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Illegals btfo.
I'm in San Antonio right now.
Help me please, Trump.
nice hat, where'd you get it?
One Pablo out of an all white squad. This is San Antonio, they have to have at least one token wetback.
He joined with the understanding that he would be killed last.
I guess he could be on the anti-nigger detail, since most spics hate niggers as much as whites.
That's pretty fucking awesome.
Have a bump.
He is an officer of the law. Maybe he killed a nog and became a honorary Aryan.
I swear to christ, the media will fucking pay, leftists will fucking pay.
The entire article is
Extremely low energy article
They should tell their higher ups to go fuck themselves tbh.
Texas is gone bro. All talk and no action for decades. The decline that happened is jaw dropping. They're now the second or third state where whites are the majority minority.
Going to have to cut off the Southwest and Deep South as a whole and reconquer it once everyone is safely out.
Disciplined appropriately probably means either a small pay raise, or a get off the hook free card to kill a spic. The second half of the tweet the chief sent makes it seem like he is also a Trump supporter and this is just to cover their asses.
The cuck responses on the twitter are pretty funny
Kikes in the SS probably had the same reasoning as him: can't gas me if I'm helping you do that
is this the secret to securing revolution?
make a better deal with enforcers/military than the current ruler?
They key to real political power is to be able to give out rewards and punish people. Actually all you have to be able to do is give out rewards, since taking rewards AWAY is a punishment.
Example: Right Wing Death Squads secure a neighborhood when the police can't. You have just given a reward. Now the people in the neighborhood have to do what you say because you can just leave and lawlessness will happen again. This is the punishment.
Having police on your side allows you to give many rewards and punishments, since they're a trained armed force. They can secure, improve, distribute, punish, etc. They're a valuable ally. You can do all these things yourself with a well trained group though, so you don't have to rely on them.
thanks citizen of gunstopia
t. straya
Gee, I can't imagine why any police officer would look at Trump favourably
Those fuckers scare the shit outta me.
But user, they just want to make America great again
Those motherfuckers have to go back. Although I haven't seen one since I moved into mountains about 9k feet.
In the ensuing and eventual collapse many groups of army and police will go AWOL. They will have weaponry. Join up with them. Not the savages though, the civilization builders.
inb4 madmax
where can i find this gun porn?
Even the thumbnail elicits fear. These things are straight from hell, and yet, they fascinate me.
Enjoy, the anime is total operator porn
tbh most cops and army dudes are idiots
the clue is that they signed up to "serve" to begin with
Those are some memetastic exploitable pictures.
Got any more?
Google San Antonio cops / police in trouble for wearing MAGA Trump hats and you'll find a bunch.
Not surprised, you sign a contract agreeing not to do this sort of shit. Same for federal employees, government and so on. Really, employment takes away so many rights.
'Unironic statement there of something be signed away by your word and oath.
he will never pass the citizen test but he can have a day pass
Better to live one day supporting your ideals…
Pancho has 4 service stripes and he still took the risk.
Los Pepes confirmed.
Someone should tell all the faggy "I'm With Her" guys, then, because I'm certain a lot of them signed similar clauses when they signed on at their places of work.
praise kek
or they genuinely despised what their "people" did to the germans and wanted to distance them self permanently
Is that ZImZam behind Trump?
That's probably what Trump has been doing for decades in business. Taking on hostile CEOs and chairmen of the board by undermining their power whilst winning over the people below whom they depend on for agency. When the time comes he just takes over and everybody lines up behind him.
It's how practically every non-violent regime change takes place and most of the violent ones too. The difference is a malignant dictator motivates primarily by fear while Trump inspires people to follow him. He's mastered the art of getting people to think like he does whilst feeling those ideas were their own. That's the holy grail of persuasion. By courting the rank and file of various law enforcement agencies he's talking out insurance against electoral college kikery whilst also seeding the notion that the people can and will take their country back from the 1%, even if they've pledged oaths of allegiance to the commanders he is about to usurp.
When shit gets nasty people look to strong men for leadership. Trump is making sure that the people who matter are looking to him.
They have Anglos and Irish people helping do the thinking for ideas. Fearsome nepotist opponents. Rich Anglos and Irish, pushing out their ideas to the Jews that will do anything for a dollar and are experts at manipulating reputation and being a slimy fuck, generally.
You are not fighting the Jew, so much as you are fighting others like you who have power and use the Jew for their bidding. That, or there's a head Jew who actually understands both goyim and Jewish psychology.
San Hambonio cops won't forget this!
San Antonio is filled with pozzed hipsters and illegals who fear that Trump will deport them and their abuela's which will ruin the family taco business (I live here). Most whites have fled to the Hill Country/New Braunsfels. Anyways, here's some salt on Faceberg with people complaining about Trump referencing this city's beloved sportsball team.
Then why take the job if you can't handle it? Same issue we have with shit jew women going everywhere and cunting it up. Don't take the job if you don't want to agree, or accept that you will be rewarded for your choices accordingly.
Surprisingly not, they actually have more of apoint in many places due to the Human Rights sections in state Constitutions. THat or the contracts didn't bother so its okay still.
Lots of stuff is and should that way of the contract being about your job stuff and no more.
Police should be formless ghosts indistinguishable from one another, doling out ice cream and kazzos to good boys and bullets to niggers. They should make no respect to anything else but the law and only there.
Cunts should be focussed on their job they signed for, and employers on enforcing meritacracy for the improvement of the company and shareholders.
whoa whoa slow down there buddy don't tell me you think people should focus on their jobs and be rewarded with higher wages positions or opportunities due to the quality of their work now do you
kek'd n check'd
Bunches of them weren't even aware they were jews, anyone who has to spend time with kikes just end up hating them.
You're both right.
Imagine the blood of the jew inside your own flesh. What a cruel, meaningless plight.
t. Mischling
I saw one of those in my house just a few days ago. they are tiny as hell, nothing to worry about. I am also happy to see San Antonio police officers showing support for Trump like this since it is the place of my birth. Shame they will be punished, but it is just another injustice that will be avenged on the day of the rope
Depends, like said, not all of them were either aware of that or they identified as Germans all the same. It's not really about genes as much as culture.
Correct. Texas is a cesspool. They'd actually be doing the US a massive favor if they seceded. Something like 70% of all children in Texas 1 and under are non-White Hispanic.
user, have you not heard of the Hercules Centipede? These are what nightmares are made of.
He's at least half white
There is the logistical question of how much we can realistically take back, with much of our armed forces (including officer corps) infiltrated by SJWs and non-whites, and indoctrinated into militant multiculturalism.
I think this is true for Jews but not for say blacks.
Jewish culture is antiwhite, but there's no such thing as explicit as antiwhite genes.
Whereas black culture is antiwhite (helped by the Jews), but also their genes make them impulsively aggressive and give them low average IQ which means they aren't compatible with whites even if their culture was reformed.
Jewish culture is something the Jews would never give up because it's just as integral to their sense of identity as their race and religion. So 99.9% of them will have to go.
i know this feel very well brother
Uh… okay, you'd probably be best served hurrying the fuck up on that. Might have even be a brilliant idea to do something a long, long, long time ago – instead of just pew-pewing your AR at hogs every weekend.
he's full indian
Comparing kikes to spics.
Big guys no doubt.
For you and me.
To add to this, anyone working for the government is not allowed free speech. If you say anything against niggers or any non white you will get instantly 'EO'd" (equal opportunity)
This will result in either loss of your job or dishonorable discharge in the military, which is fucking ridiculous. I did NOT sign up to get rid of my free speech. My contract said NOTHING about that, and I'm thinking of just doing it anyway then suing the fuck out of the gov when they kick me out. Fuck the government and the military, I'm never re-enlisting.
Nope your contract did under the protection clauses and then we you swore to abide by it all.
Big part of federal contracts, they have an open rider to allow the addition of anything else they want at any time without resigning.
Private contracts do this as well, but are more rare as its not something to come up and mostly is because they are worded more loosely.
So really, don't sign contracts you haven't read and don't want to follow.
contract hiv
In a high trust society the police are great.
People respect them and they are nice because they don't have to deal with nuffins being done all the time and getting shit on by half the world and the entire lugenpresse for doing their job.
By murdering everyone. Also cut off all financial support.
Seeing our servicemen wearing Make America Great hats does things to me I didn't expect. What a great image.
Same here brother. Do you also get short flashes of fucked up imagery too? Everyone with jew blood gets them, the more kike you have the stronger longer and more immersive the images are. Stuff like p-o-v cp, ritual sacrifices, torture that would give a commissar the cold sweats, you name it.
I'm 1/4th kike by my unknown donor's side, mine only last a few moments. I can't imagine being a full-blooded, it must be like a sickfuck's holodeck in there.
Native guide for when tacos pull the "No hablo Englais" trick. In wanders Officer Marron Azul with an
shit-eating grin.
Centipedes evolved 430 million years ago and
their bodies do not work like ours
on almost any level. They're 'earthly horrors of a previous creation' of Lovecraftian deep time made manifest.
(Not a fan of the many-legged fuckers either, can you tell?)
I mean - you did kill God's only son….
As am I.
Eh. The Hispanics in Texas are better than other places. Except for the border regions, many of them are not recent immigrants and are light skinned. Even the upper echelons of the border area are usually more white than brown. It took San Antonio a long time to elect a non-white mayor. And now we have some dumb commie and crime is rising.
Wew. If WW3 comes, he'll show his true colors.
That particular giant centipede looks cute to me tbh. Must be the halloween color scheme it's got goin' on.
Good. It's proof you're not a leftist.
Not Jew. I was a testtube baby. My donor was a half kike crypto. And the kike that ran the clinic actually was sued for infecting women with HIV.
Pic is the doc.
If dubs, giant robot centipedes will be added to the US Military arsenal. RWDS will commence with 25 meter long mechanical arthropods.
Pretty sure that's just a Disney villain in hd. No way a man could look so cartoonishly vile
If singles RWDS messes up with definition of mechanized cavalry and makes /pone/ form a babbage engine compliant clockwork steed for us all.
But Kek doesn't work through singles, you heretic.
No, but I really liked the pale horse entrance in Animatrix and it would be fun to build one.
Besides if I worshipped Kek, I would be betraying myself, for the god can be the one who perceives all others.
Where does the centipede meme come from? Never heard it until now.
Trump said his internet people nimbly navigated the web. A documentary described a centipede as a nimble navigator. People just kinda ran with it
Ah, okay thanks.
it predates any reference to internet people by Trump, it refers to the "You can't stump the Trump" youtube videos which use a remixed version of a documentary about centipedes as an opening theme.