Attached: 0b0af7c54fe275a60d33910040a09777fabaf0ec3792479b1d50edde1f200bf8.webm (1014x761 3.98 MB, 581.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 283df786b736bd6a92167ebde189a1e718c43efd12909e88b11830f697ad2598.webm (1154x650 2.62 MB, 3.74M)

Attached: serge.webm (254x218, 7.74M)

Attached: 0cc92716a0f11b98d60d38f2a29da959bb9ff1d60e407f6fddba7b1756e0da8a.mp4 (640x360, 14.96M)

Attached: oh hell no.webm (480x360 5.8 MB, 3.59M)

Attached: kojima.webm (856x480, 5.13M)

Attached: fatshaming.webm (320x180, 13.14M)

Attached: 9a84fb2e94e814345a6f20bad52f968f4b98b2572f5d499d3e551255272fe0eb.webm (480x360, 13.33M)

Attached: eaa39f19cbf494e99c3eeb7b4cd00bb120838f1f5ca8ac235e10b28469575dbd.webm (640x350, 5.61M)

Attached: 9b02f6f1fb8b8584921d5d8d7759ecd7e973ee3a03c27ca924c119819fe1ef09.webm (400x600, 3.83M)

Attached: cf92f0f0c6851f6f70f49afd46f94af0b31d1bd7de2ae13107abbb59a561e62c.webm (640x360, 758.1K)

Attached: 3554afbef346e99227139b05be4b61085ab8bb55134f022f2eed3011d4cfd7e6.webm (640x360, 3.26M)

Attached: bc400148635722231a0bf0f5dc46ec5fd623e809a7a67e6642aecf9db71a9995.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Attached: 333b668ed72bcb1ec44cf70d8b7b25137f693ef6f9bfd66553a59afec927915c.webm (1066x600, 7.79M)

Attached: 44b10aa7a181a25b3cbd317056fea6d9b42a05133e5d1e53f683d498bcb6716f.webm (1920x1080, 10.32M)


Attached: ad2f112a36a3de3718731248423250f3f2ef3ab56e2904e758290fc29826c7fe.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

Attached: 8328b8bc4f937132a0056cbc6069bb53981271e61d1ac6cca7f4529fe5a46f1c.mp4 (406x720, 8.42M)

Attached: cc21851bbb546705c4967e7e02388a9e4bf1a5d9cd29910cb614509a2ab3e624.webm (1280x720, 3.64M)

Attached: 8858e7a6a26530954081e50e729d419c46c2c688f1f61f771e82a2ce7ae0fafc.webm (204x360, 2.88M)

Attached: 878f74020710a9b2ffbbd663b71c4384989bf690d29d2057c4958fd45241633c.webm (202x360, 1.68M)

I feel like I wasted three minutes of my life watching this and I'm not sure what was supposed to be imparted but she is a certified qt

Attached: liquor store bums you suck dick.webm (710x400, 13.36M)

cops cant have guns lol!!!!!!! britbongs are such a fucking joke … have some fucking pride and overthrow that useless government

lol that guy is brave as fuck i wouldn't be fucking around with those niggers

Attached: b59937d21afe1623cbb9db12c6bce841a87dd4ba486e96b581148ab0c3fb3485.webm (228x410 933.27 KB, 1.85M)

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Attached: 1517068727354.webm (856x480, 2.88M)

Attached: 1516719561703.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Attached: helicopter accident.webm (264x480, 293.46K)

Attached: 1516957501566.webm (208x360, 1.34M)

Attached: 1511000066182.webm (400x400, 3.34M)

Attached: very heavy burtation tonight.webm (720x404, 5.52M)

Attached: 1516452075456.webm (720x1280, 1.5M)

Attached: theres a man in the woods poem.webm (1280x720, 7.98M)

Attached: 50930dc271f650b0bd439b7193a346e2166fc4d2e93e00b0cccf40de5811d8b8.webm (264x262, 567.34K)

Attached: 547edaa47ad405d8ad365e61dca51f34ca9cf91b4ddb0c8cc9caca4eecd49ed9.webm (224x352, 3.38M)

Attached: db3fa4abef81f03a98ce3a51b0ca1f2819a9a19baac17f495317f873a0697bf5.webm (426x240, 3.72M)

I'm 12 and what is this?

Attached: double dragon.mp4 (320x240, 7.03M)

Why are butter golems always so grabby?

Attached: 0a9b8b92209e6e5fb4dcd793b655610c278b0baeb40ccccf7aec8ccee53d0ecb.mp4 (480x480, 1.06M)

Attached: 5 gum.webm (640x300, 360.97K)


Attached: meme-shit.webm (320x240, 903.94K)

Attached: ko.webm (640x360, 2.25M)

Attached: church.webm (480x360, 2.15M)

Attached: FuckDaeneris.webm (480x480, 3.65M)

Attached: bad luck.webm (640x360, 1.39M)

Attached: retard.webm (640x360, 2.31M)

Attached: talk-shit.webm (480x320, 4.13M)

Attached: welcome-newfriend.webm (640x480, 845.22K)

Attached: poppy-gun.webm (640x360, 1.09M)

Attached: guns dont kill.mp4 (400x224, 1.9M)

Attached: Heroin.webm (1280x720, 9.6M)

Attached: dontwatch.webm (224x400, 3.92M)

Attached: al-gore-thumbs-up.jpg (484x400, 28.42K)

Attached: Oprahlulz.webm (320x240, 1.07M)

Interesting note: That fellow is pretty much dead at the start of the video. As the brain dies, one of the last parts of it to survive is the part that controls breathing. It's why people in extreme vegetative states are still capable of breathing on their own.

Unless they drugged him, the shock alone means he would barely be aware of what is happening.

Attached: removehonk.webm (220x400, 1.06M)

Attached: downloadfile.png (400x267, 99.12K)

I don't speak frog. wtf is going on in this webm

wow, those mexicans just keep lowering the bar

Attached: sorrowsilk.webm (480x360 2.9 MB, 1.9M)

kek you cheeky fucker

Attached: existentialism.mp4 (480x270, 2.98M)

Attached: we both got autism.webm (360x360 3.9 MB, 759.62K)

I love it. Take this gondola as my thanks

Attached: gondola of motivation.webm (1280x720, 11.28M)

Attached: justdoit.webm (550x550, 3.69M)


Attached: f10c1fc09daaf310f92417ccb51671eaec96298cbf73ea6ad290af9cdcba44ed.jpg (2000x1500, 1.24M)

Humans like this make me believe extinction can't happen soon enough.


Those aren't humans, they seem to be beaners.

Attached: pol_waifu.mp4 (320x180, 603.29K)

Attached: 55b6ce9d067326bf4b2fbe66b8f51f366bc6e5f776ba691b0351364383c43fcb.webm (640x360, 82.1K)

Attached: a51ad3e8ca4a09d8f97e912837f9e9af4df1973b9114fe07edf807576253c6c9.webm (640x360, 10.64M)

Attached: 19515341_2000513700190951_2031184119831986176_n.mp4 (640x800, 7.01M)

kek looks psychologically deficient. needs a selenium suppository

Trashy whore needs her face beaten as black as the niggers she dances for. White women are the absolute worst.

t. bitter virgin

Attached: 1504399106718.jpg (225x225, 9.07K)

t. crystal.cafe lolcow

Want to know how I know you're a jew?

Attached: ca67f6a5ea0fc97a1616b0b4ca2e1b1d2b865ee0262e9eb742b305e365fd3e15.jpg (500x750, 111.61K)

So easy.

Because you "know" everyone that says something you don't like is a jew?

Attached: meme-big-bird.webm (450x450, 283.05K)

Attached: 1.webm (1280x720, 9.91M)

Attached: 2.webm (1280x720, 15.62M)

Attached: 3.webm (1280x720, 9.44M)

Attached: 4.webm (1280x720, 15.2M)

song name on second webm?

Attached: 1461449760586.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

Attached: eulers disk.webm (406x720 5.61 MB, 7.29M)


Attached: Upload, Convert and Share any Video Online.webm (1920x800, 1.76M)

Attached: 9088c10f5b86a84f36b90d980c9c1174596acad69aeea1bd563dbdd29974d034.mp4 (320x240 2.79 MB, 2.84M)

Attached: Serb extended.webm (640x360 6.42 MB, 5.45M)

sauce on what?

Attached: liberallogic.webm (480x360 2.51 MB, 3.75M)

Attached: homodemons.webm (640x360 6.01 MB, 2.39M)


Attached: jeZD9Fy.gif (480x293, 4.94M)

Attached: 3 lions.webm (1280x720 5.62 MB, 3.22M)

Fucking kek i lost it.

Attached: forty treks.png (248x237, 126.36K)

breddy gud for normie entertainment


Attached: 60be37d468525e82001b3b630b950357264d6f8c409a5142bc4c8058c06f725d.jpg (1080x1349, 218.7K)

I agree with the muslim women. Fuck thots.

wait what? hahahahahahahahah

Well, you did fucking warn me

Second video is amazing

Phaggots like you are the reason the white race is dying out.

Attached: soyboy2.png (640x642, 120.22K)

yes you cunt America is right when they are violent unlike the European cunts that are week

Attached: succer.webm (640x360, 3.03M)

Attached: keep it reel.mp4 (720x486 644.68 KB, 1.41M)

Attached: ismo saa kikkiä.mp4 (854x480 717.37 KB, 1.9M)

Attached: Sophie dee.mp4 (202x360 634.81 KB, 525.36K)

Attached: artclass.mp4 (352x640 564.98 KB, 5.86M)

Attached: hailsatan.mp4 (1280x720 575.08 KB, 10.02M)

reconsider your existence

is that fo real? is that a real sex ed class or is it some fetish vid

Attached: 10000 poots.webm (922x744, 4.23M)

Attached: deer gets phonebooked.webm (480x272 1.16 MB, 6.52M)

Attached: life is strange done right.webm (646x364, 7.8M)

Attached: bernie supporter.webm (480x400 5.24 MB, 4.56M)

Attached: δείτε τα έντερα (3).mp4 (854x480 6.72 MB, 5.87M)

Anyone have sauce to this? There's gotta be more to it.

Attached: M U R D E R.webm (1280x720, 10.39M)

Attached: terry calls nigger a nigger.webm (1280x720 705.31 KB, 10.06M)

Attached: Hahn- Spill-proof beer.webm (640x360 1.54 MB, 2.93M)

Attached: laivalla on kivaa.mp4 (1920x1080 2.17 MB, 1.34M)

hier ein araber mit gewehr für euch

Attached: willy bob.webm (322x240, 1.26M)

im confused whats going on and why people are mad and covering people in foil ? is there a explanation please?

Fat shaming is culturally pretty common in South East Asia in general given Social Justice faggotry hasn't really phased them. Still it is weird that someone would point out a fatty at a gym, like no shit she's their to get /fit/. It's much better to fat shame someone at a restaurant and makes a whole lot more sense.

Attached: sad Mao, happy Mao.gif (194x142, 1.99M)

Femen asking christian semen for lesbian.

Attached: 5.webm (1280x720, 15.88M)

Attached: 6.webm (1280x720, 14.84M)

Attached: 7.webm (1280x720, 14.91M)


What kind of a shit fetish is that?

Attached: 8.webm (1280x720, 14.36M)

I won't watch but would someone give me a play-by-play of what happens here?



Attached: 1481553587802-2.webm (206x360 791.88 KB, 1.08M)

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Attached: 1484006437109-0.webm (450x360 764.8 KB, 7.5M)

Attached: 1500505929384-0.mp4 (320x240 6.61 MB, 5.85M)

Attached: 14686047450443.webm (960x540 6.4 MB, 2.32M)

Attached: amerimutt.mp4 (1000x562, 8.51M)

Attached: 14705153890222.webm (480x360, 8.15M)

Attached: 14707774448780.webm (1280x720, 4.98M)

Attached: 14700912983630.webm (1280x720, 8.62M)

Attached: 14725520881290.webm (1280x720, 7.52M)

Attached: sector145187328.webm (640x360, 1.75M)

Attached: sector163785064.webm (640x360, 6.75M)

Attached: sector137507768.webm (1280x720 2.81 MB, 8.33M)


The log thing is cp.

Attached: sector144785984.webm (720x404 786.05 KB, 4.32M)

Attached: 14609308950780.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Do not watch this

Attached: 14703353068540.webm (500x500, 295.69K)

Attached: sector174747480.webm (638x360 3.48 MB, 9.54M)




Fuck you nigger.

That fucking lesbiano clip is damaged, can you upload it again please?

Attached: a312deff508185856be1603d3d30d43b4b0292499e6018ae5560ea14ae98c6fc.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

warned you

Attached: 14694844843640.png (448x380, 8.83K)

Its goona be damaged anyway. All my webms marked Sector was recovered when my OS broke. I use program to recover lost files and some of them just damaged

Well, at least can you gave the name of that clip from dani filth please?

Btw, checked.


CoF - Scorched earth

Attached: sector170443624.webm (480x360, 7.61M)

Hot Topic™ "metal"

Attached: 1496785588125-0.webm (480x270, 9.03M)

Keep this in mind when you see an edgy post on Holla Forums. These are the kind of people making them.

Attached: 1461689312460-1.webm (720x406 1.25 MB, 8.3M)

No way! Is someone on internet not right again?

Attached: sector209201344.webm (384x288, 7.3M)

Attached: sector422537696.webm (576x360, 8.12M)

Worth a fap, best transition ever.

Thanks, but the quality in this last one is… well, is shit.

What in the fuck is hot topic?

Catholic, into black metal and i hate edgy posts, the source of evil is atheism, both communism and pol tier fedoras are tentacles of the same beast,

A massive corporation that supports other massive corporately sponsored groups like Cradle of Filth™

It was made for older limits

Attached: sector170141280.webm (640x360, 11.23M)

Also Chrisitian man listens to black? Same shit bro

Attached: 14716457157000.webm (480x360, 13.37M)

Attached: sector428675136.webm (490x360, 9.54M)

Attached: 1485073040922.webm (358x640 2.62 MB, 2.38M)

Attached: sector209598352.webm (320x240, 9.55M)

here's some real black metal, faggot

Oh yeah? Tell me more about REAL blakc metal you newfag

Attached: 1515765137966-0.webm (640x640, 1.62M)

Attached: sector118784848.webm (320x240, 5.5M)

Typical reddit-tier logic. Here's some band that you probably haven't heard of then. Am I a "underground" and kvlt like you now? fucking hipster faggot

True Satanic Black Metal are bands such as Darkthrone, Aryan Satankampf, Graveland, the Gestapo 666, Satanic Warmaster, Beherit and Impaled Nazarene. You can listen to Metallica if you want, but you do not understand anything about the real Hitleric Nazi Black Metal. You are just a poser and you can fuck off the whole scene. Black Metal is real music, not intended for animals like you, but the real Satanic Misanthropists who do not care about people like you dampers.

Black Metal is music for the elite and you do not understand it. None of you understand the real Satanism. You ridiculous little kids. Our worldview is based on Wotanic Hitlerism, on a personal level satanic individualism, collective level Hitleric Fascism. Without an understanding of theoretical occultism, it is useless to dream of understanding the Wotanic worldview. None of you can understand Wotanism, for you are all intellectually earthworms. You can not reach the elite level of Satanism, so why even dream about it. Satanism and Black Metal are for the elite. For real misanthropists.

I'll never say im kvlt.
Its just almoust every TRVE faggot who came to me with Darckthrone knows nothing else.

Omg this pasta about trve kvlt 69 6black metal. Is this 2007 again? No one cares anymore about idiea and such shit. Like i said before, in Cristian and i listen to black because i like how it sounds. Im not some fucking autistic dildo arguing on the Internet about WHAT IS REAL MUSIC.
Black metal is dead already and some pimply faggot can't do nothing about it with his shity wining.

Attached: I27xj8yvIHc.jpg (800x450, 132.25K)

Also this/ I like listen to it while download new season of some echi anime

Well, the old albums arent that bad for women.

Saw the entrire serie but metal opera, all torrents are shit quality.

This is why i love Holla Forums bro.

This is now a blacked thread.

Its actually about the sound, not lyrics, if not then put brazilian child songs on reverse, that shit is satanic.

You most go to some pretty bizarre forums then. I bet it's band camp or some other similar faggy site. I've never met people who like Darkthrone and know nothing about black metal. I mean, maybe back in the mid-90's there were people like that but now…. I don't think so.

Absolutly bro. If there is something came out with God, Heaven,Divine or else i simply mute this part or close the song.

Dude, some people here is still carrying the economic wounds of their last relationship, we are men and if not the world is doomed.

Almost a week downloading all slayer flacs, i know that feel bro.

Nowdays there are full of people like this. Mb because old Darkthrone albums is very popular they think they are so cool and unusual listening to this kind of music.

Hipsters are responsible for this kind of attitude. The internet destroyed metal back in the mid 90's. It used to be nationalized, now it's globalized. If you like oldschool bands, you are now seen as being out of touch and fake. You have to listen to new bands that perform live on podcasts in order to be "hip".

Also good to know that someone in other part of the world thinks simmular as you

I mean today metal/black metal is not that bad, but when some faggot yelling he is so cool and underground knowing only about "core" of the genre its just so stupid and funny

Attached: 1491842439658.jpg (720x405, 30.19K)

Last one before i go to bed.

Attached: Thy Light.webm (640x360, 11.65M)

Also, do some of you know about that Ghost group? Some kind of black metal for kids and housewives. Can you post some of them?

Attached: 14728634322220.webm (640x360, 6.95M)

Yeah, it's pretty bad. Most of it is based on production value. This goes against the very principles that black metal grew out of. It's a joke. The original idea of black metal was to say "fuck you" to mainstream metal back in the late 80's. They did this because they saw production value rising in death metal albums and wanted to make a stance against this. The Black Metal scene came to prominence because of economics, not music.

Man, today is not 1989 or 2007. Don't came up to me with this shit about Trve idea, Fuck you world and stuff. No one cares about it any more because its just stupid words and leads no where.
Music is music and nothing more.
There are so many talanted bands who formed in past few years. And not listening to them, because THEY NOT TRVUE is just be brainless

lol, typical progressive millennial faggot.

Music should be a work of art, it isn't just something that you fart out of your ass.

You obviously don't understand the nuance in my comment. If you did, you'd see that I was making a similar statement. It's like you see arguments placed against you and then just throw them back, like a gorilla flinging shit at a zoo.

You mad bro? Face the truth you fag.
I bet all your wining about this LOST idea is just shit post on this thread and you never did something real for it.
Well if you cant find any other that farts from ass or hawe a shity taste in music its your own problem.

You are trully brainless. Go fuck yourself with old-thrash-black shit like you love it

i like this movie, thats all i had to say

How far society has fallen.

Attached: 1463608498524.png (258x330, 99.88K)

"i'm a fascist, so?"
"ayyy there's a fascist here duuuuuuh theres a fascist here duuuuuuuuuh"

The second magazine should have been for his mudshark daughter.

no way, the 2nd one has to be staged.
that's just too good.


funny how the jews planned this shit back in the 90's and we're still in the same situation now.

Words cannot describe just how much I approve of this.

Attached: 1429683690903.gif (480x270, 919.18K)


I like you

I'm not gonna lie that second webm drew me in hard and blew my brains through my headphones. Oh fuck that still hurts, I still want one of those though.

Attached: Blank _e4578c2d66245150a4a63a3879e63022.mp4 (326x184 3.95 MB, 5.3M)

Got some more stuff with her

Check this one.
Its realy blow my mind when i firt listen to it

Attached: 1515174133260-2.webm (512x512 2.63 MB, 81.42K)

Attached: Woods Of desolution.webm (608x612, 1.31M)

Attached: 14715614806760.webm (968x500, 7.8M)

Attached: 14715634827950.webm (480x360, 12.37M)

Attached: 14715661929910.webm (480x360, 9.58M)

Attached: 14604822905120.webm (360x360, 9.83M)

Attached: 14729876996110.webm (600x600, 4.84M)

Attached: 14705282538260.webm (1000x1001, 4.22M)

Attached: 14705160830871.webm (1280x720, 9.57M)

sauce on that plox?

source on the youtube channeL? i know this was from the long way down and a complete rip off of the idea

Attached: 14697870989131.webm (1280x720, 6.3M)

Attached: 1481556284969-2.webm (1280x720, 1.79M)

Attached: 1483823496818.webm (854x480, 2.54M)

Attached: 1483200526607-0.webm (640x360, 4.89M)

Attached: 14700908046570.webm (640x480, 9.36M)

Attached: 1483449956327-0.webm (360x640, 232.73K)

Attached: 1482336925796-0.webm (492x360, 965.53K)

Attached: 1483651504143-0.webm (640x360, 3.47M)

Attached: 1483451260219-0.webm (854x480, 2.83M)

Attached: 1486750760949-0.webm (540x360, 14.18M)

Attached: burger pride.webm (960x540, 1.79M)

Attached: putin solves the syrian conflict.webm (640x360, 5.02M)

Attached: nige beer.webm (960x720, 2.46M)

Attached: 1483317017137-0.webm (854x480, 12.75M)

Does anyone here speak vodkanigger? did that guy run with a bomb or something?

They tell him to drop the weapon. Afterthat there was a shot idk and boom. I dont realy know wtf is happend there tho

Attached: 14709566167330.webm (480x272, 12.42M)

Attached: 14744882134740.webm (656x352, 2.5M)

Attached: 146320901432717.webm (1280x720, 3.15M)

Attached: Ларек.webm (450x360, 3.86M)

sauce for scientific purposes pl0x

Attached: 1498684919987-0.webm (1280x720, 3.63M)

Attached: 1481558427651-2.webm (326x218, 1.74M)

Attached: happy russians.webm (1280x720, 3.89M)

Yeh, posted it already above

Attached: 14705294176230.webm (640x360, 8.99M)

Attached: merica.webm (640x640, 1.86M)

my apologies

Attached: slav walk.webm (640x360 3.03 MB, 802.08K)

Happens to the best of us

Attached: 1495255933195-0.webm (720x480, 9.02M)

Attached: 1508860711561-0.webm (640x360, 1.9M)

Attached: 14722455015520.webm (490x360, 15.18M)

Attached: 1492919451384.webm (720x1280, 2.21M)

Attached: 1493044603161.webm (270x480 9.17 MB, 6.14M)

ok im done for now

Attached: 1519518703352-1.webm (853x480, 8.04M)

Attached: 9e9e1483daa4c081df464a32d2c7f7c7e189dd4cf181685bae70fb696707b918.jpg (779x708, 75.13K)

Does anyone know this song?

Attached: mortido.webm (640x360, 4.54M)

nerve gas

fairly sure it's from Ex Machina

Attached: Piss Abyss III.mp4 (426x240, 1.11M)


I've watched that almost 100 times and it always elicits a hearty kek

Attached: 99b70e80c4aca5ddaf38648072f2c97497ab056d0dda63d26fd84ac913cc4065.webm (202x360, 1.29M)

it what universe is this ethnic homogeneity of these fine white people allowed? Please sign me up.

Attached: backtraced.webm (500x300, 2.66M)

dawg nigga

Attached: FF11BC06-20E2-451E-9BFE-64B1868AA492.jpeg (466x496, 50.1K)

reminds me of this

Attached: 69B44713-8979-433D-8F50-5670185A3F16.mp4 (568x320, 1.62M)


The blonde girl next to him is cute, but the blonde standing behind her is a STUNNER!

Sounds like she was just motivating you to workout harder….

the redhead on the left plz

i like it

Attached: 74BA73D0-DD96-440C-AB21-E873A2427BA5.gif (500x374, 1.05M)

Attached: Furious George.webm (640x360, 6.57M)

its russian first day of school party

Attached: 1495323801573-0.webm (480x352, 985.51K)

The guy laughing is a douchebag retard if it was you kys

Attached: 1463984340084.gif (300x300, 174.02K)

What is this? This is fucking good.

Attached: DSMB Eva.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Thank you for that third video..it's so nostalgic yet I've never seen it..so comforting yet hardcore…this is my fav webm of all time I need sauce on movie and song if anyone's got it. It makes me feel like I'm apart of some S.t.a.l.k.e.r gang…such a good feeling.

Attached: desolation gondola.mp4 (800x600, 606.19K)

"Беспредел" - is name of the movie and name of the song i don't know

Thank you awesome fellow.

"Беспредел" translates as "Intense faggot"

Attached: Oekaki.png (500x250, 4.51K)

actualy its lawlessness

Attached: dda28581c600431c2c2b5ec2bec7d1e8df0d2f943461dc3965581336d99f2202.webm (367x356, 7.34M)

who is this dude?

Attached: 90B6D6D4-7545-41A3-B2B7-E9925F4D04D1.mp4 (1920x1080, 4.19M)

Attached: Christian Ninja Force 2 - Hang'em All.webm (640x360, 13.12M)

he is Alexander Overwijk, he taught calc/vects at my hs.

Attached: Elektro AnimeNigger.webm (1280x720, 6.94M)


Attached: F5C402DB-B4FA-4C14-819B-5B21D5C8D4FB.png (512x384, 204.6K)

perfect circle guy

Attached: 6F3523DA-3463-4984-BC20-A128BE9361FE.png (640x865 275.29 KB, 340.2K)

source in English?

Source please

Attached: real_human_bean.webm (480x360 3 MB, 2.41M)

Not even zombies can take that.

Attached: meme-2-2the1.webm (640x480, 2.8M)

Attached: idle action by Noi!se_1.webm (326x326, 6.77M)

The story goes that guy purposefully exploded from his hand grenade

Attached: do you still remember.webm (480x360, 1.76M)

sport time

Attached: escape.webm (854x480 2.18 MB, 2.79M)

Attached: Retreat From Morality by Inhume.webm (480x360, 4.69M)


Do you happen to know the song name? Love how somber it is.

…And end - crows crouds

unironically kill yourself

Thanks a lot dude, I appreciate it.

does anyone have the isis video of captors getting drowned in a pool within a cage?
bobby darin-beyond the sea

Attached: 7E13D197-F255-42DC-A74B-8C56DA797F6E.mp4 (636x358, 6.3M)

good time to plug some boards while i'm at it i guess.
>>>/cow/ lolcows(super interesting)
>>>/caos/ esoteric spam
>>>/rolo/ white nationalist hangout
>>>/agatha/ nazis orbiting around dirty jew

Attached: 0D26A817-73A2-4B47-87A9-9F40160F90DF.mp4 (1280x720, 2.09M)

Attached: 4FC6AF28-56F1-4117-B650-F7FECFDC05F7.mp4 (576x432, 11.23M)


Attached: B054F713-8A1D-4236-8A62-B9A19B595CDB.gif (480x293, 4.94M)

Attached: ABC are now brainwashing kids with feminism. Dont let your kids watch the ABC! (1).webm (256x144, 4.33M)