Why does nobody talk about the fact that Trump has an extremely rare mutation that causes him to have extremely high amounts of energy and causes his brain to recharge twice as fast as mere mortals?
Trump is literally a superpowered Mutant
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I am almost the opposite. Lucky bastards.
Thats why youre here user
I read about this a while ago, it's called biohacking for the rest of us but some people just naturally only need 4-5 hours of sleep per night and survive fine without more.
The rest of us can teach ourselves to live on 5-6 though, with some effort.
That's me, except I then do something which I know will lead to nothing, pics related.
Just imagine if we could use future CRISPR iterations to give this mutation to all whites.
Just imagine every single fucking white man having Trump's will and agency. We'd have another industrial and culture revolution to rival or surpass the renaissance.
That cartoon. It is so good to know I'm not alone.
Did We just meme The God Emperor of Mankind into Existence and if so, should we also meme Malcador?
Nice digits.
I my experience if every White man would eat his goddamn vegetables we`ll be near the revolution
Literally making veggie/chicken soup this afternoon user. Have hope.
Broccolifags get out, best vegetable coming through.
It's like you want to crumble in the middle of a 40km march when STFH
Now that I'm aware of this, I have to break the cycle. Everyone else too. It takes a maddening effort of doing things, but without hating yourself in the end. Self-hatred leads to leftist behavior, and leftist thinking always leads to destruction of yourself, and others, and any potential to make sure you have a reason to hate yourself. May sound crude but I've had enough of society trying to demotivate us with their idiocy. At every turn, the enemy is overcome easier than we expected. That's because we have momentum.
user`s who eat veggies are good user`s
Although I eat some carrots Brocolli is masterrace when it comes to vegetables.
Just look at those juice pieces of veg.
How do you get your veggies?
I buy sacks of frozen veggies, four hours after picking they get frozen till I boil and eat them.
i honestly wished I could force myself to like watching some kind of sport. Id fit in better and Id actually enjoy my time more often. I am 30 now and always tried watching niggerball or hockey but its just shit. If only normies would turn away from niggerball instead…
Erry day is spinach day.
Ultimately the left idolizes weakness so thus they only exist because we allow them to exist. They have no hope of resisting us if we refuse to tolerate their existence.
Ultimately their existence is entirely our fault and the result of our own permissiveness and weakness.
This is now a vegetables tread.
Pffff, try harder faggot.
Broccoli cures cancer and makes your dick bigger.
What would be some good combinations of supplements, hormones or drugs to take to achieve a similar effect?
B vitamin overdoses?
Short acting depressants?
Born to meme, user. Born to meme.
The Thule society is getting younger.
Alright, those dubs in your id don`t lie. I`ll check`m out.
Try cyanide
Keep looking around, homie. You might find something you do enjoy.
I don't enjoy any other sport than MMA and other martial arts, for instance, but it's still something.
do americans really do this?
Nigga how do you make your own coconuts?
If you don't eat burgers you're not an American.
Teach us your ways
enjoy your nogainz
If you're looking for hormonal and energy gains, eat once daily, and take fish oil, vitamin d, and zma. Make sure you get some fat in your daily meal.
Become an early riser by having a caffeine pill beside your bed and when your alarm goes off, simply roll over and take the pill. You'll want to be awake within 30 minutes.
How about you keep being scared, little straight edge boy? Do you know what the word "drug" means? Or are you just virtue signaling on an anonymous board?
The Emperor is 100% straight edge you degenerate faggot.
Heil chaos Lord Trump, heil Tzeentch, Changer of Ways.
He's also a mutant, if you've read the thread. Drugs are everywhere. Everyone uses them. I guarantee even trump does at his age under direction of his doctor.
This. I cannot even have a normal fucking conversation with people.
I actually trained myself to sleep just under 6 hours, lasted a few years but eventually crashed. A couple of years ended up sleeping at at least 9, occasionally even 11 hours a day like I was making up for lost sleep.
Be careful doing that shit anons, was hell to readjust my sleeping patterns to normal times and lengths.
I have a wakeup light which gives me a range in which I can wake up. For half a hour the light keeps getting brighter simulating a sunrise. I feel more rested when I wake up with the light than with a alarm clock going off.
Calculating your bed-time is another good way to maximize your sleep time.
Thought of the Day: In the blazing furnace of battle we shall forge anew the iron will of yet a stronger race.
Reminder that if you're overweight, keto is the best diet.
Ignore the nu-male vegans in this thread. Polite sage for offtopic
The emperor protects.
No veggies on Keto?
Let our enemies beware, and tell them this:
We warned you of the price of your actions, now you must pay it in full - in blood.
Then he would be ultra fat were he not a super sleeper thingy?
Veggies are your only source of carbs on keto. Mostly broccoli and greens.
T-thanks mom.
Turns out I`m doing Keto.
No, you fucking need
daily reminder that Rudolf Hess was known for similar antics
Also known to operate on as little as 2 hours a day for months at a time, often at full capacity with no sleep at all.
Also has a similar thick ol' noggin
It's believed the heightened optimism was why he thought he could talk down Churchill and Britain out of the war, unfortunately.
at one point during his incarceration thanked his jailers since it was the only time he'd had a normal sleep cycle.
was known to sleep so soundly they would think he'd taken cyanide.
I actually have similar too but unfortunately also have severe ADHD and forget random people/places exist for days at a time, only remembering them a couple days after a deadline. #1 reason I need a robot waifu, because cell phones are too easy to misplace.
US snails are liable to kill ya. Their ecology is pretty shrekt, and they pick up all sorts of pathogens crawling through muck.
this is why they're always imported, and why they cost as much as a damned kobe steak at restaurants. Generally, any place that could raise 'healthy snails' is better served for livestock
^ Here's a millenial comicfag that makes shit just for people like you. Faggots that can't handle reality.
Fucking cuckchan rapefugees.
You don't need to go fucking keto. It's a fad, a meme. And unsustainable. And unhealthy.
Just stop eating simple starches: grain products and potatoes.
Eat lots of protein: beans, cottage chese, gelatin, lean meat.
Drink *lots* of water and tea.
Exercise ten to thirty minutes a day.
This is all you need to go from fat need to a good physique.
Your timeframe is 6 months. You really can't speed this up without a drill sergeant pushing you every day.
Fucking Americans. Learn from Yurope, where we actually aren't as fat and actually have rich in variety diets.
We're never going to assume your viewpoint matters in any casual conversation we have. I know you need our validation. It must be frustrating for you.
But we won't ever give a shit.
I don't need your validation. Data says otherwise.
we don't need diet advice from people with an ideal physique of a skinny, effeminate nu-male.
learn from yurop, don't turn out like them.