Poorfags are not people

Since they're not people poorfags should not have full rights. People who receive more in benefits than they pay in taxes should not be allowed to vote. And if the difference is beyond a certain amount they should not have the right to refuse buttsex from people who contribute to society. Those who make society work should just be allowed to demand buttsex of poorfags. Only then will we have a non-degenerate society. The poors would be hiding and the filth would not be wallowing in public and getting politicians to pander to their stupid notions.
Please do not post itt if you are poor because your opinion doesn't matter.

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Will this mean that my boipussy will be raped by chicks with dicks?

Well it wouldn't be rape because rape implies that you were violated. But yes it could be used by futa as well as anyone else.

Why did this gif give me an erection?

What I stop being a poorfag, but still enjoy being "violated" by a futa?

Someone has rich parents, kill yourself.
Do it please.
End it.
With rope.
Or anything actually, just cease to live.

user there's nothing to stop you from doing that now.

Why don't you just stop being a lazy nigger?

Life is suffering.

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because hard work is how you get rich amirite :-DD

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no me.

Trade pays pretty well from what I heard.

As long as you're not stupid. That's why only niggers and white trash are poor.

I concede that. Unfortunately simply working hard alone isn't enough anymore.

> youtu.be/J24TGZDk960

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Lol, butthurt.

holy fucking CRINGE

Go back to where you came from.

/leftpol/ is that you again? I know you can do better…


Leftist swine, you do know back at the beginning of America you didn't need to pay taxes if you can't afford it? You would just need to show the tax collector your income your family and everything else. They actually made the rich fucks who made a shit load of money pay the most taxes, which is the way it should be, its not the autists fault he is autistic so people just gotta deal with the fact we really are not equal. Go suck a dick leftpol



Datamining thread inquiring about the financial status of Holla Forums users, do NOT reply

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I disagree, benefits should not exist, period. Also democracy doesn't work since most people are retards, we should go back to aristocracy.

my god, yes! I have been saying this for ages now. fucking poors are stupid and lazy THAT'S WHY THEY ARE POOR! it is only difficult for poors to understand this fact because, well, see the previous sentence. Also, I advocate for mandatory sterilization of these scum at the age of reproduction. This is common sense but humans are such cowards they refuse to face the hard facts and do what needs to be done.

Dude you ask me how to build a cannon powerful enough to blowup a house I can build it. You tell me to flip burgers in a hurry with all these fucking assholes waiting and ill fucking shove that mcdouble up your ads, its not my fault I have such a brilliant mind that can't handle the degeneracy of our world. Tbh if aliens took me a way they would see the autism of this world is holding me back. Suck a dick lefty

oh yeah, it's EVERYBODY ELSE'S FAULT that you are a pathetic loser. smh you fucking lefty soyboi. your kind NEVER takes responsibility for your lives, choosing instead to blame those of us who are actually intelligent and work hard, not only at our careers but at social interaction with a heavy emphasis on manipulating others using social cues and shows of prestige.
Autism speaks, fucking shotgun your pea brain out on a tarp.

also, no pickles or onions on my McDouble you stupid fuckstain

Too bad I can just out think your socially degenerate ass

Can poorfags rape eac hother, or do only high classmen have that privilege?

How do you make a thread that isn't datamining?

dont feed the trolls dumbass.

yeah, that's working out so well for you. poor stupid faggot.

y'all can do what you want. you just can't legally or morally refuse us when we demand buttseks or the consequences will never be the same!

this gif is glorious. saooce??

It will have to be something where they would not cost or would cost little to nothing. So we cannot imprison them nor beat them since that costs resources and time. Best would be just a death sentence and then just drowned or pushed off a cliff. Point is it cannot cost anything.

I vote for immediate icepick through the pons. wiggle it around a bit, take buttseks, leave them to die in the street as a warning to others.

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Poorfags should have to become traps on everyone else's demand tbh.

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I would make all of my poorfag traps wear tiny french maid outfits and also take bonerpills. Because I find it really hot in trap doujins when they're trying in vain to hide their massive erections in a short little skirt.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who got a weird boner watching that.

What if the poorfag is too masculine to become a trap, though?

welfare recipients should be sterilized and also drug tested. Food stamps should be abolished and replaced with ape crates.

Just give em to the niggers and mentally ill trans, they don't care.

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why are there no skidmarks in any of those images?

Because scat is degenerate.

People like you will one day have their heads on a pike.


That would involve a poorfag doing something.

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Since they're not people (((richfags))) should not have full rights. (((Bourgeoisie))) who receive more in mommy and daddy's money than they pay in taxes should not be allowed to vote. And if the difference is beyond a certain amount they should not have the right to refuse buttsex from people who live in poverty. Proletarians who make society work should just be allowed to demand buttsex of (((richfags))). Only then will we have a non-degenerate society. The (((rich))) would be hiding and the filth would not be wallowing in public and getting politicians to pander to their stupid notions.
Please do not post itt if you are (((rich))) because your opinion doesn't matter.

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Quality effort. I do hope you take this act to Holla Forums

Holla Forums bans nazbols and strasserists all the time. They're too radical for anyone on this planet.

All poor leftyfags do is bitch about everything. They also want the rich to bail them out yet they hate the rich at the same time. This reminds me, police protection should only be granted to the rich since we pay for them.

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They sort of do that already but sometimes the white poorfags trick them into doing things.
We could just get rid of state police and only have town police but allow the towns to arm their local police force with whatever they want. So in case the poorfags get uppity they would have tanks and helicopters.

This is why communists hate you faggots. You'll be the first ones to be penniless under communism.

LOL. It's like USSR all over again.

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B-but muh communism has never been done! Otherwise it surely would have worked1

Communism cannot be successful until capitalism has been completely demolished. Since capitalism is an inherently globalist occurence, it must be demolished everywhere, whereas with feudalism for example, it only needed to be destroyed in a single area to be replaced. To be clear, i am not a communist, i am a socialist, but you will call me a communist anyways because you are a brainlet.

lmaoing @ ur life kid

So if it hasn't happened yet then it's not history.

Nah. That's globalisms fault. There used to be a time in America when you could go to a store and buy completely American goods. Nowadays when you buy a Ford (or what ever brand of vehicle that's sold today) you will find that most of the parts are made overseas. It never used to be that way. Nowadays for a product to be "American", it just has to be essembled in America. Believe me, most people are against this garbage and it doesn't matter if you subscribe to the false paradigm of politics or not in order for you to be this way. In fact, I believe my country should be isolationist and should only trade (from my country to another) with recources rather than currency, as trading with money can lead to Chinese sweatshops and foreign countries building their factories in your country. Money should be considered a tool in the process of production, it should not be idolized in such a way that "having a ton of money" in itself is a great thing, no matter how much exploitation acquired it. Instead, all wealthy people should be benefiting my country not leeching away at it and other countries. I mean, just look at America and the wars she's been in. During the 1800s the only wars that were there was for America's independence against totalitarian England and the civil war which errupted from a plethora of issues such as states rights, slavery, and state sovereignship, etc. Now all of a sudden (((our))) leaders (totally not a cabal in the White House), are waging wars that we have very little interest in, my people are coming back in body bags, and are losing a lot of money over these damn wars. And the fraudulent Federal Bank just sits there and loans (at an interest) out all the money that is produced in our country. It used to be that our money was inherently debt free and was coined out by Congress alone. Not anymore it isn't!!! The fed coins out our money at will regardless of Congressional approval. Effectively making us slaves to the fed because we have no chance of paying all that money back. My founding fathers were aware of this swindle that has been happening for hundreds of years and kept the fed away from my country for quite sometime. Until 1913 that is.

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Explain these images then. Tell me why:

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I think that ship sailed after the soviet revolution. If the salty poor people in any given country can just try to take your shit and ruin the entire country in the process why would you not diversify and keep your assets in multiple countries?

What do you mean? You mean the government that had a total monopoly over absolutely everything? Sorry, but that is absolutely not benefiting their own country, nor is it allowing compition in the economy effectively barring how fast technology progresses.
Because, the people who own those companies that have assets in multiple countries only care for profit and profit alone. People like this don't care for the people (especially) in other nations because they aren't people that the ceo identifies with, thus he doesn't care if he exploits them like in shitty chinese sweatshops and 3rd world shitholes that get payed on the dime for the work they do. When you do this, you are also causing hatred for your country by foriegners. Also, as the saying goes, out of site out of mind. If economies were isolationist, they would care more about the people they are taking from because it is in his direct interest to make his own country successful.

Being rich in the current year selects for having no convictions and being a globalist.

commies should definitely be forced to go trap mode and please the middle class and the rich, that much I do believe. they should be our little whores and measures should be taken that ensures that we can keep reproducing them and label those born with "superior genes".

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86% of the worlds wealth is owned by 1% of the population and your complaining about poorfags? You really are a pathetic piece of shit OP!

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Please be gentle, I'm a virgin~

It'd be better if 1% owned 100% of everything tbh. Because it'd be better if 99% of the population just disappeared overnight tbh. Not that I'd really do anything with a bunch of ranch houses in Poorfagistan tbh. And it'd be best if it were all of you poorfags tbh.

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