Ready to teach the goyim their places :^)
Why do they always picture themselves as the victims ?
Ready to teach the goyim their places :^)
Why do they always picture themselves as the victims ?
Oh no not our twitter and facebook accounts.
How is that even a threat?
Holy shit, this guy's made his career agitating against the white race and stirring racial tensions in general, and now this. Does he genuinely believe he's the victim here, or is he merely pretending? Like, is this part of some kind of schizophrenic disorder? I just don't get it.
Jewish nuerosis
"the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"
Me neither, it just reminds me of that drawing of a jew in a pool of blood saying "Why do they all hate me ?". I think it was som A Wyatt Mann cartoon.
Oh no, they're gonna hack our IPs!
What the fuck kind of anti-semite uses faceberg in this day and age?
it's only normies that use facebook these days, like my old mother has one, but none of the men in the family have one as it's considered a pointless app for women, posers and homosexuals.
Also I didn't screencap everything.
If you go and check his twitter slightly lower that these tweets you will find an 18 or 19 tweet long rant of the same caliber.
oh no he has the IPs
will they finally catch that 4chan guy???
he's so legit retarded
we know where he lives for fucks sake
Starting to sound more and more like a cornered rat everyday.
Its spoopy how accurate the memes are
He knows nerd virgins who never see sunlight or have a drink or get laid.
Watch out goyim, he will ban one of your many Faceberg or Twatter accounts.
So (((Tim Wise))) finds where you live, comes to your door… what would you do?
Fucking this, truth blessed by kek
"Are up hungry? My oven is just warming up."
Grab him by the pussy.
oosh tbh checked
Who is this cuck?
The condition You are talkig about is: being jew
Let that sink in
I reported his ass to FBI and reported him to twitter, and twitter themselves don't do shit. They only deleted some of the tweets.
That's all, they should've banned his account.
whip out some zyklon-b
Have yet to see state actors get past Openbsd infrastructure especially custom hardened PF so what is this cunt exactly gonna do. Hire some nigger of the darknet to look for easy CVE's?
His host will be reacquainted with the power of a DNS FIN flood botnet shortly.
yeah, he's pretty lousy
All the blood pressure, anti depressant medicines will sky rocket after november 8th.
(((Wise))) is frankly pretty damn neurotic even for a Jew.
This just cements that fact. His autism flared up big-time.
Hahahah this idiotic kike is just the definition of impotent rage.
Seeing him swing from a noose is going to be delicious
somebody respond to him with the navy seal pasta
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Wise's entire twitter account is one long kvetch about how the filthy goyim aren't accepting kike bullshit any longer and him deluding himself into thinking that he'll have the last laugh because he knows that he's going to get his just desserts for being a hack and a fucking kike.
In fact he really should just change his avi to that of a crying Wojak, since all he ever does is kvetch.
Kek, a classic
This is ot the first time he has said this
It's cute to see kikes get rattled and make threats when they slowly begin to realize they are way in over their head. Can't wait for this faggot to get what he deserves.
I'd love so much to see him get enriched by some Tyrone or Mohammed.
Trust me, one day his autism will flare up so much he'll head down to a nigger ghetto to prove how antiracist he is and he'll get mugged, beaten and enriched by the diversity he loves so mucb.
It's an old photo, it predates Mann
You can tell he's scared
I wonder who'll sperg out harder when they lose on the 8th, Rick or Tim?
And the man who wrote those words?
….Neil Breen.
His memory might have gotten it mixed up with this one …
and then there's always the one about "trust"…
You wish; more like after a wild night of throwing sissy fits on twitter intermingled with hyperventilating and masturbating to cuck porn they'll be back to business as usual.
Somebody please go out and deal with this man in a curt but effective manner to make sure he never grows another ugly nu-male beard again.
Yes it's their gameplan to bait real men into angry outbursts to then punish those outbursts for control, nevertheless this is a man who needs to be choked to death on his own eyeballs.
You wouldn't happen to have that address handy, would you? Just, ya know, so I can mabe send him a Christmas card or something
Catchy song tbh
I never understood the point of threats like this. Unless you're actually going to put the person down or have them locked away forever, trying to turn someone into a person with nothing to lose is just asking for them to show up at your house and shoot you in the face. Do they not realize how far some people are willing to take things if you take enough away from them? These threats he's making always strike me as some kind of liberal wet dream cooked up from reading too much fiction. Shit is stupid.
Since he is using that as a threat, I assume that Twitter and Facebook accounts hold some kind of inflated value in the leftist worldview.
he's starting to sound like a navy seal copypasta
but you are waiting.
everybody's waiting.
kill lists with addresses and next of kin and sleeper cells Holla Forumsack NEETs with guns, plenty of time, and absolutely nothing to lose.
What will it take? I guess the state's retaliation in Clinton's America would be swift and brutal, would it be possible to withstand and continue? What if your own government decides to make the cold civil war hot and makes the first move? Can one really hope that ex-mil 1st Amendment enthusiast types will rally to the defense of what will invariably be called the alt-right ?
is there any semblance of a plan?
Fuck off, FBI.
Owner WISE, TIMOTHY & []
State TN
Address 4405 WESTLAWN DR
Zip 37209
I heard he likes pizza.
We need a civil war just so people like Tim Wise can get what's coming to them. Kikes are always so arrogant
I'd congratulate him on getting through the woods full of angry shitskins.
I'd let my Ivans beat the ever loving shit out of him afterwards.
A good attack against him is how RT hosts his documentaries and uses them as racial tension manipulation tools (I assume he is much on the anti-russia train)
call me what you will, but I live in Shitposter Island.
My point still stands, everybody's just waiting. It would of course be foolish to start discussing grand murder plans on here for every cunt to see, but perhaps American Holla Forumsacks, the most powerful Holla Forumsacks of them all, would benefit from quietly discussing contingency plans should Hill-dogg get the top job for what it's worth I hope she instead goes to jail and dies
I hope he also likes hosting nigger parties for the whole ghetto, ordering 20 tons of steel beams, getting no less than 20000 free UPS boxes and getting swatted after all that
Time to send him a free funeral consultation.
My thinking, like many others, is that the final line in the sand will be gun confiscation, and if that happens, there is no possible way they can hit everyone at once. We will see it on social media from the first fudd that gave his up, right after the event, and it will spread like wildfire that they are coming. More people would escape with their funs than would have them confiscated, by quite a large margin.
I have heard that hilldog's idea is just to pass legislation saying that gun/ammunition manufacturers would be subject to lawsuits for every crime commited with their products, therefore putting them all out of buisiness pretty quickly, so we should watch for such legislation to pass.
If that is the case, then I have to hand it to her, that's pretty crafty. It still wont work, because her goons use the same guns and ammo and will likely have supplies stored, and for multiple other reasons.
My point is, when it hits home, or when people KNOW for sure that it is about to, all hell will break loose and we will have our happening. It is not something that can be done slowly over time, like multiculturalism, it is something that inherently must come down to a singular event, therefore the tactics that have made them so successful will not apply. In the end, we will be on an even playing field. Which I guess, means we actually are until that happens. Which is why they want us disarmed in the first place.
The threats are not for you, in fact I imagine he expects these tweets to be completely ignored by their ostensible subject.
He says these things to give his clique of retarded groupies something to cheer at. When inevitably somebody gets banned for an unrelated reason, he can claim he won. If nothing happens and the whole thing only dies down, he'll say his threats worked.
I figure it is also supposed to be a rallying call for all his little commie followers. He's sowing the seeds of future discontent so that mabe the hipster libs and shitskins will rise up angains the evil nazi Trump regime.
Of course HE wont do anything. How may bolsheviks do you think ever held a rifle? The race baiting we have seen so far in the media is just a hint of what is to come after a Trump win, I think. Then they might incite them to actually rise up.
Of course it would only be minorities, so no need to worry. The thought of a scrawny hipster with a gun is laughable at the least
What an odd choice. I would have thought it would have been "Trump can't save you!" but he obviously has some kind of weird obsession with PUAs.
Correct. They can't get their "Like" fix without a platform from which to virtue signal.
Honestly, I'd never even heard of this faggot before the other thread. Why does he think he's some special target?
He doesn't have anything, if he did, he would've "shot a hostage" by now to show he's serious.
We are Anonymous. Forgive and Forget. Expectorate us.
I only use my Twitter account to like/retweet Trump and pro-Trump people. I instantly block leftycucks and like the replies of the pro-Trump people replying to them, it makes the leftycuck butts hurt bad when the person they argue with gets more likes and retweets than them, it's their entire validation
They've tried to reset the password on my account a few times, all because someone got more likes than them
Its amazing to me how social media is just the purified form of the feminine social structure. Everyone just says whatever they think will get the most approval and acceptance from people who are just doing the same thing. It is the biggest dead end circlejerk in human history
We dun goofed. He backtraced us and now the consequences will never be the same.
You first faggot. Regardless of what happens if shit really does go down, the people standing their ground will never be in the wrong. Instead, we need to take to politics and be the change we want to see. Being another prison statistic is fucking retarded but you can go ahead retard if you aren't FBI.
Threats in general communicate the threatener's unwillingness to carry out the threat. Otherwise he would be doing instead of talking.
This calls for classic navy seal pasta
The squeaky wheel gets the grease, user. Keep it up.
Tfw I have to re-authenticate for my bank log-in because my IP is different every time.
Good luck (((Tim)))
What is Israel's equivalent of the Navy Seals? Because this is their copypasta
Their equivalent is mossad, and they don't make threats, they just do.
Jesus Christ, it's like reading a 15 year old writing threats in cs:s
Will consequences never be the same?
I hope many people see this and realize what a vile kike this is.
Solzhenitsyn's Solution.
They'll come to us. We kill them on our own doorsteps, or die trying. It's what any cornered animal would do.
I mean, they can serve the purpose of a warning. "A barking dog does not bite" but it's better to at least open with a bark whenever possible, a few sharp barks might prevent the bite from becoming necessary. A bite is always more costly whether you win or lose.
If I could manipulate software/computers with my mind/to my will, I'd send them an ultimatum;
Surrender and give yourself up to a reddit shaming with a post of your picture so all can see the man who thought ruining other's enjoyment was entertaining itself, or have every last electronic in your possession with an internet connection be infected with a virus that will make them run so hot their internals melt… oh, and I'll be keeping ALL the data you have. A second chance if you will, since I don't want to completely destroy you… just show you benevolence and mercy where you have not… and to know that you will NEVER be safe.
Your best bet is to simply be a decent person. Then I won't come knocking… because here, in the digital realm…
… I am god. And the power only goes to my head when I need it to.
It's like gambling; not a literal drug, but it gives them a rush that becomes addictive.
If you have to ask, you don't know.
Tim Weisman is always making these threats, back when he made it big in the 'anti-racist activist' scene it was quickly decided by even the faggots at somethingawful that he was just a shyster cashing in on the "white privilege" meme. Same exact threats made against goons in 2010.
Threats from a gang of computer jews calling themselves anti-racists.
I was just reading it as:
Yeah that was a WTF for me too, is Roosh relevent?
I think he's just throwing people he doesn't like in the same category, I'm pretty sure Roosh isn't particularly liked on Holla Forums for being a degenerate PUA.
the only "plan" if it were to exist in this hypothetical scenario is to just go and we'll met up in the shit.
see the thing is if this weren't a hypothetical discussion we would face the concern of being deemed tree son us even though that's the very thing we want to oust but of course in this gangster novella of a story we are commenting on featuring the clinton's that can't be the case at all goy
I don't love Roosh, but RoK has some pretty good articles.
good luck i'm on the darknet's rechanit
Shit can't hit the fan fast enough.
I spent a good while on cuckchan before the first exodus, and I never knew i was talking to a bunch of roided up dudebros. Those guys are masters of disguise
Porn mags usually have all sorts of porn offers and you can subscribe to get them mailed for free and a lot of the times they'll keep getting free porn-related shit for years even if they try unsubscribing.
So what Tim is saying essentially boils down to:
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little goy? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the JIDF, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on 4chan, and I have over 300 confirmed shills. I am trained in Jew Warfare and I’m the top kvetcher in the entire JIDF. You are nothing to me but just another bad goy. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Jew's Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, racist. As we speak I am contacting my Jewish network of influences across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, goy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, cattle. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can shill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed shilling, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Israel MOSSAD and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little white. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you g-ddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, cattle.
Well, you know, Chads are just /r9k/-betas to quote some /r9k/ anons who were blessed with better looks and genetics.
10/10 would retweet
in all honestly my "chad" roommates in college were huge sportsball spergs who split their time between going to the gym, drinking, and watching sportsball. the gf's they got would be basic bitches and would stick around for a long time because deep down they were still such fags they couldn't go out and grab the pussy that was around. meanwhile the drama and lit fags were swimming in sjw pussy but also, would not grab it.
Even Chad is dying now.
Info I posted may be out of date. The home was sold last summer.
I'm a bad ass hacker you guyz!!!! Fear me!
4016 Nebraska Ave, Nashville, TN 37209
He has that Louis C.K. look to him, probably another insecure cuck.
What an impotent little faggot. I'd be willing to put money down on this guy being an actual cuckold.
I'll hack your Myspace account, fag.
He thinks he's being targeted by Roosh groupies? Man, is this guy lost or what?
IP addresses are completely meaningless if a DDoS is carried out with even a modicum of smartness. IP spoofing will makes source attribution impossible, and trying to track down the source network across routers and their ports within common data centers isn't there yet.
These people have no idea who their enemies are or what's happening to them.
They're probably incapable of comprehending why they're losing.
For people who are allegedly politically and media savvy they're astonishingly dumb. I think some of them are beginning to understand the backlash is real but others like this dope still think it's just an inconvenience that's going to blow over soon.
He has no clue, does he? He thinks poking the bear over and over and over and over again is going to end well for him. How cute.
Let him think what he wants, keep working in the shadows towards our common goal, if he underestimates us it makes things easier.
A Trump victory is going to send people like this over the edge, isn't it? He's going to "tweetstorm" his way into suicide on Novemeber 9th.
Good to see you AWM.
Well shit there goes my fake facebook
"Aren't you a little Jewish to be ordering this stuff?"
"Yes. Yes I am."
Tennessee? Really? There's no tech there. Why? Is he into that faggy excuse for "cuntree" too?
It's called being jelly, user. Being jelly. And a cuck.
many people on the left assume that any man with a backbone and testosterone is automatically a right wing extremist
So, what you're saying is that Tim backtraced us, and that consequences will never be the same?
it's a shame that song doesn't have more view
Man, this asshole sounds just like the kike that published Germany Must Perish.
jokes on him, I live in my moms basement by the boiler.
Scared Jew kvetches at the dirty goyim.
=="I'll take your Twitter and Faceberg down! How about that ya stinkin' bad goys!"
"You s-stay away from me goyim! I-I'll defend myself!"
> mfw
He'll be dead by next year this time. Just like Jesse Slaughters dad after he tried to threaten the internet.
His kids will be on chaturbate masturbating for money just like her.
This kike.
Holy fucking shit, she's gotten so FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!
He's going to call his buddies who own your internet and do some deep packet inspection. Don't corner a jew.
I have no idea what you're talking about, but that is one nasty moo-cow.
That's perfectly legal 18 year old jessie slaughter now.
She's a wheelchair bound landwhale now.
Before I forget.
She's a registered Democrat.
yes he does. He celebrates the decline of the white race and then gets mad when whites take steps to stop the agents of their declination.
In Tim's words, he would say he's being "Anti-racist" and because he exposes racism and how it works, racists seek to destroy him. That's the message he presents at campuses and in his books.
Of course, Tim and those like him hate whiteness. They openly state this. They want to destroy whiteness. They think it is impossible for the world to know peace until whiteness is completely destroyed. They say whiteness is bound up with racism. That being racist and oppressing other people helped create the modern image of whiteness. And so, you to destroy racism you have to destroy whiteness and vice versa.
They have no concept of natural order. Everything is seen from a morality perspective but it's never anyone from the white population (aside from a few traitors) who is crafting these morals and virtues.
None of these kikes or SJWs beileve in God, so they don't always point to religion as the basis for morality. Instead, they twist words around and believe they know the moral truth.
They cherry pick their favorite philosophers or thinkers to explain their morality. They truly do believe they are victims, or are part of a victimizing class and thus they feel more moral if they assume the role of victims and fight for and with them. Wonder why so many of the whites who are "allies" of blacks are also Jewish. (why is it so easy for lawyers to defend horrible criminals?).
They are truly incapable of seeing things from the normal white christian perspective, and they don't even want to try. You'd think every now and then they would try to take their opponents at face value, truly try to understand them, to reach a common ground, or even just for better knowledge of their enemy, but they never do this.
I'm not the least bit surprised by this. I can't imagine chaturbate monies stretches very far at all, so keepin' the gibs training rolling paramount from her perspective.
Any info on how she became a cripple? Something drug related, or is she just a fat Americlap ridin' for freedumbs like spurdo? If we redpill her, maybe we can hook her up with hotwheels. site's better since he stepped down, but I still miss him. If you're reading this, I wish you well, cripple bro.
She claims it's a genetic thing.
In other words she's been incapable of shutting the door to the fridge.
One of my first red pills came from Tim Wise. When I was a little blue pilled cuck I went to see him speak. He treated any white man who came up to speak to him afterwards like shit. Even turning his back to a man who was kissing his ass so Tim could shake some niggers dick.
After that I started looking into more of who he exactly was and discovered how much bullshit he was spewing
huehuehue. Yep, we all knew things like this were coming to her but it's still fun checking up on her to see the regression.