Holy kek this place is a shithole

holy kek this place is a shithole

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I remember coming here during the exodus years ago thinking this place actually had potential. Is hotwheels still around?

bye now

Go back there

please go to reddit faggot

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We can't there is all fucked up, looks like you got some new Holla Forumsrothers for a while.

we have enough retards posting here.

whats with the gorespam?
do you "people" actually think the otherchan has really been that pussified?

Then you should probably leave.

A'ight, but this gore is so bad that I need to spoil.

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Yeah, they think we'll be that easy to run out. You think that's bad, in the other chan compliant thread they are spamming some pretty sweet lolis.

I'm from there actually, just giving this website a surface-level scan because of all the attention it's gotten on my board. You posted a frog and intruded on them in a somewhat demanding way, though, so I don't suggest you stay.

Come on Holla Forumsuddy, I'm sure well get along great!


I'm not OP tho, just another refugee from the website of peace.

I hope it goes back up soon, it's my only refuge

please fuck off


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Nobody said you could come here faggot.

you're not kidding anyone, fucking 4fag
also if dysnomia finds some way to check browser history with a script and autoban people regularly on 4chan i would suck his dick till of fucking puked.

But it literally has Chan in the name, it's just like home. Please let us stay user, pweeeze?

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Yeah, maybe, but at least we don't just have the same ten threads endlessly recycled day after day after day.

Back to >>>/cuckchan/

The key, my friend, is patience. Let's go back when it gets back up and just lurk in the meantime. Don't let the autism get to you.

Have you left yet?

I suppose you are right, this place isn't home, but it's close enough for now.


Your kind isn't welcome here, faggot.


Wtf is going on with muh 4chan

maybe this place is alright

too easy 4cucks



You guys aren't very good comrades, I hope you receive a warmer welcome should you ever wash up on our shores due to unknown issues.


id kill myself first, with livestream of course

its mainly just the ui thats a clusterfuck

Sick of it already

and that stupid gif down the bottom right reeeeeeeeeeee

I hope they don't. They're a bunch of sperging autists and wouldn't be welcome where I come from. Thanks for being comfy, friend.

I'd rather take a ksg to the head

Same to you, see you around home user.

so long brothers. remember where you came from.

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xtreme goreposting


ITT Lowkey discourse

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4cuck stumbles into 8ch

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Holla Forums was always cancer

Shitskins behaving like shitskins.

They said that the guys that got killed worked for a rival cartel. Its a warning video, they said that whomever goes into their territory would do worse.

Even I am finding you unattractive, user.

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lmao 4chan Holla Forums is better tbh

hey guys, fellow 4chinner here. They were talking over there about how this place was rilly starting to git gud but I come over and just see a bunch of hate and " go back" stuff. This doesn't seem to Holla Forums a very welcoming place for anons of any stripe. Prove me wrong!

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this is fine bait lad

poor bastard was probably just a simple guy walking down a dirt road. over in latin america those coked out fucks are killing and raping as they please knowing full well that they can kill any state police should they interfere. it's a fucking war zone with no end to the slaughter in sight. i feel deeply for my people (people of the sun), but as long as assholes here in the US keep snorting and smoking that shit this is going to continue to happen. innocents don't deserve that kind of death, there is no purity to be found in that much suffering. they didn't even offer up his still beating heart to our Sun God.

Nice dubs but go away

8ch was always a shithole just like the site it was modeled after

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8 chan has never been the same after Moot sold it to CNN

t. dodnal trump's jew

worse , jews won

because jews won


Yeah blame their actions on American coke heads… Fucking subhuman shitskin mentality.
You don't see americans doing this, pedro.

Shut the fuck up, gasburner

seriously /thread, fam

Get out normalfag.

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Gorefaggots should stick to gore threads or at least spoiler their shit.

Like anons after you.

Also I have to agree with OP, this place is empty.

Because people get sick of being banned for being silly cunts. If you unironically like a reddit-tier meme, banned. If you spam nonsense, banned. If you take the piss too hard, banned. However if you talk about shagging little girls that seems to be okay. In hindsight why the fuck did I ever come back..

I guess people need to go deeper.

4/b/ is filled with porn 4/pol/ is e-celeb shit. + no raids allowed

8/pol/ is ok, at least was not so long ago.

It's just sad.

My eyes may bleed, but maybe somewhere there is activity and something relatively fun.


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el alahu akbaro negro