I am about to become every board owner's worst fucking nightmare

I am about to become every board owner's worst fucking nightmare.

Attached: proxyfaggot.png (677x846, 86.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:


do it faggot


Are you going to spam? If you do, please spam a little bit more towards Holla Forums and /leftpol/ than anywhere else.

wut're you doin', OP?

spam some gay furshit


I don't know think a command prompt is going to do anything op. Step up your game and at least write a script.

Attached: 1520884756707.gif (325x244, 1.84M)


It seems like every ip in proxy existence has been banned

What a disappointment you are.

Fuck off faggot. I just finished writing a shit ton of code and now I want to catch up on a week of Philly D

whatever you say faggot hahahahahah


No point since I already saved the image you posted earlier.

Try anything on Holla Forums and they all get ranged.

github.com/robertdavidgraham/masscan could find all proxies on the internet in a short amount of time, so long as you know the ports to check for, and you run it on a half decent server

You talking about this one? Who cares. That's from days ago. Those proxies have all been shoah'd by now.

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Do something already tard-o, I'm waiting.

spam nu/pol/

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Why do you hate free speech?

BTW, tough guy, that's an early version of the code where I didn't filter by country. That list could be Zimbabwe, Brazil, Ethiopia, Guam… so go ahead and range ban to your heart's content.

Why do YOU hate free speech?

Attached: anne.jpeg (199x253, 9.23K)

Mods gonna ban a whole country trying to get one user

or they'll do nothing, because all the ips op wanted to use are already likely banned 10,000 times over anyway

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 33.89K)

i'm fucking waiting nigger

Why are you so bum bothered that you can't subvert an authoritarian imageboard that doesn't want to be subverted?

Attached: tumblr_inline_npk0u7leqQ1rpv9zk_500.gif (500x394, 184.41K)

I used to hate people like OP
Then I began realizing the majority of users here are legit retarded and now I think this place deserves shitheads like OP


I am not a spammer. I feel that spamming only detracts from the overall user experience. I don't hate the users. What I hate are megalomanical, fucklord BOs and mods who overexert their power and authority by banning users and deleting/bumplocking breads for frivolous reasons.

Therefore, my program will only be used for bad for good. I am also in a decent mood right now, so I have no interest in wreaking havoc at this time. However, when the chips are down and faggots are on the prow, I will strike forth with the fury of a thousand gods. All will rue the day they invoked a reckoning with me.

Attached: 1378263268722.jpg (640x480, 38.8K)

At least give everybody a demo, lest you leave this thread the eternal sodomite.

Attached: 52af0ba7c287f359b1bd6b45a6edfbd8.jpg (326x283, 34.97K)

Fine. Here goes.

You are one pathetic waste of space.

kys faggot

very twink voice, would send to russian friend as gift-rent-boy/10

t. 13 year old faggot.

t. nigger

Ok tiny dick

fart face

I don't even use that board, but when I see excessive amount of salt coming from people, it usually comes from Nazi larpers (communists) and shills which stated goals are to either destroy 8ch or subvert it.

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ass brain.

A subversion of the expected denial. A state that is remembered to be maintained.Here I am and I focus on fear but I still recall to believe I am okay. Lost I feel broken.

t. gay fag


i am too drunk to do this right now and i don't want to do it anyway. don't have the aptitude. i will try maybe this weekend

I remember it's going to be okay. I can feel the inevitable path of maintenance; Again I refocus, intend; I can be what I remember.

t. shit eater tbh

Fuck you, you gigantic faggot.

Afraid of deceit; I remember I can, what else is the response within a struggle? I always tell myself you can do it; a hesitation causes a laugh, confusion, I hop back on here again.

t. street shitter tbh

t. nu/pol/ internet defense forse

forgot my link

I laugh at the confused potential. I've slipped once again;Yes I can, I know I made it again. A split focus, broken without repair Afraid of attention I can't go on.


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Sensationalism within a severed connection. A forgotten search; Yes I can I am so sorry, don't ever leave me again even though it's my forgotten choice.

Nice tumblr file name. Follow 4 follow? 8gag is within our radar, our hackers are ITT. You'll pay in time.

Attached: B9nlx6VCIAEx8W8.png (500x313, 69.98K)

all me

And yet I remain and still in search as it's initiated once again. A search of the lost; so confused I strive to remember, A connection I remember; Again I prove it's possible.


Attached: thejidf.org-internet-subscriptions-internet.jpg (1440x1745 141.04 KB, 221.92K)

holy shit right again. Nu/Pol/ btfo.

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There is no difference on a possible perspective; Yes I mcanI am stuck as I recalled a time when I couldn't remember. Utter confusion, why don't I rest with confusion, fractured. Fear has forgotten influence yet I remember.

Whatever you say five dollar man.

t. schizo 22chagger

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Holla Forums false flagging as JIDF to make them look bad tbh



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Kenneth's at it again