Isn't this classified as a war crime, using enemy colors?
Isn't this classified as a war crime, using enemy colors?
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It's a really stupid plan if it is, there's a good chance the Russians will know it's not one of theirs and shoot it down. This would be far worse than a false flag, it would be triggering a direct confrontation overnight.
I'm sorry I'm not familiar with that acronym explain please.
Get ready faggot.
They still have US roundel. But paint job similar to russian - it's pure coincidence, goy. MSM will memoryhole it in second.
(((Pure coincidence)))
The official explanation is that these planes are painted in the colour of the enemy for wargames.
Any Anons who can confrim?
Where were the photos taken? It doesn't say.
Just a ((( ((( ((( (((Cohencidence))) ))) ))) ))). Nothing to see here.
I'm sorry I'm not familiar with that acronym explain please.
Adolfdubs followed by the last dubs.
This means something.
Aggressor squadrons have existed for ages, unless one of these aircraft is seen deployed near Syria you're just being a funny idiot parroting disinfo fed to you by jews.
I absolutely can't wait for either nothing to happen, or for a bunch of fat krauts in Guy Fawkes masks to make themselves look like idiots.
I am sure the color of an aircraft matters when traveling at the speed of sound.
holy shit
Hope you Burgers are ready to die.
Where were the photos taken?
We regularly do this for aggressor squadrons during wargames and I bet the Russians do the same
Sry for the shitpost, these are like you mentioned "aggressors" used during war games with NATO earlier this year
it's a kraut meme
we're hoping it's RWDS in 4 days
Emblems and banners, yes. Colors no.
This is standard opfour practice. The US and Russia has been doing this since the 50s, trying to keep training as "authentic" as possible with visual similarities. We used f-86 sabres as mig 15, f-4 as mig 27, f-15 as mig 31, and f-18 as su-27/mig-29.
INB4 it's nothing
Fuck off back to cuckchan then kill yourself.
If you can see the color scheme of an aircraft, you can tell what type it is. Since Russia doesn't fly US made aircraft, there's little chance they could get away with a "false flag" attack. Not in this era of HD phone cameras, DSLRs and camcorders etc.
Also this has been standard practice since at least the 1960's. Remember TopGun? They're Aggressor squadrons. They'll have them done up in Russian liveries because Russia is still the number one potential threat to the US military.
world is "ending" this year my friend
Well that's a shitty stand in.
the kikes are getting out of hand. they want to drag us into a nuclear war
I get what you're saying, but don't propagate that military lie.
I wonder if goons like to drop stuff like this here just to see how many "red pilled" Anons believe it without questioning or without doing at least a little bit of research on their own.
Why don't you double check with Jewgle?
I hate all you LARPing faggots so much, please go back to cuckchan
Debunked: US "Caught Repainting Fighter Jets" for False Flag [2014 Training]