work like that infamous "Asian aging" pic though. When those bitches hit 44 you're going to see some serious shit!
last time i checked he had like 600 followers on facebook. thats trash
long island is going red. most of upstate is guaranteed to go red. long island will be a huge boost for trump. If he could win even one district in any of the five buroughs he will win the state.
Romney controls –literally– every mormon vote. Mormons are a hivemind.
Mormons need to be slaughtered like dogs.