What the hell is this insanity?

What the hell is this insanity?

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Muttica fucked yeah.

Coming again to kike up the motherfucking day yea.

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I've met a few girls like this, and the CLAG Facebook group is full of them, send some messages.

Dont worry you dont have to listen to our brawn for much longer, worth a try anyway.

My sides.

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When we're all servants of israel, no one can complain.

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I dont think we will be servants we will simply vanish into the shades where we came from, while you can discuss white privilege, identity politics and feminism with vigor.

good thread

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I wouldnt call that darkness, it is actually the opposite considering everything is upside down.

t. Aussie deep poster

I m german you fucking kant.

Explains your autism and inability to recognize a joke.

That is what shlomo said when i replaced the j with a y.

Elliot fucking deserves it and here is why

1) All wymyn are whores, EVEN the (((nawalts))). #YesAllWomen
Hence having any romantism about wymyn is retarded; the only thing that puts a check on this is society (protections for men and punishment for women).

2) Could have dated a black chick, but I guess they were invisible to him as he was invisible to him.

3.Elliot was a fucking empty meatpuppet.

Did you ever listen to him talking?

Source on him rejecting a black chick?

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Does every woman in the street rejects you? No, you're just a background character to them. Same thing for black women, all he needed to have done is go to the outskirts of a ghetto with his car and picked up young black chicks.


Now assume you are the supreme gentleman and now think how ghetto black chicks are (and i do not mean in a negative way in that context).
That is like putting a puppy amoung a bunch of holla street bitches.

Rich, coming from you.
I bet not even white girls have touched you.

Black people are monkeys. I don't like asians either because they are selfish child-murderers. I admire what Mao did because he created a 1.3 billion ethnostate of intelligent, semi dignified humans. However, the Chinese have squandered Mao's accomplishment. It should have belonged to Hitler. I guess Hitler was too emotional.
As for Mexicans, they do not think, they have never has a single though about existence. And like I said, negros are not human, at least mexicans are humans of some sort. I encourage immigration of mexicans so they may outbreed the negros.
I dislike the asians though, only their women are useful as tools to offset your pleasure. concubines.
White women for me though, they have to be tall and well toned, preferably blond and pale or tan and dark brown hair, sharp canine teeth, longer hair, killer eyes, and an abdomen begging to be bred. Thats my ideal woman.

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Imagine being an amerimutt kid brought up on common core

Tenda Spencer really hates himself

Narcissism is bred from discontent


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