So I spent some time on leftypol and got sick to my stomach so I went to post on pol wtf is this shit?
So I spent some time on leftypol and got sick to my stomach so I went to post on pol wtf is this shit?
Dynamic IP
You can't ofend americunts OP. I'm banned both on Holla Forums and Holla Forums because i ofended the americunts.
This board allows me to being racist to americunts tho, so i'm good now
this is what I said
You called it
I got banned for 1 week for saying that there's too much anime over there.
For those who still don't know, Holla Forums is moderated by turkroach
4/pol/ > 8/pol/
This shouldn't be but it is…
>(((jewgle))) reCaptcha is better than 24 hour captcha
k bud
KYS deminigger
8gag’s pol is a censored circle jerk
>Your entire argument around defending (((jewgle))) reCaptcha
K bud.
Go back. I heard it's up from its downtime.
reading comprehension fail
Go back like I said earlier.
reading comprehension fail
Hurr durr what is anonymity?
Fixed that for you
Let's be real here guys.
datamining thread
It's called a ban, it even said what it is.
It's because you said white trash like a kike
This. Holla Forums is ruled by the worlds most autistic robot never ever.
I guess some people can't accept they are white trash lol.
Your mistake was going to Holla Forums. Halfchan Holla Forums with all it's trap threads, dick rate threads and cum tribute threads is less gay than Holla Forums