What the hell can I do in order to escape from this hell? Killing myself is out of the equation because I genuinely desire to live. I know that I'm really just an immature millennial, but I want to stop being one.
Be 18
cringe af tbh
Try to work in a factory. The job won't remove your worries, however it will help quite much.
I lack knowledge of really basic things. I don't know how to get a job at a factory, let alone know where one is located.
Depends where you are OP. I can make you my neophyte and teach you the way.
They'll teach on the spot. I bet you've got something like that in your town.
Are you in Canada?
OP I need a friend and I was just like you at 18. I'm 25 now but I can potentially help you.
I'm really embarrassed as to say where I live. Just assume that I'm from some lesser-known country of your choice or something. I honestly feel like I don't belong here.
Just name it. I'm from Ukraine. See? Nothing bad has happened.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how open would you be to prostituting yourself? Say if everything else in your life fell through? I'm sure there are many anons who would be willing to provide and care for you.
Ffs. All Jews from Eastern Europe moved there. Find the closest factory to you and bring to the HR your CV.
0. I want to live for myself and not for others.
Ah, the arrogance of youth. See you in four years, kiddo, because you aren't getting off this ride anytime soon and it's only downhill from here. Are you cute, btw?
Oh, Israel it is then eh?
I'm not cute at all. I'm 6'2 and look pretty fit, despite never going outside. I also have a tendency to never show any emotion, which creeps people out. I don't like looking at myself in the mirror.
Pathetic. OP is a strong willed male, he will become a crime lord not a prostitute. How dare you try to entice him down that path.
I'm the exact same except 6'4". I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror.
People have been calling me a self-hating jew forever.
I'm not a jew though.
I imagine it must be all the worse to actually be a jew.
Considering you're a jew, what exactly do you bother to live for?
I only live for my race.
Otherwise I'd make it my priority to kill myself.
Minds, attitudes, perceptions… it can all changed. If I was a jew for real, I'd know what my duty is; to destroy myself and every other jew I can while I'm at it.
Are there nuclear plants in Isreal? Try to get into one and cause a meltdown.
Can you post pics of your body, please? Don't need to show your face or anything, I just want to get a look at you.
more of a side rant
i wanna strangle these smarmy little fucks that spout off that "deyr taking our jerbs" meme.
You been conscripted yet? Factory work wont make you less of a sperg, but i would imagine that being a soldier would boost your confidence at least a little.
Even if the soldier life doesn't work out, is israel one of those places where living with your parents is the norm? if it is, id just get a job and roll with it. here in burgerland you're pretty much expected to save up money working in highschool, buy a piece of shit trailer or something like that, and move out at 18, if not sooner.
Time to be some guy's cute bf, user. Hope you've been saving trap info charts.
Start by taking small responsibilities. Try to find an easy job, Factory work, like someone else mentioned, is fucking mindnumbing work, but if you can tolerate it for at least a month or two, you'll have money to buy some groceries for yourself. Start cooking your own food with those groceries. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Just whatever you know or whatever you saw your parents make. If you don't know anything, just ask your parents. That's it.
I've started doing that recently and I honestly started to hate it when my mother kept butting into it while I was busy planning my shopping or cooking.
It doesn't help if you're living with overprotective parents who on one hand want you to be "responsible" and "independent" but on the other hand almost get off on telling you what to do.
Once you get a taste of doing shit for yourself, you'll want more and the urge to get a better job than factory work and move out become bigger.
Do you also have a nihilistic and wicked sense of humor, edgelord? :^)
fuck off kike
everything will be fine
Dude, just Google anything you need, you'd be suprised
I'm in the same situation except I'm from US.
Bro you're literally me except when I was like 16. Just start lifting HEAVILY like commit your will and body to pumping iron everyday. If you're skinny gain weight. If you're fat lose it. Then what you are going to have to do for cardio is swimming. Become a savagely strong swimmer. If you're by the beach like I am start surfing EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. become one with the ocean. Use your breath hold practicing at the ocean/gym as a form of daily meditation. Once you have a good physical foundation start practicing your social skills. Act like a 17 year old immature girl with how you speak. Use all that meme development you fostered on image boards. At one point it was cringy to use image board lingo out in public but now its hilarious. Start engaging with people at the gym and the pool. First start with guys and always be careful to hide your sperg level. Learn to read body language. Learn to hold your head up high and walk with DYNAMIC INTENT. Never say sorry to grills for it shows regret and you must not regret ANYTHING. Just justify whatever you would be apologizing for. I used to be a pushover and now I reserve it with restraint for the people I care about. Its nice to car. If you have Snapchat then immediately start asking a bunch of people for their snapcode after getting to know them for like 5 min. If you dont have Snapchat get it and do what I said. Start posting lit shit on your story about going to the gym everyday and swimming/surfing, along with aesthetic photos of your surroundings. Get on Tinder with some choice thoughts. GO TO A RAVE. Then like 20 more after. Be sure to get wasted and or take high purity MDMA. Raves are excellent at socializing and are in my opinion WAYYY better then clubs since a fair amount of non normies go, and the focus for the main part is the music not hooking up like clubs but hooking up is TOTALLY POSSIBLE at a rave so its chill. Start being funny. Get a job.
check my dubs
That's where you lost me. Not possible.
OP, there are some nuggets of truth in the pile of crap spewed out by surfdudebro there. I'll do you a favor and give you the truth without the crap version.
Excercice, do things that scare you, and never try to impress anybody, that's all, don't do drugs or that kind of dumb shit another user told you, you want to get out of the hole not become a social loser
this is my life minus the beach
yes, this works.
No joke, join the fucking military time man up