Post your Piggy qt

Post your Piggy qt



the maisie thread is

She's a hobgoblin, not a pig.

She's a ball of cuteness!

sage for fruitmunter

Lenna Duhan or Amy Schumer?

Amy Schumer actually looks fuckable.


i've expected more creativity from your ilk

Wow, just wow!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who realizes this.

You're kidding right?
What is your BMI?

Compared to Dunham, yeah.

She looks like slop, but at least it's not slop that's been sitting around for a week.

She looks like slop that's been sitting out in the sun for a month you blind fool.

Compared to Dunham?


Is that a shaved Sasquatch?

Piggy nose.

Chloe Grace Moretz