I am about to become every board owner's worst fucking nightmare.
I am about to become every board owner's worst fucking nightmare
Other urls found in this thread:
do it faggot
Are you going to spam? If you do, please spam a little bit more towards Holla Forums and /leftpol/ than anywhere else.
wut're you doin', OP?
spam some gay furshit
I don't know think a command prompt is going to do anything op. Step up your game and at least write a script.
It seems like every ip in proxy existence has been banned
What a disappointment you are.
Fuck off faggot. I just finished writing a shit ton of code and now I want to catch up on a week of Philly D
whatever you say faggot hahahahahah
No point since I already saved the image you posted earlier.
Try anything on Holla Forums and they all get ranged.
You talking about this one? Who cares. That's from days ago. Those proxies have all been shoah'd by now.
Do something already tard-o, I'm waiting.
spam nu/pol/
Why do you hate free speech?
BTW, tough guy, that's an early version of the code where I didn't filter by country. That list could be Zimbabwe, Brazil, Ethiopia, Guam… so go ahead and range ban to your heart's content.
Why do YOU hate free speech?
Mods gonna ban a whole country trying to get one user
or they'll do nothing, because all the ips op wanted to use are already likely banned 10,000 times over anyway
i'm fucking waiting nigger
Why are you so bum bothered that you can't subvert an authoritarian imageboard that doesn't want to be subverted?
I used to hate people like OP
Then I began realizing the majority of users here are legit retarded and now I think this place deserves shitheads like OP
I am not a spammer. I feel that spamming only detracts from the overall user experience. I don't hate the users. What I hate are megalomanical, fucklord BOs and mods who overexert their power and authority by banning users and deleting/bumplocking breads for frivolous reasons.
Therefore, my program will only be used for bad for good. I am also in a decent mood right now, so I have no interest in wreaking havoc at this time. However, when the chips are down and faggots are on the prow, I will strike forth with the fury of a thousand gods. All will rue the day they invoked a reckoning with me.
At least give everybody a demo, lest you leave this thread the eternal sodomite.
Fine. Here goes.
You are one pathetic waste of space.
kys faggot
very twink voice, would send to russian friend as gift-rent-boy/10
t. 13 year old faggot.
t. nigger
Ok tiny dick
fart face
I don't even use that board, but when I see excessive amount of salt coming from people, it usually comes from Nazi larpers (communists) and shills which stated goals are to either destroy 8ch or subvert it.
ass brain.
A subversion of the expected denial. A state that is remembered to be maintained.Here I am and I focus on fear but I still recall to believe I am okay. Lost I feel broken.
t. gay fag
i am too drunk to do this right now and i don't want to do it anyway. don't have the aptitude. i will try maybe this weekend
I remember it's going to be okay. I can feel the inevitable path of maintenance; Again I refocus, intend; I can be what I remember.
t. shit eater tbh
Fuck you, you gigantic faggot.
Afraid of deceit; I remember I can, what else is the response within a struggle? I always tell myself you can do it; a hesitation causes a laugh, confusion, I hop back on here again.
t. street shitter tbh
t. nu/pol/ internet defense forse
forgot my link
I laugh at the confused potential. I've slipped once again;Yes I can, I know I made it again. A split focus, broken without repair Afraid of attention I can't go on.
Sensationalism within a severed connection. A forgotten search; Yes I can I am so sorry, don't ever leave me again even though it's my forgotten choice.
Nice tumblr file name. Follow 4 follow? 8gag is within our radar, our hackers are ITT. You'll pay in time.
all me
And yet I remain and still in search as it's initiated once again. A search of the lost; so confused I strive to remember, A connection I remember; Again I prove it's possible.
holy shit right again. Nu/Pol/ btfo.
There is no difference on a possible perspective; Yes I mcanI am stuck as I recalled a time when I couldn't remember. Utter confusion, why don't I rest with confusion, fractured. Fear has forgotten influence yet I remember.
Whatever you say five dollar man.
t. schizo 22chagger
Holla Forums false flagging as JIDF to make them look bad tbh
Kenneth's at it again