that's like saying you insulted a hamster and said you're sorry but the hamster just stared at you blankly
Colton Johnson
I'm a nigger IRL, I was raised by white parents, in a white family, in a white neighborhood, they pretty much beat the genetic inclinations of my race out of me. When I was around 11 years old, I discovered halfchan from the other kids at school, I had become drawn to half/pol/ in particular, I had everything I previously believed corrected, and came to the conclusion that Holla Forums was always right.
Now I spend the majority of my time on full/pol/ pretending to be white, while honestly agreeing with everything, especially after I had met blacks IRL, I prefer the company of whites.
I believe in race realism, such as race and IQ, morality, work ethic, etc. the only reason I am the way I am is due to the exceptional circumstances cutting me off from the genetic mesh, for which I am truly grateful. I also believe in the Jewish Question (I hate the kikes more than anything), sex realism (men are simply superior to women, women will never be happy in a man's role, as well as the various truths about female psychology), and realism about the LGBT population (they are all mentally ill).
I believe whites need their own ethnostate, some place with it's own political authority and a population that is at least 90% white, I believe this will benefit black people in the long run, for reasons too long and detailed to place here.
Sebastian Reyes
Your name is now malteser.
Jacob Reed
4chan Holla Forums is right 90% of the time. 8/pol/ is a bunch of g*rman LARPers who freak out when you dont agree with them. thats why their isnt flags, because i bet 1/3rd of them would be israelis.
Isaac Powell
That sounds a lot like Jesus Christ was a Jew or Adolf Hitler was a Jew "argument" user. I see you Jew
I disagree on the IQ issue. You have a high enough IQ and that is inherent in any race. The true difference, and why you are as you are, is CULTURE. White culture (above the lower class of course) values education and intellect, that's what makes European culture superior to all others throughout history and is also why America is failing. Americans have abandoned their European roots to embrace ignorance.
Oliver Diaz
Jebus, if even existed, was a jew you fucking imbecile.
Samuel Moore
Well I'm a half Spic and half Celtic mongrel so does that count?
Don't feel to bad user, glow in the dark spooks and (((they))) have been co-opting your race for like 70 years now with propaganda and coke to intentionally bring out the worst in black people.
The same happens with other races too like like white woman being turned into brainwashed, vapid, entitled pricks and white men being turned into limp wristed submissive soyboys. Frankly gods chosen people will ruin any race given the chance.
As for ethnostates that is inevitable especially when Japan, Hong Kong, Twain, both Korea's, Zimbabwe, Liberia, and Swaziland exist as such already, I'll be it unofficially. the Czech Republic, Poland, and Austria will become unofficial ethnostates after they break free from the EU given they refuse to replace their population anyway. Pols do accept refugees from the Ukraine though which pisses the Euros off for some reason, I guess only brown people and muslims can flee war and oppression. Hungary is already an ethnostate.
I'm not even apposed to helping refugees though BUT they shouldn't' be given a special status or even have the same rights as the citizens and should also be sent back along with their ankor babies once the conflict is over.
Over all I think their needs to be a balance in the world, some countries with more liberal immigration policies and countries with very strict immigration, I don't want radical purity movements and war of course, just a mostly culturally and ethnically cluster of stable countries. Singapore is a good example of a multicultural society that does work that far left 'liberals' love to use for their arguments but will leave out the fact that their immigration laws are extremely strict and the fact that Singapore isn't democratic, it's quite literally a fascist, corporate, city state because Lee Kuan Yew wasn't fucking retarded.
True. Anyone born from a Jewish mother is a Jew. The father doesn't count.
Samuel Johnson
those are the rules (((they))) made for themselves
Josiah Brooks
What sort of room deodoriser is that?
Angel Rogers
It clears the room of Jews tbh
Nathaniel Collins
t. pretty cool guy
Owen Foster
I like how the three girls in the picture are Buddhist, Muslim and Christian. Notice which major religious group is not present? Really, who wants to be friends with (((them))) anyways?
Nicholas Lee
they missed church of the satanic picklerick
Jonathan Wright
LaVayan Satanism isn't a real religion my dude, despite what the silly US Government might say.
If I'm half white and I make kids with a white girl, my children will only be 1/4 colored right? Will they be fucked up beyond relief or is there still hope left to save my family's white legacy?
Same here, I was a brown kid growing up in a white suburb neighborhood, going to a white school and living with the white culture, I grew up to be a Holla Forumsack because I want to protect these values. Something I also noticed is that my entire life, I have never experienced racism. Why? Because (white) people judge you at first sight on your behavior, not on your color. I always behaved/talked/dressed like a civilized person and I never got any issue concerning my skin color.
Lucas Cruz
Doesn't exist period anymore, it's all propaganda now so our children grow up as incompetent adults who either become debt slaves or join the army to die for our corporate overlords.
We should remove all nonwhites and kikes from america.
Bentley Wright
You seem like an okay guy.
And there are plenty of racial/ethnic groups whose average IQs and time preference levels aren't sufficient to contribute to white culture.
Gavin Turner
Easton Cruz
God bless you user. You're one of the few good ones. Despite what most brown people claim most whites always prefer to judge others based on merit rather than skin color. If a person of color can fairly surpass our best efforts based on his merits that'll be respected by the majority of whites.