It's out boys, start digging
https ://¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult
It's out boys, start digging
https ://¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult
Other urls found in this thread:
You will find nothing. Its all useless shit. Go play your video games instead, and don't waste your time.
Good morning CTR, how many shekels have you collected today?
for (((you)))
Lots of Benghazi in this release.
pls stop
From:[email protected]/* */ To: [email protected]/* */ Date: 2014-10-07 21:24 Subject: Re: Leon
No On Oct 7, 2014 5:29 PM, "Jeremy Bash" > wrote: > John, > Can I call you? > Jeremy > > > >
Assange confirmed under Trump's protection
why arent CTR DDoSing wikileaks? Or are they doing that as we speak (since I cant connect)?
You faggots are getting really lazy, perhaps the realization that Hillary is going to lose the election by 5% minimum is setting in? Getting worried you're heading back to the unemployment line right when another massive recession is about set in?
I can't even imagine how fucking worthless your lives are.
Let us not forget that Podesta called them a bunch of losers,
You really need some new tactics CTR. No one is even falling for this.
new meme
CTR has officially stopped trying
It's early in the morning. They're still out getting their mustaches waxed.
this pace of releases is impressive
Can I call you?
This is why we dislike TRS faggots. In one breath they tell us that Milo is not associated in any way yet their memes betray their true sentiments.
Damn, there are so many CTR emails in the leak it's going to be fun digging through.
Well, except their women I guess.
tell me about it.
and every single one of them seems to be even juicier than the last.
lol this jeremy bash?
I like TRS, don`t speak for me.
Trusting a faggot
From:[email protected]/* */ To: [email protected]/* */
From:burns .[email protected]/* */ To: [email protected]/* */
From:burns .strider @ americanbridge .org To: [email protected]/* */
wtf is this email protected bs
What faggot would that be?
What`s this?
888-857-7291 pin: 2024341609
Cloudfare is doing some kiking
TRS are retards and Milo is oven fodder. End of story. Quit derailing the thread.
Sounds about right.
You brought it up faggot and who gives a fuck about milo? a niggerloving kike faggot.
Confidential: Maureen writing for June NYT Mag…..Hwd has a big role in presidential politics….how do people feel about Obama now? About the Clintons? Why was Hollywood divided in 2007/2008 and not now? Where are people at now re Hillary? I want to "steer " her…she is asking who she should talk to out here….any guidance on your end would be appreciated. Thanks. Andy Spahn President
Refresh the page, it'll correct itself. It's to prevent spambots from stealing emails and it does a shitty job at it.
Cheryl mills discussing the email case?
My bet for the third debate is that they're going to trot out the old, "B-But Assange is a rapist" angle.
Thanks for the tip user.
up to your ass in alligators
Also: how to get your daughter an internship 101
Considering rape in sweden now needs violence and threats, Assange dindu nuffin
Nope. Hilary won't bother with petty crap like that, she will go right to the meat and accuse him of being a Russian spy (or at least collaborating with Russia as a terrorist). Remember that out in the real world, most people (especially those who watch TV ie old people) are far more gullible towards Russia/terrorism fearmongering than accusations of rape.
Also, on this basis I'm willing to bet that Obama or otherwise will classify them as a terrorist or criminal group and try to shut them down (ddos or otherwise). Stay vigilant save fucking everything, then save it again to a flash drive or CD.
Anyone know what/who "EW" is an acronym for?
Entertainment Weekly? What's the context?
Jeremy Bash sounds like a pathetic robot from Robot Wars.
WikiLeaks have ~50,000 emails, and they're releasing about 1,000 - 2,000 a day. Don't be surprised if they release at least 1,000 every day just to keep Hillary in the news.
So many numbers
Tom Nides(via cell Tues Apr 28, 1:57 pm)
Would appreciate a call back
David Simas
(via cell Mon Apr 27, 7:30 pm) Direct line:
Cell: 202-503-5866
Would appreciate a call back.
Updated in contacts.
Buffy Wicks(via email)
Cell: 312-533-0368
Asked to check in.
Updated in contacts.
Guy Cecil(via email)
Cell: 202-246-4632
Sandy is gonna die
John: Good to talk. I've not told lots of people. Want to keep doing what I'm doing as long as I can. But not a deep dark secret. Both Clintons aware. Use your judgment. Certainly Mary. Sandy
Poor Germans
> On Oct 21, 2014, at 8:06 PM, Matt Browne > wrote: > > So, I guess the British animosity towards the Germans is mutual… > > … though I am little confused as to how a lunch which I set up directly with Sigmar, and which was going to be a small private progressive discussion in a restaurant, outside of formal channels (and only takes place in WH because your office suggests it, and which only engaged the Embassy three days ago), suddenly becomes a formal intergovernmental meeting I'm boxed out of. > > I'm not pissed, or for that matter even surprised this is the way the German Embassy behaves, just disappointed. It's hard to be the fifth progressive pillar sometimes ….. > > Hope it goes well, raise a glass to absent friends, and let's catch up soon.
Bump, going through them now
These people type like teenage girls.
no, they'll do it every other day or every 2-3 days. Too much and it'll cause oversaturation, also people need time to shift through them and pull out the juicy bits. They know what they're doing.
This may or may not be anything. Mary Pat Bonner fundraises for pro-Hillcunt super PACs and CTR. She's in communication with Podesta. Illegal collusion?
Elizabeth Warren
Bit cryptic but this might be money laundering if someone can connect the dots.
They sell these email lists for X amount of money to help the campaigns. De-duping the list might mean they sell the list twice so they can keep donating money. Probably this is illegal.
Californian San Bernadino Shooting occurred on 2nd December from 10:58 am to 3:14 pm.
Dianne Feinstein, Californian senator had a meeting around 20:00 in the early evening on the December 1st with "Leadership".
So "Hillary Clinton" is actually a government in an of itself. We aren't actually electing her president, we are electing this government to take over the executive branch. This is fucking disgusting. Leftists are going to hand the country over to a permanent oligarchy.
Is this the press colluding with the dems again?
Taped an interview for Charlie Rose. I smacked down the book author as a Bush/breitbart hack and gave a stout defense of CF up to and including standing shoulder to shoulder with President Sirleaf as she battled ebola. (Kind of mixed CHAI and CF together.) I think it was good.
Read it wrong. Damn
Remember the epilepsy glasses?
Weren't those glasses designed to stop her from seeing double, not from having seizures?
Eat shit, kike.
Is there a way to search through just the 4th email dump instead of all the podesta emails at once??
At this point I just want to smash their fucking disingenuous heads in.
>( because of the offices and the constituencies they represent), why not throw Bernie a bone and reduce the super delegates in the future to the original draft of members of the House and Senate, governors and big city mayors, eliminating the DNC members who are not State chairs or vice-Chairs. (Frankly, DNC members don't really represent constituencies anyway. I should know. I served on the DNC first as Executive Director and then as an elected member for 10 years.)
Look at the release date, that is how I filter
They failed pretty hard, about half the Sanders delegates are campaigning for Stein now. Media is desperately covering that up.
Good catch
In case it isn't obvious, the Clintons have more or less run the Democratic Party since 1992. It's why Hilary was supposed to be President in 2008, but Obama licked her. Since then she has slowly regained control -now total control- for this election. What's truly disgusting is that, looking back, I can see how it was always Dem staffers infiltrating things (like OWS, whose corpse persists as occupy democrats). Sanders was the only person who was able to stand up to her, as he was from outside the party politburo. Following the DNCleaks, CTR managed to stage a coup of the DNC itself as most of it's staff was forced to resign out of shame. She would have then won and become President, running the government through a cuckservative/Dem "coalition" for four years.
It would have worked, too. If not for the revolt inside her own party. Make no mistake, us leftists (real leftists) are a minority but we're fucking mad. And we're going to be voting third party which will deny her victories in Oregon and Minnesota (bad news when Wisconsin and Michegan are already red). Neoliberalism is fucking dead, without progressives and labor Democrats cannot control the national government.
I'm just fucking mad it took us eight years to see this, and that all the effort I put into campaigning for Obama is down the drain.
Pic related might as well be Hillary shills just as much as born kikes at this point.
I've seen fights start over that (usually between pro-Hilary parents and their children). Then again I live in Berkeley, where only suburban homeowners and blacks are voting for her. It's funny watching idpol retards try to deal with this.
Hillary Commenting on Globalism
Sick burn
Since all babies look like 80 year old men, that is not a crazy guess. Xo
More Colluding/Strategic Planning with "Hillary for America" Super-PAC
Also, local radio outlets yesterday they were talking about Hilary's "desire for a hemispheric union with open borders and open trade" which contrasted with most of her official positions. I hear about it too from Union workers.
Make no mistake Holla Forums, the conditioning is being broken. And people are fucking frustrated as all hell over it because it's too late to stop her. I love wikileaks, but I really wish this was dumped six months ago during the primaries. Perhaps it's for the best though, because once Hilary looses the entire Dem politburo will have to be purged and replaced or their base will continue to erode away.
>From:[email protected]/* */ To: [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */ Date: 2015-01-27 13:32
Nothing suspicious about this, goys
Most shitskins will vote for them regardless(look at black vote in the primaries) they don't care about your issues.
> I agree with you. Bernie wants a fight on a Wall Street. We should not give him one. Our polling shows this is one of our weakest areas.
Nothing to see
>From:huma To: john.podesta, [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */
Fugging gay :-DDDDD
Seems Biden was going to run for president, but Podesta pulled some strings to get him to drop out.
What is this about?
Date: 2016-02-16 04:27 Subject: Re: S.c and nevada / off the record …
Goldman Sachs buying/holding office space for Hillary to do Clinton Foundation and "potentially more than charitable activity"?
Feinstein freaking out?
Grooms is the staff director for the Benghazi committee dems. they were pumping her for info.
Huma Abedin"
What he fuck's going on here? It looks like an attempt at collusion between American Progress, ABC News, and Podesta with Jake Tapper getting salty as fuck
Whitehouse giving briefings to Bill and Hillary
Bonus: Bill was in Jackson Hole at the time getting comfy with the Fed.
From: John Podesta
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2015 5:27:27 PM
To: H
Subject: Power plant rule
Brian Deese asked whether either you or WJC wanted a quick telephone briefing on the rule which I think landed really well for the country and for the way we positioned last week's announcement. He may have already reached out directly. They appreciate our support and are hoping for something from President Clinton too, given the big push on efficiency as a way to earn early action credits. Let me know if either of you want to do a call with him tonight or I can call and fill you in as well.
From: John Podesta >
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2015 7:16:45 PM
To: H
Subject: Re: Power plant rule
Ok. We can do this in 5 minutes in our call tomorrow or I can give you a ring tonight if you prefer after 8:00 On Sunday, August 2, 2015, H > wrote: John—Just seeing this. Copying Bill's team who are w him at a conference in Jackson Hole so they can ask him and get back to you. I'm fine w you briefing me but Bill may want Brian to call him. Thanks.
From:[email protected]/* */
To: [email protected]/* */
Date: 2015-08-02 21:21
Subject: Re: Power plant rule
Yes, call my cell–
I'm disturbed at the sheer amount of money she is burning through. A quick look online shows that hillary had about $515 million. What has it been spent on? I've seen many of her speeches and they look like high school level events with a few shitty banners, crap sound system, crap cameras and plus they are in places like gyms.
woo. More emails about Gowdy. I am sure he's going to get to this eventually since he was contacted. So part 4 goes into late April/May 2015.
Some panic about Hillary going down in flames
Why does Hillary need a team of people just to talk to her own husband?
Why would you even admit to that? Do you not understand anonymity? Why defend your honor here?
Hillary is running an old media campaign, they've got tons of ads playing in most swing states.
There is no point to any of this.
Without MSM support nobody will know these leaks exist.
Nobody who matters cares about any of this, Trump's image has already settled in the public psyche as a brash and incompetent clown while the worst the public knows about Clinton is that she screwed up some computer security crap and got scolded.
Clinton is ahead in the polls, face it, you lost, there's nothing you can do from an obscure corner of the Internet to put your clown in office. Did you serioisly think that an election with stakes this high could be taken over by a ragtag group of memespouting kids? The system is way ahead of you.
Can I ask you a question user? Let's think about this rationally. There are two possibilities:
A. This is one of the 18 nu-male/purple haired dykes from CTR
B. IT is an attention hungry retard who doesn't really understand politics, can't banter, but knows that posting something like THAT is a surefire way to get attention.
Now, in your opinion, which is more likely?
Even Slate is covering the shit with the Saudis. You're going to be out of a job soon CTR.
Hannity talked about this for 3 hours yesterday. I would say he is MSM. Only problem is he only reaches people who already are against Clinton.
There are a few weeks left and one more debate the media will be forced to cover. You are being a defeatist. Go away until you calm down.
Hillary Clinton decided on Tim Kaine as VP in July 2015. "A little unseemly."
How to spin Bill Clinton's arpe allegations for a new generation:
>Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) wrongly claimed that a half dozen women had called Clinton a “sexual predator.” But for younger voters who may be wondering what the fuss is about, here again is a guide to the various claims made about Clinton’s sex life. We will divide the stories into two parts: consensual liaisons admitted by the women in question and allegations of an unwanted sexual encounter. Trump is obviously referring to the sexual allegations that have long swirled around Clinton, even before he became president. We’d earlier explored this question in 2014
Potential Wall-Street Jewry / Insider Trading?
Not sure what this means exactly, maybe someone with some insight could clarify
From:[email protected]/* */
To: [email protected]/* */
Date: 2015-06-14 20:12
Subject: Stock in pg
We never resolved happy to gift it
You can sell to pg employees in 366 days long term cap gain or hold ?
Yes, the prismatic glasses. Was she wearing them to the hearing? I thought she was wearing normal glasses just to look smart. Anybody have a close-up picture of her glasses during that hearing?
Get httrack
search .jpg or whatever @ wikileaks
Use excel or whatever to create a long list of URL`s
repeat with pdf of whatever
you now have all the attachments.
Shit, the current state of the west and this election is exactly how Spengler stated the end of the Roman Republic was like.
Fuck it lets just find our Caesar and start purging the intellectual class already.
Do you think she uses a fair chunk to prop up CNN?
these glasses?
Was watching CNN, they showed Trump saying that Wikileaks emails showed collusion between DOJ and hilldog. I couldn't tell if it was this morning or yesterday's leak though.
says the one in the "vault" who "never sees sunlight or has a drink or gets laid"
but God bless you :^)
I don't know if you re just looking for attention or serious, but not sure you understand…there comes a point where the dam HAS TO break if it gets enough mentions on guy book and twatter.
Now, let's say they somehow DO fuck us and never mention this:
a. no one on Trump's side (45%+ of Americans, all White, the ones who spend money, no longer watch any of those channels)
b. It doesn't end up mattering. If she has no enthusiasm among the niggers, nu-males, and purple-haired dykes (niggers don't come out at all, purple-hairs vote for Jill Stein/Johnson) Trump still wins.
Whatever happens, lots and lots and lots of eyes are going to be opened. Lots.
The MSM jews goal right now is to demoralize White voters, to keep them from even bothering to come out, which is why time is "you've lost already goy, don't bother voting…"
Remember Brexit. Yes, they have a big advantage on us with more Whites, but when you control for age and the huge amount of Spics here under 18, it evens out very quickly.
Don't let them demoralize you, neither the Clintonistas nor the cuckservatives/neo-cohens. It's not as bad as they are trying to make it sound. GO back and watch the Brexit coverage from the night before, and tell me if the media Jews knows as much as they claim to.
I'll second that. The elite and intellectual classes need a good purging.
Those are the prismatics. They correct double vision my brother had to use them once.
His nickname is the Pussy Basher.
1. Donald Sussman
Direct Work Line: (203) 861-4848
Mobile: (718) 225-8713
Contributed $2,500,000
• Donald is Founder of the Paloma Funds and New China Management, and Chairman of the Board of Trust Asset Management.
• Donald is on the Board of Directors of the Center for American Progress.
• Donald and Representative Chellie Pingree announced their separation and impending divorce in September 2015.
2. Ken Goldenberg
Mobile: (215) 896-7000
Contributed $150,000
• Ken is CEO of Swanson Street Associates, a consulting firm, and Goldenberg Development, a real estate development firm.
• Ken is also an active philanthropist and the founder of People Helping People Kenya, People Helping People Philadelphia, and People Helping People Ivory Coast. Ken spends almost 3 months a year in Kenya with his charity.
3. Terry O’Sullivan (General President, Laborers’ International Union of North America – LIUNA)
Mobile (202) 679-0395
Contributed $2,000,000
• Guy Cecil and Kim Kauffman met with General President O’Sullivan and representatives of the LIUNA for the first time on January 14th and were given a check for $2,000,000 on the spot.
• A big issue with the Laborers’ is the repeal of the Cadillac tax and jobs, especially in the infrastructure and energy sectors.
• NOTE: Bernie Sanders’ campaign is running ads against the Bakkan pipeline in Iowa. This is one of the most important issues for LIUNA. Terry campaigned in Iowa on January 30th to rally his members for Hillary.
• We are working on finding time for HRC to call him, but it probably won’t be until well after NH Primary. It would be helpful if YOU could call him in the meantime to acknowledge his support.
Trump is using Wikleaks to tear down Hillary. After successfully defending against Pussygate, Trump is now on the offensive forcing Hildabeast defend.
Plus, thanx to the leaks Berniefags are less likely to vote for Hillary.
All of us want that big nuclear bomb that will destroy Hillary, but this is just as good. Everday there is going to something, it's going to give ammunition to Trump to attack and force Hillary to spend time defending against the attacks.
I guarantee in couple of weeks, the race would be tied up once again.
>From:[email protected]/* */
>To: [email protected]/* */
can someone explain how cloud flare gets away with having certain [emails protected]
Her knowingly taking money from people funding ISIS is just that though. I know Holla Forums has been saying this for years but most people always thought it was paranoia and false.
I can't find the thread, but the Obama Erection flaunting video IS ON DRUDGE REPORT FRONT PAGE TOP LEFT.
Neera Tanden to Podesta:
I am aware of your dark sense of humor. But I should say that I would do whatever Hillary needs always. I owe her a lot. And I'm a loyal soldier.
Next email: S Latham to Podesta:
Re: Email Dump Thread:
She made an EMAIL DUMP email chain like we are doing in this thread right now. They are looking at Hillary's emails released in 2015 and showing links to people that are tweeting it on twitter.
From: * Robby Mook >
Date: *Tue, 2 Feb 2016 18:33:31 -0500
To: *Tina Flournoy>
Cc: *John Podesta>; Huma Abedin< > [email protected]/* */>; Jennifer Palmieri>; > Angel Urena>
Subject: *Re: Coin Flip
Haha! Yes! The exciting news…they have coin flips in Nevada too!!
I wish Assange organized these better (with a number for each slice of leaks 1-2-3-4 etc…)
This was leaked on the first day.
This. The avg oldster might not understand, but the avg oldster is not a clintonista anyway.
the people who will see these leaks and understand their significance are the bernouts, who will be enraged enough to go to Stein or Johnson.
The nigger turnout is going to be absolute shit, you don't see old negresses painting pictures of rain bongo in flea markets this season, they won't even turn up.
The Jews have played the "Religious right" for fools too many times and then turned out to be child molesters (see Dennis Hastert). A guy making a joke about getting pussy when he didn't know he was on tape vs wife of a whoremonger who rode on jeffry epstein's "Lolita Express" 25_ times to go fuck 12-14 year old girls on the jew's private island?
Not enough to constitute national control. Blacks and spics are lazy and don't vote while gentrified beans typically live in hard blue states that tolerate them importing their families.
The DNCleaks alone sealed that. Then guccifier2 which indicate Democrats took bribes for TARP votes. Stien will actually get 5% this year and we can begin breaking Dem control in the PNW and California.
it was already leaked
make sure the release date is 2016-10-12
California going red again? Could it be true?
What's Cheryl Mills doing communicating with Podesta in 2013?
They said "Revisionist History"
Bill made Robert E Lee day in the 80's in Arkansas. They [Hillary] are considering removing it.
/ ! \ Direct Coordination Between Robby Mook and Hillary for America / ! \
> I don't know those three unions very well. I think we should do exactly what you propose–lobby their leadership hard to at least prevent them from endorsing Bernie.
I actually like the first post kike thing. It feeds our hatemachine, a bit of kosher salt to our stew if you will.
If they didn't vote then Sanders would have won your primary.
Not to betray myself a bit, but I frequently post mega jewish first posts to generate interest in threads I find important.
Not this, Not next decade. Cali is run by Hispanics now. It's there state. All the white liberal types are old (Jerry Brown, Diane Feinstein) and have been replaced by libereal non-whites.
Days of white liberals will go the way of white conservates.
This has a video in the attachment.
About to watch it, I think its about the ice bucket challenge or something. Podesta & Megan Rouse
It's hard to be the fifth progressive pillar sometimes
fifth progressive pillar
Fifth Column?
older, gentrified blacks aren't the same as younger blacks. Democrats need them turning out in Philly and Columbus. They're in for a nasty surprise.
what the fuck is Progress 2050 ?? More importantly, how can we stop it?
Remember, not all of these posters are shills - some people like (you)s for the attention. :^)
God knows why, it's fucking retarded.
There is probably a smoking gun about something with "Teneo".
Has there been any podesta emails that single out his own wrongdoings? Or are they just about the Clintons?
Who is Robby Mook and why does he have command over a Mafia?
J Sullivan and D Schwerin and other chatting about making a draft Hillary will say about the E-mail scandal. They are trying to fix a sentence to say 'mess up' instead of 'screw up'.
Is there anyone she won't backstab?
Campaign manager for hilldog
[email protected]/* */ is George Soros I think
I'm guessing its anons that don't understand the full reason for the others to be broken up. Its obviously not a word filter.
M for Moloch?
Used to be the year whites become overall minority in the USA, I think.
Suzy George
> From: "Suzy George" >
Another email, her immigration statement:
Nothing much just 3 paragraphs about how Obama's 'doing his best with what he has, deporting felons and not families' and its time for HRC to end it all and give families citizenship.
ah fuck, i was investigating the company the email was from, that was faster though
bomb dropped by Project Veritas
Insider info about the keystone pipeline
She's burning the entire party to the ground.
Make this a thread if it isn't, it will be "O'KEEFE VERITAS VIDEO #2"
You bet.
> The foundation is another member of the Clinton’s extended family. It gave Clinton its Lifetime Innovation Achievement Award July 27 and the foundation is listed as a between $1 to $5 million contributor to the William J. Clinton Foundation, along with several members of the Rockefeller family who are listed as individual contributors.
What the fuck.
(((Mensch))) kvetching about the wikileaks with her in it. She's a McMullin NeverTrump cuckservative.
It cost a lot of money to buy human beings…
There was some good stuff last thread about Teneo
If you have to deal with anyone trying to say the leaks are faked just show them this as the stupid bitch went ahead and confirmed their legitimacy.
Thank you for correcting the record :)
can you share the Q's with Ian Milheiser and Ken Gude if they are in this am and see if they have any thoughts.
Also Tapper was involved in the next email chain. Tapper hosted CNN's Republican debate.
No, they don't consider themselves doing anything wrong. There was an email where he was told that he has a dark sense of humor though
I thought this was known. Her heatstreet site is nothing but storied ripped off from Holla Forums and presented as her work.
Tweets attached for your review. The new, Univision debate-specific material is uptop. Older holdovers below. Let me know how these look. As always, call me if you'd like to add any spontaneity to the mix! – Milia Fisher Special Assistant to the Chair Hillary for America [email protected]/* */ c: 858.395.1741
/ ! \ Don't take the bait. They are using a new tactic(being obvious) to derail threads. / ! \
There won't be a third debate.
It wasn't known that she was in direct communication with Clinton's team.
this is the person that controls the hillary twitter account
Maybe they smell your bullshit?
Someone needs to shoop Hillary's head on that pic.
that takes guts
I think their term is chutzpah.
Cheryl is fucking retarded.
How did she get that job?
Oh this is interesting
Hillary didn't write her statement regarding the release of her emails to the state department, because of course the didn't. Philippe Reines(did he write it?) emailed Hillary a copy of the statement, asking for her approval of it.
But it was cc'd to Cheryl Mills. Gee, why would Hillary's statement about her emails be cc'd to Cheryl Mills? And then Podesta fucking consults with Mills about changing some language in it. This is in 2015.
It looks like some smoking gun shit.
Just realized they said Taper got flack for being in CGI - CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE. Someone do some digging emails for tapper+cgi and how far he is in media. This is media-Clinton foundation collusion tier.
Next email: Clinton likes someone's Carbon speech reduction shit, and this person wants to do something with CGI and collusion. I'm getting confused, email is with 2 people I haven't heard.
This is what I meant, Cheryl is not bright.
That means we definitely have a smoking gun if she and podesta are involved.
Milia Fisher Special Assistant to the Chair Hillary for America
[email protected]/* */
c: 858.395.1741
Quick idea: should we be signing up all these emails of clinton operatives up for all the spam imaginable? It would disrupt them if they had to be flooded with emails and/or have to change their email address.
How do you know there's nothing? This post makes me wana check even more now. Thanks for correcting the record.
This wikileaks tweet is pretty damning. They wanted to throw Bernie "a bone" to reduce super delegates, but still have enough to never lose.
>Cheryl Mills: can we implement this in the next hour?
Mills actively collaborating on email damage control for Hillcunt
Underrated post.
Shit like this is golden if you want to D&C/Cause Resentment between Clinton Foundation Executives.
I wish Drudge would get the tebow christian healing bullshit off his page. He has it right below the obama thing. It discredits Drudge.
>> So here's my idea. Bernie and his people have been bitching about super delegates and the huge percentage that have come out for Hillary. Since the original idea was to bring our elected officials to the convention ex-officio >> ( because of the offices and the constituencies they represent), why not throw Bernie a bone and reduce the super delegates in the future to the original draft of members of the House and Senate, governors and big city mayors, eliminating the DNC members who are not State chairs or vice-Chairs. (Frankly, DNC members don't really represent constituencies anyway. I should know. I served on the DNC first as Executive Director and then as an elected member for 10 years.) >> >> So if we "give" Bernie this in the Convention's rules committee, his people will think they've "won" something from the Party Establishment. And it functionally doesn't make any difference anyway. They win. We don't lose. Everyone is happy.
I am so sorry I doubted Assange.
>I've lived through many national conventions and have found that it's critical that all delegates, especially those representing losing candidates, emerge from the convention feeling that they have won something, achieved something tangible. I think this is terribly important especially with people like Bernie's sometimes self-righteous ideologues. We want them to go home happy and enthusiastic in working their asses off for Hillary.
Budget Breakdown for Early in Clinton Campaign
2 weeks after November 2015 Paris attacks, POTUS/Hollande leaders go to COP Paris climate talks. They are wondering if they should include recent terrorist attacks in speech since the Press is watching, or just go full 100% climate talk.
They also mentioned that "climate change will bring resource scarcity conflicts and DOD warned of this." I've never heard of that, they are either retarded or thinking way ahead.
Is that classified stuff? Never heard DoD talk about climate change in media or how it would instigate wars.
How problematic, it seems they have a female representation problem.
They have actually.
I'm hating them more and more whenever I read these emails.
I didn't think I could hate them any more either.
This is a pretty juicy one. They are colluding behind the scenes with Tapper here. Tapper is calling them out for being liars. Tapper says "off the record" FIVE TIMES during that email exchange.
Muh dik email?
CGI email
your daily reminder that your autism about breaking links will do nothing becuase i'll always fix them in the developer console out of spite
While useless in a court of law, imagine if this email got out in the public spectrum?
It's basically an inadvertent admission.
wow you are hacker
Are you Russian?
You are breaking the link in the wrong place, it is still clickable and the referrer is still leaked.
I am though.
God dammit Holla Forums.
It looks like Mills is basically working as a glorified assistant for Hillary
Those salaries are actually pretty shitty tbqh considering where they are located (NYC). The bonuses are a fucking joke too. There is even the "salary ranges" section that shows that all but two of them are being paid well below market rates. This is not top talent folks.
What we need is this kind of info on the main campaign. CF doesn't do us as much good as causing chaos in the actual campaign.
From:[email protected]/* */
To: [email protected]/* */
Subject: Re: BDS
Its just an automated "give us your donation Podesta" email, but still, its with his ideology. "Those ebil Koch brother bastids are digging a mine in Alaska! It will somehow hurt fishermen :^) let's get them to SHUT IT DOWN, I have alerted our big brother EPA to say it hurts green plants."
We need to meme the lack of Gender Diversity at the Clinton Foundation in top Executive Spots.
Imagine someone getting fired for a gender hire from a top roll at the CF, and they find out they are making less than the person who got to stay.
That might be a source of leaks into the CF.
Insults to Catholics and Evangelicals.
Haplin to Podesta
Ken Auletta's latest piece on Murdoch in the New Yorker starts off with the aside that both Murdoch and Robert Thompson, managing editor of the WSJ, are raising their kids Catholic. Friggin' Murdoch baptized his kids in Jordan where John the Baptist baptized Jesus. Many of the most powerful elements of the conservative movement are all Catholic (many converts) from the SC and think tanks to the media and social groups. It's an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.
American Progress to Podesta:
Excellent point. They can throw around "Thomistic" thought and "subsidiarity" and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they're talking about. I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn't understand if they became evangelicals.
More collusion between media and Clinton.
Wikileaks isn't even who we want to fight anyway.
Are you fucking retarded?
Almost a haiku.
Plus getting them to replace men with less competent talent would both piss the guy off(who likely has dirt on them) and weaken the capability of their staff
How would we go about doing this?
Podesta meeting close friends and Tony Podesta quick and is bringing out the wine… probably to discuss something secret. Nothing special though, skip this.
Its probably pie in the sky wishful thinking on my part, the Saudi connection and Catholic insults(potentially reducing latino turnout) are probably more damaging.
Thank you for all you do, CtR.
It is probably public already anyway.
Podesta's family CHAINS THEIR DOOR DOWN in NYC. He let his wife (guessing its his wife) know to not chain the door but simply lock it - he's coming home late.
The normies I work for, swalled it line and sinker. And many more basically get their opinions from polls.
Are you stupid? He probably just has a door chain that can't be opened from the outside. How is this news? Use your brain you fucking dumbfuck.
(((fact check)))
The sure sign someone is mad.
The problem is it almost never works. I have to add it myself in photoshop.
The mods have lost the gig here too. You point out that with everyone accusing everyone else of being a "Shill," (when they consist of 50 fat nu-males and feminists), and that she learned from watching Sanders online bullshit implode with them all accusing one another of being spies for us….point it out and YOU must be a shill.
It's fucking McCarthyism now, difference being, McCarthy was RIGHT. People here are just assholes who don't realize they're being taken for dupes of the Jews.
All the smart people here (the 3% or so who made all the good discoveries),myself included, are over it. Fuck it.
It's nothing. He's talking about pic related
Podesta communicating with WHO EOP - white house office Executive Office of the President. He asks "I'm doing one last call with Chinese friends tonight. Anything I should push?" Brian C Deese is advisor to Obama. He's getting orders from the President when talking with Chinese officials for deals.
(1) congrats on helping
Ah gotcha, forgot those exist.
Thank you for Correcting the Record™
Consider the record corrected.
Look at this Kike Squirm! KEEP DIGGING!
Don't derail the thread over a god damned door chain ffs.
wtf I love shills now
lol hi shill
Zero denial that they are real.
maybe next time they'll spend more than 1% of their budget on on "tech"????>>7829647
Do you know how easy it is to get into schools and jobs if you are black female that is less than one half gorilla?
Doug Band and Declan Kelly are the two big names at the head of Teneo;. There are some posts about them in thread #2 here
Here is the article mentioned there that discusses the shady connections between Teneo and the Clintons:
They cannot comment on leaked emails.
They admit the emails are leaked and will not comment on them. They confirm they are real by omission. GG, ur fuked now kiddo.
I can just see the RNC saying the same thing about Trump supporters working their asses off for 'ol Jebber had he been installed as the nominee. I hope this enrages the Berniebots even further.
not terribly surprising from the people who are down to arguing that food is the reason we should transplant large cities worth of third-world garbage across the ocean as fast as we possibly can
People here don't want to admit it, but you are right. Clearly nothing is happening because of these leaks and all the digging. Hillary is still doing just fine. All of this at-home half-assed slacktivism is going to get us nowhere.
Phillip Rucker of Washington Post is jealous that "President Clinton" (Bill) is giving a personal life story to NYT. Phillip asks to talk to a Clinton Foundation higher up Craig Minassian about what's going on. Phillip's phone number is in the email.
Hey. Cut it out.
The leftist ideology.
I'm a trained and certified graphologist (handwriting analyzer) for the FBI. This hand writing clearly shows that Hillary is a sociopath devoid of all emotion. She probably needs ques on when to smile to look Human.
Once again, primary rigging confirmed
did Patsy write the note?
Jeff Gerth, (((investigative NYT reporter))) has been close to the Clintons for decades.
Jeff to Podesta: watch out, there is an imminent CF investigation by an enemy conservative.
RELEASE: The Podesta Emails Part 5 (673 new emails)
Is there going to be a new thread for Part 5 or ==no?==
korean adoptee. bet she is a qt3.14.
But do not despair, anons have a plan. Cuckchan anons and r/the_donald plebbitors, along with some conservative media journalists, have been tweeting Trump and calling on him to buy TV time and read the most damning leaks on live TV in front of millions of people.
Tweet Trump and his sons this plan, publicize this plan, we can get him to do it.
Make a new thread.
If only so that people in the catalog see that there has been another dump.
I can't believe the madman Assange is doing multiple releases a day now. He must have figured that this morning's dump wasn't generating enough anti-Hillary headlines. That glorious albino bastard is out for blood.
Paid media means ad buys you fucking low IQ pleb. Google what 'earned media' is for extra homework.
Campaign ads.
Venture capitalist Nick Hanauer's home phone number is 206-363-4954
Made a new thread. Make sure if you found a part 5 email to put it in the part 5 thread.
Str8 fire. Guess I'm a #JakeTapperMissile now…
Great fucking idea!
Give your vote to trump instead of doing a half vote.
It's better to vote for the only candidate that's able to beat Hillary then anything else
The first three leak batches have been mirrored to, see here: https:[email protected]/* */
When will we be seeing the new batches (parts 4 & 5)?
Hillary staffer admitting that the primary polls were biased against Sanders.
Whites and Asians are truly the only races worthy of existence.
>From:[email protected]/* */ To: [email protected]/* */ Date: 2015-06-22 18:19
the fire rises
https ://
They LITERALLY talked about overthrowing the office of the papacy and set up front groups to try to foment a schism in the Catholic Church.
Check out the attachments labeled analytics communications. It has fund raising data for the main Hillary campaign. Even excluding the PACs her funds are almost entirely from 'major donors' and people donating the max allowable amount.
Stupid bitch. Assange isn't in the UK, he's in Ecuador :^)
It's just the way the emails are formatted, user.
did you guys get the apple ID yet?
dunno if I am late to the party
Now I know something interesting is in these emails, wasn't 100% confident earlier. Thanks for the encouragement to dig!
Holla Forums is slipping, they're no longer on the forefront of meme magic. However, luckily other places are fighting the good fight, and successfully executed the plan stated above.
Kelly Anne Conway just said "if I were him, I would read the emails."
Anons! We need to dig something up from these recent emails! Trump just said at a recent Rally in Ocala, Florida that "Hillary wants to CUT OFF SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE BILLS!" He said that can be found in the recent Wikileaks email dump!
We need to find this and expose it! We need news written about this! Think about what this could mean for average people! They would HATE HER for it! Even the liberals would hate her over this!
Find it! Find it and spread it as far as you can!
hillarys people use goldman sachs relationship to railroad another party out of leasing office space so that they can have it instead
thats gotta be illegal, right?
This was in one of her paid speeches IIRC, might have been the Morgan Stanley one.
We're hitting levels of jewry that shouldn't even be possible
This should be the goal from now until election day. Cutting those benefits is political suicide. Seniors depend on those and want more
So yea, threatening to cut senior's benefits will push them not to just stay home, but to vote Trump. That demographic is probably a huge chunk of her support
Podesta going to the inauguration of the 2nd Afghanistan President in 2014. Karzai was president from 2004-2014. Gabe Podesta to John Podesta "Punch Karzai in the face for me!"
oh lawd. the retards at halfchan gon get raped / 2qH6o
Summary? I don't really care that much
Lena Dunham/Gloria Steinem are "nails on a chalkboard for the average American"
some idiot found podesta's apple id login and logged the fuck in then posted "holy shit it works"
You know I always thought the jew stuff around here was retarded and edgy as fuck, but I swear to god, it's a jew every time. Makes you wonder.
Just drove down that street yesterday.
It's in the Wall Street speech excerpts from the first round of leaks.
It's ethical because they're leftists.
International Jewry.
From a WashingtonPost piece of shit 'article'.
Clinton hired a campaign manager this election cycle known for his scorched earth tactics. Robby Mook started a listserv in 2009 known as “Mook’s Mafia” to share political information with associates. He says things like “smite Republicans mafia-style” and “F U Republicans. Mafia till I die.” He has also said, “First, the mafia never separates, it just continues to grow and expand and move into other states in order to destroy Republicans.” By choosing Mook, Clinton reveals the type of campaign she wants, Alinskyite tactics of do anything to win.
Sign these fuckers up to a massive amount of newsletters and every other type of spam. Mail bomb, fuck with every way imaginable.
Where has you been? They say that shit in public every year for a good five years now.
Your passive aggressive nerd level is over 9000
Their work really reflects it. I think this is proof Clinton's dad is a Jew. She doesn't like to spend her Shekels.
Ray Liotta laugh. He does all this shit and lives in that dump? Oh my fucking sides.
yeah, being a psychopathic crook kind of makes warmth impossible
It's starting to be noticed. This really needs to be pushed in conservative christian circles. "Hillary Clinton wants to subvert Christianity" would go a long way in shoring up those groups who got weak in the knees from the grab her by the pussy tape.
Until they provide the goods I don't really believe anything on halfchan anymore.
Why do these retards insist on paying up the ass for shit homes and apartments in Nigger-infested DC, when for the prices you pay, you can buy a ranch home and have substantial money left over?
These people are either insane or retarded.
Seriously? These sluts need a man to fuck them so bad!
well, at least you're here digging and trying, but damn son, really?
Holla Forums was right again!
Would you be willing to drive down it again, preferably with an envelope of printed off pepes?
Oh fuck, I've been thinking Cheryl Mills is the attorney general. Shit lol
Cheryl Mills is Hilldog's right hand woman. Loretta 'going to get' Lynch (ed) is the AG after Eric Holder resigned.
I'm a burger so I don't even have an excuse for this. except niggers are indistinguishable from each other
This shit sounds like they intimidated biden into not running. Look at this email from 5/18
So you guys have an entire thread dedicated to combing leaked emails, yet somehow didn't manage to find Podesta's iCloud info? Sad!
He was Biden's Cheif of Staff from '09-2011. The amount of dirt he must have on Biden must be enormous. The "dead to me" part must mean that they don't trust him anymore bc disloyalty to them.
Ron Klain probably threathend to leak dirt that would hurt Biden if he ran.
Probably some real nasty shit too since a little bit of dirt wouldn't be enough to dissuade someone from running and Biden's close to retiring anyways so there isn't too much of a future career for Biden either way. It was probably criminal-tier shit that Ron had. He said it was "hard for me to play such a role" after all so it had to be some deep familial shit.
Just got a new log in, just for you.
pic related
also mods keep deleting threads over there so I can't find out shit
(718) 406-9705
John Anzalone
(334) 387-3121
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
Sheila Jackson Lee
+1 (713) 907-9928
Eryn Sepp (She's a NRA member and gun owner)
(585) 632-6150
(202) 847-6076
[email protected]/* */
Ira Shapiro
[email protected]/* */
from John Podesta contacts.
people on 4ch had podestas icloud and account with new emails. anyone here with that as well? mods are deleting threads after only seconds
I also dumped his icloud with pepe, trump and nazi memes just right before it was shut down. so they are safely in there.
this stuff :^) + trump + pepe + trump pepe
all I saw was some swede trying to rename pod's business. did they actually get emails?
where you at user who screenshotted this
There was nothing unfortunately. Just a few phone numbers and maybe his address.
Apple id
[email protected]/* */
I don't fucking know! I AM IR8 M8
reee look at
626 emails down to 278
seriously if you get into an email account with AWESOME SHIT you don't immediately go post before changing the password and downloading everything
I am so mad at those fucks.
it's locked, i hope to god someone archived those outlook mails. CTR was on that shit fucking quick. what was outlook email address?
yeah there was nothing in the icloud. how did you guys find his outlook?
Here's the original thread:
bong used the same username/pass on outlook
obviously it could be fake. with all the threads being deleted I couldn't tell what was going on.
but if they were real and someone deleted them…I am at a loss for words
Yea apparently he found proof the polls were rigged but yea don't know since mods spergged out.
Dear FBI & NSA,
Please leak whoever deleted those emails, so that we can track him down and beat him to a pulp.
Thanks in advance!
great find. im spreading this.
lol. wow.
I dont think this is as unethical as others are saying. Some friend in the media is giving their opinion. Its a great example of media colluding with Clinton though. But at this point I dont know how useful that is - everyone already knows they are colluding. But maybe someone can enlighten me why this is really bad.
great find!
"Please punch Karzai in the face if you get the chance!"
Why is Hillary's campaign so violent??? Punching a world leader in the face???? they are UNHINGED
Next, look up ON A SEPERATE DEVICE, Where your Browser Profile is stored. Make a copy of the entire folder and then upload it. Or email me. If you're worried about logins, they won't work since they time out and are also on a different PC. We can talk about it first, just if you're out there, PLEASE reply to me or go to someone you trust.
Could've been some CTR shills false-flagging, just saying.
here's a slightly newer archive right before it got deleted:
they are really trying to suppress this
even threads mentioning it without screenshots or links are getting insta-removed. :(
It's better to go through the wikileaks here. More people are actually serious about finding stuff.
I honestly wonder if it was a CTR "leak" because they knew it would get the threads deleted and users banned for posting public info like that
Does anyone know who has access to it currently? How much damage has been done. Whoever it is needs to download all the remaining emails before they manage to recover the acct. If you don't know how to do it, just download and log in. Should sync all the mail to your drive. Screenshot each one just to be sure.
looks like it's locked
That pic is my dream
Damn guys. Those emails were what Assange was too much of a bipartisan pussy to release. They could have decided the election :^(
If anyone here managed to log in at any point, please reply here and I'll drop an email. There may entire email contents in your cache.
Shortly after you head back to your mining operations on a nearby asteroid belt, amirite
I suppose some enterprising user could try a password reset, possibly via chat or even over the phone. We have enough of his personal info to answer many common verification questions.
Note: idk how outlook's reset policy works…just a suggestion
according to the archive page, posters who logged in were from usa and norway
that was icloud, not the outlook account iirc
holy shit, this dude is still using a webtv email address
has to be fake lol, no way are there only 3 emails in the inbox and they actually talk like this
I'm not Swedish, I'm Norwegian. I tried to do more, but I was kicked out because his account got suspended. Also banned from Holla Forums
Many of the emails were deleted when the retarded user leaked the logins before securing it.
They also talk like retards in the wikileaks too but you're right that it could be fake.
If anyone logged in, we can retrieve entire emails from your cache, please post and we'll tell you how to share it.
what this user said. did you actually get into outlook at all?
PLEASE, backup your browser profile, it contains your webcache and that gets deleted if you browse too much and it gets full.
Make a copy and talk to us about uploading. We can remove the sensitive parts first but you need to secure it ASAP.
follow infos on this thread about how to retrieve your cache and stuff. man if you really did access his emails you are sitting on some game changing stuff (no joke).
Nah, I was too slow. Not sure if I'd want to have that on my phone either, I have the minimum amount of protection available right now and I still fucked with his apple account
Diversity user, it all about getting rid of the ebil frog worshiping Nazi. Who want to stop them from letting Jamal and Ahmed fucking all of the white woman.
His apple ID was pretty useless
ment for
If you logged in via phone, backup
Hotmail loads entire email contents into the cache even if you don't open any. You could have anything on there. I could also send this shit to weev I have him quick access to him and he's a lot better than me for sure.
Should've wiped his iPhone lol
shit my autism is acting up
meant for him
At this point, we know that Trump could choke a toddler to death and it wouldn't affect us.
They have nothing but pussy grabs, taxes and lying about involvement with Putin/Russia.
They have nothing.
They do have the opportunity to try and Bill Cosby him by dredging up 17 women who accuse him of sexual assault because Trump engaged in skinship with them 20 years ago and they didn't get Congressional witness and signed consent.
Would anyone fall for that at this point?
The window to Bill Cosby him has been closing for months now and trying it at this point would seem more than a little obvious and fake. People would want to know why anyone would wait until mid-october to come forward with this information.
Right. At this point, either A) these accusations would be obviously fake, B) the accusers for some reason waited until RIGHT NOW to come forward, despite Donald being the nominee for months, or C) Hillary et al have known about the accusations, but kept them hidden (DELAYING JUSTICE) for months just to hurt Donald Trump. C is worst for Hillary, I think, because if true then her campaign has been actively keeping women from seeking justice for political gain. A would be "bad", but America has established it doesn't give a shit when Hillary lies.
The Emperor's mouth may be the only thing that can get him in trouble right now.
If it comes out that he has called any nogs a nigger, that might damage him. Short of that, they've got nothing. We have proven we don't give a shit about his taxes, we don't give a fuck if he has a non-political business deal with Putin/Russia, we don't care about much. Of course I don't care about him saying nigger, but I just worry about the implications to his Evangelicuck voters since they love niggers so much.
Being honest, that's the only thing I see hurting him; if there's a tape somewhere of him saying "nigger."
Can I call you?
Wew lad, nice quads.
no one uploaded the shit for download yet?
no one uploaded the shit for download yet?
Is a complete fraud, guys.
But enjoy reading the dumped 'leaks' for nothing.
thank you cor Correcting the Record
Cry more, CTR
Go to lunch, you've been working hard.
Avoiding the ban, chaim: ?
I wish the mods would leak this retard's post history so we could laugh at his pathetic shilling.
Don't endorse such behavior. Some people shill for laughs and respond serious in other threads. Or two people use same proxy.
Ever thought about why Wiki'leaks' never 'leaked' anything related to 9/11 for example?
They are the shills.
Not me.
Now ban me.
Spent to much time on imageboards anyways.
You can't "think". You don't have a brain, you're a leftist. All you can do is obey programming.
Nice 'arguments'.
Perhaps wiki'leaks' what wiki'gets'.
Some interesting stuff
Ask Assange. If he has anything that huge I'd imagine its in his insurance file on the dead man switch.
Not bad, made me chuckle.
I wouldn't waste my time with you. As I said, you're braindead leftist livestock. You are incapable logic and reason, you can only act according to your programming.
No, the key takeaway from that picture is exactly WTF is going on with the "Director of Development" position. This a philanthropy/charity. He is getting paid higher than the COO. His line item is the only one missing data on year end salary info / bonuses. Not to fucking mention that in the third column they admit that his compensation is way outside the average for such a position. None of the other exec.s come close.
It's a nice big, fat, smoking gun.
Same up here in Arcata, there is one house I know of with a Hillary sign and the college kkids get so fucking ass blasted when I scream vote for Hillary
these people are actually using google hangouts… What the fuck..
When was Scalia last seen alive? My guess would be they killed him the day of the email or soon afterwards then moved his body. Either that or his body was there a few days.
They do this so it looks like they reported on the emails and it was full of nothing important.
Another common tactic is to report that the leak contains confidential information like credit card numbers; which simultaneously paints the leakers as criminals while also tells the reader that it's not anything worth reading or learning about. Of course, that part of the email where so-and-so happens to be hiring a hitman with those credit card details goes unmentioned.
I really have to wonder how the entire media got like this. There's hardly a single voice of dissent - what dissent exists is only in alternative media or small media groups like breitbart. The entire mainstream media seems to be completely controlled by some opaque clique we don't know enough or anything about yet.
The media was supposed to be a serious check on government overreach and instead we find that they are complicit in every crime both the government and corporations commit.
I love the doublethink that allows them to create an organization like Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good for the purpose of subverting the Church while simultaneously saying that, "Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up."
Top down, bottom up.
Fuck you guys are morons, this easy to bait–100 replies shitting up the thread.
The shill was successful.
6th podesta dump? He could have released a few of these earlier, but then I guess he'd have changed his security and he wouldn't have had a chance to get the silver bullet to do away with the cunt once and for all.
I'm utterly amazed at how the entire lügenpresse (even faux jews) have closed rank and are not covering at all, instead have as their front cover a woman from 20 years ago who claims Trump said something mean to her (she just happened to decide to jump out of woodwork now).
Can normies really be this fucking stupid not to recognize the Jews are sliding the leaks off the front pages any way they can? We compare CNN and the Networks to parvada during the peak of the USSR often, but it's not even a joke anymore. It's happening before our eyes.
fuck outta here
The whole "rape" was just that Assange had consensual sex with a legal aged sober woman who was in a good frame of mind but he didn't use a condom when she believed he had used a condom. How selfish and rapine of him.
I think by European standards it's pretty low on the whole "rape" scale. I mean refugees won't even let the girl keep her ovaries. Or pic related even keep her life, I think the authorities should start with going after the violent rapists who are just killing women outright. I think the consensual rapists aren't as big a threat to society although they all are white men.
Saving Thread From Slide Deletion
Just like everything else, all the major internet sites, media, banks/ Federal Reserve, politicians, judges, etc have one common thread.
Never say never, maybe, some day, some one will have the courage to leak (((it))) to Wikileaks.
page 23. a little bump to save the thread. there's some good stuff in here too.
Are people saving the good info to a different 8ch board or…?