Jesus Holla Forums got flooded with Holla Forumsfags
Holla Forumsfags kill yourselves
Jesus Holla Forums got flooded with Holla Forumsfags
Another quality Reddit and Morty thread!
hi Holla Forums
When the Vols of a board start banning everyone for wrongthink, those wrongthinkers go elsewhere.
All me tbh
t.Reddit newfag
If your brain was a black hole, you would actually likely be the smartest person to ever live. You would have an infinitely dense brain to store infinite amounts of information in.
Basically your reddit tier image is retarded. As usual.
None of the data can escape.
You'd think you're smart, but you couldn't share it with anyone.
Your post is retarded. As usual.
If we're assuming that someone can live with a black hole as a brain, we're also assuming that the neurons can send commands throughout the body, because if they couldn't, the person would just be a vegetable. If the neurons are able to send commands such as "move hand left" or whatnot, then they are also able to convey other basic commands such as speech. Therefore in this scenario, data could be pulled through the black hole.
Nice job attempting a refutation though, little Billy. Try again tomorrow.
Quads confirmed.
Wasted get. That's like saying that because shit is denser than your brain, that calling someone shit for brains is actually saying that they are smart.
BTFO Stephen Hawking style
It's not a black hole if anything can escape.
Pretty sure this is how nu/pol/ blows off steam and tries to justify supporting a Zionist in the White House.
A black holes HAS to admit radiation in order to expand nigger.
Meant for
R & M is pol the serie.
It doesn't depict a black hole by the way. It's clearly - |1/x|
i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog i want to fuck this frog
False flag shill