My ex gf cheated on me and I've got some of her secrets and plenty of nude videos and pics of her. I want to post her nude pics and send them to her new boyfriend. My friends that are women said I'll look like an ass if I try to expose her for revenge. I fucking hate her. What do you think Holla Forums? Pic unrelated.
Will I look like an ass if I try to get revenge?
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why you care about the opinion of females? aren't you a man? no wonder you got cheated
post them or gtfo
Publish it, fagot
that's retarded
send them to people that her new boyfriend know
bonus points if they're niggers and will want to muhdik your ex against her new bf's will
Post them here I'll spread them.
Post the nudes, cuck.
You'll look like an ass if you try to expose her for revenge.
How would you feel if your girlfriend's ex sent you her nudes?
He already knows that you've seen her naked
He's not going to be surprised that you have naked pics
He's probably already seen her naked, so he's not getting anything out of receiving her nudes
He's going to think less of you for breaking her trust
She's not going to mind that her boyfriend sees her nudes, because she might have already sent him nudes.
If they're good friends with her, then they'll just delete the pictures and it won't affect her, since she won't even know about it.
Even if they're not good friends, it's not like they're going to let her know that they have her nudes. So she still won't know, and will continue on her life unaffected (besides some guys staring at her a little bit more)
OP, how does it reflect on you to be spreading nudes? If your next girlfriend finds out that you've been spreading your ex's nudes, then she'll be wary of sending you nudes, and you lose out.
If she finds out that you've spread her nudes, then you might get into legal trouble from revenge-porn laws,
And if she doesn't find out, then your plan to ruin her day has fizzled out, she continues on with her life none the wiser.
What's the end goal OP?
It will look natural and organic
you'll look like a bit of an ass for a short time, but everybody will forget about you in a few weeks and her nudes will be on the internet forever
post her nudes + name pls
Good points. I've been putting revenge off for months. I've continued to take the high road. Something happened tonight that made me mad and it pissed me off. I don't really have an end goal.
revenge porn is a thing, it's no big deal. people do it all the time
post em
Well then post the actual pics. In here. Right now. Or leave.
consider meditation, get away from recursive thinking
the ideas you get when you are obsessing, consciously or not, on a negative personal issue in your life are basically never good ideas
don't try to force the experience, don't try going for it unless there's nothing better you'd rather be doing, if you are preoccupied going in it won't help as much
finally don't be disheartened if you don't get it the first time. mindfulness is a skill, and it is a difficult skill for most people to learn
holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die
This, also we need IDs
yea ull look like an ass so fucking what she cheated on u
What are u a fgt
people saying gotta be the bigger man
fuck that destory that bitch
or u could get dirty wait 2 months then contact him pretending to be a different guy an claim u caught her out
post nudes
what is this do good fgtry
he should dump the the noods destory that bitch
"breaking her trust" she broke that when she cheated
this wassnt a mutal end to a relationship it was a termination
all is above board as far as op is concerned
truth be told if she wanted to fuck other guys she should of told OP he wassnt good enough and left b4 even doing it
so there is no moral High road considering what she did
he can either let her get away with it and have a grudge or ruin this bitch and id go with the latter
dont let people walk over u if it happens now it always happens
Now this is using your noodle. OP you complete faggot, do this.
Make sure neither of you lives in a jurisdiction with revenge porn laws if you're going to do this.
But I don't think sending her nudes to her new bf will hurt her that much. It's a cliche, but living well really is the best revenge. Take the energy you're putting into plotting and hatred and use it to treat yourself kindly instead. Were you saving up to buy her something? Spend that money on yourself. Is there something you always wanted to do when you were together, but you never did because she thought it was too dangerous, or too expensive, or too whatever? Do it. Did you hold off from sowing some of your wild oats because you were in a relationship? Wanted to fuck a trap but didn't? Wanted to fly to Thailand and spend a week balls deep in some strange? Now's your chance. Even better if you can make sure she finds out how much fun you're having making new friends/fucking new people/climbing mountains/traveling/etc without being too obvious about it.
I broke up with a girl about 10 years ago who had me all fucked up in the head. Getting out of a relationship with her was probably the healthiest thing I've ever done. I decided to make some changes to my life after we broke up. Lost some weight, started taking my future in a different direction, stuff like that. Nothing huge, really. But she insisted on staying in touch and wanted to know about what was going on in my life. So I told her. She could tell I was happier without her than I was with her.
And it drove her fucking nuts. She HATED that I was doing well. She would have loved to hear about how miserable I was without her.
Of course, you might actually be miserable. It sucks to lose a fuckhole, especially to infidelity. But you don't have to let her know that. Make her think you're doing great without her. It will eat her up inside.
Are you man enough to send them to her Father and Mother?
Don't do it the normal way of simply leaking nudes. You need to do it the way women do it. Post all their embarrassing shit on the facebook and to all their friends and family.
No answer is equal to a.
The high road is overrated. Cunts do these things precisely because they do not fear retaliation. Getting revenge is necessary, but you have to do it in a way that actually counts as revenge. Doing redundant shit doesn't help you at all.
yeah yeah, blah blah blah; that useless rhetoric is mere indulgence on the part of the weak. You never make the world a better place for being complacent with injustice. Anger is an important emotion that must be expressed to be dealt with properly. It can be very constructive but it has to be focused rationally. That's hard for most people, but not impossible.
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